Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 20, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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    I in P ori land O bserver • M arc h 20, 1996
Titim: s t o p p e r s
Portland P o lice Bureau H o ­
m icide D etectives, in co o p era­
tion with C rim e Stoppers, are
a skin g for yo u r help in so lv in g
a murder.
O n F r id a y , D e ce m b e r 8,
I 1995, at ap p ro xim ately 2:0 0 in
the m orning, the body o f K a y la
K im Peterson, a 3 0-ye ar-o ld
white fem ale, was found on the
side w alk at N E 11th A venue
and O n e o n ta S tre e t n e ar
W oodlaw n Park. She had died
from m ultip le stab wounds.
A cco rd in g to in vestigato rs,
K a y la K im Peterson, who was
a p p ro x im a te ly 5 ’4" ta ll and
w eigh ed a p p ro x im a te ly 200
pounds, was b elieved to have
last been seen a liv e around
1 1:00 in the even in g, w a lk in g
along N E M artin Luther K in g
Jr. B o u le v a rd , near A lb e rta
Street. At the time she was
w earinga light gray sw eatshirt,
with a b lack stripe across the
chest and the w ords “ Depoe
Peterson, Kala Kim
B ay - O regon C o a s t,” light blu
denim je a n s, and a navy blu
hooded w aist-length ja ck e t.
Crim e Stoppers is offering a cas
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa
tion, reported to Crim e Stoppers, tha|
leads to an arrest in this case, or an
unsolved felony crime, and you d
not have to give your name.
C all Crim e Stoppers at (503) 823
Assault And Homicide
A 34-year-old man was stabbed
and fatally wounded by a teen age
girl after he allegedly broke into
her home and attacked her mother.
Portland Police detectives are in­
vestigating the incident. The moth­
er was taken to a local hospital for
treatment ofhead injuries. The teen­
ager was unharmed.
East Precinct officers respond­
ed to the home, in the 1200 block o f
N E 155th Ave., at about 12:34 am
after receiving a call from a resi­
dent that her mother was being
attacked by a man.
Reportedly, the residents o f the
home, a 35-year-old woman and
her 15-year-old daughter were
asleep in the home when the wom­
an was awakened by her dog bark­
ing. When she went to check on the
dog, she was con fronted by a strang­
er, who then attacked and began to
assault her.
This commotion then woke the
daughter who observed her mother
being assaulted. The girl then armed
herself with a knife, and when her
mother called for her to help, she
allegedly stabbed the suspect.
The girl then wen, to the phone
and made the 9-1-1 call for help
Returning to her mother, she found
the suspect continuing to assault
and choke her. The suspect was
reportedly threatening to kill them.
The girl then stabbed the suspect
again, this finally causing him to let
loose o f the woman. The suspect
then fled from the house, running
across the street, and col lapsing. He
died at the scene.
The mother was transported to a
local hospital for treatment ofhead
injuries, she was later released. A f­
ter assisting the detectives, they went
to stay with friends.
The suspect is identified as Page
Leroy Dukart, D O B 06-06-61, who
had reportedly been staying at a
neighbors house for the night.
Dukart has a criminal history which
includes arrests for burglary and
drug possession. A photo is avail­
able in my office.
The investigation is being re­
viewed by the Multnomah County
District Attorney’s Office.
Detectives Kerry Taylor and Derek
Anderson are the investigators.
Infant Homicide
Portland Police detectives are
investigating the circum stances
around the death o f a three month
old Northeast Portland boy.
The child, suffering from medi­
cal problem s, was o r ig in a lly
brought to Providence Hospital
Tuesday afternoon, March 5th. The
child was brought to the hospital by
a fam ily friend who had been
babysitting while the mother was at
work. The child, identified as D av-
id Neuman, D O B 11-21-95, was
subsequently transferred to Legacy j
Emanuel Hospital where he died.
An autopsy today at the State |
Medical Exam iner’s Office deter­
mined that the infant died from a I
subdural hematoma and asphyxia.
H o m icid e D etective s Susan
H ill and John Rhodes are co n ­
tin u in g the in vestigatio n There I
have been no arrests in connec-|
tion with the case.
P age
Albina Community Bank’s First Loans
Aid Development In N/NE Portland
The new Albina Community Bank
is making good on its promise to spur
positive development in North and
Northeast Portland. Twoofthe bank’s
firs, loans are assisting small busi­
ness ventures that w ill provide rea­
sonably priced housing in that part o f
the city.
Charles and Edward Durham’s 18-
uni, row house development, slated
for N. M ississippi and M ichigan
Streets, received a boost from Albina
Bank with a loan that helped pur­
chase the property. The Durham’s
project plan incorporates a combina­
tion o f low- to moderate-income
housing with a central courtyard.
Construction is expected to begin
later this year, and they hope to have
the project completed towards sum­
mer 1997.
Helmeta and Roy Davy are using
their loan to buy a small investment
property to fix up and rent out Roy,
a m echanic at Tho m aso n, and
Helmeta, part o f the cleaning staff at
a local hospital, were able to refi­
nance an older property and extract
cash to purchase their new duplex.
Albina prides itself on offering such
flexible lending programs.
“The whole reason Albina Bank
exists is to help accelerate renewal
by providing opportunities for wealth
creation for residents o f N/NE Port­
land,” said Albina Community Bank
President Leon Smith. “ Whether en­
abling a couple to build a real estate
investment portfolio or aiding an in­
d ividual’s small business venture,
financing for community-enhancing
projects is exactly how we fulfill our
While Albina Community Bank
offers typical bank products, such as
checking and savings accounts, its
real bread-and-butter w ill come from
home and smal I business loans. Smith
Discount Bus Pass Extended
D iscou n t bus pass program be­
tween Portland State U n iv e rsity
and T ri-M et has proven su cce ss­
ful in attracting increased transit
users am ong P S U fa cu lty , sta ff
and students, and has been e x ­
tended through at least Ju ly I.
The program , launched in D e ­
cem ber 1994, was due to expire
M arch 3 1 ,1 9 9 6 . N egotiations are
underw ay between T ri-M e t and
P S U to extend the program be­
yond Ju ly I, said Sand y A rn o ld ,
m anager o f P S U ’s T ra n sp o rta ­
tion and P arkin g S e rv ic e s O f ­
S ta tistics from a N ovem ber
1995 T ri-M e t su rvey o f P S U stu­
dents and em ployees show that
w eekday transit use am ong P S U
students increased 19 percent,
o ver the p re vio u s year, w hile
transit use am ong P S U e m p lo y­
ees gained by 16 percent.
Use o f sin g le o ccu p an cy v e h i­
cle s to P S U em ployees decreased
12 percent.
S in g le -o ccu p a n cy ve h icle use
am ong students increased one
percent, but that was due to the
in cre a se d num ber o f p a rk in g
sp aces
cam pus
C tS H
fiaflpi.'fi66 5a Ü A 7657
haveopened up due to decreased
use am ong em ployees.
“ The program accomplished our
goal. We did not lose money on the
program, and we increased rider­
ship,” said Kathryn Coffel, Tri-M et’s
director o f marketing information.
“ It’s a good program and it w ill con­
tinue in some fashion, although we
don’t know exactly how at this time.
It’s undergoing internal review.”
“ I feel the program has been suc­
cessful, “ added Arnold. “ W e’ve
shown there’s been an increase in
transit travel among faculty, staff and
says the bank w ill rely heavily on
government loan programs, like
2O3(k) home loans and 7(a) small
business loans.
Albina Bank's mission is to assist
econom ic renewal in North and
Northeast Portland while ensuring
that low- and moderate-income resi­
dents and small businesses have an
ability to participate in the communi­
ty’s economic upturn
Currently operating ou, o f tempo­
rary facilities a, 1130 N E Alberta
Street, the bank w ill move to a per­
manent location at 2002 N E Martin
Luther K in g Jr. Blvd. this summer.
Advertise In
"Port lattò
S 288-0033
{ Loue}
Most banks have a
[ OVE - 1 IATI
relationship with their customers
Arrest Made In Hit
And Run To 8-Year Girl
A 19-year-old
Southeast Port­
land woman has
been arrested in
connection with
the hit-and-run o f
which occurred
on February 29th.
In that incident, the A ll Saints
School student was struck by a
vehicleatNE 39th Ave. AndGlisan
St. The suspect vehicle then fled
without stopping.
The girl received a broken arm
and numerous bruises in the co lli­
sion. She is still unable to return to
On Thursday, March 7th, O f­
ficer Denise Kuemper o f the Traf­
fic Investigations D ivision arrest­
ed Mandy Erin Abbott, D O B 06-
2 4 -7 6 ,
a, |
2116 S E 51st
Ave. Abbott |
was charged i
with Felon y)
D riving while
U n in s u r e d ,
and Initiating
a False Police Report. She was)
lodged at the Justice Center Jail.
Witnesses were able to provide a |
description o f the suspect vehicle [
and the driver.
The subsequent investigation by
Officer Kuemper located the sus­
pect vehicle, which had allegedly I
been falsely reported stolen. O ffic­
er Kuemper located Abbott and af-1
ter an interview, arrested her.
The 8-year-old girl is recovering
from her injuries at home.
Funds su b sid iz in g a food and
nutrition trainin g effort for wom­
en in reco very were received by
Im ani W om en's Support Project.
The grant o f $3,0 00 plus inkind
volunteer se rvice s was made by
the Ju n io r Leagu e o f Portland to
p ro v id e re p a irs and im p ro v e ­
ments to Im a n i’s kitchen and safe-
house 5037 N E 16th.
L y n d a G ebhardt o f the Ju n io r
L e a g u e presented a ch e ck to
Im ani E x e c u tiv e D ire cto r C a ro l
B rid g e s who accepted ‘on b eh alf
o f our clie n ts and their c h ild re n .’
Food preparation and nutritional
trainin g are offered by Im ani to
women in its
S iste r’ s Program , h elp in g drug
affected ex-o ffen ders.
Drug and alcohol abuse by wom­
en continue to be the single-most
damagingcontributorto the econom­
ic, family, medical and spiritual ill-
health o f Portland’s African-Am eri­
can community Bridges said.
Imani , which means “ faith” in
Swahili, was founded in 11990 to
provide culturally relevant and com­
munity-based support groups.
Loans for modest homes and small businesses.
So, instead o f being experts at coming
up with excuses, w e’re experts at coming up
with financing. Which means even folks
Then someday finally comes and they reject
our application flat.
Imani Center Receives Boost
A 5
This isn't how it was supposed to work
(Haven't they seen " It’s a Wonderful Life"?)
Unfortunately, it ’s how it often does work.
with as little as two or three percent down
won't fin d our noses turned ioo% up.
W hy is Alhina so different? First off, our
main shareholder is a community trust
dedicated to revitalizing North and North-
A n d it's the reason we createdAlhina
to revitalizing its balance sheet.)
A lbina’s offices are different, too. There’s
only one o f them, and it isti’t 40 stories tall.
So when you come in, chances arc w e’ll
remember you. liven our C E O , Leon
C. Smith, who, you might be surprised, will
be glad to meet with you in person.
So, to apply for a loan or open an account,
call us at 287-7J37. Or visit our office.
Com munity Bank.
Because, when it comes to banking
You see, at Alhina our mission is to help
relationships, we think they should be a lot
low- and middle-income families get loans.
N ot loans for office parks or oil pipelines.
east Portland. (Instead i f a corporation devoted
more like "It’s a Wonderful Life. "
A lb in a C o m m u n ity Bank
ii) O NE A lb e rts St.. P o rtlan d OR 97111 (5 0 )) 1^7-75)7
M em ber FD IC
A n d a lot less like "Fatal Attraction. "