. • -• • • J r K ’ >Jt>. ■• *»>.if** ’ H * C .J* -i I I V J c V U ■ V B B * I r T he P ortland O bserver « M arc h 20, 1996 P a g e B3 ^/rù ®l|e ^Iortlanb (©bsertier ErìTERTAIUMEUT Willamette Star Cruises Into Portland T he W illam ette Star, a $ 1 m illion, 75-foot yacht ow ned and operated by the Portland Spirit, has arrived in Portland to provide p rivate tours and luxurious dining The 149 passenger yacht is moored at the R iverplace M arina and is sched- uled for its m aiden cruise M arch 20. The Wi I lamette Star was created to provide private groups a luxurious din­ ing experience while cruising Port­ land’s scenic waterways. It is the sec­ ond ship in the Portland Spirit fleet. “ Every detail o f the W illam ette Star w as designed to m eet the needs o f the tourists and corporate clients w ho w ant the same m em orable pri­ vate river cruise experience th ey ’ve enjoyed on the Portland Spirit, but m ore intim ate scale,” said Dan Yates, P ortland Spirit president. T he custom built ship is equipped w ith tw o te m p e ra tu re co n tro lled decks, a com plete galley, a full ser­ vice bar, tw o outdoor view ing decks, elegant interior decor and a sophisti­ cated sound system. For reservations and inform ation call 224-3900. Daryl “ Chill” Mitchell Joins 77 Comedy Veterans “ SOT. Bilko Sgt. Ernie Bilko (Steve Martin, right) speaks with two o f his loyal troop members, Pfc. Wally Holbrook (Daryl Mitchell, left) and Pvt. Duane Doberman (Eric Edwards, center). The W/7/ametfe Star is the latest yacht to arrive in Portland to provide tours and luxurious dining. Pointer Sisters Coming To Portland T h e P o in te r s S is te rs s ta r in an a ll-n e w p r o d u c tio n o f th e a w a rd ­ w in n in g B ro a d w a y h it m u sica l A i n ’t M i s b e h a v i n ’ c o rn in g to P o r t l a n d ’s C iv ic A u d ito r iu m , A p ril 10-14 fo r e ig h t p e rfo rm a n c ­ es. T ic k e t p r ic e s r a n g e fro m $25 to $ 4 0 an d a re on sa le at all G .I. J o e T ic k e tM a s te r o u tle ts , th e P o rtla n d C e n te r fo r T h e P e rfo rm ­ ing A rts b o x o f fic e , 1111 S .W . B ro a d w a y . T ic k e ts c a n a lso be c h a rg e d by p h o n e at ( 5 0 3 ) 7 9 0 - A RTS. C o n c e iv e d by M u rra y H o ro w itz an d R ic h a rd M a ltb y Jr. an d d ir e c te d by A r th u r F a ria , A in ’t M is b e h a v in ’ is p a c k e d w ith 3 0 o f th e m o s t u n f o r g e tta b le so n g s w ritte n o r m a d e fa m o u s by th e le g e n d a ry F a ts W a lle r. T h e P o in te r S is te rs h a v e had an e x tra o rd in a r y r e c o rd in g c a ­ re e r, s p a n n in g tw o d e c a d e s an d ra n g in g in s ty le s from G o s p e l, rh y th m a n d b lu e s , j a z z , s o u l, c o u n try , d a n c e an d ro ck n ’ ro ll. A lo n g w ith L o u is A rm s tro n g , F ats W a lle r w as o n e o f th e first a u th e n tic b la c k s u p e rs ta rs in th e w h ite w o rld . H e c o m p o se d so m e o f th e b r ig h te s t h its o f th e d ay an d w as a lw a y s in d e m a n d as a p e rfo rm e r. Daryl M itchell, fam iliar to TV audiences as D exter on T he John L arroquette Show, jo in s veteran fu n n y m e n S te v e M a rtin , D an A ykroyd and Phil Hartman in the m otion picture com edy Sgt Bilko, scheduled for release March 29 from U niversal Pictures. M itchell plays W ally, a “by-the- books” new recruit, who jo in s Sgt. B ilko’s( Martin) military motor pool and soon learns he is the only one C À rc ts s e o o f y\]e.vvs & Video Production Services & & Storyboards & Script Writing & Video Writing & & Editing < & Producing & The Pointer Sisters will be in Portland in April to star in a new production of the Broadway hit musical Ain't Misbehavin'. Educational • Informational • Marketing Entertainment • Business Communication 287-9074 P.O. Box 12259, Portland, OR 97212 Communications Since 1979 Alternative Rock Bank T akes Gospel By Storm N ashville, Tenn. -- In an indus­ try know n for its pop artists i.e. Amy G rant and M ichael W. Smith, an alternative rock band, Jars O f Clay, has becom e the fastest-sell­ ing debut artist in the history o f the gospel m usic industry. T he band is a special guest with the M ichael W. Sm ith tour w hich stops in P ort­ land, O regon, at the Rose G arden, Saturday, M arch 23. With a style likened to Toad The W et Sprocket, Jars o f Clay has re­ mained in the top five o f the Sound Scan sales charts since the release o f their self-titled debut in May o f last year. Currently, the group’s song “ Flood” is num ber 40 on the m odem rock charts nationwide, according to Radio and Records. In 1994, the G ospel M usic A s­ sociation Spotlight aw ard w as giv­ en to Jars o f Clay after they co m ­ peted in a talent search w here over 200 acts vied for the distinction o f being the best unsigned band on the scene. w ho can actually fix a car B ilko is a born gam bler, who m akes a career out o f taking his fellow soldiers to the cleaners. Before he realizes it, W ally is sw ept into B ilko’s unfor­ gettable, wild and wacky world. Among M itchelI’s television cred­ its are a co-starring role on N B C ’s I lere and Now with Malcolm Jamaal Warner, as wel I as guest-starring roles on The Cosby Show, Law & Order and The Fresh Prince o f Bel-Air. America’s favorite sister act goes Broadway and... It AIN’T to be » missed! DAILY NEWS The Cuban National Folkloric Dance Ensemble from Havana will perform at 8 p.m. Friday, March 29, at the Schnitzer Concert Hall, the final date of a two-month cultural exchange. Tickets are available at Ticketmaster outlets. Advertise In (T h e ^ . ì u r t h u t h Of) U s e r H e r ( a ll 5(13-288-0(133 Original‘W orlf o f A rt •Watercolors • Tottery • Acrylics flo ra ls • Tapestries dr Linens Cards dr T o o ls • ‘W onderfulScents • ‘J lome ‘Decor Im ported dr (Handmade Q ifts sothias • place 521 S “W l i t A Suite 102 •Portland, Oregon 97205 (503)223-9794 Sun. 12-4 9don-Thurs. 11-5:30 ‘f r i. 10-3:30 C ascade P izza & D eli 634 I N. Killingsworth (Across from P.C.C.) 285-5253 The Fats Waller Broa^w« Musical moro GENUINE ITALIAN FOOD CATERING & FAMILY RESTAURANT THE 95/96 B roadw ay BANK ------ c Excellent Service * Community Builder 1 ■» 25% Discount Minimum Order $ 10.00 Good through 3/31 /96 Stop By & Pick A Menu! S e r ie s m ssrowE * Reasonable Prices * » ah M arcus j I I I I I APRIL 10 14, CIVIC AUDITORIUM with special T hursday matinee v, T tC K .1 C harge by phone 790 ARTS GROUP DISCOUNTS 299-4095 "Young Adult Special" 50% discount with student I D. Thurs. matinee, select seats only Signed performance 4/10; deadline for reserved signed seats 4/3. agii ------ mrs/ tu S Z ? A*A