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Thursday in the first round at Providence, R I Kentucky (28-2), the reg ular-sea­ son Southeastern C onference chain- Portland Faces Villanova Portland faces V illanova Friday in the first round o f the N CA A tourn am en t’s M idwest Regional in M ilw aukee, W ise. T eam s capsules o f both team s are as follows: University Of Portland C oach: R ob C havez (2nd year) N icknam e: Pilots Record and conference finish: 19- 10, 5th, W est C oast Seed, Region and Bid: 14, M idw est, A utom atic Total N C A A appearances: 2 NCAA T ournam ent Record: 0-1 Last N CA A appearance: 1959, lost to D ePaul, 57-56, first round, M id­ west Regional Best N C A A T ournam ent finish: 1959, first round Starters: F - L e m o n t D a n ie ls (6 -4 , S r., 12.1 p p g , 5 .9 rp g ) F - R ick B ra in a rd (6 -6 , S r., 10.9 p p g , 3.5 rp g ) C - G re g K lo ste rm a n (6 -1 1 , J r ., 9 .6 p p g , 5 .5 rp g ) G - C h iv o A n d e rso n (6 -5 , S o., 9 . 1 p p g , 1.4 a p g ) G - D io n n H o lto n (5 -1 0 , S o ., 6 .8 p p g , 3 .6 ap g ) O u tlo o k Finished fifth in the W est C oast C onference during the regular season at 7-7. H ow ever, in the conference tournam ent, top-seed Santa C lara was upset in the first round and Portland cruised through and beat G onzaga in the final to qualify for the “Big D an ce.” The team has bal­ anced scoring and som e size in K losterm an, w hocould neutralize V illanova’s Jason Law son. H ow ­ ever, n Friday Villanova Coach: Steve Lappas (5th year) N icknam e: W ildcats Record and conference finish: 25- 6, 3rd, Big East Seed. Region and Bid. 3, M idw est, A t-Large Total NCAA appearances: 23 NCAA Tournament Record: 35-22 Last NCAA appearance: 1995, lost to Old D om inion, 89-81 in three overtim es, first round, East Regional Best NCAA T ournam ent finish: 1985, National C ham pions Starters: F 6 .2 F ppg, C I 2 .0 G - C h u c k K o rn e g a y (6 -9 , Jr., p p g , 4 .6 rp g ) - E ric E b e rz (6 -7 , S r., 13.6 3 .9 rp g ) - Ja so n L a w so n ( 6 -1 1 , Jr., p p g , 6 .6 rp g ) - A lv in W illia m s (6 -4 , Jr., 11.3 p p g , 5 .4 a p g ) G - K erry K ittle s (6 -5 , S r., 2 0 .5 p p g , 3 .6 a p g ) Outlook: W ith an opening round gam e against Portland, w hich has not made the N CA A T ournam ent since 1959, V illanova may use the oppor­ tunity to get back in sync with Kerry K ittles in the lineup. The W ildcats lost tw o o f three w ithout their star player and after beating Providence in the opener of the Big E ast T ourna­ ment, were run ragged by G eorge­ town in the sem ifinals. The W ildcats m ust try and forget their first-round disaster in last y ear's tournament in which they were shocked by Old Dominion. Should they win the Wildcats face the possibility of a second- round meeting with Louisville and a Sw eet-16 gam e against W ake Forest. pion w ith a perfect 16-0 record, is the top seed in the M idw est regional Big East cham pion C onnecticut (30-2) is the top seed in the Southeast regional. The Huskies will play P a­ triot League cham pion C olgate (15- 14) Thursday in the first round at Indianapolis. Big Ten cham pion Purdue is the top seed in the W est regional. Purdue plays Southern C onference ch am ­ p io n W e ste rn C a ro lin a (1 7 -1 2 ) Thursday in the first round at A lbu­ querque, N.M. A nine-m an selection com m ittee began meeting T hursday night in K ansas City to determ ine the 34 at- large teams and set the regional brack­ ets and matchups for the NCAA T our­ nament. V illanova meets W est C oastC on- ference cham pion Portland (19-10) in the first round Friday at M ilw au­ kee. Wilson Comes Up Short At State lb E ric N oon T h e P o rtla n d In te r s c h o la s tic League only gets one team as auto­ matic seed in the boys 4A basketball tournam ent, and the num ber one team in the PIL W ilson T rojans took this years honors. C leveland, Jefferson, and second ranked Benson failed to qualify for the sixteen team boys 4A basketball State C ham pionship at the M emorial C oliseum and the Rose G arden. The T rojans (22-2), who beat out Benson (20-4) in their gym for the league title drew a tough m atch'up with T hurston (20-5) in the first round. The Colts cam e right at the T rojans and led by eight at half, but W ilson outscored the feisty Colts 16- Bruno Gets Motivated For Tyson As if defending the W orld Boxing Council heavyw eight cham pionship and "Hying the flag for E ngland” w eren't enough, Frank Bruno has found som ething else to fire him up for Ins light Saturday against Mike Tyson. It is som ething Tyson said: that he felt Bruno "in his heart” did not be­ lieve he could knock Tyson out. "He’s on adilferent planet," Bruno said angrily at a news conference Monday after a public w orkout in preparation for his scheduled 12- round W BC title defense. "W hodoes Tyson think he is?” Bruno got in a lew shots o f his own. "Deep, deep down, I d o n ’t think Iy so n ’s ready and he has now here to 2 in the crucial third quarter. The gam e went dow n to the wire and D avid Jackson found a seam and drove for the w inning lay-up as the C olt defense had a breakdow n with 4.6 seconds left. Basil D uncantell then tied up the C olts and closed the barn door by forcing a ju m p ball and giving the T rojans the ball and the win on a fine defensive play. T he T rojans then advanced to face eventual State C ham pion South S a­ lem (21-8) in the quarterfinals on T hursday. South Salem com ing off and im pressive rout o f La G rande 77-49 looked to be peaking at ju st the right time going in. The Saxons record w as a bit deceiving as their point guard M ike M cShane, who will play run,” said Bruno. “T y so n ’s been in prison for three years and has only had 10 m inutes in the ring. It c a n ’t be beneficial for him. It can be benefi­ cial for me. “I d o n 't know about his prepara­ tion lor this fight, but in prison you have tim e to be positive. He seem s to have got worse and th at’s good for m e.” A s for his ow n p rep ared n ess, Bruno said: "I feel nice. I’m ready to rum ble. Though I may have em b ar­ rassed m yself in the past, this time I'm flying the (lag for E ngland.” T he 34-year-old from Brentwood, E ssex, has a record o f 40-4 with 38 knockouts. H ow ever, all four losses w ere in­ side the distance and three cam e in w orld title bouts, including one on Feb. 25. 1989, in Las V egas when he was stopped in the fifth round by Tyson, then the undisputed world heavyw eight cham pion. In the past tw o and a h alf years Bruno has won all four o f his fights including his last one on Sept. 2 for Oregon next year, was out the first ten gam es. The Saxons got o ff to another hot start and led by nine after one q u ar­ ter, but W ilson bounced back in the second period with a 13-6 run to narrow the m argin to I w oat the break. W ilson kept up the hot shooting in the third out-scoring the Saxons 15- 8 and taking a five p oint edge going into the final q u arter. T he State C ham ps really took it to the favored T rojans in the forth quarter as the T halo G reen and M ike M cShane sh o w o v e rw h e lm e d the talen ted sq u a d 49-47. The Trojans d id n ’t have any answ ers for the 6 ’7" center headed for the U niversity o f W ash­ ington. G reen poured in a gam e high 22 points, nabbed six rebounds and added three blocks in a spectacular performance. M cShane finished with 10 points and six assists, but drew the questionable offensivecharge against Tyrone M anlove and m ade a key steal on an inbound play to seal the victory M cShane appeared to slide in late under the basket as M anlove drove in for the lay-up after he re­ leased the ball, but the call went against M anlove w ith 1:15 left in the game. “ I thought it was a bad call,” said the senior wing M anlove. David Jackson w ho finished with 15 points and five assists put the g a m e in b e tte r p e r s p e c tiv e as M anlove was understandably to up­ set, to offer much insight. The W il­ son offense ju st went flat in the forth quarter and the T rojans were out- rebounded I I -3 on the offensive side of the ball for the game. “W e w eren 't w illing to work our offense through to get the best shot, we were ju st trying to get any shot, said the O bserver Player o f the Year Jackson. “W e battled hard it just w asn’t enough tonight.” The T rojans had a great deal of expectations on them to win the title this year as nine of their 12 players are Seniors, including two o f the states best in M anlove and Jackson. The T rojans shot 59% from the field against South Salem as M anlove had 20 points and Jackson added 15 but the T rojans co u ld n ’t get a bucket when it counted. “A nybody can com e out there and score,” said Jackson after their first round squeaker over Thurston. “The worst team s can get lucky and score.” Jackson w as right when he said his team needed to focus on defense, but the T rojans trouble cam e from their indecisiveness on offense. The T ro ­ jan s also lost the sixth place gam e in a ugly performance that saw technicals for unspt xtsmanlike ct induct to players walk­ ing off the court before the game was over. Understandably it must have been hard for W ilsontocomeback and play fo rsix th place, but these kids represent a school and a city and their show ing in that final gam e was out o f line. AAA Advice: Begin Vacation Planning Now AAA O regon recom m ends trav­ elers plan their vacations well in ad­ vance to get the best buys, discounts and locations. “N ow is the best time to plan a vacation for sum m er and fall,” said AAA President Roger G raybeal. “T ravelers who m ake res­ ervations early are also often offered a w ider selection o f choices for room location and size, as well as airline, bus and train departure tim es and seating arrangem ents.” Travel Planning Information AAA O regon offers tips on trip planning, budgeting and safe travel­ ing through free brochures and sem ­ inars. C lub services include a full- service travel agency and auto travel counselors. AAA T riptiks include trip plan- ningexpenses and reservation guides. A A A ’s USA m aps provide useful inform ation on planning a w ardrobe, packing, preparing your hom e, plus traveling with children and pets. In­ form ation on restaurants, lodgings, recreation and attractions are avail­ able in AAA TourB ooks. Safety tips for travelers are provided in the free brochure AAA G uide to T ro u b le­ free Travel. Tips for Travel with Children T raveling with children can be trying for both parents and young­ sters. AAA offers these suggestions to m ake the trip less stressful and help the tim e pass quickly: • O u tfit children in co m fo rtab le clothes. • Pack special snacks and favorite toys. • Bring books, com pact gam e and puzzles that can be used quietly. • B rin g ap o rtab le radio, tap ep lay er or C D with headsets for the child. • Bring a com fortable pillow so the child can sleep com fortably. Travel Safety Tips A A A ’s G u id e to T ro u b le-free Travel includes safety tips for auto travel, hotel stays, and sightseeing. Tips include how to avoid standing out in a crow d. • Leave ex p en siv ejew elry at home. • Carry only a smal I am ount o f cash; use travelers checks. • Avoid carrying a purse. • Use an autom atic teller only dur­ ing the day. D o not go alone. • G roup T ours Provide Increased Safety AAA G roup Tours offer discount­ ed prices, AAA escorts, the com pan­ ionship o f other AAA m em bers and safety o f group travel. AAA Oregon is offering free inform ation m eetings on a variety o f A m trak T ours and Brennan M otorcoach Tours in March and April. A m trak rail historian Dan Kuhn w ill p r e s e n t a s lid e sh o w on A M T R A K adventures at AAA offic­ es: Portland, M arch 18; Clackam as, M arch 19; B eaverton, M arch 20; Salem , M arch 21; M edford, March 26; G rants Pass, march 27; Eugene, M arch 28. B rennan 1 ours and A AA will present a free inform ation evening on m otorcoach tours o f the Canadian Rockies, the G rand Canyon and au­ tum n in N ew England. T he presenta­ tion will be in Salem on M arch 19; C orvallis on M arch 21; Eugene on April 2; G rants Pass on April 4; Beaverton on April 9; C lackam as on April 10; M edford on April 3; and Portland on April 11. The JB A A JTO IDVANTAgE AUTO BROKER MESI "For The Auto YounDesire - At The Value You Deserve ” NEW AND USED CARS, TRUCKS, VANS TRADE-INS WELCOME! '90 Cadillac Sedan Deville G orgeous w hite and red top, with red velour seats. O nly 5312 miles. $9995 or finance with $495 dow n (cash or trade). 60 mo. at $199.54, 9.5% A PR, OA C. '92 Chevrolet Lumina 4 door, AT, BAC, PS, PDL. N ice clean car, and runs great too! $6995 or finance with $495 dow n (cash or trade). 60 mo. at $ 13 6 .5 1 .9 .5 % APR, OA C. (503)281-9818 6717 N t Sandy Blvd. / Portland. OR 97213 SATURDAY, MARCH 16 Time 6PM, Channel 48 T o O rder C all 230-2000 P R IC E $44.95 Till 9PM 3/15 $49.95 Day O f Event P A P A f*< S ltl r f l l V l V — IN CABLE SET SfcâüiM B3BB.