ÌK 9 T he P ortland O bserver (Llje |Lìnrtlanò (Observer PCC uilds Training Center Portland Community College is constructing a work force training center in the southeast industrial district, across the street from O M SI. The three-story, 31,000- foot building is expected to be completed in July. TheCentral Portland Workforce Training Center was art o f a laun­ dry I ist o f items proposed to voters when the district asked for approv­ al ot a $ 6 1 .4 million bond measure in 1992. F o llo w in g its passage, the c o l­ lege has spent the last several ye ars u pgrading equipm ent, re­ p a ir in g b u ild in g s u n d e rta kin g new co n stru ctio n on its cam p us­ es. The $4.4 m illio n Central Port­ land W o rkforce T ra in in g Center is one o f the last projects in this b u ild in g cam paign. O ffic ia ls envisio n the new cen­ ter as a hub o f business and tech­ n ica l education in the central Portland area and p ro ject that more that 10,00 0 persons a year w ill take cla sse s at the Center. The new tra in in g center is lo ­ cated on the corner o f So uth ­ east C la y and W ater streets, and meets the g o a l o f p ro v id ­ ing for train in g needs for the downtown b usiness com m un i­ ty and clo se -in southeast Po rt­ land. ♦ Success. It takes more than luck Success I I h i s l i m (MI I I Ilf!) tik is n e r i U r n lis t lick. It t ik is bard w irk, d itirm lia tlin . a id i n d c a m n iilc itla i. Thors w b in A im ic b P u l i i c a i b i l l , with i m i r . y n can b i ria c b id mattar w h irl you a n S i the n x t tim i m i r t u i l t y b a n s , y n ’ll Ini vary lucky Indeed. In March: Receive a one month service credit* with vour pager purchase or lease A lr T iu c h P a iiiiiftir s : • Reliable M itirila pagers • Standard OR and WA ceverage • Service as lew as $6.95/meatli a “ M » Otter M etres 3/31/98. sene restrtcttees aw ly. New easterners enly. a ir t o u c h - Paging (800) 289-2370 2020 SW 4th Avenue • Suite 100 * Portland, OR 97201 Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey is celebrating their launch on America OnLine by asking users ■to help name the circus' new baby elephant. Born Jan. 1, the newborn's measurements were 188 pounds, 36 inches tall and 39 inches from trunk to tail. Waters Elected To United Way Board N ortheast Portlan d resident, E liza b e th W aters, has been elect­ ed to serve a three-year term on the U n ited W ay o f the C o lu m b ia W illa m e tte ’s board o f directors. W aters, urban m in o rity man­ ager w ith N ik e , In c., was elected to the board at the o rg a n iza tio n ’ s 76th annual m eeting, held T h u rs­ day at the Portland M arriott H o ­ tel. Bo ard m em bers are respon­ sib le fo r d ete rm in in g the strate­ g ic g o a ls o f the o rg a n iza tio n , form ulating p o licie s, and approv­ ing and m o n ito rin g its finances. W a te rsjo in s M ike E. Bershaw , D e lo it t e & T o u c h e ; S a n d r a M cD o n o u gh , vice president, Pa­ c if ic G a s T ra n sm issio n s: Robert G . M ille r, C E O , Fred Meyer, Inc.; M ark B ran d o n , S e a first B an k; and R ic h a rd L . W oolw orth, B lu e C ro ss and B lu e S h ie ld o f O regon as first-y e a r board m embers. Additionally, the following offic­ ers were elected. Michael M. Mor­ gan, an attorney at Tonkon, Torp, Galen, Marmaduke & Booth, begins his first term aschairman o f the board; Peter W. Melhuish, Sr., was appoint­ ed treasurer; James D Kuhn, was appointed assistant treasurer; and Neva T. Cam pbell, was elected sec­ retary. United Way provides funding for more that 180 local human service programs in Clackam as, Multnomah and Washington counties in Oregon and C lark County, Washington. abric JEA N IE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 =CÖ UPÖ N COUPON Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special M.00 OFF Drapery Cleaning On Any Dry Cleaning Order Lined & Unlined Any Size 99' A PLEAT Of $12.00 or More THE LARGEST, MOST COMPLETE RETAIL FABRIC STORE IN THE WEST March 19th through April 2,1996 Everything in the store* ’2 DAY SPECIAL 2 DAYS ONLY MARCH 29-30 Simplicity P a tte rn s Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JEANIE’S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 3-31-96 Expires 3-31-96 COUPON COUPON Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Laundry Special On Any Dry Cleaning Order Laundered Shirts 95e NO LIMIT Of $20.00 or More With $10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 3-31-96 Expires 3-31-96 COUPON COUPON Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special | Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special On Any Dry Cleaning Order * Mens or Womens I Of $30.00 or More j *3.25 j Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | JEANIE'S CLEANERS • JEANIE'S CLEANERS ' Expires 3-31-96 ’ Expires 3-31-96 I JL VF OFF ALL FABRIC extended hours Saturday o p e n 't il 9 p m 1 Lim ited to stock on hand! 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