RVER F ebruary 28, 1996 Strickland Status Stays In Limbo When, or if. Rod Strickland will return to the Portland Trail Blazers is anybody’s guess. Strickland has been suspended indefinitely by the club after storm­ ing ot, the practice court Thursday and vowing to never return to the team So far, he’s followed through on the promise, giving up a salary of about $28,(XX) per game plus any fine the team might impose. “I just look at it as one of the sad symptoms of pro sports today,” Blaz­ ers president Bob Whitsitt said Sun­ day. W hitsitt said h e’d expected Strickland to rejoin the team at Saturday’s practice, but that didn’t happen. Whitsitt declined to predict when Strickland might return. ‘We’re hopeful down the road that sometime he can get right and rejoin us and be a positive part of the team again,” he said. Whitsitt said there have been com­ munications between the Blazers and Strickland, but he declined to be spe­ cific. “There’s a lot of delicate stuff being talked about and I think it's better tor all the parties tt/do it first­ hand and no, to start reading or hear­ ing things second- or third-hand," Whitsitt said. The Blazers’ management has taken a lot of criticism locally for allowing the longstanding feud be­ tween Strickland and coach P.J. Carlesimo escalate to what might be J u r y F in d s M oon In n o ce n t a point of no return. “I don’t mind. That’s fair game,” Whitsitt said. "I’m fair game. I’ve been beat up worse and I’ll be beat up worse again. That’s part of my job." Whitsitt insists that Strickland didn’t ask to be traded until last Wednesday, leaving just one day to try to make a deal under the NBA’s trading deadline. When no deal was made, the stage was set for the impasse. If Strickland follows through on his threat to sit out the rest of the season, he would forfeit about $8(X),(XX) in salary alone. He still has twoyears left on his six-year contract that was to pay him $2.3 million this season. Whitsitt and Carlesimo have taken a conciliatory approach, at least in public, to try to get Strickland to return. “I don’t think we have any choice but to do that,” Carlesimo said before Sunday’s 93-81 loss to Detroit. “I don’t think this is the time to be killing a guy or anything like that. Rod’s still a member of the team and it would be better if we could work things out.” Not only do the Blazers need Strickland’s 19.3 points and 9.5 as­ sists per game, their ability to trade him after this season can only be hurt by a long holdout. But Strickland would not return without some discussions takine A Texas jury found Minnesota Vikings quarterback Warren Moon not guilty Thursday of charges that he beat and choked his wife in a family dispute last July. Prosecutors had charged that Moon assaulted his wife Felicia when they argued about money at their plush Houston area home, but the Moons both testified he had not. Moon would have faced up to a year in prison if convicted. The jury took jus, 25 minutes to reach its decision in a case where the alleged victim took the stand in favor of the defendant. The crowded courtroom, filled with Moon’s family and friends, erupted into cheers when the verdict was read. Afterwards, Moon and his circle held hands and prayed. The prosecution's case was weak­ ened when Felicia Moon told thejury she started the fight July 18. 'NltSQ'f Reid Fined For Flagrant Elbow Craig Lewis (from left) and Dyon Spencer d efen d while Tyrone Manlove and Jermaine Tompson advance the ball, as the num ber one-rated team in the state, Wilson b ea ts Benson Saturday to win the Portland Interscholastic League title. (Photo by Mlchae/ Q HaHe) The National Basketball Associa­ tion Monday suspended New York Kmcks forward J.R. Reid for two games and fined him $10,(XX) for flagrantly elbowing A C. Green of Phoenix during Sunday’s game. NBA Senior Vice President of Basketball Operations Rod Thorn said the $10,(XX) fine is the stiffest penalty in league history for an el­ bowing incident. Retd struck Green in the mouth with his elbow early in the fourth quarter of the Suns’ 113-105 victory. Green lost two teeth and had to have them replaced. OAKS LEADS TEAM IN Cicely Marcella Oaks led her team to victory by scoring 24 points out of 28 points in the last game of a Catholic Youth Or- ganization (CYO) fifth grade girls basketball tournament. Oaks, 10, is the daugh- terofBeryI Sylvia McNair v;:.; jfl f l || MH NB *—------- C'cely 1 and the granddaughter o f Willie Beatrice McNair o f northeast Port- I land. She is an honor student at Cathedral School in northwest Portland. The tournam ent game was played Feb. 18 at Christ the King gym in Clackamas c e lla O a k s Co^ - , Cathedral School went on to win the contest, 28-20. Keep up the good work, Cicely! PCC CASCADE CAMPUS OPENS FITNESS CENTER Portland Community C ollege’s Cascade Cam pus in north P ort­ land sponsors an open house, W ednesday. March 6, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m ., to showcase its new fitness center. The new center is located in the Cascade Campus Gymnasium, 705 N. Killingsworth. The even, is free and open to the public. Scheduled activities include dem­ onstrations of the fitness equipment, drawings for a free fitness class and other door prizes. Refreshments will be served. The center is equipped with six Universal stations, stair steppers, aerodyne bicycles, free weights and other items. PCC Physical Education In­ structor John Lee, who devel­ oped the program, said, “The new fitness center is another dem on­ stration of the com m itm ent to upgrade facilities at Cascade. I am very excited about the new facility.” Come prepared to see how you can increase your strength, reduce stress, and build endurance and self­ esteem through regular exercise. Contact Joy Ruplinger at Cascade Campus, 503-978-5377, for further information. No. 13 Arizona Routs Beavers Michael Dickerson scored 16 points and Reggie Geary added 15 as 13th-ranked Arizona routed Oregon State, 84-60, in a Pac-10Conference game Saturday. Ben Davis, Jason Terry and Corey Williams had 11 points apiece as the Wildcats (21-5, 10-4 Pac-!0) won For the sixth time in seven games and itrengthened their hold on second )lace in the conference. Sonny Benjamin and lyan Walker tad 11 points apiece for the Beavers 3-21,1-I4),whohavelost 13straight ;ames overall and 12 in a row to Vizona. “They are a good passing team,” Beavers coach Eddie Payne said. “They moved the ball around well and when they are hitting the three’s they’re tough to beat. They have five guys that can score and five guys that can put the ball on the deck and create shots.” The two teams combined for just 26 points in the first 14:12 of the game as Arizona held a 14-12 advan- tage. The Wildcats went nearly seven minutes without a score as the Or- egon State used a slow-down tempo and used most of the shot clock be- fore attempting any shots. W e H ave M et the E nemy . A n d it is 8 V » " x 11." At U.S. Bank, w e know the last thing ev ery th in g from a Business Select any small business o w n er needs is m ore C h eck in g A ccount w ith no service charge p a p e rw o rk . So w e c re a te d a small to r o n e year to discounts o n m e rc h an t services. business loan w ith a tw o page application th a t’s a snap to com plete. So stop by your nearby U.S. Bank branch today. A n d g et a p aper cut you’ll enjoy. 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