^ • ’ eS5--yT?:i.x •MM - ¿ ••2 - , '***-•*•*- Volume XXVI, Number IO -•' • ;.• • ■ " . î '^'. 'o Committed to cultural diversity. M a rc h ó , 1996 B Oil je ^ n rtía n ó (Pbserüer SECTION Diversity A t Oregon Shakespeare Festival O Ul in u n i t U a I c xi ò a V Fly Tying Exhibit Opens The intricate and colorful craft o f fly tying and rod building will be on display when the Flyfisher’s Club o f Oregon ex­ hibit their skills at the World Forest Cen­ ter. Visitors are welcome to the event Fri­ day and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the World Forestry Center. Older Women’s Group Meets The Older W omen’s League invites the public to hear a report on the recent United Nations Conference on Women during an open discussion Saturday, from 10 a.m. to noon, at the Portland Impact Senior Cen­ ter, 4610 S.E. Belmont. Movie director Otis De Marko (Douglas Markkanen, above left) greets August Strindberg (Philip Davidson) as Micki Kidde (Karole Foreman) looks on in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival's 1996 production o f Drury Pifer's “Strindberg in Hollywood. " Neil Diamond Sets Concert Solo Artist Neil Diamond has sched­ uled a July 29 concert at the new Rose Garden arena. Tickets are on sale at the Rose Garden ticket office, Blazers on Broadway and all G.l. Jo e’s Ticketmaster outlets. Deacon Jones Performs The ambassador o f the blues Deacon I Jones performs Thursday at 9:30 p.m. at Key Largo, 3 I N.W. First Ave. Since 1963 I when he first hit the Chicago music scene j with Baby Huey, Deacon has been associ­ ated with many o f the finest names in show business. Irish Festival At Kells The 6th annual Kells Portland St. Patrick’s Irish Festival is an authentic Irish i event with fun for the entire family. Sched- I uled March 15-17, the celebration at 112 S.W. Second Ave. will include authentic Irish crafts, dancers, a genealogist and | activities for all ages. The medical advice of Dr. Toxin (Derrick Lee Weeden, far right) surprises (left to right) Dr. Mortice (David Kelly), Dr. Snot (U. Jonathan Toppo), Gorgibus (Sandy McCallum) and Dr. Prophylactus (Robert Vincent Frank) in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival's 1996 production o f "Moliere Plays Paris," translated and contrived by Nagle Jackson. Paulina (Tamu Gray, foreground) unveils a statute o f Hermione (Lise Bruneau) in the Oregon Shakespeare Festival's 1996 production o f William Shakespeare's “The Winter Tale. ” A n exciting diverse 1 9 9 6 season has beg u n a t th e O regon S h a k e s p e a re F e s tiv a l in Ashland. Women’s History Celebrated C u rren tly four indoor plays a re being p erform ed at the festival in A shland. L ater, the o u td o o r season w ill open and in July the festival features the w orld prem ier o f “ I he D arker Face o fth e e a rth ” by A frican A m erican playw right Rita D ove, the form er U S. Poet L aureate. For tick ets and inform ation, call the Tri-Met Adds More Advocates 1 he Women’s Union and Resource Cen- I ter at Portland State University has sched­ uled several events to recognize March as I women s history month. Admission is free. ' For a calendar o f events, call Oona Jenkins I at 725-5672. Low Blood Pressure Help A seminar on how to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol wi 11 be he Id Thurs­ day and Friday at 7:15 p.m. at the Stone Tower Church, 3010 N.E. Holladay. The program includes 15 different methods to lower blood pressure and cholesterol with­ out medications. Chinese Treasures On Display Children and adults can spend an after­ noon immersed in Chinese culture Sunday when the Portland Art Museum presents Buried Tombs and Treasures o f China from I p.m. to 5 p.m. SUBM ISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. Portland Teens Go To The Capital z e a r S w e e t and S u -m a r Dawson from the Portland Op­ portunities Center, 7 1 7 N. Klllingsworth Court, have been se­ lected to attend the National Young Leaders Conference, M arch 1 2 -1 7 in Washington D.C. I Franklin Presents Oklahoma! Franklin High S c h o o l’s p erfo rm in g a rts pro g ram p re se n ts the m u sical O klahom a! T h ursday and F riday at 7:30 p.m. I he school hopes to g en er ate enough ex tra revenue w ith the per form ance to keep the e x tra c u rric u la r th eater p iu g ia m aliv e th ro u g h next y e a r's budget cuts. O regon S h ak esp eare Festival box office at ( 5 4 1) 482-433 I . Box office hours are T u esd ay -S u n d ay s, 9:30 a.m . to 8 p.m. and M ondays, 9:30 a.m . to 5 p.m. Tri-Met is boosting customer service and security by a s s ig n in g m ô r^id ë ^d v ô c à tè s ri-Met is expanding efforts to ship with the Multnomah County District improve custom er service and Attorney’s Office. safety by hiring 1 0 AmeriCorps AmeriCorps is a national service program workers as Community Safety Advocates sim ilartoadom estic PeaceCorps. It’sgoal is who are now riding the transit system. to improve the community, while training T The advocates carry two-way radios, re­ port any problems to police, and assist cus­ tomers with route schedule and other infor­ mation. The public service w o rk ers w ill ride Max light rail and selected bus routes in the Lloyd D istrict, so u th east and n o rth ­ east P ortland and on the dow ntow n P o rt­ land T ran sit Mall. I he program is funded through a partner­ leaders for the future. The A m eriC orps ad d itio n to T ri-M et is an ex ten sio n o f the cu rren t R ider A d­ vocate program and o th e r security m ea­ sures im plem ented by T ri-M et o v er the past five years. Most recently. Rider Advocates have in­ volved 10 north and northeast Portland resi­ dents who ride eight different bus routes in the region. fo ride the transit system. I he effort resulted from the support ofthe Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods and provides services ranging from summoning emergency medical assistance to rewarding youth for good behavior, officials said The other security efforts initiated by Tri- Met over the five year period, include, pay­ ing for 16 Portland police officers and two Gresham police to patrol to the Tri-Met sys­ tem, hiringa Multnomah County deputy sher­ iff to coordinate Tri-Met security programs; paying for a deputy district attorney to pros­ ecute crimes against Tri-Met and installing security cameras a, three MAX stations and on 40 buses. The co n feren ce is a le a d e rsh ip e n ­ richm ent program for high school stu ­ dents w ho have d e m o n stra te d le a d e r­ ship po ten tial and sc h o la stic m erit. The them e o f the c o n fe re n ce is the L eaders o f T o m orrow m eeting the L eaders o f T oday. The students w ill in teract w ith key political leaders and new sm akers from the three bran ch es o f g o v ern m en t, the m edia and the d ip lo m a tic corps. H ighlights o f th e program include w elcom ing rem arks from the flo o r o f the U nited S tates H ouse o f R e p re se n ­ tatives and a panel d isc u ssio n with prom inent jo u rn a lis ts a, the N ational Press C lub The sc h o la rs w ill visit foreign em ­ bassies and receiv e p o lic y b rie fin g s from sen io r go v ern m en t o ffic ia ls. The c o n fe re n ce is sp o n so re d by the C o n g r e s s io n a l Y o u th L e a d e r s h ip C ouncil, a n o n p ro fit n o n p a rtisa n e d u ­ catio n al o rg a n iz a tio n