Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 20, 1996, Page 6, Image 6

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Diversity Internships tor Students Ottered
The J. Paul Getty T rust is now
accepting applications fo r summer
internships from c u ltu ra lly diverse
undergraduate students interested in
exploring careers in art museums and
related areas o fth e visual arts and the
The ten-week internships w ill be
offered throughout the Getty Trust: the
J. Paul Getty Museum, the Getty Cen­
ter for the History o f A rt and the Hu­
manities, the Getty Conservation In­
stitute, the Getty A rt History Informa­
tion Program, the Getty Center for
Education in the Arts, and the Getty
Grant Program, as well as various
Trust administrative departments.
A pplicants must be currently en­
ro lle d in an accredited college or
university and they must have com ­
pleted at least tw o semesters o r three
quarters o f college at the tim e o f
application. The internships are fu ll­
tim e, beginning June 17 and ending
August 23, 1996, and provide a sti­
pend o f $3,000. Individuals w ill be
' *s"
arc h
20, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
Community Mourns Publisher’s Death
assigned to one department and w ill
w o rk w ith a m e n to r on sp e cific
A ll application materials must be
postmarked by M arch 4, 1996; n o ti­
fications w ill be made by M a y 3.
I o receive an a p p lication form ,
contact: Getty Undergraduate Intern­
ships fo r D ive rsity in the A rts and the
Humanities, Education Departm ent,
The J. Paul G etty M useum , P. O. B ox
2112, Santa M o n ica , C A 90407-
Continued from front
She was bom Jan 23, 1937 in
Manhattan, Kansas, the daughter o f
Percey H ickm an and Frieda M urray,
the oldest o f fo u r children.
A s a yo u n g g ir l, she m o ve d to
V a n p o rt, O re. the c ity b u ilt o u t
o f t h e s h ip y a rd b u ild in g days o f
W o r ld W a r II S he a tte n d e d
H o lla d a y E le m e n ta ry S c h o o l in
n ortheast P o rtla n d and g ra d u a t­
ed fro m W a sh in g to n H ig h S ch o o l
in southeast P o rtla n d . She a lso
a tte n d e d P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity
C o lle g e and P o rtla n d S tate U n i­
v e rs ity .
She m arried Duane Washington
in 1952 and had seven children. A
son, C ory, died earlier. She married
Dennis Payne in 1976, but later d i­
b o th o f P o rtla n d ; a b ro th e r, L a rry
H ic k m a n o f P o rtla n d ; fiv e sons,
C h a rle s , T o n y , G a ry and M a rk
W a s h in g to n o f P o r tla n d and
R o n n ie W a s h in g to n o f P e ta lu m a ,
B efore com ing to w o rk fo r the
Portland Observer, she was employed
w ith Oregon A d u lt and F am ily Ser­
vices, M ultnom ah C ounty Senior
Services and the M odel C ities pro­
C a lif. ; a d a u g h te r, A u d re y W a sh ­
in g to n o f P o rtla n d ; 29 g ra n d c h il­
d re n and 10 g re a t-g ra n d c h ild re n
C o n trib u tio n s in her h o n o r m ay
be made to th e Joyce W a s h in g ­
to n M e m o ria l S c h o la rs h ip Fund
in care o f B a n k o f A m e ric a .
In sem i-retirem ent, she was an
avid reader and especially enjoyed
being w ith her grandchildren.
She is s u rv iv e d by h e r m o th e r
F rie d a M u rra y o f P o rtla n d ; s is ­
the fam ily-ow ned Portland Observer
ters, Iv a C o llin s and M a b e l K yle s,
newspaper as publisher.
Fam ily members have appointed
Charles W ashington, the eldest o f
W ashington’ s children, to take over
Nefropolitan I luman Rights Commission Appointments
Continued from front
health education and soc ial marketing.
McCarthy, a member ofthe A c to r’s
legiate Press Newspaper contest.
N yla McCarthy, appointed by M ay­
or Katz, has experience in developing
and managing complex projects fo­
cusing on the prom otion o f positive
change in individuals, communities
and organizations She has used her
skills to assist state and local govern­
Kevin Scott Welch, u recent gradu­
ate o f Portland State University was
appointed by M ayor Katz. Welch
works in Public Information and M e­
dia Relations for the C olum bia River
Inter-Tribal Fish (Commission. As a
freelance writer, he has been publ ished
extensively and received the Best News
ments, educational institutions, busi­
nesses and non-profits in organiza­
Story Award in the 1991 Oregon C ol-
tional development, diversity training.
Equity Association, uses her theater
background to teach co n flict résolu-^
tion to youth.
The M etropolitan Human Rights
Commission welcomes applications
at any time in order to maintain a pool
o f interested person available to f ill
vacancies. Call 82 3 -5 136 fo r inform a­
Calls For Affirmative Action Summit
The N ational B lack Chamber o f
Commerce is asking all representa­
tives o f m in o rity and women busi­
companies such as Oracle, A pple,
M cD onnell Douglas and Lockheed. A
contributed to the a n ti-a ffirm a tive
publ ic rat ing system can be establ ished.
action movement.
A c c o rd in g to Paul G uerrero, Pres­
ident, U ntied M in o rity Business En­
trepreneurs, “ It is tim e fo r us to take
the O ffensive! W o rk in g together:
M in o rity and W omen Business A s­
ness organizations and owners o f
m in o rity & women businesses to as­
semble at the W arner C enter H ilto n
• Start a campaign that w ill encour­
age individuals, companies and gov­
Hotel, 6360 Canoga Avenue, W o o d ­
land H ills C a lifo rn ia on A p ril 11-12,
ernments to boycott C a lifo rn ia prod­
ucts such as planes, computers, soft­
1996. This sum m it w ill in vo lve peo­
ple representing B lack, H ispanic,
Asian, Native American, W omen and
Disabled Veterans. The purpose is to
so lid ify a strategy that w ill challenge
the opponents o f a ffirm a tive action;
opponents such Board o f Regents
ware, etc. u ntil the an ti-a ffirm a tive
action fu ro r is ended.
• T o organize massive rallies and
demonstrations at the Republican Na­
tional C onvention to be held in San
Diego, A ugust 11-14, 1996. These
rallies w o u ld show the outrage o f
those affected by the a n ti-a ftlrin a ti ve
movement and to present opposition
to the Dole-Canady B ill that w ill be
and financial supporters o fth e C a li-
fo rn ia C iv il Rights In itia tiv e (C C R I),
such as V irg in ia K notts, Partner,
Knottsberry Farm, Granite Construc­
tion Company, and Fontana Steel.
Responding to consumer demand for more authentic, Mexican-style flavor, Ruiz Food Products is
introducing a new line o f frozen restaurant-quality burritos, enchiladas and Quesadillas.
products and services provided by
companies owned by those who have
voted on during the 105th Congres­
sional Session and the current rheto­
ric uttered by every Republican pres­
Some of the planning strategies
idential candidate.
• Orchestrate a successful econom ­
ic leveraging (to buy o r not to buy) o f
• O fficia l auditing o f the m inority
business participation programs at
B u ild in g T h e B r e a m
A “ grass root” supported k ic k ­
o ff campaign is under way and gain­
ing momentum to create a heroic
scale bronze monument depicting
D r M artin Luther K ing Jr. deliver-
G andhi on the salt march. C h ie f Jo­
seph leading his people to safety,
Rosa Parks on the bus and more.
The M .L .K . Jr. monument com ­
sociations and th e ir statewide m em­
berships w ill be a force to be reck­
oned w ith ” .
N B C C Chairm an and C E O Harry
A lfo rd states, “ W e are c a llin g this
sum m it because it is tim e fo r those o f
us w ho cherish the C iv il Rights A ct
o f 1964 to come to its defense. The
attackers o f a ffirm a tive action want
to abolish the C iv il Rights A ct. We
say pox on yo u r house!’ T o o many
lives, too much blood, sweat and
tears have been shed to get us this far
We w ill never go b a ck!” the N B C C
phone # is 202-416-1622, fax 202-
fe s s o ro f art M ichael F lo rin Dente.
C h ie f o f police Charles Moose w ill
be the special guest speaker.
The n o n -p ro fit M .L .K . statue
project encourages you to put this
date on your calendars and asks that
ng h is message o f “ The D ream . Dr.
mittee chaired by Senator B ill M cC oy
is having a p u b lic awareness fund
K ing is flanked by sym bolic figures
raising k ic k -o ff press conference at
o f our soc iety representing the w o rk ­
the Oregon C onvention Center on
er, the im m igrant, and the child.
The base o f the statue w ill have
Friday, March 22 fo r an u n ve ilin g o f
the small model o f the larger com po­
bronze-bas reliefs id e n tifying great
sitio n that is under construction by
Association and Emanuel Hospital,
along w ith small local businesses and
neighborhood associations w ill be
individuals from history such as
the award w in n in g sculptor and pro-
presenting donations at this time.
you please plant to attend. Many
corporations such as the T rail Blazer
The first five countries to
extend the vote to women were
New Zealand in 1893, Australia in
1902, Finland in 1906, Norway in
1913 and Denmark in 1915. Great
Britain gave women the vote in
1919 and the U.S. allowed women
to vote in provincial elections in
New York and Vermont lead the states of the United States in
maple syrup production but the Canadian province of Quebec pro­
duces more maple syrup than all the states together.
* * *
E v e ry g e n e ra tio n im a g in e s its e lf to be m o re in te llig e n t th an th e
o n e th a t w en t b e fo re it , a n d w iser th a n th e o n e th a t co m es a fte r it.
— G e o rg e O rw e ll
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