t i f i f* • • , < ., . < ,:•• ■• • •• • -•% /’ ' f r - y ^ 'r ’ .rk V v ífrA í .iZ Z z ^ tU * . iä&£tä ,> . J * J. „ SSSäSSNS-,*-’ 7,< » S í.; t l * ' W_ c V ' t l ■ a t íí . ' * » H T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 27, 1996 P age B5 Metropolitan Human Rights Commission Appointments Four new members have been ap­ pointed to serve on the M etropolitan Human Rights C om m ission The Com m ission, a fifteen m em ber vol­ unteer group, is dedicated to foster­ ing mutual understanding and respect and protecting the hum an rights ofall persons in the City o f Portland and M ultnomah County. Rev. Cecil Charles Prescod, ap­ pointed by County Chair Bev Stein, is the pastor o f the Highland United Church o f Christ. He is a graduate o f Haverford College and received a Masters o f Divinity from Union Theo­ logical Seminary. Rev Prescod has a long history o f community involve­ ment serving with Coalition o f Black Men, People o f Faith Against Bigotry, Oregon Fellowship o f Reconciliation, Brother to Brother and other groups dedicated to peace and human rights. Leon Fox, appointed by County Chair Bev Stein, is the founder and D irector o f the Lazarus Art Society, Inc. Fox has been active in the Civil R ights m ovem ent o f since his days at Fisk U niversity, w here he received a BA in Psychology. He brings years o f business experience, particularly in the field o f affirm ative action and recruitm ent o f q u alified m inority candidates. Fox has a particular in­ terest in preparing young people to function effectively in this society, accepting nothing short o f full inclu­ sion socially and econom ically. Kevin Scott W elch, a recent grad­ uate o f Portland State U niversity was appointed by M ayor Katz. Welch w orks in Public Inform ation and M edia R elations for the Colum bia River Inter-Tribal Fish |Com mission. As a freelance w riter, he has been published extensively and received the Best N ew s Story A w ard in the It’s Time To Start Summer Flowers From Seed Do you suffer from post-spring bulb bloom letdow n? P lanting sum m er blooming flower seed into spring bulb beds can keep beds co lo rfu l th ro u g h o u t the en tire grow ing season. Seeds for hardy sum m er flow ­ ers can be sow n directly out in the garden after the danger o f frost is past and the soil is w orkable, u su ­ ally about m id-A pril in m ost re­ g io n s o f the sta te , sa id G ail G redler, hom e horticulturist with the O regon State U niversity E x­ tension Service. Oi seeds can be started indoors, follow ing seed packet directions. Colum bine, dianthus, larkspur, lu- 1991 O regon C ollegiate Press N ew s­ paper contest. N yla M cC arthy, ap p o in ted by M ayor Katz, has experience in d e­ v elo p in g and m anaging co m p lex projects focusing on the prom otion o f positive change in individuals, com m unities and organizations. She has used her skills to assist state and local governm ents, educational in­ stitutions, businesses and non-prof­ its in organizational developm ent, diversity training, health education and social m arketing. M cCarthy, a m em ber o f the A cto r’s Equity A sso­ ciation, uses her theater background to teach conflict resolution to youth. The M etropolitan H um an Rights Com m ission w elcom es applications at any tim e in order to m aintain a pool o f interested person available to fill vacancies. Call 823-5136 for in­ formation. Pain may be eliminated for millions AFRICAN-AM ERICAN HEWS BRIEFS Black men don’t have to be statistics O ne in nine U.S. black men will develop prostate cancer, and one in three will be hit by hypertension. Forty-five thousand blacks die an­ nually from sm oking-related dis­ eases. The tragedy is that all three are largely preventable or, if caught early, easily treated, said Dr. James L. Phillips o f Baylor C ollege o f M edicine in Houston. Black men older than 40 should get prostate exam inations and learn to recognize sym ptom s o f being prostatic hyperplasia, or prostate enlargem ent: urinary hesitancy, se­ vere urinary urgency, w eak urinary flow, frequent nocturnal urination. Hypertension, or high blood pres­ sure, can be fatal if left untreated. Key steps to take: low ering salt intake, losing w eight ( i f o v e r­ weight), exercising regularly. S m okers can seek help from sm oking-cessation groups, support groups, hypnosis, acupuncture, nic­ otine gum, nicotine patches - w hat­ ever w orks for an individual, Phillips said. T hese steps can help keep black men from becom ing statistics. ily consent or with pre-arranged donor consent. Rem oval o f organs does not disfigure, and open-casket funerals can still be held. There’s a need for black organ donors A m ong people older than 50 black women are m ore likely to suffer from high blood pressure than are other racial and ethic groups. High blood pressure (hyperten­ sion) is one o f the topics covered in a free brochure, "W o m en ’s Health: Ideas for a Lifetim e o f W ellness,” offered by H ouston’s Baylor C ol­ lege o f M edicine. T he brochure also covers heart h e a lth , r e p r o d u c tiv e h e a lth , o s te o p o r o s is a n d e m o tio n a l w ellness. A free copy o f the brochure is available to anyone who sends a stam ped, self-addressed, business- size (# 10) envelope to: “ W om en s H ealth,” O ffice o f Public A ffairs, Room I76B , B aylor C ollege o f M edicine, H ouston, T exas 77030. The black com m unity is suffering from a lack o f com patible organs for donation. “The best m atch’ for blacks is organs from blacks,” said Dr. Jam es L. P hillips o f B aylor C o lleg e o f M edicine in H ouston, “ but in 1993 in H ouston, for exam ple, only 10 per­ cent o f organ donations cam e from blacks even though 26 percent o f people on organ w aiting lists were blacks.” Blacks m ake up 12 percent o f the U.S. population but account for 34 percent ofall kidney-failure patients. O rgan donations can vastly im­ prove the quality o f life and save lives o f recipients. O rgans are removed on ly with fam­ Rack of Ribs Original‘Worlds o f A rt “Watercolors • ‘P ottery • Acrylics ‘flo ra ls • Tapestries & Linens Cards dr ‘Booths • ‘W onderfulScents • ‘d om e 'Decor Tues. $1.00 Beef Ribs Fri: Cajun Clam Chowder Sat: All-You-Can-Eat Ribs Imported dr dandmade (jifts Daily Lunch Specials SOPdlA'S PLACE Homemade Desserts Original Sauce 521 S ‘W 11th Suite 102 ‘Portland, Oregon 97205 Ribs - Chicken © IW 1 2 3 3 8 N .E . A lb e r ta S tr e e t 2 8 4 -1 1 9 8 WE FEATURE: G R O C E R IE S S O D A P O P /J U IC E S & M O R E ASSO RTED FRO ZEN TREATS H O T , D E L IC IO U S C O F F E E C IG A R E T T E S / C I G A R S V A R IE T Y G O O D S CANDY & SNACKS ON SATURDAY AND SUNDAY, COM E TASTE T H E B E S T “ L O U IS IA N A ” S T Y L E B B Q . B B Q R IB D I N N E R S ..................................................... $ 6 .0 0 / E A C H B B Q C H I C K E N D I N N E R S ....................................... $ 5 .0 0 / E A C H B B Q R IB S A N D W I C H E S ..........................................$ 4 .0 0 / E A C H B B Q C H IC K E N S A N D W I C H E S ............................$ 3 .0 0 / E A C H C R E O L E G U M B O .......................................................... $ 4 .0 0 / B O W L “PRICES THAT WILL MAKE YOU SMILE” Stallw ASawtiaag Ova^. h« C ascade P izza & D eli HEALTHTEK PHARMACY 1423 Lloyd C enter 284-6978 634 N. Hollingsworth (Across from P.C.C.) 285-5253 "Portland's Tastiest, Best-Kept Secret" CZABA’S K A It-R-(I HaveY°uBeen Ribbed Today? Weekdays open a, 11:00 - Saturdays open at 2:00 Call for take-out: 240-0615 Bring in this ad for 50c off any Bar-B-Q Dinner Catfish - Hot Links (503)223-9794 Sun. 12-4 Aion-Thurs. 11-5:30 J n. 10-3:30 T ender sum m er annuals such as asters, bachelor’s buttons, clar- kias, marigolds, nasturtium , stock, sunflow ers and zinnias are best started indoors then planted o u t­ side in mid- to late spring. O r seed outdoors after May 15 O thers, like sunflow ers, nasturtium s and poppies, d o n ’t transplant well and should be directly seeded o u t­ doors. Use a soil mix that is well- drained, moisture retaining and has small quantities of nutrients. Prepared germination mixtures are offered at ganlen centers or make your own by mixing equal parts of garden soil, peal moss and coarse sand or perlite. A R K E T (SPECIAL) — A new drug has been approved that is exciting research­ ers in the treatment of pain This material has been formulated into a new product known as "Arthur Itis™" and is being called a "Medi­ cal M iracle" by some, in the treat­ ment of debilitating conditions such as arthritis, bursitis, rheumatism, painful muscle aches, joint aches, si mple backache, brui ses, and more Although the mechanism of action i s unclear, expenments indicate that Arthur Itis« relieves pain by first selectively attracting, and then de­ stroying the messenger chemical which cam es pain sensations to the brain, thus eliminating pain in the affected area Arthur Itis «« is an odorless, greaseless, non-staining cream and is available immediately without a prescnption and is guar­ anteed to work Ui. only • • diiacWd Free brochure on women's health Mon: Free bread with pines and poppies - all hardy sum ­ m er bloom ers - are good candi­ dates for direct seeding in spring. Perennial varieties o f larkspur and colum bine may not bloom until the second year if seeded outdoors. A lyssum , b ab y ’s breath, butter­ fly flow ers (Schizanthus), cosm os, forget-m e-nots, m orning glories, nicotiana, salvia, snapdragons and verbena and wall flow ers are a little less hearty and benefit from protection from a cold frame or cloche or covering on cold nights if planted early. It is best to direct seed these outdoors m id-M ay to m id-June or start indoors early, said G redler. GENUINE ITALIAN FOOD CATERING & FAMILY RESTAURANT * Reasonable Prices * Excellent Service * Community Builder •i I I I Minimum Order $10.00 I Good through 3/31/96 I j 25% Discount exp 7 /4 /9 6 DINE IN - TAKE OUT - CATERING 5907 N. Lombard call 240-0615 Stop By & Pick A Menu! STOCK UP SALE Prices Effective March 2 7 through April 2 ,1 99 6 at your nearby Safeway store. Thompson Seedless Grapes Red or Black Seedless, 870-lb H o m estyle Buttertop Bread • 2 2 .5 -0 u n c e M rs. W rig h t’s • FIRST 2 • SAVE UP TO 810 Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping At Safeway! 6 68 0 ea Enjoy Extra Savings With The SAFEWAY EXTRA In-Store Savings Guide Available at your Safeway store. □