•> kW » ■ÄSE* P age B 4 M arch A L T E R N A T IV E S “Deabing ‘With ‘D eath, S o Probbcm” b \ M akgaret J. I saacs ______ and steadfast and humble, aware that I will often stumble. Yet, the wind still blows and the green grass deign to appear, yet glimpses of still grows, and wrinkled faces still glories and strong hearts and tears smile for a little while. When this show through the veil o f former long, long road comes to an end, as I years I yeam for truth and love and end it must; for life is but a twin­ joy and peace, and quietness and kling o f an eye; we breathe, we live, | worth and absence o f fear we die; I will never regret the years The gulfs I have crossed alone, gone by, nor will I cling to life, nor opportunities won and lost, deci­ sigh for years more to travel, as my sions made, good and bad, through long, long days unravel. I will al- I sad and glad years Cruel fates I way s cherish the memories God has have faced draw ing from an extend­ given, for I fined myself looking ed family store o f wisdom and god­ behind more than before; but still I ly grace. I cannot say that I have yeam for rest, for peace and for lived well without fault, nor can I heaven’s shore. I will gladly go credit success to wisdom or fate: I forth when the angel visits, anxious will gladly yield to life's swan song: to begin a better way I smile as I passing the torch along to those w ho dream o f that bright new day; I lift 1 have just begun to travel, as my days my feet high, marching as I travel I unravel. Yes, I am here; blessed or and my long, long days unravel. not here I will be, for I have no Goodby, I say to myself, this old 1 better place yet to go, to be, to see body must go. Changed I will be I My children grace my life, and one and soon; avidly listening, looking o f my parents remain for a little heavenward, I can almost see and while, giving me duty and love and hear the veil lifting between God a reason to be wise Yes, it is a long, and me; as I listen for the clarion long road I have traveled, up and call ofdeath's wings beating the air; down, and sometimes detouring for goodby, self, I do not know when, some undetermined Prize. I must go but I do know where. And I am on, I have no choice, but to be strong almost there. It is a long, long road that I Have I traveled, and longer still before I Çjrace Covenant Jebbowship Grace Covenant Fellowship is the newest ministry' o f Faith Tabernacle Council o f Churches (FTCC) found­ ed by Bishop L.W. Osborne, Sr. which has over 8,000 members in Oregon, California, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Texas, and Southern Af­ rica. Bishop Grace C. Osborne, CEO o f FTCt and one o f the few women bishops in the Apostolic faith ts the pastor o f grace Covenant Fellowship which presently holds its Sunday ser­ vices at Holiday Inn on Grand and Hassalo (1021 N F Grand, 6th Floor, Ballroom 4) ‘Pastor Grace" as she is affection­ ately called, was recently honored with the Spiritual Community Lead­ er Award at the “ Keep Living the Dream" Martin Luther King celebra­ tion She has been involved in the community for over 20 years; her past and present involvement in­ cludes serving as President Emeritus o f Oregon State M inister’s Wives and M inister’s Widows; treasurer of One Church, One Child; member of CSD Adoption Committee; instruc­ tor at North Portland Bible College; I st vice-president o f Albina Ministe­ rial Alliance and board member for sev eral org an izatio n s including PREP Portland Release time Educa­ tion Program), Black United Fund, and S.O.S. Drummers and Dream­ ers. G od's covenant with his children through Abraham and the dispensa­ tion o f grace is the focal point o f this ministry and thus, the name Grace Covenant Fellowship. GraceCovenant Fellowship boasts the talent o f local musician Danny Osborne and record-producer Ricky Callier o f Multi Music Studios. A Musical with a Difference! A combination o f spoken work and song will be presented at the The Ahmadiyya a Muslim Commu Commn. nity in Portland is setting aside the 30th o f this month to celebrate the life and teachings o f Jesus Christ. The celebration is scheduled at the Lutheran Community Center on NE Martin Luther King Blvd & Skidmore St. at 2:00 p.m. Mr Azhar Hanif, a Chicago-based Muslim missionary, w i 11 be the keynote speaker. The event Li: - general __ public will provide an opportunity for non- Muslims to understand how Islam glorifies, and reveres Jesus. H is teach­ ings on racial harmony, forgiveness and love for all are moral remedy for our community It is a religious obli­ gation for all Muslims to have faith in Jesus, members o f the Muslim com­ munity will be available to answer which ¡C open (inpn »rt which is to »kxt the ‘Theodore T heodore (T ed d y ) R oosevelt Rogers was the eldest o f two sons bom to Rev. Roosevelt and Millie E. Rogers. He was bom on O ctober 26, 1928 in Laurel, Mississippi. The fam­ ily lived in Laurel, Memphis, Ten­ nessee, Little Rock Arkansas, and St. Louis, Missouri, prior to moving permanently to Portland, Oregon in the early 1940s. Teddy graduated from Shumway High school in Vancouver, W ash­ ington in 1945... Teddy also attended Portland com m unity college. He served in the United States Army for two years. Teddy was a dedicated family man. He had 8 children; Kenneth Rogers Adair, Donny Rogers Adair, Gail R obertson, G erald R ogers, Joe Wayne Rogers, Charlotte Moore, fic/'/jcr fc ^fiecrsy/y r icr/o/r The celebration o f the IS f t t h a an­ n. The 150th niversary o f the Archdiocese o f Portland will include a concert for youth and young adults featuring C h ristian rock m usician Tom Franzak. The concert will be held at the University o f Portland Chiles Center on Saturday, April 13, from 3 :00 p.m. to 5 :000 p.m. The concert is being sponsored by Oregon Cath­ olic Press, the University o f Port­ land and the Archdiocese o f Port is/< about our “ B ring . 1 h r ie n d ' p o licy Johnny Moore and Jahad Moore. Those children gave him 24 loving grandchildren and grandchildren, Teddy leaves behind his long time companion Lorean Davis and her loving children; his cousin Thomas Eugene Miller and his sons; Mildred Wims; the Presley Family; William Anfield; Bessie Anfield and their children. He is also survived by his aunts Priscilla Ackerson and Ann Meadows; and many cousins, all o f Southern California. Teddy will also be mourned by a host o f friends and acquaintances. Teddy was called to rest on Sunday evening March 3, 1996. He was pre­ ceded in his death by his beloved parents, his brother William, and his dear aunt Rebecca Miller Teddy held numerous jobs, includ- la n d Sesquicentennial __ : . i _____ land committee. There is no charge for the concert. The concert will be performed by rfie popular Christian rock musician Tom Franzak. Tom, formerly a secu­ lar rock musician, bringshisown blend o f music, ministry, and humor to teens and young adults, he was trained as a Youth Minister in the Archdiocese o f Los Angeles, and has worked-m y outh and young adult ministry at the parish level. He has given concerts at several P a s to r L e o n E m e rs o n o f N o w F a ith C h r is tia n C e n te r in D e n v e r, C o lo r a d o w ill be th e g u e s t s p e a k e r a t th e th r e e - d a y re v iv a l o n M a rc h 2 2 -2 4 , 1996 at 7 :3 0 P M th a t w ill be h o s te d by G ra c e C o v e n a n t F e llo w s h ip C h u r c h . 1021 N E G ra n d , 6 th F lo o r, B a llr o o m 4. E m e rs o n , fo rm e r f ir e f ig h te r , is a fu ll- tim e m in is te r w h o se a b ility to r e a c h y o u n g p e o p le h a s re s u lte d in f re q u e n t r e ­ q u e s ts to s p e a k /p r e a c h fro m a ll a c ro s s th e U n ite d S ta te s . U n lik e m o st m in is te r s , E m e r s o n ’s w ife a ls o s h a r e s th e title a n d d u tie s o f p a s to r s h ip . CL lit' I O A D V E R T IS E W i l l i n Vt la 11 ì> ( D |i Ç, r vit r v A I 288-U O 33 ing letter carrier for the U S Postal Service and M etals W orker for Reynolds aluminum in Troutdale, O r­ egon, and was a small businessman. Teddy retired in 1980 due to ill­ ness. However, he remained active and over the lat few years dedicated him self to volunteer work support­ ing the needs o f senior citizens. He regularly served meals and provided jazz music and poetry’ to the patrons o f the Urban League N.E. Multicul­ tural Senior Center. Teddy served as a member o f the Advisory Board for Multnomah county Aging Services Division Teddy was a religious person, baptized very early in life. He fol­ lowed the spiritual guidance o f his father who served as an Assistant Pastor at Vancouver Ave. Baptist church for many years. Teddy used his god given talents by singing in many church choirs, including Bethel A.M E. and Van­ couver Ave. 1st Baptist Church. Teddy was always full o f fun, kind­ ness and a zest for life. He was an avid Bridge player. He entertained his family and friends with his music, poetry and stories. He made every­ one he came in contact with feel as if they were his best friend. He respect­ ed the differences o f others and h o n -, ored the diversity life brought. Our family would like to thank everyone who cared for Teddy dur- • ing his last illness. We especially appreciate the loving and tender care extended to him by his son Donny, daughter in law Linda Faye, and grandsons Donnell and Kenny. national youth ministry conferences. He is a regular performer at the annu­ al Los Angeles Religious Education Congress, and appeared at the 1987 Papal youth rally in New Orleans, as well as at the 1993 World Youth Day events in Denver. Tom will be ac­ companied by Peter Ramono. elec­ tric guitar, and By Larry Treadwell, acoustic guitar The concert provides an opportu- n ity for the young adults and youth of the Archdiocese to participate in the celebration ofthe Sesquicenten nial celebration. The Archdiocese of Portland was founded as the Arch­ diocese o f Oregon City on July 24, 1846. The name was changed in ISeptember, 1928 to the Archdio­ cese o f Portland in Oregon to reflect the change o f the location o f the Cathedral. The Archdiocese o f Port­ land is the second oldest Catholic archdiocese in the United States. J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. SI. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR J Çrace Covenant ‘Jebbowship 10 2 1 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 CHOICES Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law Landlord / Tenant Small Business Law Product Liability Criminal Defense Collections Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 for your free initial consultation. 'Where the Best is Yet to B e!” BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR Cox Funeral Home Inc. livet Baptist Church (503)281-4891 Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles A .A . C O X , SR. Mortician & Funeral Director CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Í ALL Ghulam Ahmad, ofQadian,India. The movement is now establ ished in more that 140 countries o f the world. The event is free Reservation at 245-9041 or246-0813 will be highly appreciated but not required. Saturday, March 30, 1996; 2.00 p.m. at Lutheran Community Center, 4219 NE MLK Jr Blvd, Portland, Oregon 9 7 2 11. tRposeveCt boogers Pastor Leon ‘Emerson O f Denver do Preach ‘J evivab 5808 N. Interstate Avenue Portland, OR 97217 (503) 289-1132 l ull S e t...................... $22 <£ up I ills............................ .$ I 2 \ up K cg iilar I h iire u ts..S 6 K eh ix ers....................$20 to answer any questions Free litera­ ture on this and many related sub­ jects will be available. Dinner will be served. The Ahmadiyya Movement in Is­ lam is an embodiment o f peace and real Islam. It seeks to unite mankind with its creator to establish religious harmony through out the world. It was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mizra Archdiocese Ceheßration bhbobds yo u th Concert Annual Musical c/f/tcsse T he P ortland O bserver M uslims do Cehchrate a Pau fo r Jesus North Portland Bible College March 23, 1996, at 7p.m. at North Baptist Church 7412 N. Mississippi Ave. 20, 1996 • Radio Ministry: JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 A M on K B M S Rev. James E. Martin, Ph.D. Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can be made easier if you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 t