Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 1996, Page 7, Image 7

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I hi P ortland O bserver • M arch 13, 1996
P agi A 7
P o lic e N ew s
1-5 Bandit Arrested
Portland Police Officers have
arrested a Vancouver, Washington
man in connection with 25 armed
robberies in the Willamette Valley
during the last two months.
Steven Craig C o x, DOB 11-14-
53, was arrested by East Precinct
officers during a traffic stop short­
ly after the armed robbery o f Papa
M u rp h y’ s Pizza at 11635 NE
Halsey St. on the evening o f0 2 -
02-96. cox’s wife was also arrested
at that time.
Followinghisarrcst, officers de­
termined that Cox matched the de­
scription in several local robber-
Subsequent investigation led to
Cox being charged with four counts
o f First Degree Robbery in connec­
tion with Portland Business robber-
Detectives believe that Cox is re­
sponsible for 21 other commercial
ro b b e rie s in Eugene, Salem ,
N ew berg, T ig a rd , Vancouver,
Wash. andClackamasCounty. The
robberies occurred to fast food
stores and small businesses.
A Iso was E lien Louise Cox, DOB
04-25-59. She was charged with
Possession o f Heroin. Detectives
believe that the string o f robberies
were done for money to buy drugs.
Mr. Cox allegedly worked for many
years at a Portland area business
but lost his jo b in January.
Anyone with information should
contact the Robbery Detail at 823-
State Receives Federal Aid To
Hire Flood Impacted Workers
Oregon residents who lost their
source o f income because o f the
February flood can seek temporary
employment in disaster recovery op­
eration a under a $4 m i 11 ion grant to
the state from the U.S. Department
o f Labor. The funds w ill be used to
create about 500 temporary posi­
tions in the clean up efforts.
The jobs w ill pay wages compa­
rable to the local private sector for
the same work. The work performed
w ill be with public or private non­
profit agencies. It w ill relate to disas­
ter recovery operations such as ctear­
ing debris and helping others apply
for assistance.
"P rim a rily the funds w ill be
used fo r w orkers w h o ’ ve been
displaced d ire c tly by the flo o d ­
ing, m igrant and seasonal farm
w orkers and other w ho are out o f
w o rk Because o f the fu n d in g
we may also serve some lo n g ­
term unem ployed people in the
c o m m u n itie s th a t have been
dam aged,” said Jacki Bessler-
Perasso o f the O re g o n Job
T ra in in g Partnership A c t A d ­
m in is tra tio n .
For more information call I -800-
282-6514 or contact a local Job
Training office
Check For Light Rail Construction
Subject Wanted In Eight Jurisdictions
The Washington County Sher-
if f s Office, in cooperation with
I Crime Stoppers, is asking for your
5’ 10", 230 pounds, with curly gray
hair and hazel eyes. Alias names he
has used include Thomas Myron
Dunkin, B ill Forrester, and Steven
York. His last known address was
on SW Eastman Parkway, in Gre­
sham, but he is no longer living
Crime Stoppers is offeringa cash
reward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa­
tion, reported to Crime Stoppers,
that leads to an arrest in this case, or
any unsolved felony crime, and you
can remain anonymous. Call Crime
Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP.
help in locating and apprehending
Ralph Charles M offitt.
In addition to the Washington
County Sheriff’s Office, at least
seven other jurisdictions, including
Bandon, Cannon Beach, Newport,
Ashland, Eugene, Corvallis, and Sa­
lem. have warrants for M o ffitt’s
arrest on numerous counts o f Bur-
| glary, Forgery, and Theft.
Ralph Charles M o ffitt is a 53-
I year-old white male (DOB 092342),
Moffitt, Ralph Charles
Officer Involved Shooting, Investigated
A suspect in a drive-by shooting
was fatally wounded by Portland
Police after he pointed a gun at
officers during a traffic stop.
Officers initia lly responded to
the report o f a drive-by shooting in
the 5800 block o f N Michigan A v ­
enue about 12:40 am Wednesday
morning. In that incident, 21-year-
old Robert L. Smith was shot in the
leg as he rode his bicycle on N
Michigan Avenue. ¡Smith told o f­
ficers that the shots had come from
a white Chevrolet Monte Carlo.
Investigating officers found sever­
al .45 caliber casings in the area.
The suspect vehicle description
was broadcast and about 1:30 am
Portland Firefighters observed the
vehicle at a convenience store near
|N ¡Interstate Avenue and Going
Street. Police officers responded to
the area and stopped the suspect ve­
hicle, a white Chevrolet Montz Car­
lo, on N Shaver Street, just west o f N
Interstate Avenue.
As O fficers Terry Kruger and
¡Michael Lee got out o f their car, a
passenger quickly exited the vehicle.
The man turned and pointed a gun at
the officers. At that time O fficer
Kruger fired one shot at the suspect.
The suspect then fled southbound
into the block. The officers remained
with the vehicle as there were still
tow men, a woman and a child in the
car. The officers set up a perimeter
and began a search with a police dog.
The suspect was subsequently dis­
covered in the back yard ofa house in
the 3900 block o f |N Massachusetts
Avenue. When officers called to the
suspect they received no response,
so the Special Emergency Reaction
Team was called to the scene.
The S.E.R.T. Officers P.F.B. Fire
Medics approached the suspect and
found that he was dead.
Portland Police Detectives are
conductingan investigation intothe
incident. When complete, the re-
sultsw ill begiventothe Multnomah
County District Attorney's O f­
fice. As in standard in these inci­
dents, the officers w ill be placed on
paid administrative leave during the
T he identity o? the deceased w ill
be released after the Medical Ex­
aminer’s O ffice has notified rela­
O fficer Terry Kruger, 30 has eight
years o f service with the Bureau.
O fficer Michael Lee, 37, has seven
years o f service with the Bureau.
Nine Arrested In Prostitution Mission
Southeast Precinct officers con­
ducted an anti-prostitution mission
on Wednesday afternoon resulting
in the arrest o f five men and four
women fo r prostitution related
crimes. A ll were given exclusions
under the Prostitution Free Zone
The mission focused on activity
along NE Sandy Blvd. and NE 82nd
Ave. The five men were arrested
after they solicited undercover po­
licewomen. The men, from Wood­
W a sh in g to n , T u a la tin ,
Lafayette, Beaverton and Klamath
Falls, all had their cars impounded
under the seizure ordinance.
One o f the four women arrested
for prostitution activity was addi­
tionally charged with Trespass as
she had been previously excluded
from the Prostitution Free Zone.
Similar missions w ill be conducted
in the future.
Work-Related Fatalities Record Low
The number o f work-related fatal­
ities in Oregon dropped to a record
low o f 48 in 1995 from the previous
record low o f 55 in 1994.
“ Coming on the heels ofth is week’s
fatal high-rise construction accident in
Portland, these encouraging new num­
bers reaffirm how critical it is for both
workers and employers to make safety
a top priority,’’ said Kerry Barnett,
director o f the Department o f Con­
sumer & Business Services. “ Lives are
truly at stake.”
The largest numberoffatalities, 26,
were transportation accidents, which
include collisions, overturned vehi­
cles, or workers being struck orpinned
by trucks or cars. This number also
includes five workers who died in
aircraft accidents. Falls accounted for
seven fatalities, and another seven fa­
talities resulted from being caught,
crushed or struck by falling timber,
industrial machinery, or other objects.
Date: March 20,1996
Place: PCC Southeast Center
Room 117
2850 S.E. 82nd
Portland, Oregon
Time: 6:30 p.m.
Commission meetings are open to
the public. A complete agenda is
available at PDC or by calling
823-3200. Citizens with disabilities
may call 823-3232 or TDD 823-6868
for assistance at least 48 hours in
PDC is the City of Portland's urban
renewal, housing and economic
development agency.
Five workers died from drowning or
exposure to harmful substances, like
asbestos. T ruck drivers and other trans­
port operators, as an occupation, ac­
counted for ten fatalities. Seven fatal­
ities occurred in the technical and ad­
ministrative support occupations. In
1995 there were three fatalities result­
ing from workplace violence, com­
pared to six in 1994.
Four o f the fatalities were women.
The youngest worker injured was a 23
year old construction worker killed in
a transportation accident and the old­
est worker was a 63 year old m ill­
wright who died in a fall.
A check for $158.5 million in federal funds presented by U.S. Deputy Transportation Secretary Mort
Downey, far right, brought smiles to Tri-Met General Manager Tom Walsh, at left, Hillsboro Mayor Gordon
Faber. Representative Elizabeth Furse and Portland City Commissioner Earl Blumenauer during a Feb 21
ceremony at the site o f the future Civic Stadium MAX station. Trl-Met photo by Tim Jewett
Lawsuit Against A Barbados Resident
Attorney General Theodore R
Kulongoski and State Lottery Direc­
tor Chris Lyons today announced the
filing o fa lawsuit against a Barba­
dos. West Indies, resident alleging
that he unlawfully promoted gam­
bling through the misleading sale o f
opportunities to win prizes in foreign
and state lotteries.
The c iv il lawsuit, filed today in
Marion County C ircuit Court, names
as defendant Fraser Barnes o f Barba­
dos, West Indies. Barnes in accused
o f helping Canadian companies re­
peatedly take money from Orego­
nians for a chance to win all or part o f
lotteries conducted by foreign gov­
ernments or by other states. The com­
plaint alleges that Barnes promoted
unlawful gambling by purchasing
lottery tickets with money paid by
victims and then collected winning
on behalf o f the companies. Promo­
tional materials allegedly were mis­
leading because they implied that the
lotteries were legal when they were
not and that the participants would
have a better chance o f winning i f
they purchased through the compa­
In order to help address safety
concerns, OR-OSHA puts a specific
priority on safety inspections for
employers in high-risk industries -
like construction and transportation -
- and also targets employers who
have a history o f recent workers’
compensation claims.
lA r r s / c r A- i/y c rrrr/y > irr/o /r
5808 N. Interstate Avenue
— Portland, OR 97217
Full Set................. $22 A up
........................ S12 A up
Re«ulnr Haircuts..$6
J\/< uhout our "liring A I ’r icinl" policy.
ticket presented by Barnes in 1994 to
the Oregon State Lottery The law­
suit also seeks forfeiture o f the mon­
ies Barnes is to receive over the next
17 years as a result o f the Megabucks
A Department i f Justice investiga­
tion revealed that many Oregonians
have sent money to companies based
in British Columbia, Canada to in­
crease their chances o f winning priz­
es or a lottery. Several victims have
sent as much as $50,000. The com­
plaint al leges that Barnes was associ­
ated with the follow ing companies:
Semper Holdings, Ltd., aka Winners
Circle International: T.C. Interglobe
Services, Inc.; Winners Marketing,
Inc. aka Jackson Enterprises, aka
Winners; Goulbom Investments Lim ­
ited, aka Harvest Gold, aka Project
Rainbow; W inners; International
Fortune Bureau; New Eagle
Club; and Australian Lottery B il-
lionaires club.
“ Ten o f thousands o f Oregonians
are all too familiar with mail promo­
tions from Canada that imply guar­
anteed lottery winnings,” Kulongoski
said. "These promotions are illegal
in Oregon and consumers should re­
cycle the offers without even reading
Kulongoski said fraudulent games
o f chance, sweepstakes, and puzzle
contests placed first on his 1995 con­
sumer complaint top ten list.
"These scams are sold through
high pressure telemarketing and so­
phisticated direct mail. They target
vulnerable Oregonians and my o f­
fice is going to do all that it can to see
that no one profits by misleading our
Lottery ¡Director Lyons advised
th a f’anyone who wishes to buy an
Oregon Lottery ticket should do so
only from a legitimate Oregon Lot­
tery retailer. It is the players’ only
assurance that they’ ll get the ticket
they paid for and receive their prize
i f it’s a winner.
A t K u lo n g o s k i’ s request, the
marion County C ircuit Court tempo­
rarily restrained Barnes, and any oth­
er person, from transferring or re­
ceiving any part o f $1,250.000 in
winnings from a Megabucks lottery
Washington Mutual specializes in making the dream
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