I m B orii and O bserver • M arch 20, 1996 P age B5 latti» bseruer Dann uiiers créait Bonuses Bank of America has launched special incentive which provides customers with a rebate o f up to $500 just for opening a new home equity line o f credit. In addition, these same customers will also pay no loan fees and no appraisal costs for establishing their line of credit. Bank o f America, one o f the stat ’ s leading home equity lenders, will extend the offer to all customers who open an Equ i ty Maxim izer I ine o f credit through April 4th, 1996. This is a great time for consum­ ers who are interested in establish­ ing a line o f credit,” said Jim Barri, vice chairman o f Retai I Banking for Bank o f America Oregon. “C u s­ tomers not only benefit from the spe­ cial offer and the waiving o f fees associated with establishing a line o f credit, but also from the many tax advantag­ es available for home equity loans that are just not available on other types o f credit.” A line o f cred it can be estab­ lished for any purpose, in clu d in g paym ent o f 1995 taxes, co lle g e paym ents, home im provem ents, purchases o f a new autom obile, and co n so lid a tio n o f credit card balances w hich m ay have risen d urin g the h o lid ays. The rebate is given in the form o f a I percent bonus on the average daily balance on the line o f credit during the first six months o f the account. The bonus amount earned during the six months w ill be prin­ ciple reduction from the custom­ er’s line o f credit on the month seven statement. B ank o f A m e ric a ’s in n o v a ­ tive E q u ity M a xim ize r p ro vid e s consum ers with a re v o lv in g line o fcre d it with an adjustable rate. In addition, E q u ity M a x im ize r custom ers can “ f ix - o f f ’ up to two fixe d rate loans each year against their line o fc r e d it. To take advantage o f the offer, visit your nearest Bank o f America branch or call l-800-Th e-B o f A. To Reduce Lead At The Tap Running your water for a few min­ utes first thing in the morning or after your tap has not been used for several hours is a proven method the reduce the potential for elevated lead and copper levels in drinking, and mak­ ing baby formula. Most important, use only lead-free solder to make plumbing repairs. Lead cannot be detected in local water supplies, although it may oc­ cur in standing water samples from some taps. Plumbing components may, by law, contain up to 8 percent lead and be labeled lead-free. When water stands in plumbing systems for long periods o f time, it may leach some lead from the plumbing. Federal and state drinking water regulations strive to reduce lead at the water tap. Environmental Protec­ tion Agency regulations require that water providers inform the public o f possible lead hazards. The E P A re­ quires water systems to send the at­ tached public service announcement to radio and television stations. L o ­ cal area water providers have also developed brochures tailored to lo­ cal lead and drinking water issues. These are available to customers on request. Local water providers share the concerns o f state and federal regula­ tory agencies on the health risks of lead exposure. I f customers have a concern about lead or copper levels in their drinking water, they should contact their local water provider. The most costly deluge ever to strike the American heartland is covered on “Flood!", airing on NOVA on Tuesday, March 26, 1996 at 8pm ET on PBS (check local listings). Maintenance Free Post & Rail Fencing chip, peel, warp, crack or fade The best benefit o f all? No painting - ever! B uffte ch’s classic lo okin g post and rail fence is strong, durable and offers fle x ib ility fo r aesthetics and livestock applications. A wide variety o f choices are available in ra il type, ra il size, and color. W hile, tan and grey are available. This type o f product has significant ad­ vantages over traditional wood fencing The long lasting beauty and m ainte­ nance free features make vin yl fencing the ideal fence for home and ranch ow n­ ers. Bufftech v in y l fence systems w ill safely surround your property. Bufftech is known for having the highest quality materials and machines to ensure the best PVC fence in the industry. Coupled w ith the best warranty in the industry Bufftech is tru ly the smart choice - an investment fo r a lifetim e. Contact you r local fence dealer to le arn m ore. You can c a ll o r w rite B u ffte ch D ire c tly at: B u ffte c h , Inc. 2525 W alden Avenue, B u ffa lo , N Y 14225. 716 685 1600. - '• Advertise For Diversity Advertise In