Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 28, 1996, Page 18, Image 18

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    P age B 8
F ebruary 28, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver
m M. I saacs __________
Whether we like it, accept it or
dwell deeply in it, depression is a
way o f life for a great number of
people; especially Blacks. Blacks
are a race o f people who have suf­
fered possible clinical depression and
“the blues” for years upon years. For
most people these gloomy “blue”
feelings pass and life eventually goes
on, better and more productive. This
is usually so for Black people, who
have no hope that these feelings and
causes will pass; but instead place
their hope in their faith in God, that
things will be better, not especially
for them, but for their children.
It is amazing and shocking that
there are other races that see Blacks
as happy, free o f concerns and cares,
simply because Blacks do not openly
complain, or on a whole, seek clini­
cal counseling from “supposed ex­
perts”. It is widely believed that
eason of Depression (A Black Hi »tory Testimony)
most Blacks are too simple-minded
for depression to affect them. Blacks,
being stoic by nature, suffer and to
some degree overcome; or they bear
as their “life” burden; the insomnia,
the fatigue, the forced separations
from loved ones, irritability, diffi­
culty concentrating and thoughts o f
suicide. Blacks have found a truth
based in/on G od’s Word, that peace
and worth and personal fulfillment is
not found outside o f themselves. In
ignorance, some believe Blacks fool­
ish because they laugh, rejoice, and
are happy in their afflictions; never
understanding “That the trials o f our
faith, being much more precious than
o f gold that perisheth, though it be
tried by tire, might be found unto
praise and honor and glory at the
appearing o f Jesus Christ.” I Peter
Looking into the history o f sla­
very, we find the Black Slave pray­
ing, helping each other, hiding each
other, protecting each other and their
children and singing G od’s praises,
giving thanks for the little they pos­
sessed, believing that as long as there
is Iife in the body, there is a reason for
hope in the future. Blacks realized
separation from family members
(never to see them again); they held
fast to their beliefs that "Blessed are
the dead which die in the Lord from
henceforth; Yea, saith the Spirit, that
they may rest from their labours; and
their works do follow them.” Reve-
U -----------------------
Because my great Grandmother could
not read, she listened avidly to others
who could read the Bible
that, as a race o f people, they were
G od’s children and that He had/has
something better in store for them,
thereby eliminating the cause for al­
ways feeling down and depressed.
Though Blacks, throughout the
years o f slavery, faced death and/or
lations 14:13.
Because my great Grandmother
could not read, she listened avidly to
others who could read the Bible; then
she composed songs from the Bible
stories she had heard and sang them to
her children and grandchildren; and
“Five Maria ” (¡ata Concert Choir
Portland, Oregon...Former con­
ductors and singers will be in atten­
dance as the Portland Symphonic
Choir, under the direction o f Bruce
Browne, celebrates its 50th anni­
versary with a Gala Concert that
will feature the world premiere ofa
commissioned work by Portland
composer Bryan Johanson March
23-24 at the First United Methodist
B row ne w ill c o n d u c t the
Johanson vjprk titled “Ave Maria,"
Schumann’s “ Prelude for Voices,”
and works by Barber, Parry and
Argenta. Former conductors Frank
Holman and David Wilson will take
the podium for works by Copland
and Vaughn-Williams respectively;
and assistant director Emmanuel
McGladrey will conduct Britten. The
Portland Symphonic Choir’s founder
and first c o n d u c to r, R o b e rt
Zimmerman will be an honored quest.
Gala activities will include a silent
auction. The Portland Symphonic
Girlchoir, under the direction o f
Roberta Jackson, as well as choir
alumnae from the past 50 years will
also perform.
Highland United Church Of Christ
Performances are scheduled for
Saturday, March 23, at 8 p.m., and
Sunday March 24, at 4 p.m. at the
First United Methodist Church lo­
cated at 1838 S.W. Jefferson St. in
Portland. There will be no pre­
concert lecture.
General admission tickets are $ 14
tor adults and $ 12 for children and
may be purchased at all Fred Meyer
FASTIXX outlets, or charged by-
phone at 503-224-8499. For more
information, call the Portland Sym ­
phonic Choir business office at 503-
Ecumenical Ministries o f Oregon
has received two grants from The
Oregon Community Foundation.
The first grant, in the amount o f
S5.000, is for the general support o f
Clare House, a facility o f EM O’s
Addictions Recovery Association.
This grant is made possible through
the Jerry and Corrine Nothman Fund.
The Addictions Recovery Associ­
ation serves pregnant women and
women with small children. To date,
91 babies have been bom drug-free
through the program.
(¡race Covenant fellowship
The Installation
Of Its Minister
1021 NE Grand
6th Floor, Ballroom 4
Highland United Church of Christ
4635 NE 9th Avenue
Portland, OR 97211
on Sunday, March 3, ¡996
Service o f Installation 4:00 pm
Reception Following
no licensed Psychologist, no Psychi­
atrist for the slave or for those free­
men in later generations o f Blacks,
nor for some o f us even now, because
o f limited income, distrust, and rac­
ism. Blacks have managed to keep
body and soul together and preserved
the heritage o f faith and trust in God,
that has increased, instead o f de­
creased, the Black population; (even
though many succumbed, freely or
by force, to planned genocide by
some citizens o f our supposedly God
fearing nation). This is a faith that
has sustained B lacks through job loss­
es, serious illnesses, wars, difficult
relationships, dysfunctional child­
hoods, lynchings, drugs, gangs, ju s­
tified and unjustified imprisonments
and etc.. When Blacks dwell on
these things they have only to recall
their Ancestor’s Motto: This too
shall pass.” “God sees all and He will
repay, saith the Lord.”
M inistries Mfceive (¡rants
Invites You To
The Reverend Wilbert G. Hardy, Jr.
we continue to sing these story songs
to our c h ild re n ,-—’’Sam pson &
Delilah,” “Baby Moses,” “Lot and the
Pillar o f Salt,” “Little David,” “Paul &
Silas,” etc.. We also leaned, at her
knee, to ask God for everything we
needed and to wait upon the Lord and
to expect an answer. Memorizing
Scripture was expected o f Black chil­
dren and we were never allowed to ea,
any food, no matter how meager the
meal, without offering thanks to God
and repeating our Bible verse. Good
Black Parents leave an inheritance to
their children, not always in finances,
but in their teachings to gear God and
keep His commandments; in the evi­
dence o f their trust and faith in God;
and in the evidence apparent through
many years, “that this loving and faith­
ful, never changing God, does and will
answer the prayers o f the faithful.”
Proverbs 12:27.
There were no private Physicians,
Sundays at 11:30 AM
The second grant, for support o f
Hopewell House, is for $250 and
comes through the Warner Family
Fund. Hopewell House, EM O ’s hos­
pice program, is recognized nation­
wide as a model for compassionate
and dignified care for the gravely and
terminally ill.
The Oregon Community Founda­
tion, established in 1973, manages
charitable funds given individuals,
families, and businesses to enhance
and support the quality o f life in their
communities. Today, the Founda­
tion’s endowment consists o f 310
funds with combined assets o f $ 132
The Foundation makes grants
through an application process that
involves local citizens in the review
and evaluation o f requests for funds.
P re-ap p licatio n m aterials are
available through the Foundation’s
Portland office. Individuals or busi­
nesses interested in establishing a
fund may contact the Portland office
at 621 S.W. Morrison St., Suite 725,
Portland, OR 97205.
“jemsafem, Then fin d (fo w ”
I he city of Jerusalem has played an important role in world history and
stands at the hub o f Judaism, Christianity and Islam. March 2-5 at Portland
State University, a touring documentary photo exhibit and a series o f
lectures, under the combined title “Jerusalem, Then and Now,” will
explore the heritage which these three religions share and highlight why
this treasured city plays a central role in the quest for peace in the region.
For information call 725-4074 or 226-7807.
Jerusalem, as one o f the holiest cities in the world, continues to
dominate many spheres, including peace negotiations in the middle east,”
says Jon Mandaville, professor o f history and director o f PSU ’s Middle
East Studies Center. “This preeminence has influenced art, archaeology
and architecture, and sometime it has clouded visions and complicated
negotiations. In presenting “Jerusalem, Then and Now” we hope to
provide accurate images and analysis o f the city, underscoring for
Portland audiences its historical and contemporary significance.”
“The Mane Place”
Beauty, Barber & Nail Salon
2721 N.E. 7th Avenue
Friday, March 15, 1996
“Where the Best is Yet to Be!”
North Portland Bible College
4905 N. Vancouver Ave., Portland, OR 97217 288/2919
Spring Term Class Schedule, 1996
March 25 - June 6
Enjoy a pleasant environment,
pleasant people and an opportunity to grow
Option to Lease or Work On Commission
fo r More Information Call Towanda Perry 833-7732
J ourney
(Isaiah - Malachi)
Pastor Jam es Coleman
ROMANS (Bible Study Elective)
Dr. Jim Williams
WORLD MISSION III (Cultural Perspective)
Elizabeth Nance
Searching? So Are We.
(Hebrews - Revelation)
Elizabeth Nance
Kathleen Watkins
St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR
Equipping The Saints I, (Continuation)
Greg and Ginger Hicks
Dean Michael Lindsey
HOMILETICS (Sermon Preparation)
Pastor T. Allen Bethel
In Remembrance o f
Reverend G.L. Black
On Friday, March 1
Family, Friends and Loved ones
all over the world
will pause to
celebrate and reminisce treasured memories
o f the one and only
Gary L. Black
On this date, keep this thought in mind
as Rev. Black is, we will one day be.
March 3, 1961 - March 1, 1995
Richard Elkins
Tuition: Still only $75. per course; $5. discount before Mar. 29.
PRE-REGISTRATION, by phone, 288-2919, or in person
North Portland Bible College