Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 28, 1996, Page 17, Image 17

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    T he P ori land O bserver » F ebruary 28. 1996
¿The JJorthmb (Obseri
Princess Selection To Start
“ The Winning Spirit” w ill be dem
onstrated at 14 Portland area high
schools in March as local student
bodies elect their representatives to
the 1996 Portland Rose Festival
fo qualify for the Rose Festival
Court, candidates must be a full-tim e
female student and a member o f the
graduating class, have a cumulative
GPA o f 2.75 or better, and have good
citizenship and attendance records.
Each school’s court is comprised
o f young women selected for their
leadership (50 points) communica­
tion (25 points) and overall impres­
sion (25 points). Up to 100 points
may be awarded any candidate. Stu­
dents elect their representative from
the court selected by an impartial
panel o f judges.
Each judge may only participate
at one school.
Rose Festival Court Chairman
Eldon Tichenor says, “ Once again
we have the opportunity to showcase
some o f the best young talent our c ity
hastoofler. I am always amazed that
these young women have accom­
plished so much so soon.
“ While leadershipqualities, scho­
lastic achievement and civic involve­
ment have always been a large part o f
the selection process, I am pleased
that we continue to place even more
emphasis on these important areas,"
says Tichenor. "W e also need to
remember that these young people
w ill be representing their schools,
the Rose Festival and the C ity o f
Portland as they travel and meet peo­
ple throughout the state. That’s why
Floods And Black History, Cont’d
b \
P rof . M c K inley B ert
swing in the Portland School Dis­
Thanks again for a warm response
trict, where we have the predomi­
to an article o f mine that I felt would
nately black' schools-but it is in the
address both areas o f cultural pride
outlying 99% white districts where I
and the education sectors. Especially
am invited to make presentations
rewarding was the interest shown by
(year round). I have begun to realize
teachers, within and without the Port­
that this increasing acceptance (by
land district. Yes, I do strive to thor­
whites) is a result o f referrals to local
oughly document and verify my pre­
school districts made by the partici­
sentations; that is absolutely neces­
pants in my current workshops for
sary i f we are to gain the greatest
impact from recitations ofblack con­
As was the case with my many
tributions to the culture and technol­
workshops for U.S. Forest Service
ogy o f the world.
personnel around the Northwest,
The specific article - “ Floods:
quite often there are members or
Black History Records Ancient T ri­
relatives o f the educational commu­
umphs - Accommodations” - fo l­
nity in the audience. Needless to say,
lows that mode exactly. Interesting­
referrals from industry people carry
ly, I submitted carefully detailed ac­
a lot o f weight, especially when your
count o f the “ African Hydraulic C iv­
"product” centers around technolo­
ilizations” (as they were called by
gy and the workforce. It is unfortu­
Dr. Karl W Butzer o f the University
nate that I got cut o ff from the inner-
o f Chicago) to the Portland School
city where I form erly was allowed to
District, w hile under contract to de­
deliver a much needed motivational
velop such material for their “ Base
product. Perhaps some o f the readers
line Essays” program in the area o f
have ideas about the “ who” and “ why”
science and mathematics (1983).
This was just one element o f a
Meanwhile, back at the ranch-1
twelve-part curriculum/lesson Plan
mean floodplain—I did not have quite
package I presented, ranging from
enough room idsiweeKtoaetailsome
last week to detai I some
. ■
c - o — ■■ «...Mugi.iuuin
the dynastical periods ofEgypt to the
othersourcesanddocumentation. M y
contemporary inventions o f blacks
in the space age. Needless to say,
I ittle o f it, i f any, ever appeared as an
educational product (let alone in the
classroom). In consequence, many
teachers brought me into their class­
rooms on an individual school con­
tract, or, as several did, paid me out
o f their own pocket.
Interestingly, all these years later,
“ Operation shutout” is still in full
One reader would remind me that
Hollywood finally “ acknowledged
the "blackness o f the African country
o f Egypt” by selecting an African
American actor for the role o f assas­
sinated President Abdel Nasser"
(1956-1970). Perhaps next time
around, they might again concede
that African countries produce black
people—and cast an African Am eri­
can female as Cleopatra (before Eliz­
abeth Taylor gets another face lift).
Also, for those who are really in­
terested in the thousands o f years o f
floodplain technology in Egypt, you
w ill want to review the unfortunate
consequences o f some modern tech­
niques. See Essay No. 24, “ Can Egypt
Survive Progress” , in, ’ Population,
Evolution And Birth Control, Garett
Hardin Ed., W.H. Freeman and Co.,
1969 second Ed.
members o f the Court must have
excellent communication skills and
the presence to do well in many d if­
ferent settings and situations.”
Once the members o f the court are
selected, a new group ofjudges w ill
determine which w ill represent the
Rose Festival and the C ity o f Port­
land as the 1996 Queen.
The announcement w ill be made
Thursday. May 30 at the Incredible
Universe Queen’s Coronation pre­
sented by K WJJ at the C ivic A udito­
Rose Festival
Schools Chosen
by Lottery
The Portland Rose Festival As­
sociation has selected 12 local
schools to participate in the inau­
gural Rose Festival Kids program.
The schools selected to partici­
pate in the pilot year are Vestal
Elementary and Fernwood M iddle
School; King Elementary and Tub-
man M iddle Schools; Chapman E l­
ementary and George M id d le
Schools; Smith Elementary and
Gray M iddle Schools; Sunnyside
Elementary and Youngson Elemen­
tary Schools; and Prescott Elemen­
tary and Russel E le m e n ta ry
A ll 12 projects w ill be show­
casedat the V iking Industries K ic k ­
o ff Luncheon May 8 at the Oregon
PCC Winter
Enrollment Declines
Enrollment at Portland Commu­
nity College at the end o f the fourth
week o f winter-term classes has de­
clined slightly by 1.9 percent from
one year ago A total o f 29,633
students are registered for courses
at the college, down from 30,207 in
winter 1995.
I he decline is believed to reflect
the fact that residents are focusing
on jo b opportunities in the Portland
area as the local employment mar­
ket continues its positive growth
’We’re seeing this pattern across
the country, said Don McInnis,
PC C vice president for Educational
Services. "O verall, the stronger
economy is reflected in fewer num­
bers o f students enrolling full time.
The reverse was true in the '80s
when the college saw a dramatic
enrollment increase during the re­
Enrollment o f full-tim e students
decreased 3.1 percent, from 4,140
in winter 1995 to 4,010 in winter
1996. This figure includes enroll­
ments o f students taking a less-than-1
fu ll course load, but which are cal­
culated together to get the equiva­
lent number o f full-time enrollments. I
In the lower division transfer pro­
grams, 2,054 students are taking
classes, a decrease o f 3.4 percent |
over last year’s total o f 2,127.
Basic e du catio n p ro g ra m sl
showed marked enrollment increase
over last year. English as a Second
Language programs increased 66.7
percent, and A dult Basic Education |
33.6 percent.
E n ro llm e n t d ecline d at th e j
Sylvania Campus, PCC’s largest)
campus in southwest Portland
Jefferson Students Excel
Nine Jefferson students brought
home honors in the Portland Public
Schools Business Technology Skills
Competition at Madison High School
on Feb. 6. Two hundred students
from seven high schools competed in
13 categories including accounting,
business math, computer applica­
tions, economics, electronic calcula­
tor, introduction to business, im-
promptu speaking, jo b interview,
keyboarding applications, public
speaking, word processing and FBLA
creed (Future Business Leaders o f
America). The Jefferson students
winning awards were T ri Huynh (2),
Jacky Nguyen, Thu Truong (2),
Shawna Chasteen, Fabian Branch,
Cindy Nguyen, Katrina Sartin, Ben
Gaither and Melinda Randolph
special thanks to Dr. Nohaud Toulon
who was head o f the School o f Urban
Studies at Portland State University
at the time I developed the “ N ile
River Package” . The Black Studies
Department where I taught was a
component o f this school, and Dr.
Toulon, who was later to take leave to
become the Housing M in ister ofEgypt,
was kind enough to provide me refer­
rals o f im m easurable value.
Bring Home The
Prices Effective February 28 through March S, 1996 at your nearby Safeway store.
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