• r A -J V ’ n * 4 ™ •/ * . * *•. * ’. rG -^l t - 1 ’ f- V ? . î i- Z *" / ' ’ - •• A * « -4*1 * *L V ' <^**4 * j . "•* ! ’■• * ’ ** * • -•* * ■ .1 : > •• P age A2 M \ r u i 27, 1996 • T hi P or h and O hsi rvi r Editorial Articles. Do Not Necessarily Reflect Or Represent The Views O f The M ortlanh ffibseruer - < 9 « » A [ onday, the National Rain- > bow Coalition protested th is y e a r’s A cadem y Awards because only one of 1 66 nominees is African American- Dianne Houston, for her live ac­ tion short film “Tuesday Morning Ride". Ä . N A\ T I O N A L 9 1 9 more violent than we are.” Jackson said, “ We bear this burden every day as images are translated into action and reaction. Because we continue to live in a racially stratified society, our art, film and television reflect the shape o f this reality. Social inaccura­ cies continue to be expressed as real­ We protested not just the resu lt- I by P rof . M ckinley B urt stration, makes my point about ities through our cultural forms for the one nom ination-but the process. ncore I” has certainly “ m odus o p e ra n d i” (o r as all the world to see.” African Americans constitute 12 per­ set up some interest- Shakespeare would have put it, “ The Guy Aoki o f the Media Actor cent o f the population and 25 percent Ing d ia lo g u e . K eep play is the thing"). Though my sys­ Network for Asian Americans said, o f the movie goers. Whites comprise those calls and faxes coming, tem used the technology o f the times I “ Unless we have people open-mind­ 96 percent o f those who vote on the -- teletypes, punched tapes andf or write If you will. The commu­ ed enough to give Asian American Academy Awards. nity, the world, can always use blacks in the segregated South. The ASCII (acronym for American Stan­ are 3% and Native Americans are actors the chance to play good roles, Even Hollywood executives agree dard Code for Information Inter-1 new ideas and, considering to­ film ’s director, Tim Reid, said, “ It I % , but our participation in front o f we cannot be in the pool from which that m inorities should play a larger day’s human condition, we dare change), the children, nevertheless, was turned down by every major the camera, behind the camera, and people are nominated for Oscars. role in the movie industry and that not refuse that innovation which were able to exchange information studio for being too soft’ and too in the executive suites is minuscule.” We’re tired o f always being seen as minorities are under-represented in may improve our lot. human’,” with schools, industry, and federal *The Academy o f Motion Picture foreigners or gangsters who are not a front of and behind the camera. Peo­ And where we agencies in| A ctivists representing Asians, Arts and Sciences-5,043 members, positive part o f this country, so we ple Magazine recently reported in a talkofthe internet Latinos and Native Americans in A m e ric a and I 3.9% African American. share the concern o f the Rainbow cover story (March 18) that while or W o rld -W id e Hollywood w ill jo in forces with the abroad at a ‘ The D irectors G u ild - 1 0,097 Coalition.” African Americans are 12% o f the Web” , let me make Rainbow to draw attention to the tra n s m is s io n members. African Americans are Sonny Skyhawk, founder o f Amer­ population, they constitute only 3.9% a correction in the under-representation o f non-whites rate far faster 2.3% o f membership, Latinos 1.8%, ican Indians in Film, said his people ofthe Academy’s membership These next-to-last para­ than anyone| throughout the movie industry in Asian Pacific Americans .9%, Na­ have been in a “ celluloid time warp executives simply say that our ap­ graph o f last Hollywood. The protest is also being could imm edi­ tive Americans are .2%. Non-white since 1898,” always “ shown o ff with proach to changing it is w rong-i.e., week’ s Perspec- joined by the Los Angeles Urban ately read. directors only received 4% o f all feathers and a loincloth. Today we are [ tive article. The final sentence was we are going about it in the wrong League. And i f you were to ask the organ­ directing jobs between 1992 and doctors, lawyers, teachers, cab drivers way, through direct action. a comment on how they would be ist at that big downtown church on I A community meeting on racism 1993. and actors, but to Hollywood we are “ There’sclearlyaproblem interms "used” ; not sued (smiles). in the motion picture industry w ill S.W. Twelfth (he was the 12yr. old *The W riters G u ild . A fric a n virtually nonexistent. The shame o f it of the opportun¡ties Hoilywood gives Now back to this idea o f “ what is facing the camera instead o f me in was held during the weekend preced­ Americansare2.6%. American Indi­ all is that the Native American is the minorities and in the way they’re new and what is old” , the concept o f ing the protest. It took place Satur­ the picture o f that 1966 demonstra­ ans in Film reports that general rep­ only minority that was ever a majority. depicted in movies,” Fox Filmed invention and innovation or the old day, March 23, I Oam to I pm at the tion in my Black inventors book), resentation o f Native Americans in We do this to improve the situation for E n te rtainm e nt C hairm an Peter adage, “ there is nothing new under Holman Untied Methodist Church, he would tell you that my “ modus television networks, motion picture our future generations. I the sun” (they didn’t mention the Chemin said Sunday in the Los An­ operandi” included what so many I 3320 West Adams Street in Los A n­ studios, unions and all aspects o f When a native American child geles Times. “ When it comes to A f­ students are not getting today. A | moon, did they?” . A t the risk o f geles. During the meeting, strategies multi-media is .1%. watches T V and wants to be the cow­ rican American themes, we tend to startinga philosophical argument, I thorough understanding o f the “ B i­ were discussed for the day o f the Jesse Jackson call the situation boy instead ofthe Indian, something is make a limited kind o f action film - w ill venture that the only things o f nary” system or “ language’, cod-1 protest and beyond. The Rev. Jesse “ cultural distortion,” and said “ it is a wrong with that picture.” inner-city violent ones-that are less importance is whether the concept Jackson said, “ We w ill protest insti­ ing, symbols and the underlying form o f violence.” Jackson contin­ Jackson concluded, “ Naturally, we likely to receive Academy Award is new to “ you” - or i f it is being tutional racism that is manifest in logic o f it all. Most kids today can't ued, " ’’The media portrays African are proud o f the involvement o f nominations.” employed in “ a new or different three ways in Hollywood: racial ex­ write or understand code. Americans and other people o fco lo r Quincy Jones and Whoopi Goldberg In this regard many are critical o f I way.” Our Latin teacher put it, clusion, cultural distortion and deni­ And the interchange individual in five deadly ways. We are por­ in this year’s Academy Awards, as the industry for the treatment received “ modus operandi” al o f access to production.” students had with engineers, scien­ trayed as: ( I ) less intelligent than we well as film director Dianne Hous­ by Republic Picture’s“ ()nce Upon A An excellent case in point (two tists, w harf masters, et. al. both Io-1 Jackson said, “ African Americans are; (2) less hard-working than we ton. We support them on the inside, I ime... When We Were Colored” —a in fact) is a common thread to those cally and in far o ff places spurred [ are 12% o f the population, Latinos work; (3) less universal than we are; even as we protest on the outside the highly acclaimed period drama about communications spurred by that are 10%, Asian Pacific Americans their interest in geography, com­ (4) less patriotic than we are; and (5) lacko fm oreo f us’ intheAcademv.” "Encore" article. Several readers merce and many other fields. Today suggested, “ Get into the classrooms my design incorporates both the with your terminals and national/ newvisualsandgraphicsanda’new’ I international networks, M ckinley, parading for incorporating the ‘o ld ’ That’s hot stuff now, maybe they’ readouts into planned and instantly w ill finally let you in after all these edited texts (Patents and copyrights years.” These fearful folks? I ’m cost fortunes). quite seriously considering starting Y Y l/C I I » _ l .1 A lso, those who remembers I by B ernice P owell J I ackson around the country who also have from people from all denominations* these workcamps. They w ill be pro­ my own school and have a very when I designed those computer I his is an amazing coun­ sent funds to the churches directly, or and across the country. interested potential clientele - black viding food, lodging, local transpor­ programs for the four and five year-1 try we live in. Just when to the Greene County Emergency There w ill be several ways for and white. tation and health insurance for those olds at the Lake Oswego Montessori I become so discouraged Church Fund, which is collecting volunteers to help. There w ill be But another reader, very familiar without it. School, should be happy to know and disheartened and wonder if donations for the churches burned in three m o n th -lo n g re s id e n tia l with my early operations points out I here’ s an old hymn entitled I ’ ve brought that technique up to I ever African Americans will be Greene County. Several o f the workcamps during the months o f that “ some o f these neophytes in the “ Blest Be the T ie that B in ds.” date as well (and beyond). M y allowed to feel at home here, I churches were uninsured and their June, July and August. Volunteers Portland School District who are We are bound by a tie o f G o d ’ s hear a story of grace. Last month, "M ath 2000” program is not only losses were total. must get themselves to and from the hoopin' and h ollerin’ about the love fo r us and fo r ju s tic e . The for Montessori Schools but headf when I wrote about the 2 3 Afri­ One group which responded to the Birmingham airport and be present Internet and World Wide Web, and people in Alabam a, Tennessee, Start-Type institutions as well. can American churches in the needs o f the people in the Alabama for the whole month. They w ill be the lack o f funds for implementing M ississipp i and Louisiana whose Thanks in great part to Dr. Stanley I South being burned, was one of churches was the Washington Quak­ housed at the Federation for South­ Jacobs at OHSC (in v e n to r o f l these system, were not even bom churches have been burned must th o s e down m o m en ts. This er Workcamps, a group o f Quakers ern cooperatives Center in Eppes. be fe eling a sense o f that tie that yet when you were doing the exact DMSO) who read o f my computer f month, as I begin to hear the in the Washington, D C. area, who There w ill also be week-end binds as we help them reb uild same thing with seventh and eighth innovations in the Portland Orego-1 responses, is a moment of hope. organize and carry out church build­ workcamps. Volunteers must get th e ir churches. M aybe there is graders thirty years ago (October This month Jet Magazine printed nian 25 years ago and directed me | ing projects by volunteers. They im ­ themselves to and from the work site 1966).” hope yet. a picture o f Green Bay Packers play­ to the Lake Oswego Montessori i mediately contacted Spiver Gordon, and may also attend services at both The reader, who was the only F or workcamp applications or er Reggie White, who is an Associate School where his wife was the d i­ C ity Councilmember from Eutaw, black and white churches nearby. details or to make a contribution to black child in The Dalles School PastoroflnnerC ity Church in Knox­ rector. He was recently featured in A I, who was designated as the church­ In addition, clergy and respected the workcamps, write Washington District at the time o f my demon­ ville , TN , receiving a check for a major article. es contact, and offered their servic­ religious leaders are being invited to Quaker Workcamps, H arold Con­ $ 142,261.42. That check was the gift es. come to serve as spiritual guides to fer, Executive Director, 1225 Gera­ o f the people o f Wisconsin, who The Alabama churches have now the workcampers and the local com­ nium St., N.W., Washington, D C . wanted to show their support for him designated the Washington Quaker munity. Contractors, builders and 20012, Fax (202) 723-5376. Or you and his church. W hite’s church not Workcamps as the group responsi­ trained workcamp leaders are also (USPS 959-680) can send contributions directly to only had been firebombed, but was ble for recruiting and organizing vol­ needed. There are applications forms OREGON’S OLDEST AFRICAN AMERICAN PUBLICATION the Greene C ounty Em ergency also painted with racial slurs and unteers who wish to go to A labama to for each group. Established in 1970 ( hurch Fund, The Rev Levi Pickens, later looted. help rebuild the three churches in It w ill cost the Washington Quak­ Treasurer, Rt 2, Box 94, Eutaw At Undoubtedly, there are people Joyce Washington—Publisher Boligee. They are expecting help er Workcamps over $41,000 to run 35462. The PORTLAND OBSERVER is located at ubj W C O A L IT IO N Oscar! Lights, Camera, [Affirm ative] Action I/7 C /' T c / / r C T |What To do For An Encorel il: Back To The Future jJT Civil Rights Journal Response To The Church Burnings (T ^ o rtla n ù (Obswucr v a n ta g e . P o in t Mobilizing Black America To Lead A General Strike by R on D aniels (T ^ l l he wall of racial and eco- nomic oppression in the U n ite d S ta te s m u s t come tum bling down, but they will not crumble without a con­ certed effort to smash them by black people and the oppressed In this nation. There are a variety of tactics which can be utilized to eradicate racism and econom­ ic exploitation in this country. However, there is no more power­ ful action th a t Black people and the oppressed could initiate than a general strike. As the public sector workers in France recently demonstrated, a gen­ eral strike can virtually bring and entire nation to a standstill. The French workers took to the streets and withheld their labor to protest proposed cut backs in the elaborate network o f social welfare benefits which insure a minimum standard o f livin g a n d q u a lity o flife fo ra ll French ty net, into believing that the crisis in citizens irrespective o f a person’s American society is a result o fth e income or class standing in French “ burden” ofthe welfare system. There society. Universal health care, gen­ is also the not so subtle suggestion erous paid pregnancy leave, day care, that much o f this burden is due to the free public education from pre-school large number o f Black people and through college, subsidized meals people o f color who are recipients o f for students from daycare to high various forms o f public assistance. school, mandatory five weeks vaca­ Using this race card to whip up pub­ tion in most jobs and nine weeks in lic support for what is essentially and h ig h ly stressful occupations are anti-people o f color, anti-poor and among the benefits which comprise anti-working class agenda, the radi­ the safety net in France. It was to cal right is hell bent on drastically protect this kind o f safety net, flow ­ cutting back on the meager benefits ing from a culture o f rights and con­ o f the safety net in the U.S. cept o f equality which goes back to Since the Reagan years the the French Revolution, that French scheme has been to rob poor and workers were prepared to shut the w o rk in g people to enhance the entire nation down. fortunes o f the rich and the su­ The French system o f social wel­ p e r-ric h ; to reduce the w o rk in g fare benefits is fare more extensive class to subservient wage slaves than the crumbs meted out through at the m ercy o ftra n s n a tio n a l c o r­ the so called safety hoodwinked large porations in the name o fth e “ free numbers o f Americans, including m arket and “ g lo b a l c o m p e ti­ some o f the beneficiaries o f the safe- tio n .” As a consequence, the rich 4747 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 503-288-0033 * Fax 503-288-0015 Deadline fo r all submitted materials: Articles:Friday, 5 :0 0 p m are g ettin g rich er and more se­ cure w h ile the poor are getting poorer and less secure. The w alls o f racial and econom ic oppres­ sion are higher and stronger than ever before. The Question is when w ill Black people, people o f color, poor and working people, the working class, bring this madness to an end? Unfor­ tunately, organized labor surrendered one o f its most potent weapons when the right to use a general strike was abandoned in favor o f limited strike actions within particular skills, crafts or work arenas. Indeed, i f there was ever a time that a general strike was in order it was when Reagan fired the A ir Traffic Controllers and broke PATCO as a union. This act sig nailed a conscious effort by the ru ing elite to break the back o f unio across the board, and yet labor » virtually impotent in the face o f provocation better ffo fffte (SJditvr Send your letters to the Editor to: Editor, PO Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208 Ads: Monday Noon POSTMASTER: Send Address Changes to: Portland Observer, P.O. Box 3137, Portland, OR 97208. Second Class postage p a id at Portland, Oregon The Portland Observer welcomes freelance submissions. Manuscripts and photographs should be clearly labeled and w ill be returned I f accompanied by a self addressed envelope. A ll created design display ads become the sole property o f the newspaper and can not be used in other publications or personal usage, without the written consent ofthe general manager, unless the client has purchased the composition o f such ad. © 1996 THE PO RTLAN D OBSERVER A L L RIGHTS RESERVED, REPRODUCTION IN W HOLE OR IN PART W ITH O U T PERMISSION IS PROHIBITED. Subscriptions $30.00 p e r year The Portland Observer-Oregon's Oldest African-American Publica­ tion--,5 a member o f the National Newspaper Association-Founded in 188 - and The National Advertising Representative Amalgamated Publishers, Inc, New York, N Y , and The West Coast Black Publishers Association • Serving Portland and Vancouver. 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