• . . . t i- M fiHflM i • V*.*', f . . / • . . • ' • » - .» * '•> * s P age B 2 A pril 3, 1 9 9 6 • T he P ori land O bserver UMPIRE DIES ON FIELD ■H_________ I3 R I E F Posponed Chechup For 25th Opener NIT SEMIFINALS IN NEW YORK Four days before the N C A A Final Four conies to the New Yo rk area, the semifinals o f the National Invitation Tournament take place at Madison Square Garden. Tulane (21-9), a school that felt it was snubbed by the N C A A Tournament, makes its first ever-trip to the semifinal round o f a post-season tournament when it plays Nebraska (19-14) at 7 p.m. E S T Tuesday. A la b a m a (l9 -I l)o pp o ses St. Joseph's o f Pennsylvania ( 18-12) in the second game The championship game is Thursday night BARTOW RESIGNS AT OAB University ot Alabam a-Birm ingham coach Gene Bartow, who brought college basketball to a school stuck in the middle o f football country, officially announced his retirement T uesday and handed his jo b over to his son, Murry. Murry Bartow has been an assistant at U A B for the last seven years. He played at U A B from 1981-85 and was also an assistant at Indiana and W illiam and Mary. The announcement was made at a morning news conference. Gene Bartow, the only coach and athletic director the school has ever had, will remain as athletic director. IRVIN APPEARS BEFORE JURY Dallas Cowboys star receiver Michael Irvin entered a Dallas Grand Jury room I uesday to testify about his presence in a hotel room in which a drug arrest was made. Irving, Texas police responded early on March 4th to a complaint from management o f a Residence Inn Motel about possible prostitution in a room. Upon arrival, police allegedly found Irvin, former Cowboys tight end Alfredo Roberts and two women in the room along with approximately three ounces o f marijuana, two ounces o f cocaine and drug paraphenalia. CEBALLOS RETURNS Cedric Ceballos is expected to be back in the Los Angeles Lakers lineup Tuesday against the Orlando M agic, one day after the team lifted his suspension, f he Lakers reinstated Ceballos from his four-game suspension on Monday. RANGERS’ GIL UNDERGOES SURGERY I exas Rangers shortstop Benji G il w ill undergo surgery for a herniated disc in his lower back that w ill sideline him six to eight weeks. G il underwent an M RI by the club's spine consultant Doctor Drew Dossett in Dallas Monday. The exam revealed a herniated disc that is causing irritation to the nerve in his left leg. V eteran u m p ire, Jo h n McSherry, collapsed behind home plate at Riverfront Stadium in C in ­ cinnati Monday. He died on the field only minuets into the opening baseball game between The C in ­ cinnati Reds and the Montreal Expos. A fte r o n ly seven p itch es M cSherry walked away from his post behind home plate and raised his hand to motion for assistance. Before anyone could reach him, McSherry fell face first as he tried to get to the umpires’ locker room. The Reds’ trainer, Greg Lynn, reached him within moments and began administrating C P R . Lynn, two Expo trainers, two doctors who work for the Reds and several doc­ tors from the stands worked on the stricken umpire for several min­ utes before he was taken to U n i­ versity o f Cincinnati Hospital. M cSherry had planned to see doctors the next day about an ir­ regular heartbeat. He had post­ poned the appointment because he wanted to work his 25th opening game. He had passed his annual phys­ ical exam in February and had battled weight and health prob­ lems for some time. Over the last five years he had left five games because o f heat exhaustion, dehy­ dration or dizziness. H is listed weight was 328 pounds. M cSherry had been an umpire since 19 7 1 and was third in senior­ ity among al I National League um­ pires. He was well liked and re­ spected for his understated but commanding style. STRICKLAND PLEADS GUILTY T r a ilB la z e r point guard Rod Strickland pleaded guilty Monday to one count o f harassment in a Bronx, N .Y . criminal court. Strickland ad­ mitted to striking Judith C ruz Oct. 25, 1995 with the intent to “annoy and alarm her.” Judge l-ettiteia Martin granted C ruz a full order o f protection and directed Strickland to attend a pro­ gram for batterers. Strickland must show proof o f attendance or face a ja il sentence. “ We fully support the court-man­ dated program and expect Rod to complete it satisfactorily.” said Trail B lazer general manager, George Whitsitt. Strickland slapped C ru z in a hall­ way outside her apartment during an argument about child support that started in a Manhattan nightclub They have a 5-year-old son, Bran­ don, together, but Strickland main­ tains that C ru z is not his girlfriend or even his ex-girlfriend. In h e ro rig in a l com plaint, C ru z said S tric k la n d “ punched her in her eye two or three times, pushed her into a w all where she struck her heard and then knocked her to the ground, cau sin g serious p h y sica l in ju ry .” SUPERBOWL SUPERSTARS IN DRUG TROUBLE Tw o months ago, Pittsburgh Steelers tailback Byron Morris and Dallas Cowboys receiver Michael Irvin were on the N F L ’s biggest stage with key roles in Superbowl XXX. Last week, Morris and Irvin were focal points in unrelated drug cas­ es in the D allas Area. A grand ju r y indicted M o rris for possession o f 5 to 50 pounds o f M ariju an a and one count o f p ossession o f I to 4 gram s o f co caine. A fte r fin d in g more that six pounds o f m arijuana in the trunk o f M o rris car, authorities said they found 1 1/2 gram s o f c o c a in e d u r in g a su b se q u e n t search. Both charges are third-degree fel­ onies punishable by 2 to 10 years in prison and a maximum $ 10.000 fine. PATRIOTS WAIVE GUYTON, BROWN M e a n w h ile I r v in , fo rm e r C o w b o y s tight end A fred o R o b ­ erts and two women appeared before a grand ju r y under su b ­ poena to te stify about m a riju a ­ na and co ca in e found in a motel room M arch 4. Pend ing the outcome o f the cases both football players could be sub­ ject to suspensions for conduct det­ rimental to the league. J The New England Patriots waived safety Myron Guyton and linebacker V incent Brown Tuesday. Guyton had five interceptions in 30 games since joining the Patriots as an unrestricted free agent prior to the 1994 season. A favoriteofPatriotscoachBillParcells during his tenure with the New Y o rk Giants, Guyton assumed the starting safety role with his former team as a rookie. B ro w n led the Patriots in ta ck ­ les last season and registered four sacks and four interceptions. M A R K E T 2338 N.E. Alberta Street 284-1198 WE F E A T U R E : G R O C E R IE S S O D A P O P /J U IC E S & M O R E ASSO R TED FROZEN TREATS H O T , D E L IC IO U S C O F F E E C IG A R E T T E S /C IG A R S V A R IE T Y G O O D S CANDY & SNACKS ON SA TU R D A Y AND SUNDAY, CO M E TASTE T H E B E S T “ L O U IS IA N A ” S T Y L E B B Q . GRAF, AGASSI, SAMPRAS IN ACTION I op seed Steffi G ra f o f Germany and American stars Pete Sampras and Andre Agassi headline the action at the $4.1 million Lipton Tennis Champi­ onships in Key Biscayne, Fla. G ra f is playing her quarterfinal match against fifth seed Kim iko Date o f Japan in a rematch o f last year’s final, which G raf won in straight sets. G ra f advanced to the quarterfinals Monday with a 6 -1,6- 0 rout o f ninth seed Mary Joe Fernandez o f the United States. TOMATOES red ripe slicers BAKING POTATOES New Crop U.S. No. 1 Russet 80 count 0 Q $-100 69 CELERY 0 59 ASPARAGUS crisp tender stalks ALK New Crop large size 89 a ll g re e n Ä sPe o r ’ POUND ■ LILLYjMILLER. I POU NDS POUND SPINACH try spinach salad 0 59 KIWI FRUIT 00 6-1 EACH BUNCH large size and kids love them B B Q R IB D IN N E R S ...............................................$ 6 .0 0 /E A C H B B Q C H IC K E N D IN N E R S .................................. $ 5 .0 0 /E A C H B B Q R IB S A N D W IC H E S .....................................$ 4 .0 0 /E A C H B B Q C H IC K E N S A N D W IC H E S ........................ $ 3 .0 0 /E A C H C R E O L E G U M B O ....................................................$ 4 .0 0 /B O W L Who Said You Have To Live With... BAD CREDIT? 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