Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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Level Out Your Utility Bill
E ven th o u g h w in te r 's icy
blast has e a sed --at least for the
m om ent, cu sto m ers o f Pacific
Pow er may co n tin u e to see high­
er than norm al u tility bills.
T he h ig h er b ills are a result
o f F e b ru a ry 's ex ten d ed period
o f f r e e z in g t e m p e r a t u r e s
th ro u g h o u t the reg io n .
"A n y tim e we have several
days o f below freezin g tem per-
atures, custo m ers wee an increase
in th e ir b ill,” said Pacific Pow er
M anager C arl T alton.
C u sto m ers can level out the
m onthly e le c tric bill by c o n sid ­
e r in g th e c o m p a n y ’s E q u a l
Paym ent Plan, w hich av erages
the cost o v er 12 equal in sta ll­
m ents.
“ T he p rogram includes a built-
in rev iew ev ery six m onths, a l­
Training Program Helps
Landlords Act Against
Drug Houses
I he Planning & Support Division
o f the Portland Police Bureau will
open a new series o f the Landlord
Training Program; three training ses­
sions will be held in Portland.
1) Friday, March 22, 1996, 8:30
am to 4 3 0 pm at the David Douglas
High School Cafetorium, 1001 SE
135th (between Stark and Division).
2) Thursday, March 28,1996,8:30
am to 4:30 pm at the Portland Build­
ing, 1120 SW 5th
3) Saturday, April 6, 1996, 8:30
am to 4:30 pm, at the Providence
Medical Center Amphitheater, 4805
NE Gilsan Street.
Over 7,000 landlords and proper­
ty managers have taken the course in
Portland since it began in 1989.
Reactions are consistently strong
and positive: landlords and manag­
ers overwhelmingly agree the train­
ing increased their confidence in
screening rental applicants and their
ability to recognize warning signs o f
drug activity.
The program was developed for
the Portland Police Bureau by John
H. Campbell o f Campbell DeLong
Resources, Inc. This program has
now been replicated in many juris­
dictions across the country.
The trainings are open to the pub­
lic, property owners and managers
from all areas o f town are encour­
aged to attend.
Space is limited, so advance regis­
tration is requested. Last day to regis­
ter is March 11,1996. Cost is $ 10 per
person, including one manual, or $ 15
per couple including one manual.
For a registration packet, please
call the Planning* Support Division
at 823-0189. People with disabilities
who need accommodation may call
823-0283 (voice)or823-4736(TDD)
Advertise In The
Portland Observer
Call 288-0033
A Neighborhood
Did you know you can complete the first two years
o f a bachelor’s degree at the Cascade Campus, right
here in North Portland, in your own neighbor­
hood? There’s no need to commute south or west!
low ing both the cu sto m er and
Pacific an o p p o rtu n ity to be
certain the averag e paym ent is
w ith in r e a s o n a b le lim its ,"
T alto n said.
The review in clu d es a d ju st­
m ents in the m onthly paym ent
as n e c e ssa ry - a llo w in g for
c h a n g e s in te m p e r a tu r e , or
w eath erizatio n o f to the hom e,
w hich will add to efficien cy .
Landlords, Tenants Can Save Energy Costs
P acitic Pow er is nearing the
end o f a free Energy Savings P ro­
gram m ulti-fam ily property ow n­
The free serv ices are helping
Pacific Pow er custom ers m anage
th eir w ater and energy bills
and m ake th eir apartm ents m ore
I he p ro je c t helps tenants, who
will have low er energy bills and
m ore c o m fo rta b le a p a rtm e n ts,
and pro p erty ow ners, who will
have a p a rtm e n ts w ith features
that help them attract and retain
P acific Pow er will co nduct an
energy au d it to determ in e w hich
co n se rv a tio n m easures need to
be installed.
They could include kitchen and
bathroom faucet a e ra to rs, pipe
and c e ilin g in su la tio n , energy
saving show er heads, and energy
e ff ic ie n t c o m p a c t flu o re s c e n t
light bulbs.
P acific P ow er d e fin e s m u lti­
fam ily as three or m ore re sid e n ­
tial units, c lu ste re d to g e th e r w ith
com m on w alls.
B efore tim e runs out. p ro p e rty
o w n e rs , m a n a g e rs o r te n a n ts
sh o u ld call P acific P o w e r’s c o n ­
tra c to r, E B C O N , at 1-800-253-
6 2 2 5 , for in form ation or for an
a p p o in tm en t
Neighborhood Seeks Restoration Of Status
On March 6 at 7:00 p.m. at the
Columbia Cottage (Lombard and
Russet) neighbors in the Portsmouth
area weighed the advantages o f or­
ganizing a new neighborhood asso­
The Portsmouth area has been
without representation as part o f
the City o f Portland’s neighbor­
hood program since January o f this
The City withdrew recognition
from previous neighborhood asso­
ciation after members ofthat group
voted to stop the association from
conducting business.
Since that tim e n eig h b o rs in
the P ortsm outh a re a , bounded
by N. L om bard, N. C h a ta q u a ,
N. C o lu m b ia, and the ra ilro a d
cut, have com e to g e th e r to c o n ­
sid e r form ing a new n e ig h b o r­
hood a sso c ia tio n th at w ill be
in clu siv e, re p re se n ta tiv e and a
p o sitiv e com m unity support.
In an effort to promote involve­
ment, flyers announcing the loss o f
Oregon Department Of Transportation Region 1
Flood Damage Repair Projects
Multnomah, Clackamas. Washington, Columbia and Hood River counties
Proposals will be received for flood damage repair projects with various dates throughout the
above reference counties in the State of Oregon by the Oregon Department of Transportation.
On State projects no bid for a construction contract will be considered by the public contracting
agency unless the successful bidder is registered with the Construction Contractors Board
or licensed by the State Landscape Contractors Board as required by ORS 671.530.
The Contract documents, including specifications, Instructions to Bidders, Federal Provisions
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Clackamas, OR 970 15
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