» * * - r A. jX-t ►•¿.M • .. P age 136 . > *• M arch 27, 1996 • Tm P oru ani ) O bserver Portland Fire Bureau Adopts Schools! P o lic e N ew s iody Found At Multnomah Falls On march 17, 1996, M CSO Dep- I uties were dispatched at 4;O3 P.M to M ultnom ah Falls I .odge to the o b se r­ vation bridge that lin b e lo w the tails Corbett Eire Rescue 65 removed the | body at approximately 5:00 P.M The body was discovered a ap ­ proxim ately 3:00 P.M by an em ­ ployee o f the U.S. Forest Service, who notified em ergency personnel. I he body is a white female with an approxim ate age o f 40 years old. M C S () detectives arrived on scene and are conducting their investiga­ tion. Terry' Sparks o f the M ultnom ah County M edical E xam iner’s O ffice responded to the scene. T he identi­ ty o fth e body w ill be released as the investigation proceeds w ith notifi­ cation o f th e im m ediate family. Morrison Bridge Homicide Portland Police are investigating a 11 riday morning homicide that initial­ ly appeared to be an auto accident Southeast Precinct officers respond­ ed to the east end o f the Morrison Bridge at about 2:47 ant on the report I o f an apparent single auto accident. The injured occupant was transport- I ed to l.inanuel Hospital, where he 1 later died I he deceased is identified as John Beckerich. DOB 12-19-62, | o f Beaverton. Initially , it was th o u g h that Beckerich had injuries relating to the crash, but subsequent exam inations at the hospital and the State M edical E xam iner's O ffice determ ined that the injuries were not sustained in the collision. Dr. Karen G unson determ ined that Beckerich died from an incise wound to the neck. Due to the type o f the wound it would appearthat Beckerich was injured in his vehicle a short distance away from where it ulti­ mately stopped. D etectives say that Beckerich was known to frequent bars and restaurants in dow ntow n and along SW Stark St. Beckerich was driving a light blue 1968 Buick Century. T he ve­ hicle was traveling w estbound when it crashed. His dog, a brow n lab- rottw eiler mix was present in the car. The A nyone with inform ation about this case is asked to call de­ tectives M ichael Hefley o r Tom Nelson at 823-0479. Homicide Investigation Portland Police are investigating I a shooting that left a man dead and I a woman injured, and ended in the | suicide o fth e suspect Ih e shooting occurred at the franklin Market at SF, 50th Ave. and Woodward St. at about 2:54 pin Apparently , the suspect shot the man I and the woman, the store owners, I during a argument. All three people 1 knew each other, and the dispute I apparently was in regards to an ongo- I ing domestic problem between Ihe suspect and his estranged wife. The shooting left the man, Kwang I Kum Yang, DOB 0 3 -0 8 -1 6 dead from m ultiple g u n sh o t w o u n d s and w ounded the w om an, Y ongsill Yang, DOB 0 1 - 17-48. She was trans­ ported to OHSU. fo llo w in g the shooting, the sus­ pect lied in his van. Tw o Southeast Precinct officers on patrol in the area arrived shortly after the suspect tied, and w itnesses were able to give the officers a description o f th e suspect and the van. At about 3:05 pm Southeast Pre­ cinct officers found the van at SE 31st Ave., and Powell Blvd. and at­ tem pted to stop it. The van did not stop and continued eastbound. At about SE 38th Ave., pursuing officers observed the driver put a gun to his head, then shoot himself, fh e van continued for about another block before colliding with o th e r cars stopped for the light at SE 39th Ave. O fficers believed that a second arm ed suspect might be hiding in the van, so the Special Em ergency Reaction Team was activated and | checked the van. No one else was in the van. D uring the operation and ensu­ ing investigation, traffic east and west on Powell Blvd was blocked. I he nam e o f th e suspect will be j released by the M edical Exam in­ e r ’s office pending notification o f I relatives. D etectives Susan Hill and Craig I Yost are the investigators. Suspect Sought For Attempted Kidnapping And Exposing To Children Portland Police are investigating incidents in North Portland where a I man approached children and told them to get in Ins car and then later | exposed to other children. No children were injured in ei- I ther incident. In all the cases the suspect was described as driving a e a rly 1 9 8 0 's b lu e f o u r- d o o r | Chevrolet Citation. The first incident occurred at N. I Knowles A ve and N. H olland St. 1 when a lone white male, described as being approxim ately 30-years-old with gold rim m ed glasses drove up to a five-year-old boy and two four- year-girls. Ih e suspect allegedly asked the children w here they lived, then told them to get in his car. The boys mother, who was w atch­ ing the kids from inside her house went outside, at which time the sus­ pect drove away. About an hour later a white male in a blue C hevrolet C itation exposed him self to an eight-year-old girl in the 2600 block o fN . Farragut Ave. then apparently drove to the area o f N. W inched St. and N. W ayland Ave. w here he exposed him self to two girls, one eight and one seven years o f age. In that incident the suspect also told the girls to get in his car. The girls ran hom e to tell their parents and the suspect fled. A nyone w ith inform ation on these cases should contact D etec­ tive David Y am asaki at 823-0479. The Educational Opportunities Program Scholarship Fundraising Auction On the evening o f Friday, April 1 9 ,1 9 9 6 The event will run from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm and consists o f a silent auction, an oral auction, m usic, and a dessert buffet with treats from local bakeries. Some o f the items w hich will be up for auction include the following: Two nights for tw o in the spa suite at the H allm ark Hotel in N ew port. An opportunity to be the “guest coach” at an O SU football game. This incudes dinner with the team, a seat on the sideline with the team, and the chance to send in that “w in­ ning play” you know would help the team win. An autographed bottle o f Amity V in eyards’ 1992 W inem aker’s Re­ serve Pinot N oir M agnum The cost o f attending is $5.00 and includes a free dessert buffet. All m onies raised by this event will go directly to a scholarship fund for EO P students. T ickets fo rth isev e n t will be avail­ a b le at G ra ss R oots B o o k sto re, allbright and Raw Pharm acy, the E ducation O p portunities program (7 3 7 -3928) and at the door. C om eout for a gala evening* (. ome support EOP students! A d v e rtis e In hor I he Auto You Desire - At The Value You Deserve ” ‘9 0 M e r c e d e s B e n z : I90E - 2.6 - Auto l ots of Hi-way miles, But Extrem ely nice! Must see & Drive, $9995. TRADE-INS WELCOME! B est C a s h P ric e s (O h sc ru c v 104 N E Russel P o rtlan d , O R 9 7 2 1 2 ( nil 503-288-0033 282-5111 ‘8 T o y o ta X t r a - C a h : 4X 4, 5spd, 4cyl., Lift Kit, N ew T ires & Wheels. D oesn't look that nice, but it runs great! $4995, (503)281-9818 6 7 17 N E Sandy B lvd . Portland. O R 9 7 2 1 3 Steel Storage Reservoi r. The project consists of the construc­ tion of a 0.49 MG steel reservoir installed on a concrete foundation including site preparation, piping and foundation. Schedule “ C ” Water Service Meter Installation. The project consists of installing approximately 360 water meters of various sizes in existing water service laterals. Plans and specifications may be seen at the office of H.G.E., INC, Engineers & Planners, 375 Park Avenue, Coos Bay, Oregon 97420, and 19 N.W. 5th Avenue, Portland, Oregon 97209. One copy of the Contract Documents may be obtained by prospective bidders and plan exchanges, from H.G.E.’s Coos Bay Office (541 -269-1166), upon receipt of cash or check in the amount of $ 100.00 made payable to the Engineer. Depos­ it made upon procurement of drawings, specifications, and forms of contract documents will be non -refundable. Individ­ ual sheets and specification pages may be purchased for the cost of reproduction: Drawings $2.00 per sheet; specifica­ tions $0.25 per sheet. Bidders must prequalify with Owner, on Standard Oregon Review Board Prequalification forms, ten (10) days prior to bid opening. Disqualification statements shall be issued not later than four (4) days before bid opening by the Owner. Perqualification forms may be obtained from the Engineer and should be submitted to the Owner via the Engineer. If a prequalification form is on file with the Engineer and is not over one year old, refiling is not necessary unless there has been a substantial change in Contractor’s status. No bid will be considered unless fully completed in the manner provided in the “ Instructions to Bidders” upon the bid form provided by the Engineer and accompanied by a bid bond executed in favor of the City of Powers in an amount not less than ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid. Bid bond is to be forfeited as a fixed and liquidated damage should the bidder neglect or refuse to enter into a contract and provide suitable bond for the faithful performance of the work in the event the contract is awarded them. Funds for the improvements are available, and monthly payments will be made by check. Sub-Bids Requested Tanner Creek Sewer Relief Phase 1 - Unit 1 City of Portland Bids: April 2, 1996 Bid Time: 2:00 p.m. PW. PDL, Tilt, Cruise, Am Fm Cass, AC, $5395. heating oils Schedule “ B ” By order of the City of Powers. ‘ 8 6 J e e p C h e r o k e e : 4Dr, L aredo PKG, A uto, 6 cyl. ‘ 8 6 N is s a n P i c k - U p : 5spd, Am FM Cass, M ags, $2995. Water Treatment Plant and Equipment. The project consists of the construction of a 0.65 MGD water treatment plant including flocculator, tube settler and filter bay equipment, clearwell, plant motor control center, backwash ponds, piping and treatment plant building. The City of Powers may reject any bid not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, and may reject for good cause any and all bids upon the finding of the City of Powers that it is in the public interest to do so. No bidder may withdraw or modify their bid after the hour set for the opening and thereafter until the lapse of Ninety (90) days from the bid opening. MlBW Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote The project consists of a 0.65 MGD Water Treatment Plant, 0.49 MG bolted steel reservoir and the installation of 360 water service meters. Project components and estimated quantities are as follows: Schedule “ A ” Before a Contract will be awarded, compliance with all OEDD requirements specified in the Contract Documents will be subject to OEDD review and approval. JB /» M uto J H dvantaqe Service An optional pre-bid conference will be held at 1:00 P.M. Monday, April 1, 1996 at the City Hall in Powers. The attention of Bidders is directed to the requirements and conditions of employment to be observed and minimum rates to be paid under the Contract. The Bidder shall comply with provisions of the Davis-Bacon Act (40 U.S.C. 276a) for this public work project. The NEW AND USED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS Bid opening will be conducted in the Council Chambers and will be publicly opened and read aloud. Bidders on this work will be required to comply with the provisions of the President's Executive Order No. 11246 concerning equal em ployment opportunity, including all amendments and requirements issued thereunder. The re­ quirements for Bidders and Contractors under this Order are explained in the Contract Documents. "Classic Pose", John Van Dreal; March 25 - April 18, 1996; Buckley Center Gallery University Of Portland AUTO BROKER Sealed bids for the construction of water system improve­ ments for the City of Powers, Coos County, Oregon, will be received by the City until 2:00 P.M.. Pacific Time, on April 15. 1996. Bids submitted prior to opening are to be delivered to the City Recorder’s Office, 3rd and Fir Street, Powers, Ore­ gon 97466. Any Contract award under this Notice to Contractors is expected to be funded in part by a grant from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development through the Oregon Community Development Block Grant Program and by a grant and loan from the W ater/Wastewater Finance Program, funded by the Oregon State lottery. Funding pro­ grams are administered by the State of Oregon, Oregon Economic Development Department (OEDD). Neither the United States nor any of its departments, agencies, or em­ ployees is or will be a party to this Notice to Contractors of any resulting contract. This procurement will be subject to regu­ lations contained in Pari 33 procurement Under Assistance Agreements. Contracts are subject to 40 CFR regulations. Oil paintings by John Van Dreal will be exhibited March 25 to April 18 at Buckley Center G allery on the U niver­ sity o f Portland cam pus. Van D real’s tim e proven techniques create evocative, contem porary images o f the human figure, both nude and clothed. “As a craftsm an I am fascinat­ ed with the use o f alia prima oil painting com bined with glazing to render form and capture light,” Van Dreal Says. Strongly lit forms are com bined with historical, social and political sym bols to evoke a moody tim elessness. Buckely Center G allery hours are 8:30 a.m. to 8 p.m., M onday through Friday and 8:30 a m. to 4 p.m. Saturday. Dad’s Notice To Contractors The successful Bidder must be registered, or shall become registered, with the Construction Contractor’s Board or li­ censed by the State Landscape Contractor's Board as re­ quired by ORS 671.530. Bidder is not required to be licensed under ORS 468A.720. Oil Paintings Exhibited ■' (T h e }Lìurt lattò The Portland Bureau o f Fire, Res- cue& Emergency Services has adopt­ ed all ofthe public elementary schools in the area served by the Bureau. In an effort to reduce the num ber o f juvenile related fires, every ele­ mentary school will have a represen­ tative fire com pany or person as­ signed to the school. Don Porth, Senior Inspector and D irector o f the O ffice o f Public Ed­ ucation for the Fire Bureau stated, "Juvenile related fires are increasing in every category.” That m eans the total n u m b ero fju v en ilecau sed fires, the num ber o f juvenile arson, and the ratio o fju v en ile caused fires to total fires is increasing. Each year in Portland, an average o f two people die through childrens misuse o f m atches and I ighters. A Iso, an average o f $750,000.00 in dam ­ age is caused by children playing with fire. Each fire station in the Portland Fire Bureau is tasked with making contact with elem entary schools in the area they serve. In form ing a partnership with those schools, and getting to know the ch ildren, we hope to reduce the num ber o f youth related fires. The Youth Education program is the um brella concept for all o f the youth related injury prevention pro­ gram s the Fire Bureau will be using in the future. T he A dopt-A -School program is one com ponent o f that strategy. We have categorized all schools by the num ber o f juvenile related fires in the com m unity served by the schools, and reports we received from various agencies. As time and financing perm its, we will be supplying all elem entary schools with copies o f Learn N ot To Burn fire curriculum and copies o f the accom panying resource books. Also, each school will receive two copies o f the “ Friends From Your Fire Station” video. The material is free and will be sent to your neighborhood schools as soon as we can. To date, Portland G eneral E lec­ tric has g e n e ro u sly c o n trib u te d $10,000 for curriculum purchase. fhe Portland Bureau o f Fire, Res­ cue & Em ergency Services w ants to partner with your neighborhood and your school and help in any way we can. Check with your school to see if they are taking advantage o f this p ro ­ gram. < COFFMAN EXCAVATION P.0. Box 687 • Oregon City, OR 97045 (503)656-7000 Fax 656-0686 4 CCBH33196 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub-bids from women and minority business enterprises. »