P age B 6 M arch 6, 1 9 9 6 • T he P ortland O bserver A L T E R N A T I V E S “The New Year, Where Jesus Is by M argaret I saacs “ Oh, Lord God In Heaven!" How often have these words been said, especially during this special season; but there are few that are aware that the Lord God is also here on earth in the person o f the H oly Spirit. This Spirit who does all things for the glorification o f Jesus, the Christ. I f this w orld’s population could be­ lieve that Jesus is here in the Holy Spirit, what a very different place this world would be. We pray for “ things” which never satisfy nor give peace. Canker and ruin follow our “ gimmie” prayers, and through our ignorance, we b lame God. We pray for love among men, but refuse to acknowledge that spiritual love is neither sexual nor limited. We pray for peace, while we plan and implement the destruction o f places and people and governments and nations We give with one hand and take away with the other, accord ing to our desire for w orldly gratification. We place lim its on our love, our peace, our faith, our compassion, our mercy, our hope; We lim it our ambi­ tion to serve mankind by hour selec­ tiveness; and our selfish desire to give aid only to those who can assist us in achieving our earthly goals. How quickly we forget ( i f we have really ever known) that God is in us, over us, around us, under us, and among us; waiting with infinite pa­ tience for us to acknowledge Him as master and savior in all seasons. So simple is the solution to mankind’ s woes, that it escapes many who pro­ fess to be spiritual. We cry, Why God? He stands and pleads. Try G od! Our base nature grabs us in a hard grip, when we are faced with any­ thing we deem a threat to our ambi­ tion; to our social standing; to our wealth; and our trust departs and leaves us suspicious, m alicious, proud, angry and hateful. We in our ignorance, rely upon our inadequate selves; foolishly thinking we are gods unto ourselves. We refuse to acknowl­ edge our shortcomings; adamantly ignoring the certain fact that we can­ not change nor hinder the visit o f the death angel. Ignoring the fact that we cannot give life; we seek control o f nature, situations and circumstanc­ es, by hastening death. We eliminate life before birth, attempting to main­ ta in c o n tro l o ve r o u r d esired lifestyles; denying the planned and sanctioned life giving way o f God. We foolishly expend our energies in futile attempts to be gods. Nevertheless, tnere are occasions when men allo w G od ’s spirit to shine through; then, the poor are fed; the homeless are sheltered; the sick are Something C& ‘IhinlffU'out Ephesians 6: For we wrestle not with flesh or blood. The devil is not flesh nor blood. I f it does not have flesh, w ill it be something like a Bone Head? Flesh is muscle. And the heart is cardiac muscle. W ithout flesh, then it won’t have a heart-Heartless! Without blood, how can it exist? Does it consist o f any­ thing? Was it bom? Hmm... In order to be bom, our mothers must have flesh and blood. Other wise, how can the mother nourish the fetus in the womb? I f the devil is not bom, then it does not have beginnings on Earth as human beings have. Without such beginnings as we have, how can it exist? i nn n i, i*« I he answer was given to me by the Vatican Embassy in Washington, DC According to the Vatican Embassy, the devil is just a spirit. The devil is a fallen angel. And angels are spirits. And spirits are immaterial, incorpo­ real. It has NO body parts as human beings have. In contrast, Jesus Christ was bom in flesh and Blood. Since He was bom, then He had a begin­ ning on Earth as a Corporeal Human Being with Body Parts. In turn, the Omnipotent Omnipresent Holy Spir­ it Who proceeds from God the Father and the Son Jesus Christ can be Felt because Jesus, the Divine Human Being Who has Body Parts, abides in us. 1 Corinthians 2:16: But we do have the M ind o f Christ. 1 Corinthians The love w ith in each o f us must shine fo rth and connect w ith the love in others, thereby, fo rm in g a strong chain w hich cannot be broken by the w him s o f dou ble- tongued, false, selfish, unreliab le men, w ho are e asily recognized by the fru its they bear. In this new year is where Jesus is; where He has always been since the beginning o f time. We would be wise to extend this Christmas Spirit into this newyear to assure that our bless­ ings continue, our seed prosper and our Souls inherit eternal salvation and peace. May we allow the Spirit o f God to grant to us a happy, pros­ perous and blessed New Year. C A L L T O A D V E R T I S E W IT H CL lie •JJnrtkutb (Û lis e r tir r AT 288-0(133 10: A ll ate the same spiritual meat/ food and all drank the same spiritual drink, The drank from the Spiritual rock that went with them; and that Rock was Christ. Hollywoodland Media had been identified by someone in the Vatican Embassy as the beast like a lamb. That is in accordance to Daniel 8:20 the Ram’ s Identity. The beast is a deceiver. And it spoke as a dragon, which is the Devil, the great deceiv­ er. Spoke as itself, eh? Moreover, Great Babylon, according to Revela­ tions 18, has become a habitation o f devils--> a city o f fallen angels, evil spirits which are incorporeal. I f the T V is mute, can the evil spirit manifest its voice? Ifth e T V is off, can it manifest itself on the TV? I f it cannot, then can it manifest itself at any latitude, longitude, altitude, depth, underground, on the ground, over ground, below sea level, at sea level, above sea level? I f it cannot manifest itself behind or in front o f the camera, then the devils are ex­ tremely lame spirits! Is that why they say Bye Bye Birdie!? How can it threaten anyone anymore? In Ezekiel 28, it was said. And you (refers to Satan) wi II be no more. Thanks. Have anice week. Pointer: Don’t be scared. Why should we be scared o f a noth­ ing? Devils cannot occupy people whose bodies are filled with the Holy Spirit Who can be felt. J ourney Happy 10th Birthday Memory Ann Garnett Happy Birthday Clara From your mom, Gary Ann and the Portland Observer staff. FromYour Loving Husband Gary Cox Funeral Home Inc. St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR Çrace Covenant Jedowship 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 A .A . C O X , SR. Sundays at ll :30 AM (503)282-3780 Mortician & Funeral Director C H A R LE N E C O X TA N N E R Manager JEROM E G. T A N N E R A. Funeral D irector The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can be made easier if you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director “Where the Best is Yet to B e !” BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 you are cordially invited to attend the North Portland Bible College 4905 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97217 288/2919 J ‘ u d CfospeiTcntecostadAssociation 8th A n n u a l TfationalTTomen's Convention Tort band, Oregon March 6-10,1996 Vancouver Avenue First Baptist Church is celebrating their 51st church anniversary, Friday through Sunday. A ll neighbors, members, friends and alumni o f Vancouver Avenue First Baptist arc encouraged to attend Friday at 7 p.m.; a potluck fellowship w ill be held Saturday; morning services at 10:35 a.m. Sunday and 3 p.m. for the climaxing worship service, Rev. Amzie Bailey, pastor. Donations also are being accepted to purchase a new ro o f for the church, located at 3138 N. Vancouver Ave. in Portland. “ Please come out and support the church with a heart-felt welcome," said sister O.B W illiams, chairperson. For additional details call 282-9496. Wednesday: Musical - 7pm Emmanuel Temple 1032 N. Summner Street r Thur.-Sat.: Workshops 9am-3pm Travelodge Hotel N .E .2nd Avenue Theme: Jesus, Aiy ‘Rose o f Sharon, Lily of ‘The Talley Song o f Solomon 2:1-2 ‘Keynote Speakers: W orship Service 7pm Baptist Church Sunday: Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th Avenue M orning Worship - 1 lam Emmanuel Temple 1032 N. Sumner Street 'Workshop Topics OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY III (Isaiah - Malachi) Pastor James Coleman RO M ANS (Bible Study Elective) D r Jim Williams W O RLD M ISSIO N III (Cultural Perspective) Elizabeth Nance Tuesdays: 'Evangelist Susie Owens, ‘Washington, TLC. Sis. Eran Lance, Seattle, ‘Washington livet 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Spring Term Class Schedule, 1996 March 25 - June 6 Mondays: in Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. (503)281-4891 Sincerely, Vitus F. Sotto Vancouver Avenue Church Celebrates Worship Services: treated and cured; the elderly receive honor and love; and all children are looked upon as a blessed g ift from God. In spite o f the c o m m e rcia lism , C hristm as is s till one o f those occasions when men a llo w the od w ith in to shine fo rth and the earth is a g a in b le sse d . M a n k in d ’ s blessings fo r the new year are dependent upon his a b ility to acknow ledge his need fo r a God o f m ercy and peace and love. We must, independently, believe that we have the ability to make a difference in this world, apart from organized charities and government programs. N EW T E S T A M E N T SURVEY III (Hebrews - Revelation) Elizabeth Nance STRENG THENING TH E SING LE PARENT F A M IL Y Kathleen Watkins Equipping The Saints I, (Continuation) Greg and Ginger Hicks Thursdays: IN D U C T IV E B IB L E STUDY Dean M ichael Lindsey H O M ILE T IC S (Sermon Preparation) Pastor T Allen Bethel U N D E R S TAN D IN G IS LA M A N D M U S LIM S R ichard Elkins Tuition: Still uuly $75. per course; $5. discount before Mar. 29. PRE-REGISTRATION, by phone, 288-2919. or in person Wltcn Life (iocs Against the (irain-Barbara Stroughlcr Depression The Feminine Epidemit (Inner Healing)-Evang. A. I lill/Sis. Daniels Coming Apart & Pulling II Bat h Together Again (singles)-Evang. L. Howard Spiritual Bondage-Power &t Control in the Chart h-Sis. B. Phillips/Sis. D. Jachson Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM Intercessory Prayer & Birthing the Prophetic Ministry - Sis. F. Lance Church School: Bible Study: Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M Bible Prophecy-Pastor M. Lovely reunites That Will Destroy - Min. P. Bailey Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Dying Io Live, a Ltxih at Christian Commitment-Sis. D. Ferguson Radio Ministry: Sundays; 8:00 A M on K BM S I he Right Brit Its Thai Build a Marriage - Rev. & Dr. Phillips Cheap Substitutes W ih VM h .1 Lasl-Pastor & Msn. Doahes Rev. James E . M a r tin , P h .D . Rev. Jeffery W . Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor The Biller & Swcci with the Youth of Fixing Sis. I). Kimbrotigh/Sls.F. Williams Man to Man: Something Io Talk Alxxil ( men only) - Bishop D. Mt Elroy t North Portland Rihie College