r Mk <4, M lm ùp :r' ♦ ä < « h W ^M^^ixi^MFfiSSGHBHSMHflOHSSSM^Rd • • P or n, and O ksi kvi k • M arch 6, J’o l i c e TVeir« The 2nd Annual Robbery Subject Wanted Portland Police Bureau Special Property Investigations detectives, in cooperation with C rim e S top­ pers, are asking for your help in locating and apprehending Derrek Linn kreitzer. Felony arrest w arrants, charg­ ing k reitzer with U nauthorized use o f a Vehicle, Third D egree R ob­ bery, Second D egree Theft, and Failure to A ppear in court, are on file, in addition, investigators want to question k reitzer in connection with a large quantity o f suspected stolen property that has been sold B usiness F air T R A D E §H O W Find New Products ®" Test New Services “®’ Hear Exciting Speakers “® «* W IN PRIZES Mail Theft Hits Collection Boxes The ’96 Trade Show & Business Fair is twice the size of last year’s, an absolute must see for any serious business person! • I sx: :>v r ç A ■ ) Sponsored by: : X, ' Vancouver V i s ^*«***\ ? ,In c . (36 0) 695-2442 • Kreitzer, Derrek Lynn to secondhand stores throughout the m etropolitan area. D errek Linn k reitzer, w ho may also use the nam e D errek U n n Sm ith, is a 21-year-old w hite male (D O B /0 9 -0 3 -7 4 )6 ’4", 210 pounds, with blond hair and blue eyes. C rim e S to p p e r s is o f f e r in g a c a sh re w a rd o f up to $ 1,0 0 0 for in fo rm a tio n , r e p o r te d to C rim e S to p p e rs , th a t le a d s to an a r re s t in th is c a se o r an y u n s o lv e d fe lo n y c rim e , an d y o u ca n r e ­ m a in a n o n y m o u s. C a ll C rim e S to p p e rs at ( 5 0 3 ) 8 2 3 -H E L P R Ì r -.w spi I he U S. Postal Inspection Ser­ vice, in cooperation with Crim e Stoppers, is asking for your help in identifying and apprehending the person or persons responsible for the theft of mail. The m ail is co m ­ monly stolen from house letter boxes and blue postal collection boxes. Most mail thieves are looking for checks that can be altered and cashed to support drug habits. They may also be looking for cash, cred­ Business Fair & Trade Show the red (lag up. N otify the post office o f address changes, and if you plan on being out o f town, ask the post office to hold your mail Ify o u have inform ation which leads to the identification and ar- rest o f anyone responsible for steal­ ing mail, rew ards are available through the U.S. Postal Inspection Service or Crim e Stoppers. As al­ ways, you can remain anonym ous. Call Crim e Stoppers at (5 0 3 )8 2 3 - HELP. Attempted Child Abduction Thwarted A Vancouver, W ashington man was arrested M onday afternoon af­ ter he grabbed a 2-year-old girl and pulled her away from her mother. The mother was able to pull the child back from the man. He was stopped by nearby security guards and held for Central Precinct offic- ers. The incident occurred about2:00 i.m. W itnesses saw the suspect, Stanley Allen Bankhead, D O B 09- 23-68, walking quickly along the This year’s it cards, and boxes o f new checks. T hose caught stealing mail and attem pting to cash checks may be prosecuted in federal court for theft and bank fraud. In addition, offend­ ers could also be prosecuted in state court for forgery and credit card fraud. Many mail thefts can be prevent­ ed. T he postal Service says never send cash through the mail, retrieve your mail from the m ailbox as soon as possible after delivery, and never leave outgoing mail in the box with sidew alk. Reportedly, Bankhead shoved a pedestrian against a wall then w alked up to the w oman and her child, who w ere standing on the sidew alk. Al­ legedly, Bankhead picked the 2-year- old child up in a “bear hug” and began to walk away. T he m other was ab le to pull h er d a u g h te r back. Bankhead then reportedly w alked aw ay and was stopped and detained by a nearby security guard w ho heard the com m otion. Bankhead was then arrested by Central Precinct o ffic­ ers and transported to the Justice C enter Jail. Bankhead has been charged with Attem pted k id n a p p in g In T he First Degree, And A ttem pted Sex A buse In The First D egree H e is being held on $200,000 bail, enhanced by M ultnom ah County Judge A nna Brown. Bankhead faces an initial court appearance on Tuesday. A photo will be available at the Iden­ tification Division. Nomination Sought For Wyden’s Seat I I llP ictc nf flrn an n will »mil k/J.I he S ocialists of O regon hold a convention to nom inate a candidate for the rem aining portion o f Ron W y d en ’s T hird C ongressional Dis- is at the Rodeo Bingo Hall, ..... -r-. trict seat in C ongress. The meeting will take place T uesday, M atch 19 at 7 :3 0 p .m . at L aughing House Books, 652 S.E. D ivision, Portland. For in­ form ation call M ichael M arino, state secrctaiy at (503) 2234151. The kite A. Phillip Randolph served as national chair of the Socialist Party USA. right behind the Goodwill • A t First Interstate Bank on Fourth Plain • T A T W e want in Vancouver. we know how hard it can be in establish The 2nd Annual TO GIVE B usiness F air CREDIT Special Guest Speaker | TR A D E gH O W W ed, March 1 3 th Chuck Whitlock I “How to con proof I your business” 11 a.m. Rodeo Bingo Hall Over 50 Vendors Demonstrating □ New Products & Services Door Prizes Every Hour Exciting Speakers & Seminars ' * > - ' s.- ■\.s' • > ' WHERE DUE. (behind 4th Plain Goodwill in Vancouver) we look at applications for o u r In m e loans. < ai loans and credit cards. CREDIT IS ■ 10am -7pm credit That.'s why w in n we keep in m in d that everyone's fmanc i ll situation is differ cut W c w ill w o rk w ith you to determ ine which of $ w ou r wide variety of loan .. I ’* and credit products Ä.-. best meet y