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"F o r in ­ stance, an improperly ventilated attic can cause heat and moisture to become trapped under the ro o f’s deck, which can result in damage to shingles and the roof structure. Also, an un-ventilated attic can invalidate your shingle war­ ranty.” Poor attic ventilation can also lead to ice dams. This occurs in the Snowbelt region when heat from the attic com­ bined with heat from the sun melt snow on the roof and the resultant water flows down the roof and refreezes at the eaves. This ice build up can distort gutters and settle under roof shingles, causing dam­ age. As the ice begins to melt, water can leak behind wall cavities resulting in damage to ceilings and walls. While there are many roof ventila­ tion systems on the market, a balanced system o f soffit and continuous ridge vents provides the most efficient venti­ lation method, according to Horvat. Soffit vents, installed under the eaves o f a home, provide an inlet o f air flow. Ridge vents, installed across the entire roof ’s peak, or ridge, supply an outlet for air flow. According to Horvat, this system aids in reducing heat build-up and excess moisture, and helps to keep the roof deck temperature uniform. Be­ cause ridge vents help keep roof decks cool in winter, they also help prevent ice dams - which leads to a longer-last­ ing roof. "A ridge vent is a great system to use, but it must have an external baffle - such as the kind built into A ir Vent’s ShingleVent® 11 ridge vent - to work most efficiently,” said Horvat. A ridge vent, installed over a slot cut at the ridge o f the roof, provides proper ventilation through two kinds o f air movement: warm air rising in the attic and being expelled at the highest point in the roof; and wind passing over the ridge and creating negative pressure which pulls air and moisture out o f the attic. The Appliances Still A Great Buy In Today’s Inflationary World When it comes to redoing yo u r home, your remodeling dollar goes a long way when you use it to purchase new laundry equipment, say W h irl­ pool home economists. The C o n su m e r P rice In d e x , a monthly listing put out by the Bureau o f Labor Statistics showing the com ­ parative costs o f those day-to-day items that people buy, indicates that washers and dryers have gone up in price only a fraction o f what other consumer items have over the years. external baffle helps to create negative pressure by directing air up and over the vent. According to Horvat, independent testing by Pittsburgh Testing Laborato­ ries has concluded that ridge vent sys­ tems with internal baffles or no baffles do not create the desired negative air pressure essential in an efficient venti­ lation system. ShingleVent II is a shingle-over ridge vent - which means the vent is covered with shingles so it blends with the roof. It provides 18 square inches o f net free ventilation per linear foot. When used in com bination w ith balanced so ffit venting, ShingleVent II provides supe­ rior ventilation, equal to or greater than any other ridge vent in the industry. ShingleVent II features a patented weather filte r which provides a more complete barrier against weather and insect infiltration. According to Horvat, no other ridge vent manufacturer offers this weather filte r and external baffle system combination. The s tre a m lin e d appearance o f ShingleVent II provides an added ben­ efit to homeowners. Compared to other ventilation systems such as roof or tur­ bine vents, ridge vents blend naturally with the roof line, and from the ground are virtually invisible. ShingleVent II also comes w ith a 30-year limited trans­ ferable warranty. "Put simply, installing a ridge vent system like ShingleVent II is a smart So, w ith in fla tio n, yo u ’re actually getting more washer and d ryer fo r your d o lla r today than you did a de­ cade ago! And, that doesn't even take decision when re-roofing your home,” said Horvat. ‘T h e y ’re usually no more expensive to install than conventional ventilation systems.” Once you’re familiar with ventilation options, it ’s important that your roof­ ing contractor is, too. When selecting a contractor to perform the work, the National Roofing Contractors Associa­ tion (N R C A ) recommends that you prequalify the company to ensure the job is done right. The association o f­ fers a number o f tips when evaluating roofing contractors: 1 ) Check for a permanent place o f busi­ ness, tax identification number and where appropriate, a business license. 2) Insist on seeing copies o f their lia b il­ ity coverage and workers’ compen­ sation certificates. 3) Look for a company with a proven track record that readily offers client references and a list o f completed projects. 4) Call your local Better Business Bu­ reau to check for possible complaints filed against the contractor. 5) Carefully read and understand any roof warranty offered and provisions that would void it. For more in fo rm a tio n about ShingleVent II, any other A ir Vent prod­ uct or for a free copy o f A ir Vent’s infor­ mational brochure, “ Ridge Vent Airflow Performance Tests,” write to: A ir Vent Inc., 4801 N. Prospect Road, Peoria Heights, IL 61614: or call 800 247 8368. Singles & Seniors, lean helpyou! “1st Class Guarantee" A-ZEBRA !„ rmls George A. Hendrix MBA. GRI, Broker Realty Inc. (503) 230-1390 • (Res.) 287-6837 Northwest Color Construction & Painting Company John McVeety 282-9233 □ Quality Home Remodeling □ No Project Too Small □ Finish Carpentry & Woodworking □ Senior Discounts Service Êr 300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27 Portland, Oregon 97232 a lly takes less time today than it did in 1970. Back then, it w ould have taken 71.3 hours on the jo b in order to a ffo rd the average a u to m a tic washer. In 1993, it took less than ha lf that - 32.5 hours. Dryers have also become a better Dad’s performance - that have been made in laundry equipment over the years. So, i f you're lo oking at ways to stretch your remodeling or home im ­ pro ve m e nt d o lla r, lo o k to a new washer or dryer. I t ’s a best buy! LISCENSED IN OREGON SINCE 1975 For example, college tuition went up a whopping 122.2% between December 1984 and December 1994. During the same period, fees for cable television went up 83.7% and the price for the av­ erage newspaper increased by 61.4%. Laundry equipment prices, on the other hand, say the W h irlp o o l home economists, have only gone up 6.4% over the past 10 years. In fact, in terms o f how many w ork hours it takes a person to earn the money to buy a piece o f laundry equipment, it actu­ Homeowners planning to re-roof their homes should consider a ridge ventilation system, such as ShingleVent* II, from Air Vent Inc., Peoria Heights, IL. ShingleVent II has been proven to provide superior attic ventilation to help prolong the roof’s life and keep weather and insects from infiltrating the home. The product’s low ridge profile blends naturally with the roof line and from ground level, is virtually invisible. into account all the improvements - lik e reduced energy consum ption, quieter operation and better cleaning buy over time. In 1970, buying an electric dryer meant 50.5 hours on the job, while a gas dryer took 57.9 hours. By 1993, though, the price to be paid had dropped to only about 27 hours fo r either dryer. □ Storm Windows & Doors Installed □ Interior & Exterior Painting □ Pressure Washing □ FREE Written estimates Warm your home now with an efficient gas furnace from Rheem ™ Speedy Service Friendly Call For Quote □ Oil to Gas conversions $200 rebate (terms apply) □ Central Air Conditioning □ Gas Eirelogs & Fireplaces heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 NE Russel Portland, OR 97212 □ Gas Water Heaters □ Custom Duct Work □ Financing Available O.A.C. Call today for free consultation License #81322 282-5111 Bonded & Insured Advertise In ŒTI tv | J n x ‘ t l a n b ODI is l t iu t C a ll 503-288-0033 Who Said You Have To Live W ith... BAD CREDIT? If you: Have been denied credit Have bad credit Need to re-establish credit Experienced bankruptcy Experienced tax liens Experienced judgements Charge offs Late Payments • WE CAN HELP Many items you thought would follow you for the rest of your life can be legally removed from your credit record! INTRODUCING N a tio n a l C re d it A u tito r s , In c . Bonded in Washington and Oregon W e H ave M et T he E nemy . A n d I t I s 8 ’/2" x 11." For more Information, call your local representative today! (503) 762-2546 or I 800-683-0728 A t U S . B ank, w e k n o w the last th in g e v e ry th in g from a Business Select an y sm all business o w n e r n eed s is m o re RENT YOUR NEXT p a p e r w o r k . So w e c r e a t e d a sm all b u sin ess lo an w ith a tw o -p a g e application WASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS 231-7413 y o u r c re d it's a p p ro v e d , a n d you'll have services. a -F o 1657 S.E. TACOMA ST. for o n e year to d isco u n ts o n m e rc h a n t So stop by your nearby U S . Bank branch B U S IN E S S P a c k a g e today. A n d g e t a p a p e r c u t y o u ’ll enjoy. 1-800-U S BANK S < )r c -in .n l us .it u b .in k p i «usb.utk m m . w ith in th re e days. W e'll even th ro w in DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION F EE i to apply." W e’ll tell you w ith in fo u r h o u rs M P LY access to y o u r m oney, up to $35,01 Ml, $10 OFF rental washer A c o u p le o f tax re tu rn s are all it takes if With option to buy Tht» C oupon G ood For « ri th a ts a snap to com plete. 01 u. s. C Cheeking A ccount w ith no serv ice c h arg e For I I Y / I I >1) .n t css, call I Hi m i -447-9577 jix ji b a n k u . s s J •M in » n ..» » » n m x, , IX returns A sset s . tr in a i.,.,, i, ,p u r ,,! lo t | , M, „ ,,, ............ * R'S '»‘ f N .< to c . e , . I m IMHI „ H a l U S It.,nil Imsuiess , |, I h « »H. r r ,. pures op e n in g .n li, r 4 ,H-xs U A Sunpls I In sin,-ss < reiht I in , or H umu . • • Ss U . K II. , k ing A . ...u n t |.H| ,| T hs s to business m .u n it s .mix PtiHiuMtou.il ortets htnwetl in run, n „ l s „ h , , , I.» . h.mgi .< ritiour I I . A l l < tv .ht p n » h h ts .,rv sirtv»i,i io appi,«.unni uni ,,t „ « .1 U S S „ „ p h IhiMiHss is i w n f c e n urh . H U S IL » „ . < p . » f t U S Units M en ,N » 11 >l( MP M T h e Q u i c k e s t , E a s ie s t L o a n A p p l i c a t i o n E v e r t