•- J 1 î W iît A ì iwwffia wW P age 9 .< ■ • '■ *-* * . * j • *• ■» - «*. * > ’>:-*• /* » • . •«> “ • _ .• , y z. •> » .. X -. - -, * • ? . • • • % » - •. * • , • • A 8 W a r r e n • Life - Health - Group • Disability Income Brenisa Q. Polk • Home - Auto PuOsets Pizzaria $)ama - ffiia • Commercial • Annuities IN S U R A N C E S E R V IC E S I • Business $ 2 .0 0 E R N E ST W ARREN SR Motors Transmissions struts Starters Alternators Shocks ôctn “P typt (503) 289-1132 Vessels "Tableware With Meaning" This is on|y a sample o f some of the things w e can do All Work is Guaranteed in Writing Tues.-Sat., 1 0 a .m .-6 p.m. "Put Your Car in Our Hands" 6021 N.L Portland Hwy. Portland, OR 97218 1-800-556-2146 B u lk Herbs & Spices M id d le Path Herbs Specialty Teas/Pow ders B u lk Teas/Ingredients Essential O ils M e d ic in a l Uses/Essiac H o m eopathy Futuristic Books C e ll-T e c h S .B .G . A lg ae E a r l's B a r b e r S h o p 7205 N.E. MLK Boulevard TUES THURS 9 6, FRI SAT 9 UNTIL EVES BY APPT GREGORY ]. KIJEK ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE MONEY CONCEPTS FINANCIAL PLANNING CENTRE 4370 N.E. HALSEY STREET, PORTLAND, OREGON 9 7 2 1 3 TELEPHONE: (503) 287-I 165 FAX: (503) 287-I I65 "D o in ’ P icture P erfect S tyling W ith G e o rgia Mae O n M y Mine? A ll Securities through Money Concepts Capital Corp. Member NASD/SIPC I2O8 U S. Highway One, North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 Tel: (407) 627-0700 6800 N.E. M.L. King Jr. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 Tropicana Restaurant Specialising in Serving Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Specializing in Barbeque Ribs & Beef from the 1900’s ■ 1950’s Phyllis C. Benton, Owner E a rl SONYA Entrepreneur/master Designer 5 0 3 /2 8 9 * 5 0 4 0 L ’AMOUR NOIR VIDEO “All-Black Cast & Race F ilm s” T u e sd a y - S a tu r d a y 8 :0 0 A M - 6 :0 0 P M — CO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL PLANNING NETWORK 1721 N E A l b e r t a P o r tla n d , O R S ty lis t “The Best For Less” (503) 249-1952 M O NEY P a g e r • 903-0191 Walter Bennett's Auto Detailing 2605 NE M L K Jr. Boulevard, Portland, Comer of NE Russell 2 1 1 -7 3 0 2 3 1 3 -4 B 7 G O ffer Expires 2-29-96 P h o n e • 28 3 -2 4 3 3 Ethnic Accessories for the d in n in g room , bath, and kitchen. O L A L E K A N O L A O D C N JO Y h 2525 N.E. Alberta Portland, OR 97211 (503) 287-7388 5808 N. Interstate Portland. Oregon 97211 T's Low Cost Auto Repair P.O. Box 4667 Portland, OR 97208-4667 I Finesse G arber & Geautv Sakai P ost O ffice B ox 12128 2207 N.E. B roadway , S uite 5 P o rtland , O regon 97212 FAX 5 0 3-284-7607 PHO NE 503-284-6595 Brakes Tune-Ups Exhausts Manicurist-Esthetlclan $22 HUs . $12 Manicures - $8 (503) 287-0319 Voice & Fax P.O. Box LUE PARKER (503) 281-8696 Fri. & Sat. 10:?9 A.M. to 7 :00 P.M. 3217 N. W illiam s Ave. Portland, OR 97212 11522 Portland, OR 97211 Write or call for catalog C h ris Sm ith T ues. - Thurs. 10:00 A.M . to 6:00 P.M. 288-4618 or (5 0 3 ) 2 8 4 -9 0 6 1 909-0418 (ttolumbus 3 n h n 5 trte s <^Vo s ta d ie O JENKINS AUTO SERVICE Specializing in Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning H air Design SPECIALIZING IN AUTO TRAMSMISSIONS COMPLETE ENGINE OVERHAUL ft ACCESSORIES C o n stru ctio n C le a n -U p • J a n ito ria l Service Oannella Bietson Rosa Washington Stylists Leisure Curl Technicians Other Services: 3939 MLK Portland. OR 97211 282-2006 Window & Floor Cleaning • Empty Apartment Restoration 5230 N.E.. 28TH • Portland, OR 97211 C e l e s t e ’s Beauty Salon NA TM’S 3945 NORTH WILLIAMS AVE. PORTLAND, O REG ON 97227 ART JENKINS At JLppeni _ At . . . Specializing in Hair Ufeaving a H&ir Connection A ll area* o f Hair Care Full Service Salon 4603 N. Williams Ave Portland, OR 97217 (503) 288-3171 1926 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97232 h a ir d e s ig n (503) 287-3813 8:00 m to 5:00 pm Tue-Sat 303 N.E. Wygant, Portlwd. OR »7211 (503) 232-6263 Call F or Appt. FULL SERVICE SALON Barber: Nathaniel Wilson PHONE 2 8 8 -8 7 6 8 Ia Cou>BEEi< * S E R V E D H ERE a W IN I G o ld en s House o f S lq le Stylist - Braids (503) 284-3662 Pgr. 202-8483 O m T a » O« iw S O ' r u t 4038 I oe ’ s P lace Ths Interstate A v e. C a r o lq n e W a g n e r RACHEL'S STYLES H a ir S ftjlis f Jerry's Salon Friendly T avern Business O w ner • 1801 N.E. ALBERTA P O R TLA N D , ORE. 97211 JOSEPH B E N JA M IN PHILLY CAFE Hours: (5 0 3 ) 2 8 8 -9 4 3 1 T u e .-S a l. 1 0 -6 503-240-0368 H om e 2nd & Killingsworth/Williams 503-351-3413 C ellular Mac Allen & Sons Body Shop 445 N.E. K IL L IN G S W O R T H 288-9367 ANDREWS WHOLESALE F is h & C h ip s Home/Commercial Sales T e r r iy a k i C h ic k e n & B e e f Auto Body Repair A Painting t r ’ H a m b u rg e rs M O N D AY - SATURDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY, 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. leó n D. M c K en zie INSURANCE AGENCY LIFE INSU R A N C E A FINANCIAL PLANNING Jefferson Andrew s O w n er 7127 N. Leonard Portland, OR 97203 Like a good neighbor, State Farm Is there.® MICHAEL E. HARPER, SR. Agent 232 S.E. OAK 4004 SW Barbur Boulevard SUITE #107 P O R T LA N D , O R E G O N 97214 Portland. OR 97201 O« (503)221-3050 503/233-9588 Portland, OR 97212 Home (503) 697-9822 1451 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon 97211 Credit Problems LJ Bus. (503) 288-1247 1-800-524-6102 Need a Good Car? You have a stable income. □ You have a down payment. □ Your problems are behind you. (Bankruptcy & collection problems - no problem) Call (503) 281-9818 DVANTAgE STATE F^RM INSURANCE COMPANIES noue omets Btoomwc.rcM m i n t AUTO BROKER | 6717 NE Sandy Blvd. Portland, OR 97213 í-JLiá ' '(Elje g lo r ila «b OObs