P agi A 6 W • Life - Health Group • Disability Income • Home - Auto • Commercial • Annuities • Business a r r e n N S U R S E R V P ost O ffice B ox 12128 2207 N.E. B roadway , S uite 5 P ortland , O regon 97212 FAX 503-284-7607 PHONE 503-284-6595 Cynthia's Visible Results Keyodi Duckson - Barber/Hairdresser Cut The Way You Want Cuts $10.00, Wash $5, Relaxer & Cut $35.00 2 8 3 -1 1 6 4 ERNEST WARREN SR "Tablew are W ith M ean in g" Ethnic Accessories for the dinning room, bath, and kitchen. Vessels CATHOLIC COMMUNITY 1-800-556-2146 (5 0 3 ) 2 4 9 -1 9 5 2 7205 N.E. MLK Boulevard J.L.S. Lawn Service MICHAEL E. HARPER. SR. Agent office: 503-335-0263 pager: 503-940-7721 4004 SW Barbur Boulevard Portland. OR 97201 Otl (503) 221-3050 Estimates STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Home (503) 697-9822 b u r l's B a rb e r Shop HOME OFFICE S BL OOMING TON IL LI NO IS L AMOUR NOIR VIDEO Tropicana Restaurant Specializing in S e rving B reakfast, Lunch & D inner S p e cia lizin g in B a rbe que Ribs & B eef 1724 NE A lb erta P o r tla n d , OR “A ll-B la c k Cast & Race F ilm s " from the 1900’s - 1950’s T u e s d a y - S a tu r d a y 8 :0 0 A M - 6 :0 0 P M S ty lis t ‘T h e Best For Less” L ike a goo d neighbor, State Farm is there.1 B u lk H e rbs & Spices M id d le Path H e rbs S p e c ia lty T e a s/P o w d e rs B u lk T e a s/In g re d ie n ts E ssen tial O ils M e d ic in a l U ses/E ssiac H o m e o p a th y F u tu ris tic B o o k s C e ll-T e c h S .B .G . A lg a e Pager • 903-0191 W alter Bennett's A u to D etailing 2605 NE M L K Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Comer of NE Russell ’UHER. : BOOK! Offer Expires 2-29-96 Phone • 283-2433 Tues. - Sat., 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR O LALEKAN OLAODUNJOYE "7icy öcei ‘P cf ja 8140 N. C om m ercial, Portland O R Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. P.O. Box 4667 Portland, OR 97208-4667 2525 N.E Alberta Portland. OR 97211 (503) 287-7388 Hours 8:0()am - U ntil I ues.-Sat Mon. Appointments Only J ourney *4 fy p * Í2 .0 0 Phyllis C. Renton, Owner P.O. Box 11522 Portland, OR 97211 (503) 287-0319 Voice & Fax E arl Write or call for catalog C h ris Sm ith 288-4618 or Tues. - Thurs. 10:00 A M. to 6:00 P.M. LU E PARKER (503) 281-8696 Fri. & Sat. 10:?9 A.M. to 7:00 P.M 3217 N. Williams Ave. Portland, OR 97212 (5 0 3 ) 2 84 9061 909-0418 s ta tic 0 _0 ■ Hair Design Dannella Bietson Rosa Washington Stylists Leisure Curl Technicians (Columbus ^Juhustrxes JENKINS AUTO SERVICE Specializing in Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning Construction C lean-llp • Janitorial Service SPECIALIZING IN AUTO TRAM SM ISSIONS COM PLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL & ACCESSORIES Other Services: 3939 MLK Portland, OR 97211 282-2006 «I NA ’I M ’S H air Connection Window & Floor Cleaning • Empty Apartment Restoration 5230 N.E.. 28TH • Portland, OR 97211 3945 NORTH W ILLIAM S AVE. PORTLAND. O REG ON 97227 ART JENKINS C e l e s t e ’s Beauty Salon * Specializing in Hair VWavuy a McMUAPHV'S APPUANCC CCNTCA A ll area* o f Hair Care Full Service Salon (503) 287-3813 4603 N. Williams Ave Portland, OR 97217 (503) 288-3171 Sales • Service • Parts 4011 N.E. M.L.K. Portland, OR 97212 (503) 288-3233 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Tue.-Sat. 305 N.E. Wygant, Portland, OR 97211 Barber: Nathaniel Wilson PHONE 28 8 -8 7 6 8 G o ld en s Mouse o f S ty le Santina Washington Stylist S E AV E O HERE o« t » f o « im t o t t u t 4 (3 8 A 23 0 0 PfE Ml.K Portland, OR 97212 !8 . In terstate A v e . W IN E J oe s P lace Th« F r ie n d ly ( a rc ig n e W a r, ner T a v e rn H a ir S f t jlis f Business O w ner JOSEPH B E N J A M IN 1801 N E. ALBERTA PO R TLA N D , ORE. 97211 PHILLY CAFE 445 N.E. K ILLIN G S W O R T H 2 8 8 -9 3 6 7 x Fish & Chips Terriyaki Chicken & Beef cjr Hamburgers M O N D AY - SATURDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. L eon D. M c K enzie JN S U R A N C E A G E N C Y (503) 280 - 7977 I lours: (503) 288-9431 GODDESS BRAIDS • FINGER WAVES • UP-DO'S I ue. - S a l. 1 0 -6 503-240-0368 503-351-3413 Home Mac Allen & Sons Body Shop Cellular ANDREWS WHOLESALE Home/Commercial Sales A uto Body R epair & Painting Jefferson Andrews Owner I« 7127 N. Leonard Portland, OR 97203 N-E / ,berta Portland, Oregon 97211 Credit Problems I V A MONEY Ci_______ GREGORY ). KIJEK INTERNATIONAL financial planning network ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE LIFE INSURANCE A FINANCIAL PLANNING □ Bus. (503) 288-1247 1-800-524-6102 Need a Good Car? You have a stable income. □ You have a down payment □ Your problems are behind you. (Bankruptcy & collection problems - no problem) Call (503) 281-9818 232 S.E OAK SUITE #107 PORTLAND, OREGON 97214 MONEY CONCEPTS FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRE 4370 N.E. HALSEY STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON 97213 TELEPHONE: (503) 287-1 165 FAX: (503) 287-1 165 503/233-9588 A ll Securities through Money Concepts Capital Corp. Member NASD/SIPC 1208 U S. Highway One. North Palm Beach. Florida 33408 Tel: (407) 627-0700 The DVANTAgE “ AUTO BROKER M BW Portland, OR 97213