¡.X, •jSgte^ä ctfx V -‘ ■ V \ •■«>. * . Ä I hi P oru and O bsi rvfr • M arch 6, 1996 P agi : (The JJnrthtnh (Dbseruer JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 =CÖ UPÖ N COUPON Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Drapery Cleaning Lined & Unlined Any Size On Any Dry Cleaning O rd er ■ BURS rom Hayhurst Elem entary S c h o o l take a break from their recent ry Opera H ouse. More than 1 0 0 stu d e n ts o f the sou th w est Portland a rtists, m u sicia n s, d a n cers and actors in a production they created elim inate the "dread o f re a d in g ." (Photo by Tony Washing, Food Donations For Families . Two 40-foot trailer trucks o f food and cash donations worth $84,694 were recently delivered to the Port­ land Police Bureau’s Sunshine D iv i­ sion. The donations by United Grocers and Western Fam ily Foods were col­ lected from United Grocers member stores that participated in a Have A Heart Food Drive. “ Food donations are needed all year," said Bob Tobin, program co­ ordinator at the Sunshine Division. “Thanks to people like those at Unit­ ed Grocers, we are able to meet the needs o f the families in the commu­ nity throughout the year.” The Sunshine D ivision provides temporary emergency re I ief to needy Portland families by distributing food supplies and other necessities. About 400 food boxes ere assem­ bled every month. Each food box contains basic non-perishables to pro­ vide balanced meals. A family o f Our Heartfelt Thanks .«• «tFtjnvv“-, / A Of $12.00 or More 99e A PLEAT Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added Professional Pleated • Piek-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE’S CLEANERS Expires 3-31-96 Expires 3-31-96 COUPON COUPON Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Inflation Buster Laundry Special On Any Dry Cleaning O rd er Laundered Shirts 95‘ NO LIMIT Of $20.00 or More With $10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons JEANIE'S CLEANERS JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 3-31-96 Expires 3-31-96 COUPON COUPON I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Speeial Mens or Womens On Any Dry Cleaning O rd er r.*t»k | (iood On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | | Not Valid With Any Other Speeial Prices or Coupons | JEANIE'S CLEANERS ? Expires 3-31-96 VESTfe'lft TAMfO' I Sleeping Bag Cleaning Special s5.99 NE 42NDAVE owned cooperative serving more than 390 member stores in Oregon .Wash­ ington and California. Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Speeial Prices or Coupons JEANIE’S CLEANERS Expires 3-31-96 F rozen F ood S ale Prices Effective March 6 through March 12,1996 at your nearby Safeway store. LTHY DINNER Budget Gourmet ONLY 240 CALORIES • LOW FAT • ONLY 440 m g SODIUM Frozen Dinners ’ ’ f I ------THtiaito*' • Selected Regular or Light & Healthy • 1 1 -Ounce • SA V E UP TO 1.82 GOURM ET. LIGHT AND HEALTHY DINNER _____ ONLY 240 CALORIES • LOW FAT • ONLY 440 m g SODIUM New Director For Kaiser i I Expires 3-31-96 Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special Jim R ob in son o f Thriftway h an ds over a ch e ck representin g the food donations from United G rocers to the Portland Po lice B u rea u 's Su n sh in e D ivision. ▲ Cheryl Harmon has been appoint­ ed director o f personnel administra­ tion for Kaiser Permanente. Harmon will be responsible for managing the organization’s policy and employ­ ment administration, recruitment and EEO/Affirm ative Action functions as well as the employee assistance program. In her 28-year career with Kaiser Permanente, Harmon has held a num­ ber o f positions, including area hu­ man resources administrator at K a i­ ser Sunnyside Medical Center. She resides in West Linn, Oregon. JEANIE'S CLEANERS COUPON Continued from front According to city officials, Mult­ nomah County has experienced a dra­ matic increase in poverty and conse­ quently, in homelessness in the past decade. For the past years, many programs promising low-income affordable housing have jumped into the market to help stem the buying out o f north­ east Portland. Limited resources have hindered low-income housingagencies like PCX? Homestead, Habitat for Humanity, Host, and N E C D C Nehemiah from fulfilling their goals. And critics are divided over the ability o f these programs to help the situation. Boneless Skinless Fryer Breast .. • Manor House • Individually Quick Frozen • Sold in 4-Pound Bag Only...$6.96 Each Safeway Frozen Orange Juice • 12-0unce SAVE UP TO 600 /■ a ’A kQ i k 1 Of $30.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Sot Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons four would receive a food box that would last three to four days. United Grocers Inc. is a retailer- | |l)ry Cleaning or L aundered Pantsl Jeanie's Cleaners 5403 NE 42nd Ave Housing Troubles Locals Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Speeial • SAVE UP TO 730 LB Look For Your Safeway Weekly Shopping Guide In Your Oregonian FOODday in the Portland Metro Area ...And Save More Shopping A t Safeway! Enjoy Extra Savings With The SAFEWAY EXTRA In-Store Savings Guide Available at your Safeway store.