Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 13, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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Simpson Proclaims Innocence
In Mail Order Video
O J Sim pson, in his mail order
video, said a key detective investi­
gating the deaths o f his ex-w ife and
her friend planted a bloody glove on
his estate and sm eared blood inside
his car to frame him.
I he ex-football hero proclaim ed
in the video custom ers began receiv­
ing last week that he is innocent in the
June 12, 1994 killings o f N icole
B row n S im p so n an d h er frie n d
Ronald G oldm an. He w as acquitted
by a jury last October.
In the tw o-and-a-half-hour video,
which sells for $29.95, S im pson
frankly adm itted that in addition to
telling his side o f the story he hoped
the tape would help him recoup the
vast sums he spent on his defense in
the crim inal trial.
In the 90 m inutes o f the tape d e­
voted to an interview with television
journalist Ross Becker, he said he
was framed by Los A ngeles police
detective M ark Fuhrm an, w ho testi­
fied during the trial to findinga bloody
glove on the grounds o f S im pson’s
estate in the B rentw ood neighbor­
hood o f Los Angeles.
Asked by B ecker if he believed
Fuhrman planted the glove, Sim pson
replied, “ I’m totally 100 percent
convinced that he d id .”
He also alleged that Fuhrm an was
behind the presence o f blood from
N icole Simpson and G oldm an in Sim ­
p so n 's w hite Ford B ronco parked
outside his estate the day after the
m urders.
“ I subm it there is no w ay M ark
Fuhrm an could have seen those blood
spots unless he w as in the B ronco,”
Sim pson said. A sked why Fuhrm an
w ould have tried to fram e him, he
replied, "W hy w ould he w ant to get
any black man or M exican A m eri­
D uring the trial, defense w itness­
es testi fled that Fuhrm an had a hatred
for blacks and M exican-A m ericans
and w ould go out o f his way to m ake
up evidence against them.
Fuhrm an, who retired during the
trial, is currently under investigation
by the U.S. Justice D epartm ent for
possible m isconduct and by the state
A ttorney G en eral’s office for p o ssi­
ble perjury.
Sim pson accused the Los A ngeles
Police D epartm ent o f taking part in
the alleged fram eup. “O bviously,
people in the L.A.P.D. w ent out o f
their way to m ake me look gui Ity,” he
said in the video.
Make A Difference - Teach!
He also expressed com passion for
the fam ilies o f the tw o victim s, who
are suing him in a civil wrongful
death lawsuit, but added, “ I lost m ore
than you did. I lost a person that I
loved. I’ve lost my life.”
The form er athlete who becam e a
T V c o m m e n ta to r a n d n a tio n a l
spokesm an for a rental car com pany
has lost both those jo b s because o f
the m urder case and said he has been
deprived o f the ability "to provide
for the people around m e.”
Sim pson also challenged deputy
district attorney M arcia C lark, the
lead pro secu to r in the m urder case,
to sit dow n and talk with him. "T o ­
m orrow , if M arcia C lark w ould sit
dow n and talk to me, she can film it,
as long as I can m arket it. She can
film it and ask m e w hatever she w ants
to ask m e and I’ll answ er every q u es­
tio n ,” he said.
Sim pson was rep o rted ly paid a
fiat $3 m illion fee for m aking the
video and wi II not take any part o f the
Tony H offm an, the head o f H&K
LLC Productions, w hich produced
the tape, w ould not say how many
videos had been ordered but added
that sales w ere doing well.
New IBEW Manager
Oregon State University
Graduate Program In Middle Level Teaching
St. Patrick is said to have bap­
tized more than 120,000 persons.
Continued from front
Jerry Bruce
IBEW Local 48 and the O regon-
C olum bia C hapter o f the N ational
E lectrical C ontractors A ssociation.
build a building, I still think P ort­
land is a good place to do business.”
M eanw hile, up the street at 5 7 18
N.E. 33rd Ave., the M cM enam in
brothers are near to com pletion o f
their final design plans for the ren­
ovatio n o f the form er K ennedy
School property, according to D av­
id N em o o f the Portland D evelop­
ment Com m ission.
The plan calls for 14 classroom s
to be subdivided into 14 overnight
sleeping room s, the rem ainder to be
used for public m eeting room s.
The former school auditorium will
bea theater, the kitchen a pub, and the
gym will remain a gy m. There will be
140 parking spaces on the north side
o f the property, and an area o f open
Oregon State University is proud to announce
a new Middle Level teacher preparation
program* for grades 5-10 with
specializations in:
First Subject Area
Second Subject Area
Language Arts
Social Studies
Special advising session at OSU:
W ednesday, March 20, 1996 at 3:30 p.m.
Memorial Union 212-Martin Luther King Room
Northeast Development
Inches Ahead
Jerry Bruce, a long-tim e m em ber
o f the International B rotherhood o f
Electrical W orkers Local 48, has been
appointed to serve out the term o f
departing business m anager G reg
Teeple, who recently accepted a p o ­
sition with the union’s international
Bruce has served in a variety o f
leadership positions at IB E W for the
past several years. He was president
o f the local in 1983 and w as re­
elected in 1986.
He has also served as an IBEW
assistant business m anager and as a
m em ber eft the Join A pprenticeship
Com m ittee o f the M etro E lectrical
I raining Trust.
The northeast Portland training
trust is a nationally recognized elec­
trical training school developed by
Destiny is un invention o f the
cowardly unii the resigned.
— Ignuzio Silone
space, possibly a garden, along the
property’s eastern edge near North­
east 35th Avenue. N em oquotedM ike
McM enamin as pledging to com ­
plete work and open for business “no
later than spring 1997.”
Hie C oncordia N eighborhood
A ssociation has sought to preserve
the school and return it to active use
since the Portland School District
closed it in 1977.
In 1993, the district turned the
property over to the city o f Portland
as part o f a com plex series o f land
and property exchanges involving
several governm ent entities.
Last year, the city aw arded the
property to the M cM enamins, find­
ing that their proposals for its reuse fit
most closely with com munity goals,
and were most likely to be realized.
Program Hiqhlights-
Three quarters in length, Fall 1996 through Spring 1997
Some course work may apply to a Master’s degree.
> Meets all requirements for an Oregon Basic teaching license
For information and application contact:
Student Services, 100 Education Hall, School of Education,
Oregon State University, Corvallis OP 97331-3502 or call (541)
737-4841. Email: haleyk@ccmail.orst.edu
Subject to approval by the Teacher standards and practices Commission.
OSU is an Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Program
. 7 1 Oregon, opportunity means great benefits, competitive salaries, and a large variety of careers
available statewide. Currently, openings exist in the following ^e n c ie s :
Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), is known throughout the nation as a progressive government
agency. ODOT is responsible for the coordination of transportation programs between and among all
governmental organizations within the state. We have immediate opportunities for the following position:
Project Coordinator
(Team Development Coordlnator/Process Consultant)
We are seeking an experienced Organization Development (0D) specialist for this position in Salem. Will
facilitate organization improvement via analysis, design, and delivery of team development, interventions
and other 0 0 projects, Requires 4 years of administrative experience, including 2 years overseeing on­
going 0D project/program. Bachelor's degree in HR Management, Business or Organization Development
may substitute for 2 years of general administrative experience. Salary $2,605 - $3,471 month + benefits.
Applications will be accepted through 5:00 p.m. on April 5. Call (503) 9 8 6 4 0 3 0 (TTY 986-3854) to
request application packet.
For other 0 0 0 T opportunities call our Recruitm ent J0BUNE at (5 0 3 ) 9 8 6 -3 8 4 7 .
Education Director
(Principal Executive/Manager D,
Manager of Education Division; administer real estate examinations and programs; prelicensing
course/curriculum development, seminars and publications; hire, train, direct and supervise staff; assist
in preparation/management of REA budget and performance measures. To qualify, you'll need 6 years
experience in supervision, staff-technical or professionaHevel work related to real estate education,
professional continuing education, or related fields. Bachelor's degree/courses in a related field may
substitute up to 3 years of experience. Position located in Salem. Salary range: $3,054 to $4,301. Closing
date: March 2 5 ,1 9 9 6 . To apply, obtain Job announcement L£9 6 0 0 7 8 with “This Is Test" questions and
application from your local Employment Departm ent office. M all the completed application and test
questions to Real Estate Agency.
Assistant Director
OSU Facilities Services
Bachelor's degree, preferably in a field related to management such as public administration, or related
fields of facilities management such as landscape, construction m a n^em e n t or engineering. Major duties
include providing administrative and technical supervision of the shop managers for projects and repairs,
service calls/keys, preventative maintenance, and landscape management. Must have five years
experience in supervision o f staff (technical or professional level! work In a physical plant operation,
preferably in a university setting. Experience must include at least 2 years experience in such areas as: a)
development o f program rules and policies; b) long- and short-range goals and plans; c) program
evaluation; and d) budget preparation. Must have maintenance experience, and knowledge of
maintenance priorities. Must be skilled in making public presentations, have experience in strategic
planning, and have excellent verbal and written communication skills. Must have demonstrated significant
leadership experience and ability. Ability to routinely visit job sites without ADA accessibility. Proficiency in
the use of personal computers and relevant software applications is also required. Position is a 12-month,
fixed term faculty appointment, renewable Submit letter, application and references to M eg Swim, 100
Adams Hall, Corvallis, OR 9 7 3 3 1 -2 0 0 1 , ( 5 4 1 ) 7 3 7 -7 6 7 4 . All application materials must be received by
the closing date o f March 2 9 ,1 9 9 6 .
Physical Therapy Program Manager wanted to coordinate PT treatment services at Oregon State Hospital,
Salem. Position supervises PT assistant and PT aide, as well as providing direct treatment. Current Oregon
Physical Therapy License required Contact Employee Relations ( 5 0 3 ) 9 4 5 -2 8 1 5 , TTY (5031 9 4 5 2 9 9 6
for an application packet. Closes Friday, March 22, 1996.
Program Technician 2
(Regional Coordlnator/Program Manager)
The Commission is recruiting to fill three positions located in Salem: Qualifying experience includes;
two years experience in program monitoring and coordination in areas of community development or
human services. Position duties include policy and community development, program administration,
outreach, advocacy and intergovernmental relations. Salary range: $2,733 to $3 644 monthly
Announcem ent « L E 9 6 0 1 7 9 . Application deadline: 3 /2 7 /9 6 .
The State of Oregon is seeking candidates to fill the position of Administrator for the Oregon Boards of
Architect Examiners/Landscape Architects. This position m a n g e s the business and examination
operations of two related yet different state organizations. Major duties are: develop/implement
administrative policies/procedures of the agency, manage budgetary resources, administer professional
certification examinations, and maintain communication between the Boards and the regulated
professions. Salary range: $2,511 to $3,536 monthly. Liberal insurance, retirement, vacation and sick
leave benefits. Interested parties can obtain application packet E S 91600 . from Gall L Ramirez.
Departm ent of Administrative Services, 1 5 5 Cottage Street HE, Salem, OR 9 7 3 1 0 , (5 0 3 ) 3 7 5 3 0 4 0 ,
fax (5 0 3 ) 3 7 5 7 6 8 4 , or at local Employment Department offices. Applications must be received by
5:00pm, March 2 9 ,1 9 9 6 .
hese are Just some of the current openings available wtth the State of Oregon. For additional
Information, a copy of the S tate of Oregon Application Form and more complete announcement «stings,
call the S tate Jobline (Oregonian Inside Line) (5 0 3 ) 2 2 5 5 5 5 5 # 7 7 7 7 , TTY ( 5 0 3 ) 3 7 5 4 6 7 2 , visit your
focal Employment Departm ent, or log onto our web site at http ://w w w .d as.state .o r.u s/)o b s/ or our
gopher site at gopher.state.or.us The State of Oregon and all its divisions are proud to employ
opportunity equally.
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Call For Bids
Notice is hereby given that the City of Eugene will receive
sealed bids for following projects:
in d s „ |.b , »
M » M l’ M
T h e Q u i c k e s t , E a s ie s t L o a n A p p l i c a t i o n E v e r
A mandatory pre-bid conference is scheduled for Monday,
April 1, 1996, 1-3:30 p.m. in conference room A/B in the
Eugene Hotel Building at 244 E. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon.
Plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of City
Engineer, 244 E. Broadway, Eugene, Oregon 97401 or by
calling (541) 687-5560.
Dated this 6th day of March, 1996
Robert J, Lankston, P.E.
Acting City Engineer