Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 1996, Image 9

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Volume X X V I, Number 11
Committed to cultural diversity.
(Ebe ^ o rtla n h © bsew er
o m m u n ity
a I c n h a r
March 13, 1996
Contaminated Fish Swim Slough Waters
Adventure Film
Warning signs point to
the dangers of pollution
on the Columbia Slough
in north and northeast
Visit Lima, Peru, the city o f Kings,
float down the meandering Amazon Riv
er and view Iquitos’ colorful flora and
fauna when a travel and adventure film on
Peru is presented Thursday, March 28 at
the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. For
information call 241-2575.
Jazz Cruise
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Tickets for “ A taste o f Jazz” are now
on sale at Ticketmaster outlets. The sec­
ond annual jazz event w ill cruise the
Willamette River Sunday, May 19 with
some 40 jazz musicians performing on
three decks o f the sternwheeler Columbia
Gorge. The event supports the Mt. Hood
Festival o f Jazz Beacock Jazz Workshop
scholarship fund.
Lessons For
Young Actors
A five day series o f acting lessons for
children in grades 2-8 is offered by the
Portland Actors Conservatory during
spring break. March 18-22. The sessions
emphasize acting techniques, character
development and the professional rehears­
al process in a fun and enriching format.
The cost is $175. To register call 274-
Music Classes
The Portland Parks and Recreation
M LC Community School is offering mu­
sic instrument classes for spring term to
include guitar, clarinet, saxophone, re­
corder and flute. A ll classes are taught as
individualized half-hour lessons in a small
group format. Call 280-5742 for informa­
tion and registration.
Club Luau
The University o f Portland Hawaiian
Club is holding its 20th annual Luau
March 30 at the Chiles Center. Doors
open at 4 p.m., dinner follows at 5:30 p.m.
and the show starts at 7 p.m. Tickets are
available at the University information
campaign is underway to stop
area residents from eating
fish from the waters of the
Columbia Slough.
health effects.
Health o ffic ia ls recomm end that peo­
ple avoid eating fish from the slough
For people w ho ignore the w arnings
and s till choose to eat fish from the
slough, they are urged to take safety
precautions by eating fish less often and
in sm aller p ortions.
The problem is that the fish caught
in the w aterway alo ng the edges o f
north and northeast P ortland have
been found to contain h a rm fu l chem ­
icals that may cause cancer and other
Portland Teachers File Unfair Labor Practice
ast year, 1 ,500 Portland teach­
ers were assaulted or threat­
ened, verbally or physically, in
Portland schools. Teachers have
poisoned, shot at, kicked and bitten.
Within the past two weeks a semi­
automatic weapon was discovered in
the possession of a student who had
threatened to kill a teacher at Grant
High School.
A Portland School Site Council survey
showed that last year 42 percent o f Portland
teachers were threatened verbally or physi­
cally. or felt threatened. That is a 12 percent
increase over a sim ilar survey conducted five
years ago, and a 32 percent increase over a
15-year-old survey.
"W e are deeply concerned for the safety o f
our students and our school district employ­
ees,” says James Sager, President o f the
Portland Association o f Teachers (PAT).
"W e don t want to see Portland go the way o f
other urban school districts in the nation. We
need to take steps to stop the violence now.”
Metro Crisis Line is recruiting volun­
teers to staff its 24-hour telephone crisis
intervention and information referral hot
line. The agency needs volunteers for
day, evening, overnight and weekend
shifts. Call Claudia Moorad at 226-3099
for more information
Tri-Met gives area
residents an inside
look at one of the
West Side Max
light-rail tunnels
under construction
in the West Hills.
Neighbors visited
what will eventually
be the Washington
Park station, the
deepest transit
station in North
America at 260
Rhino Bowling
For Prizes
Beaverton’s Sunset Lanes w ill host
Bowling for Rhinos, a national fundraising
event on March 30 to help save the world s
shrinking rhinoceros population. Local
bowlers are encouraged to make a strike
for conservation and win great prizes,
including a trip to Africa. Call 226-1561,
extension 255, to register or for more
An authentic St. Patrick’s Day festival
takes place all weekend downtown at
Kells Irish Restaurant and Pub, 112 S. W.
Second Ave. As part o f the fun, a Celtic
Street Faire offers a chance for families to
experience authentic Irish crafts, dancers
and even a genealogist.
Calendar information will be given
priority if dated two weeks
before the event date.
Sager said work place safety is an issue
that teachers want to address in their current
negotiations with the Portland School Dis­
trict, but the district has refused to bargain it.
“ I he district has refused to bargain over
this important issue, as well as over other
issues, that we feel are clearly working con­
ditions and therefore mandatory subjects o f
bargaining under Oregon law,” said Sager.
On March 5, the teachers union, Portland
Association o f Teachers (PAT), filed an
U nfair Labor Practice charge against the
Portland School District for refusing to bar­
gain over these issues. The charge was filed
with the Oregon Employment Relations Board
in Salem."Because we are at impasse in our
bargaining process and only a month away
from a potential teachers strike, we are seeking
an expedited hearing on this charge from the
Employment Relations Board,"said Sager.
The hearing could take place as early as
March 15, 1996, where a number o f Portland
Teachers w ill testify about being assaulted or
Gaines Named Bank Executive
Crisis Volunteers
Pub Hosts
Irish Festival
Fish should be fille t, c u ttin g away
fa tty parts and d isca rd in g the skin and
interna l organs. These parts may con­
tain much higher levels o f contam inants,
o ffic ia ls said.
Surveys have found that fis h in g is
com m on on the slough and that many
people consume th e ir catch.
The studies also show that 15.5 per-
cent o f the fis h in g on the slough is by
A fric a n A m e rican s, 20 percen t by
Caucasians o f eastern European de­
cent. 55 percent by other Caucasians,
4 percent by Asians and 4.5 percent by
the H ispanic pop ulatio n .
For over 100 years, human a c tiv i­
ties have degraded the q u a lity o f the
waters and sediments o f the C olu m b ia
Sewage and in d u stria l discharges
and r u n o ff from roads, ind ustrie s and
a g ric u ltu ra l areas have in tro d u c e d
chem icals that can harm the e n v iro n ­
ment and pose human health risks.
Recent studies indicate that these
chem icals have accum ulated in sedi­
ments at unhealthy levels and in fish
tissues that pose long-term cancer risks
in humans.
The c ity o f P ortland is co n d u c tin g a
study to determ ine the extent o f con­
ta m in atio n.
The results w ill be used to help
c o n tro l the sources responsible fo r the
problem and clean up areas where the
levels o f co nta m in atio n threaten hu­
man or enviro n m e nta l health.
Phyliss Gaines o f northeast Portland has
been promoted to the position o f Assistant
Vice President at Key Bank.
Gaines, who has 15 years experience in the
financial services industry, has served as a
consumer loan officer at Key Bank.
She graduated with a bachelor’s degree
from Xavier University in New Orleans, La.
Her re s p o n s ib ilitie s at Key Bank have
included the developm ent and m arket­
ing o f new and e x is tin g bank products to
low -and m oderate-incom e residents and
housing re h a b ilita tio n loans. Gaines is a
member o f the Oregon Bankers A s s o c i­
KeyCorp, headquartered in Cleveland,
Ohio is one o f the nation’s largest bank
holding companies, with $66.3 b illion in
assets at Dec. 31,1995. The financial servic­
es company has more that 1,400 branch and
affiliate offices in 26 states from Maine to
Phyliss Gaines
Oregon Beaches Jeopardized By Flood Debris
iles of debris are expected to
Oregon has been phenomenal and now beach
arrive on Oregon's shore follow­
cleanup coordinators are asking for more
ing flooding of costal and Inland
help to make sure that Oregon’ s beaches are
waterways this month. Coordinators left
clean for visitors and w ildlife.
planning for what may be one of the
Lt. M ike Stone o f the U.S. Coast Guard
largest beach cleanups ever when this
said "W oody debris is already beginning to
spring's Great Oregon Beach Cleanup
pile up on the beaches and our fly-overs and
takes place on Saturday, March 30,
boat patrols are showing a zone o f debris o ff­
beginning at 10 a.m.
shore " The Coast Guard is tracking trends in
“ 5,000 - 6,000 volunteers traditionally
participate in Oregon’s twice annual beach
cleanups. We w ill need every one o f them
and more, “ said SOLV Executive Director
Jack McGowan.
The volunteer response to the flood in
currents to help determine where the heaviest
debris accumu lation is occurring and expects
landfall o f much o f it within the next two
Because ofthe enormous amount o f debris
expected to wash in on the tides, this w ill be
a cleanup to remember. It’ s important for all
volunteers to wear sturdy clothes, shoes and
gloves. State parks w ill open more beach
access points for 4-wheel drive vehicles to
carry o ff the large pieces so that volunteers
won’t attempt to pick them up. “ This may be
the biggest collection day in beach cleanup
history, “ commented Linda Lopez, Volun­
teer and Special Events Coordinator for O r­
egon Parks & Recreation Department. State
parks and Oregon Department o f Fish and
W ildlife, co-coordinators o f the event, w ill
also be checking beaches for deposits o f
Members ofthe Oregon Refuse and Recy-
cling Association w ill be hauling collected
debris to landfills and recycling stationsalong
the coast They are prepared for appliances,
tires and other materials that are expected to
arrive on the beaches.
Volunteers should call SOLV at (503)
844-9571 in the Portland area or leave names
and addresses at 1-800-322-3326.
A brochure w ill complete details w ill be
Sponsor o f the Great O regon S pring
Beach Cleanup are Jantzen, S h ilo Inns,
T e k tro n ix , G e o rg ia -P a c ific C o rp ., F irst
Interstate Bank o f Oregon and Clean
R ivers C o-op