-♦ <<- «fclfcaw».* JJtiXÄÄi f m: P ori land O bserver • M arc h 13, 1996 tß ir th „ T ^n n o tin cern en t D'Angelo Grant IVetherbee-Hess Mother’s Names: Alissa J. Hess of Northeast Portland Date of Birth: 2-28 Time: 8-22 Length: 211/2 inches Weight 8 lbs. 7 oz y ‘ oung A rtists ‘To Perform A t St. ‘M ary’s Cathedrat St. Mary’s Cathedral will host the Young Artists Concert series beginning Sunday, March 17, at 7:00 p.m. Nicholas Crosa, violin­ ist, and Andrew Brownell, pianist, will perform. The series is spon­ sored by the Archdiocese of Port­ land as part of its sesquicentennial celebration. The Young Artist Con­ cert series is being held in conjunc­ tion with the Catholic Scholars se­ ries on the Church in the Third Millennium, which will start at 8:00 p.m. on March 17, at St. Mary's Cathedral Nicholas Crosa is a student at Tualatin High School. He is Con­ certmaster of the [Portland Youth Philharmonic and first violinist of the Fidelius String Quartet. He stud­ ies violin with Carol Sindell of Port­ land State University and Dorothy De Lay of the Julliard School of Music in New York. ■MEomerfaiup ^Expressions Deontae Joseph Keller, horn May 24th, ¡975 to the legal birthright of Rhonda E. Henry and Joseph D. Keller, a.k.a. Joe (Bean) Keller (with paradox genes o f Ray Jacobs). Throughout Denotae’s life he was known for a charming smile, soft personality and his fun loving ways. As a kid he always wanted to take charge, he was the little man When his brother Demarcus was born, Deontae bonded with him immedi­ ately. He would always want to hold him and take him anywhere he went. As a youngster tumbling after his father, he began teaching it to his brother. Deontae, sometimes living with his grandmother Myrtle Hen­ ry, attended King Elem entary School where he took up video pro­ duction. During beginning high school years Deontae and Demarcus moved to San Jose, California where they I i ved with their Grandma Kel 1er and Aunt Liz. Deontae and his broth­ er moved back to Portland after a couple of years where he returned to Jefferson High. Deontae did not complete his senior high school year. He instead eventually, after a peri­ od of time decided to try the Job Corps in Idaho where he stayed for a short time. Returning to Portland he hung-out for a while looking for employment and a way to survive the tough time of life that our young people have today. » Deontae, at the age o f 19 decided that he was he was ready to go back Deontae Joseph Keller to school. He didn’t want to settle for a G.E.D, he said “Dad, I want to walk across the stage with a cap and gown on”. He then enrol led in school at P.O.I.C. where he achieved his goal in the summer of 1995. He walked the stage smiled to the peo­ ple and told himself “I did it”. Deontae just a week or so ago com­ pleted his pre-job training program. If he were here today he would probably be at work right now. Deontae also recent ly went to church with his step-grandmother Audrey Henry, where I know he made his peace with God. Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law . Landlord / Tenant . Small Business Law • Product Liability • Criminal Defense • Collections Call Daniel E. Russell at 282-7999 for your free initial consultation. ‘E dwin O’Mara, A (Dynamic (HEtorica(lnf(ucnce I he C a th o lic S cho la r SpripQ The Catholic Scholar Series nn on the Church in the Third Millennium, part of the Archdiocese of Portland's sesquicentennial celebration, contin­ ues with a presentation by Monsi­ gnor Tim Dolan. The scholar series is one of the events commemorating the 150th anniversary of the found­ ing of the Archdiocese of Portland. Monsignor Dolan’s presentation will be "Edwin O ’Hara: A model for episcopal leadership.” Monsignor Dolan’s talk will be presented on Sunday, March 17 at 8:00 p.m., at St. Mary'sCathedral, Portland. His pre­ sentation in Portland will be preced­ ed at 7:00 by the Archdiocesan spon- a l t sored Vr\nnn Young A rtictr Artists Program. KTZ^I. Nick Crosa, violin and Andrew Brownell, piano, will perform. Monsignor Dolan will repeat his talk on Mon­ day, March 18, at 8:00 p.m at St Mary’s Church in Eugene. Born September 6, 18 8 1, near Lanesboro, MN, Edwin V. O’Hara was ordained a priest for the Archdi­ ocese o f Oregon City, and began priestly ministry in Portland at the Cathedral Parish of the Immaculate Conception. His life was one of cre­ ative leadership Father O ’Hara founded the Catholic Education As­ sociation of Oregon in 1907. While at the Catholic e r M. I saacs There is a concentrated effort among nations to wipe out all knowl­ edge of God and to eliminate his name from among the people. There is a time o f evil to come, appointed by God—to turn over to arrogant men the desires of their hearts. One by one the evil desires of vain men assail the earth; homosexuals arise, abortion clinics flourish; prayers are hindered or halted, made unlawful in public gatherings; war and atrocities in divers places; son rise against fa­ thers and daughters against mothers; unlawful cohabitation; children reared in ungodly homes; children sexually mutilated and slaughtered; c te r M lission ission Possible: c h a ia cter R evival, M oral D evelopm ent, and Sexual R esponsibility” was the theme for Shaw U niversity’s recent R eligious Emphasis Week activities. Rev. M atthew Zim merm ann, Jr, the D irector o f M inistry for the U.S. O ffice o f Veteran Af- fhe Mittleman Jewish Communi­ Communi- The ty Center, and Hadassah are spon­ sors of a special Passover family event. The third annual “Freedom Treasure Hunt: A Walk Through Seder Experience” will be on Sun­ day March 3 1, 1996 from I-3 p.m. Passover, which this year begins on Thursday |ApriI 4 ends on Thurs­ day April 11, celebrates the Exodus o f the Israelites from Egypt over 3,000 years go. The name, Passover, and and disasters disasters of of natnrp nature arp are hastened by the ignorance of men with their careless treatment of the elements and environment; foolishly destroy­ ing the land God created to sustain and maintain the bodies in which we reside. Fear invades the land and wicked men rule the people. All na­ tions will rise against jerusalem, be­ cause it will represent God among men.Zech. KJV. The battle is joined; the invasion of evil is moving at a rapid pace and- those not fully grounded in a firm belief in God and his eternal plan are full of fear, unhinged, lost as sheep without a shepherd; weak in mind and spirit, full of hate and envy and fa ir e was u/ac the ih » keynote speaker ___ i___ fairs Rev. Zim merm ann is a retired m ajor general and the firs, Black Army C h ief o f C haplains having served his tenure under the lead­ ership o f G eneral Colin Powell U niversity president Talbert O. Shaw, faculty, staff, and stu­ dents attended the ...wmiug m orning aci- ser ---------------—~ is take from fro m the t h e Exodus P v n H .ic story: c m n . ‘Dur­ > r t ..r . is take ing the I Oth ultimate plague, which convinced the Pharroah to free the Jews, God passed over the Israelites and struck down only the Egyptians’ first born. Fhe Jews fled Egypt in such haste, there was not time for the read they had prepared to rise. Today Jews commemorate this by eating Matzah unleavened bread) during Passover week. Passover is celebrat­ ed by sharing a traditional meal called Mallory Avenue Christian Church (DOC) Invites You To Come Join Us As We Celebrate... Pastor Denise Bell’s Seven Years of Service Pastor Denise Bell has been called to serve as an associate pastor of Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church (DOC) in Memphis, TN. This afternoon celebration will give you the opportunity to say, “think you" and “farewell." We look forward to seeing you and celebrating Pastor Bell’s seven years o f great service! Come show some love! Sunday Afternoon March ¡7, ¡996 3:00 pm Mallory Avenue Christian Church 126 NE Alberta Portland, OR 97211 503/288-3173 t i v e s ____ n: , prone to violence. Disease I brought about by the vileness of men claim untold lives; yet man continues, pell mell, in his abominable ways. Only fools would continue in the way of destruction; making excuses, de­ manding rights, accusing others; re­ fusing to take responsibility for the decay and spiritual pollution of the body and mind. Yes, man is wiser and more evil and the pattern and world prepara­ tion for the appearance of the anti­ christ isprecedingatarapidpace. Ye that have eyes, let him see; Ye that have ears, let him hear what God’s signs make apparent and what God’s servants are preaching. There are no . . secrets regarding the outcome of this battle between the evil one and Jesus, the Son of God. the exact time o f the coming o f Jesus and his army is known only to Jehovah God; for no man knows the limit of the patience ofGod; no man knows, as yet, the full wrath of God. We taste the edges of God’s wrath with the floods, earth­ quakes, snows in summer, ice storms, droughts, strange behavior among the animals and strange cults among men. The guilt of men, the sins of man must be atoned and preparation is in place for this atonement; but man hardens his heart and blindly follows the destructive way; and evil one prevails for a time. JEROM E G. TA N N E R A. Funeral D irector The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can he made easier if you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 . •__ . „ . . vices at I homas Boyd chapel in celebration of Religious Empha­ sis Week. I he Shaw University Gospel Choir under the leader­ ship if Lonieta Cornwall provid­ ed the music. In addition, stu­ dents, faculty, staff and the com ­ munity took part in evening w ork­ snups h ic h explored shops w which explored various various topics on moral developm ent. Shaw University, founded in 1865, is the oldest historically black insti­ tution in the South. Since 1987 the University has been under the lead­ ership of President Talbert O. Shaw. President Shaw’s leadership pursues the them “Strides to Excellence: Why NottheBest? Not the Best? , __ . a Seder (order) on the first and sec­ ond nights. At the Seder we read the story of Passover from the I laggadah and eat special foods. Participants at the “Freedom Trea­ sure Hunt" will have the opportunity to meet Moses; cross the Red Sea; make a Seder plate (traditional plate used during the Passover meal); tie- dye Matza covers; plant parsley; and make Haroset (ritual food made with apples, nuts and wine representing “T the mortar used to make the pyra­ mids). Featured this year will be the Sweets, Etc. who will provide event- goers with the opportunity to make dip matzah in chocolate. Gate fees for” Freedom Treasure Hunt” are, Adults - $2, children - $ l , ($8 maximum/family) for MJCC and Hadassah members; non-members: Adults - $4 is located at 6651 SW Capitol Hwy., Portland Or. Contact Eliana Temkin at 244-0111 for info. C A L L T O A D V E R T I S E W IT H (Lite J3 it vt la it ò (I li e Vo c I* A T 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR J race Covenant Jedowship livet Baptist Church Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles C H A R LE N E C O X T AN N ER Manager Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director a O ’Hara had helped to write. This law was eventually upheld by the Oregon State Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court In addition to social justice and labor rights. Father O ’Hara is con­ sidered the founding influence for the Confraternity of Christian Doc­ trine education programs. These ed­ ucational programs, for students not enrolled in Catholic schools, now include more that 13,000 students in Western Oregon and more that 4 .1 million students in the United States. He also served as Superintendent of Catholic Schools in Western Ore­ gon. Meet Moses A t Tie M itt Ceman Jewish Community Center A.A. C O X , SR. M ortician & fu n e ra l Director A r* * University o f America in 19 10, he researched the Catholic history of Oregon. In I9l I FatherO’HArapub­ lished Pioneer Catholic History of Oregon. That same year he was appointed Pastor of Portland's Cathedral parish. In I9 |2 , he was active in promoting fair wages for working women in Portland, and was appointed chairman of the Oregon Consumer's League Committee on Women’s Unemployment. He was appointed by Governor Oswald West as chairman o f the Industrial Welfare Commission In I9l 3. The commis­ sion was to uphold the recently signed Minimum Wage Law, which Father A (J E ta t Maistanee Against Tie ‘k nowledge O f Çod! (503)281-4891 V i i_ : . . n Cox Funeral Home Inc. $ B 3 Shaw University’s %efyious ‘Emphasis dfedy CHOICES • • • • • P age 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Radio M inistry: 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 A M on KBM S “Where the Best is Yet to Be! ” Rev. James E. Martin, Ph.D. Rev. JefTery W. Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR