: • ■ • •• t » i' *• - f / . .• P agi B4 I n 11 Childhood Lead Poisoning What Kids Say Parents Can Do About Drugs A in id the bad news o f steadily rising drug use among kids, there also is good news. A t least h a lf o f today 's youngsters say they are not taking drugs. A recent survey by Pride, the N a tio n ­ al Parents’ Resource Institute fo r D rug Education, found that fo r every type o f drug and fo r every age group, drug use was higher among students I he March 1946 issue o f Read­ who reported little o r no parental discussion. The more parents spoke w ith th e ir o ffspring about the dan­ gers o f drugs, the less frequently the children used them. er's Digest magazine suggests w in ­ ning strategies fo r parents to “ drug- p ro o t" their children - based on tips from kids who have successfully avoided drugs. Make sure your kids know what drugs can do to them. A ccording to th e ! n iv e rs ity o fM ic h ig a n In s titu te fo r Social Research’ s 1995 survey on drug use. the most common rea­ sons high school seniors give fo r not trying marijuana, cocaine and crack are fear o f physical and psy­ chological harm, and fear o f be- | coining addicted. Research shows that m arijuana impairs short-term memory, ju d g ­ ment and problem -solving a b ility , and distorts perception, balance and coordination. Regular use o f m a ri­ juana may lead to chronic b ronchi­ tis. contribute to lung cancer and damage the reproductive system. M any young people think inhal­ ants like paint thinner and butane are not dangerous But continuous and deep inhaling can cause irre ­ versible brain damage, and can bring on disorientation, unconsciousness and death - even when used ju s t once Talk toyourchildren about drugs. It's important to start talking to kids early. One inhalant user seen in the emergency room was o nly 6 years old. K eeping the dialogue going throughout adolescence is equally important. D o n ’ t forget praise. When Joe’ s m other discovered that her son had been offered drugs and had refused, she was quick to tell him , “ Y o u r dad and I are proud o f you fo r being w illin g to stick to what you believe.' H elp your child cope w ith peer pressure. “ The people who o ffe r you drugs usually aren’ t dealers,” says a C onnecticut high school sophomore. “ T h e y’ re yo u r friends.” B eing able to say no w ith con victio n w ith o u t alienating others is a s k ill few kids, especially younger ones, possess. Parents can help th e ir kids devel­ op a plan fo r what to do in such situation. W ork w ith other parents and your com m unity. A t the beginning o f I each school year, Hinsdale Central H igh School in Illin o is sends home a fa m ily agreement. Parent and kids sign a pledge that their fa m ily w ill p ro h ib it alcohol and drugs at teen­ age gatherings in their homes, w ill provide adult supervision and w ill welcome calls from other parents to v e rily these conditions when a par­ ty is planned. The names o f those who sign are in a d ire cto ry a va il­ able to all fam ilies. Three children and one adult were lead levels. Studies show that even at lead po isoned asaresultofaS e 11 w ood home rem odeling project com pleted in 1993, according to o ffic ia ls at Oregon Health D ivisio n . The project involved sanding and scraping o f exterior lead-based paint on a 1902 vintage house. Dust and paint chips lo w levels, lead can cause neurolog­ ical damage and can interfere w ith a c h ild 's intellectual and m otor devel­ opment A t high levels lead can cause kidney failure, coma, and even death A ccording to Johnson, the most com m on sources o f lead in a c h ild 's from the scraping and sanding set­ tled in the soil in the c h ild re n ’ s play area and exposed them to to x ic levels o f lead Chris Johnson, program director o fth e Oregon C h ild h o o d Lead Poi­ soning Prevention Program at the Health D ivisio n says that lead p o i­ soning continues to be a preventable pediatric health problem . H is pro­ gram has been testing Oregon c h il­ liv in g space are lead paint and dust and soil containing lead A lthough use o f lead in residential paint was banned by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in 1978, it is K n o w what to say i f you fin d your c h ild has tried drugs. Remain clam when rules are broken. dren for lead since July, 1992; five to seven percent o fc h ild re n tested have estimated that 53,000,000 homes nationw ide s till contain lead paint. “ The older the home, the more like ly that it contains lead. However, it is im portant to remember that lead is o nly dangerous when it is available to a c h ild ,” he said. As lead paint deteriorates it be­ “ So often a good k id experi­ been found to have elevated blood gins to chip, peel, crack, or chalk. C hildren often eat the peeling paint, but a more comm on problem is the dust that is form ed when lead paint is disturbed or begins to break down from age. T his dust may either be breathed in o r picked up on a c h ild ’ s hands, w hich are then placed in the mouth. The O H SU S ellw ood-M oreland Health Center is w o rkin g w ith the Oregon C hildhood Lead Poisoning Project to conduct an education and blood lead screening program in the Sellwood, East Moreland, and B rook­ lyn neighborhoods. R ick Leiker. re­ search analyst w ith the Health D iv i­ sion says, “ the percentage o f pre- 1940 housing in these areas, along w ith the number o f children under five years o f age who I i ve there means these are neighborhoods w ith a high risk fo r lead exposure.” ments once o r tw ice, and the pun­ ishment ro o f caves in ,” says psy­ chologist Robert Schwebel, c lin i­ cal d ire cto r o f alcohol and drug treatment servicesat the Desert H ills Center fo r Y outh and Fam ilies in Tucson. “ K id s end up saying to themselves. I f you want trouble, I ’ ll show you tro u b le .’ Instead, ask firs t w hy they did this and then ask i fthey plan to do it again. N ext, start educating, ta lk in g and m aking your point o f vie w on the consequences o f continued drug use clear.” K ids can use their parents as b u ff­ ers. A Georgia mother said her son tells his friends, “ M y parents doze on For a free re p rin t o f “ H o w to D ru g -P ro o f Y o u r C h ild ,” send a self-addressed, stamped envelop to R eprint Manager, Reader’ s Digest, my bed u n til I get home. T hey’ d know in a minute i f I came in stoned.” P O . B o x 406, D ept. 3 9 6 -0 0 1 , Pleasantville, N Y 10570-7000. White House Taps Youth For Summit A t 18, Portland’ s Chocka Guiden w il I bi ing seven years o f expertise on alcohol and drug abuse and violence plus proven leadership to the W hite House Leadership C onference on Youth. Drug use. and Violence. N ow a PSIJ Freshman, Ms. G u iden’scred- its include Roosevelt H igh School Student Body President, Roosevelt Student C ouncil C hair, Black Stu­ dent U nion President, and Regional D rug In itia tiv e Y o u th C o a litio n Chair Portland PoliceChiefCharles Moose, House Leadership Conference next sums up Ms. G uiden’ s leadership. “ P ortland’ s young aduIts care a great deal about our com m unity and are taking an active, leadership role in m aking the com m unity a better place. Chocka is an outstanding example o f month. Y o u r participation can make a real d ifference.” Portions o f the M arch 7th confer­ ence w ill be aired as a teleconfer­ ence, w hich w ill be hosted in the Portland area by General M otors dedicated, enthusiastic young lead­ Training Center and co-sponsored by the Regional D rug In itia tive . ership. She plays a key role in mak­ ing the R D I Youth C o a litio n a suc­ cess. Her hard w ork was essential to the success o f the tw o Y outh C o a li­ Ms Guiden has also served as state­ wide president o f Oregon Student Safety on the M ove (O SS O M ); M u lt­ Chocka enjoyed w o rkin g on the Regional Drug In itia tiv e (R D I) Youth C oalition dance held January 13th: tion c ity -w id e alcohol and drug free dances. We look forw ard to seeing Chocka continue her leadership in college and beyond.” nomah C ounty Teen Im pact panel on alcohol and drug prevention, v io ­ “ It’ s really important to focus on the positive, support good teens, and P re s id e n t C lin to n ’ s le tte r to Chocka expressed his interest in her pone Sexual Involvem ent); member o f the M u ltn o m a h C o u n ty D U II promote good clean fun. The Y outh participation: “ D uring the conference we w ill discuss how to strengthen the efforts o f fa m ily, the media, com m u­ (D riv in g U nder the Influence o f In ­ C o a litio n sponsors alcohol and drug free events to give teens positive alternatives and reward them fo r do­ ing the right thing. The 700 youth at our alcohol and drug free dance had a good time and knew they were safe.” Regional D rug In itia tiv e chair, lence and violence prevention; M u lt­ nomah C ounty leader fo r PSI (Post­ toxicants) A d v is o ry Board; and Res­ idence Assistant fo r tw o years at the nities, and businesses to reduce drug N ational Student Safety Conference use and violence and help our young people to make positive choices fo r themselves. K n ow ing o f yo u r in ­ (NSSP). She is a ski lied public speak­ er and expert on alcohol and drug abuse and violence among her peers. She currently serves on the R D I Task volvem ent w ith these c ritic a l issues, I invite you to jo in us at this W hite Force and Executive Committee. HIV Is Knocking On Our Door b \ D r . M. Kt ihi R awlings A ID S has claimed approximately 300,000 lives in the U.S. W hile A ID S cases are steadily increasing in our country, the virus is exploding in com- m unitiesofcolor. As an A frican-Am er­ ican, I am extremely concerned about the disproportionate number o f A fri­ can-Americans w ith AID S. Yet, as a physician, I am excited about the ad­ vancements that are providing me with new weapons to combat H IV , the virus that causes AID S. Given the rising numbers o f Blacks w ith H IV , these developments are critical to us. These new methods o f battling H IV can sig­ nificantly improve the lives ofpeople in our comm uni­ ties. The numbers o f Blacks infect­ ed w ith H IV are impossible to ig ­ ment to keep infected people healthier longer. drug, provides a much better chance o f delaying the progression o f H IV over Often, feelings o f denial, fear, and discrim ination, combined w ith pover­ an extended period o f time. For in­ ty and lack o f access to health care, keep people in our communities from stance, when the newly available anti- I l IV drug 3TC is combined w ith A ZT , there is often a boost in the body’s being tested and from receiving c riti­ cal medical treatment. Some people also w rongly believe that H IV infec­ number o f C D 4 cells - a key indicator o f a person’ s immune health. The tion is untreatable. A ll o f these factors have led to countless cases o f Blacks being diagnosed in hospital emergen­ cy rooms w ith an infection typical o f the advanced stage o f the disease, such as AIDS-related pneumonia (PCP). This late diagnosis is unfortunate and unacceptable. Re- search shows that The numbers o f Blacks infected with HIV are impossible to ignore. nore. A fi ivan-Americans account tor 12% o f the total U.S. population, yet represent more than 32% o f al1 A ID S cases. One in 33 Black men aged 27 to 39 are HIV-infected. The number o f women andchildren infected with H IV is grow ing as well, and Blacks now account for over 50% o f all A ID S cases among women and children. Given these numbers, we must ensure that people in our communities are educated about H IV , encouraged to be tested, and provided medical treat­ a n ti- H IV drugs and a h e a lth y lifestyle can help the body actively fight the virus the moment it enters the body. Early diagnosis and inter­ vention also enables an infected w om ­ an to significantly reduce the lik e li­ hood o f transm itting the virus to her child during pregnancy O ur people deserve the chance to benefit from this knowledge and to receive the best possible treatment they can for this disease Recently, there has been more good news for people w ith H IV Research­ ers now believe that using combina­ tions o f drugs, rather than a single use ofthis combination ofantiretroviral drugs is an excellent example o f the new treatment options available for persons infected with H IV . Fortunately, as our understanding o f H IV grows, health care profession­ als are better able to treat H IV Blacks need to w ork closely with their physi­ cians who can help them identify im ­ Students from the Portland Street Academy and Wilson High School were among 64 teams participating in the Feb. 24 Bonneville Power Administration high school science bowl. Woodinville High School in Woodinvile, Wash, won the regional competition and will go to the national science bowl in Washington, D.C. Free Noon Lectures At Friendly House Learn w orkplace and personal skills w hile you eat. The popular lunch-hour “ Brow n Bag” lecture series continues on Wednesdays in april at Friendly House in N o rth ­ west Portland. A nd it's even free. H ere are the le ctu re to p ics in A p r il: CELERY crisp tender stalks ■59 0 ASPARAGUS New Crop large size SPINACH try spinach salad EACH BUNCH 0 59 KIWI FRUIT large size and kids love them a ll green spears contagious! Speaker Frank M ills considers the m a jo r causes o f lilly T miller . stress in the w orkplace and ways to relieve them. A p r il 17 -- W o rkin g a Room: (C R N 2 8 181) Learn how to meet people, network, and start con­ services. Physicians should be thought o f as partners in our health care. versations in today’ s busy w o rld from lecturer Richard M ohle. Today, much can be done to avoid and to treat H IV . It is c ritic a l that A p r i l 24 — C hange C o n d i­ t io n s in Your L ife : anyone w ho doesn’ t know his o r het H IV status be tested. Should the re­ sult o fth e H IV test be positive, treat­ (C R N 2 7 9 9 5 ) S peaker A e ria l L o n g show s h o w to change y o u r re la tio n s h ip s , and ment should be sought im mediately. Further, we need to make sure that p ro v e any area fro m fa ilu re to jo y . news about any prom ising new treat­ F rie n d ly H ouse C o m m u n ity C e n te r is lo ca te d at N W 2 6 th nosed w ith the disease can s till enjoy fu ll lives. N ow , w ith our increased understanding o f the disease, people w ith H IV can tru ly look forward to their futures red ripe slicers BAKING POTATOES New Crop U.S. No. 1 Russet SO count A p r il 10 - Stress in the w o rk ­ place: (C R N 2 7 9 5 1) Stress can be portant com m unity resources, such as educational, social and psychological ments reaches all those affected by H IV A lthough H IV remains a life - threatening in fe ctio n , those diag­ TOMATOES SEEDS FLOWER o r GARDEN SEEDS ¡is. >kr I % OFF OUR REGULAR PRICE COCA-COLA PRODUCTS - SPRITE BARQ'S ROOT BEER - MINUTE MAID - TAB im ­ and T h u rm a n T h e “ B ro w n B a g ” le ctu re series is c o -s p o n ­ sored by P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity C o lle g e and F rie n d ly H ouse In c. For more inform al ion, cal 16 14- 7308 PLUS DEPOSIT WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES S P EC IALS EFFECTIVE TU ESD AY th ro u g h S U N D A Y M A R C H 5 through 10 1996 M EMBER OF UNITED G ROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW S STORE CALL 659-5220 «TODI H O U M W IIK O A TS • • m SUNDAY • • m. N t p . m . HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 245-4595