»•-•À Urdu, Volume X X V I, Number 13 Committed to cultural diversity. March 27, 1996 (T I je ^Rartlatth (¡Observer SECTION ■■■■■■■■■M Z|Y Ü ut tu u u i t u \LL a I e t t ò a r Karate/Kung Fu Workshop Free lessons on practical physical and verbal self-defense skills w ill be offered in a martial arts workshop for kids from 9 to 12 years old. The event, sponsored by One With Heart, is scheduled for Saturday A pril 6. 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at 4231 S.E Hawthorne Blvd. To register call 2 3 1 -1999. Hispanic Fest Performances ■M M M M Students Reach For Success Free Buses To Roll From Portland he University of Oregon's ninth touch a human brain. The activities are a part annual ‘‘Reach for Success" vis­ o f the hands-on introduction to classes and itation day is scheduled to be­ life on a university campus. gin at 8 :4 5 a.m. Saturday, April 2 0 on Faculty and graduate students teach m ini­ the university campus. classes on creative writing, math, computers, The event is free and open to all Oregon law. chemistry, architecture, business and middle school students o f color and their sports. UO students — some former Reach parents. Free bus transportation is provided students - serve as guides and mentors for from central locations in Portland, Salem and the visiting students. Woodburn on a space- available basis. To register, contact the UO Office o f More than 200 students w ill connect to the M ulticultural Affairs at 1281 University o f Internet, learn about sports marketing and Oregon, Eugene OR 19403. The phone num­ T ber is (5 4 1) 346-3479. The deadline for pre- registration is Friday, March 29. I he UO O ffice o f M ulticultural Affairs and the O ffice o f Admissions sponsor the program to encourage more African Am eri­ can. Asian American, Latino and Native American students to consider higher educa­ tion as an available and positive option. “ Reach for Success has traditionally been a stepping stone for students who might not otherwise explore the option o f higher educa­ tion," says Marshall Sauceda, director o f the Miracle TheaterGroup’s Hispanic Cul tural Festival w ill present the A lim a Aepeda-Olsen’ s comedy. The Fat Free Chicana and the Snow Cap Queen at 525 S.E. Stark St. The play w ill run A p ril 4-6 11-13,18-20 and 25-27. A student matinee performance w ill be offered A p ril I Oat 11 a m. For more information call 236-7253 Tour Peru KBOO radio station airs the Afrikan Mental Liberation Weekend, Saturday and Sunday starting at 9 a.m. Hosted by Dr. Kwaku Person-Lynn, the full weekend o f programming w ill include interviews with Kwame Ture and Terry M cM illan with Angela Baset; Louis Farrakhan’s M illion Man March Speech; and talks by Dick Gregory, Cheikh Anta Diop, and Don Luke. KBOO can be found at 90.7 FM Chapen to Perform Tom Chapen w ill perform two shows, 2 p.m. and 4:40 p.m. on Sunday at the Aladden Theater. Chapen, called the Pied Piper o f children’ s music, has won numer­ ous awards for his humor and warmth in songs that celebrate humanity. The Aladden Theater is at 3 0 17 S.E. Milwaukie. Portland area students are honored by Volunteers o f America of Oregon at its annual "Working Kids Luncheon." Five high school students were presented $500 scholarships at the recent event to assist them in pursuing their educational dreams (Photo by Tony Washington)) Live Animals Not For Easter dorable ducks, chicks and bun­ fragile and need special care and handling,’ nies purchased for Easter gifts said Karen Brittain. “ I f a child accidentally may quickly lose their charm. injures or kills one o f these tiny animals, the These small animals mature rapidly entire and holiday is going to be ruined.” There is their baby-like cuteness is soon gone. also the potential for children to contract Within two weeks a chick will have salmonella from these baby animals, Brittain become long-legged, gawky and a possi­ said. “ A stuffed animal w ill always be a bly temperamental adolescent. cuddly and safe g ift.” The Oregon Humane Society urges peo­ F a m ilie s serious about ra b b it and ple not to give live animals for gifts at Easter sm all rodent adoptions can v is it the So­ time. "These creatures are very small and c ie ty ’ s shelter at 1067 NE C olu m b ia A B lvd . in P ortland, or attend the Rabbit Romp at the W ashington Park Zoo on Saturday, A p r il 6, where they can v is it w ith Oregon Humane Society volunteers and view some rabbits and rodents. The Oregon Humane Society is open from I I a.m. to 7 p.m M onday through F riday and from 10 a m. to 6 p.m. Satur­ day and Sunday. Telephone 503-285- 7722. ▼ Continued to page A4 MERC Names New Member he Metropolitan Exposition-Rec­ reation Commission has appoint­ ed Baruti Artharee to serve a four year term. The public commission is a seven-mem­ ber board that manages the Oregon Conven­ tion Center, the Portland Center for the Per­ forming Arts. C ivic Stadium and the Portland Metropolitan Exposition Center. Artharee is director o f the Oregon Hous­ ing and Community Service Department. He was appointed to the position by former Gov. Barbara Roberts. He previously served as president o f Coast Industries, Inc. and as a sales manager at the Boise Cascade Corp. He has also been active in community service, serving the Portland M cliu Cham­ ber o f Commerce, the Mayor's Business Round Table, the Northeast Community De­ velopment Corp, and the Lin field College Board o f Trustees. T Hats On Parade The B ethel Busy Bees’ annual Madhatter’s Tea is scheduled for Sunday from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Bethel A.M E. Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave. Women’s hats w ill be presented by Robbie Beasley o f Tacoma. The proceeds w ill go toward the purchase o f stain glass windows for the church. Call 249-0059 for information. Stargazing at Planetarium S p rin g Stargazing w ill be the A p rii p ro d u ctio n at the M t. Hood C om m uni­ ty C ollege Planetarium Sky Theater. The tw o shows, I I a m. and I p.m., w ill help stargazers fin d co n ste lla ­ tions, planets and galaxies and v is i­ tors are encouraged to ask questions. The Planetarium is located beneath the lib ra ry on the main campus at 26000 S.E. Stark in Gresham. C all 667-7279 to arrange special shows fo r schools and co m m un ity groups. SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. regon’s growing dropout rate reflects a national crisis in high schools where course- work largely fails to engage students in learning. The Oregon Department o f Education today reported that 7 .4 percent o f all Ore­ gon students in grades 9 through 12 dropped out o f school in the 1994-95 school year, and increase from 6.6 percent in 1993-94 The Class o f 1995 lost 24.5 percent o f its students between grades 9 and 12. This is the first year Oregon tracked a graduat­ ing class. It w ill continue to do so in future years. Oregon students who dropped out dur­ ing the last school year cited irrelevant coursework as the number one reason for dropping out. “ Listen to the students," said Norma Paulus, state superintendent o f public in­ struction. “ We are losing bright, talented kids who are not challenged by outdated curriculum and outmoded teaching meth­ ods. They do not see the relevance ofa high school education and are lured to low wage jobs.” School officials surveyed for the drop­ out report said full implementation o f the Certificate o f Advanced Mastery, focus­ ing on strong business partnerships, school- to-work activities and performance-based assessment could help reduce the dropout rate. The National Association ofSecondary School Principals released a two-yearstudy o f the nation’s high schools last month. The report, Breaking Ranks: Changing an O Cedar’ s G ift, a history o f the cedar tree in Native American culture w ill be a part o f the Children’s Museum’s Living Legends American Indian exhibit for the month o f A pril. Children w ill learn the many uses o f the “ tree o f life” and take a pinch o f cedar home. The Children’ s Museum is located at 3037 S.W. Second Ave. Call 823-2227 for information. Radio Airs Black Culture UO O ffice o f M ulticultural Affairs. "M any young students o f color do not feel they have the ability or opportunity to pursue college. We want to tell them; yes you can!” Sauceda says the program is unique be­ cause the parents participate. Through w ork­ shops, they get information and advice about finances, admissions antthelping their c h il­ dren succeed in school. Lim ited child care is available forchildren from 30 months to 6 years. Lunch is also provided. S chool D rop ou ts In c re a s e Cedar Tree’s History Take a guided tour to Peru on film March 28 with the W orld Cavalcade Trav­ el and Adventure Films. Buddy Hatton w ill narrate the presentation. The film in­ cludes traveling to Lima, canoeing down the Amazon River, Pizarro’ s glass tomb and the ruins at Machu Picchu. The show is at 7:30 p.m. at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. For ticket information call 241-2575 or Fastixx outlets. B Baruti Artharee Dean Speaks On Affirmative Action oung people will get a close up and program Friday night. look at how affirmative action The all day conference takes place Satur­ affects everyday lives as part of day at the Red Lion/Coliseum, 1225 N. the discussion during a regional confer­ Thundcrbird Way ence in Portland. The meeting is being planned around the Portland Community College Executive theme “ Families Encouraging Youth Lead­ Dean M ildred Olee, o f the north Portland ership Through Community Involvement.” Cascade campus, w ill address the subject as For more information contact Gail Tho­ keynote speaker for the Jack and Jill o f Amer­ mas. president o f the Portland Chapter o f ica Far West Regional Conference reception Jack and Jill at 833-6815. Y Oregon Children's Theatre Co. performers Wendy Westerwelle (clockwise, from left), Ari Karczag, Aria Jackson and Garrett Courtney star in an adaptation of the classic children's story A Wrinkle In Time. Performances are April 21 and 28 at the Civic Auditorium.