Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 1996, Page 3, Image 3

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(Elje ^iJortlanò (Obseruer
Banking Conies To
Classroom At King
Girl Scouts
Thinking Dag
th inking Day is an International
Girl Scout holiday, in which Girl
Scouts and Girl G uides gather to
think ol their sisters w orldw ide. This
year the Rosew ood Girl Scout neigh­
borhood o f N ortheast Portland ce le­
brated by holding an event at the St.
Andrew C hurch C om m unity Center,
4940 NE 8th A vneue, on Friday.
Each Girl Scout T roop in the
N eighborhood represented one co u n ­
try with a craft, dem onstration, and/
or a food. I he G irls also each partic­
ipated in a W orld A ssociation Pin
Cerem ony.
Cedric Ceballos, LA Lakers basketball >tar, visits The P u z z l e ' ^ i ^ k i d ^ S v i d F u ^ r ^ S ^ l ^ a
special episode entitled, "We Three Kings" airing on Friday, on PBS stations nationwide
Photo credit: Alan Shaffer.
G ood savings habits m ake sense.
Just ask the fifth grade class at M artin
Luther k in g E lem entary School in
northeast Portland
Through a partnership with the
Lloyd C enter branch o f Key Bank o f
O re g o n , fifth g ra d e rs in L o lita
I darby’s class are learn ing about bank-
ing, savings, and m anaging their
money And th ey ’ve established their
own teller w indow s at M artin Luther
k in g Elem entary to accom m odate
w eekly student deposits.
In addition, o ver a five w eek peri­
od, a representative from Key B ank’s
Lloyd C enter Branch m eets with stu ­
dents as part o f their curriculum .
“This program is an excellent way
for young people to learn good sav­
ings habits," said Scott Ringsage,
m anager o f the Lloyd C enter Key
Bank branch. "In addition to the
w eekly sessions we have with the
students, w e’ve also introduced a
new savings program in which stu­
dents are rew arded for establishing
and continuing a lifetim e o f good
savings habits."
Key B a n k o fO re g o n ’s D inoSaver
Statem ent Savings A ccount program
is a savings program recently intro­
duced toO regon schoolchildren Stu­
dents who make an initial deposit o f
$10 are rew arded with a C arnegie
C ollection dinosaur figurine and a
certificate for $5 savings deposit from
Key Bank o f Oregon.
Students are encouraged to add to
their accounts and add to their d in o ­
saur collection through tw ice yearly
offers o f new dinosaur collectibles
with additional $10 deposits.
Hands-On For
Earth Day '96
In the spirit o f com m unity-build­
ing. organizers and volunteers for
Earth Day '9ft are distributing thou­
sands of brochures all over the P ort­
land metro region encouraging chil­
dren and adults in neighborhoods,
schools, com m unities and business­
es to prom ote a healthy environm ent
and participate in "hands-on" projects
that conserve, protect and restore the
environm ent during Earth M onth,
April, Earth Week, April 15-21, and
Earth Day, April 20.
The n um berof Earth Day com m u­
nity-based projects is expected to be
even greater than the 225 projects
and 40,000 people that participated
in last y ear’s Earth Day, a record for
participation across the country.
H ands-on pro jects range from
large, organized illegal dum p and
garbage clean-ups, w etlands restora­
tion and educational conferences, to
sm all decentralized events planting
trees and com m unity gardens, learn­
ing alternatives to hazardous house­
hold projects and building backyard
com post piles.
T o request a hands-O n project
B rochure or find out more about
projects that you can sponsor, call
the Earth day Hotline at 224-9932.
Toastmasters Bring
Confidence To Speakers
Most people find it difficult to
stand up in front of a group and five
a speech for m ore that tw o seconds.
If you want to have any success in
this world, w hether it be selling a
product, sw aying voters, prom oting
legislation or talking to your neigh­
bors. it is very im portant to have
good public speaking and presenta-
• tion skills.
Fortunately aclubexists specifical­
ly designed to help people improve
these skills. Toastmasters Internation­
al was formed over sixty years ago to
help people improve their speaking,
listening and thinking skills. Today
there are thousands o f Toastm aster
Clubs all around the world. Toastm as­
ter members are able to learn through
hands-on projects, preparing and pre­
senting speeches to their club, and
receiving constructive feed back from
other club members.
The best way to learn about T o ast­
m asters, is to attend a club meeting.
T here arc nearly a hundred clubs
in the Portland Metropolikin area with
meetings every day of the week. Most
cluhs meet once a week. Guests are wel­
come toaltendclubmeetings, and try it i Hit.
If you would like to learn more about
IToastmasters, you can call the T o ast­
m aster at 293-1820. You will be sent
a list o f clubs in your area.
Program Needs Helpers
The Arc o f M ultnom ah County is
recruiting providers for its respite
care program.
The program serves fam ilies who
live with and care for a child or an
adult with a disability, R espite Care
recruits, screens and trains individu­
als to provide short term relief care to
fam ilies th ro u g h o u t M u ltn o m ah
W hile they encourage individuals
with all level o f skills to apply, train­
ing is provided for those w ho have
little or no experience and is with few
exceptions free o f charge.
"There is a critical need,” accord-
ing to Stella Bouldin, Recruitm ent
and T raining C oordinator, “ for pro­
viders experienced with individuals
w ho have m edical needs, and espe­
cially those skilled in tube feeding,
handling seizures, and fam iliar with
behavior m anagem ent.” A lso in d e­
m and are m ale providers to provide
care for adult m ales as well as those
in their adolescent years.
C are may be provided in the fam ­
ily hom e or in the provider home,
follow ing an on-site screening by
A rc professionals. The Arc o f M ult­
nom ah also operates an afterschool
program .
Are You Ready For Change?
If you are a transitioning woman, consider
Project Independence
Rule* I oj Banking
they won’t give you any.
Rule *2 of Banking
— th ey’ll be happy to lend you more.----
Rule *3 of Banking
Our C E O is Leon C. Smith, a man
us simply for profits.
who, you may be surprised, will be happy
Tehy do they hire benevolent
Our main shareholder is a community
Hollywood actors to remind ns how much
trust dedicated to rebuilding North and
they care, then treat us like numbers?
Northeast Portland.
Perhaps banks have gotten so big,
We don’t have gleaming glass-and-
they’ve forgotten what it's like to be small.
marble skyscrapers. Our office is small and
W hat it’s like to dream of starting a lit­
modest, ju st like most o f our customers.
tle business. Or buying a little house.
Find ou t more.
other bank you've ever heard o f (in part
to meet with you in person.
Our mission is to help low- and
middle-income families get the funds they
need to rebuild our community.
A nd to aid in funding that mission,
we offer a wide variety o f checking and
savings accounts. A ll F D IC insured
These are the very reasons Albina
To learn more, call us at 287-7537■
Community Bank is in business. A nd
Or stop by our office on N E Alberta.
Because not only are we a new bank.
A lb in a C o m m u n ity Bank
11)0 NE Alberta St.. Portland OR 97»!! (50)) 187-75)7
filled with executives in exotic locales.
have countless shareholders pressuring
we are pretty sure we are unlike any
Cascade Campus
705 N. Killingsworth
Unlike most larger banks, we don't
A nd we don't have conference rooms
This 11-week, 10-credit program is free and provides help
and support in focusing on your next step - whether that
means a job or school. Project Independence has helped
many women. . . now it can be your turn!
C a ll 9 7 8 -5 2 4 9
because we're not singing it to you).
Member FDIC
W e’re an entirely new kind of bank.