Z • .1 -’><•>; < C * ;: r V r .* < < • • ‘ < . . P age A6 BLACK HISTORY <31 br ^ jOurtlaiiò ©beerver <£hr o rtla n b QDbaerver Black History: “Whom The Gods Would Destroy, They First Make Angry” Bv I ’ k o e . M c K in l e y B u r t This very ant icnt w arning (to keep one's cool) ha» been used to admon­ ish the hoi tempered throughout the ages, whether inspired by outright Irontal assaults, or by milder slings Harlem Lives Are History Makers Of Tomorrow Harlem Diary: Nine Voices of Resilience and arrow s o f outrageous fate. This m axim has led me to a sober assess­ ment and sim ple resolution o f many a puzzling situation. I'm sure it will obtain in the follow ing matter. For the last three days my phone has been ringing o ff the hook and my fax m achine beeps som ething ter­ rible: “Did you know that there is going to be a Black Inventors E xhi­ bition at S acred H eart? Bet you w eren ’t told about it!” Click! “Say M cKinley! W h a t’sg o in g on about this Black Inventors thing at Sacred H eart? W e hear y o u ’ve been deliberately excluded - yet y o u ’re the first person in the country to recognize the contributions o f these brilliant A frican A m erican innova­ tors, w riting a book about them and lecturing around the nation. Slaves still slight their ow n.” “Hey M cK inley, I ’m calling you back because I ’ve had a chance to talk the m atter over with the m em ­ bers o f our organization. W e d o n ’t know w hether this is som e ’N eg ro ’ shenanigan or som e white folks. In any case we can gel a picket line around the place. Y o u 'v e got a big fan club in tow n because many scores o f our children are in the sciences and technology because o f your tele­ vision and school p resen tatio n s— reaching both black and w hite au d i­ ences.” T hat is all well and good, but I sw ear I know nothing at all about the affair and h av en ’t been privileged to converse with anyone about it. A caller did provide me with a phone n u m b e r-n o other inform ation (287- 7203)—and quickly hung up. The person at that num ber said they knew little about an “Inventors” presenta­ tion but thought it had som ething to do with an “I H ave A D ream F ou n d a­ tion,” and said to page a M r. Phil Christensen at 202-5561. No reply, as o f this date. W ell, it is all too m ysterious for me, so lets get back to the ranch— G hana, in this case (I referred the readers to an article in this m o n th ’s ■M » CHICKEN & BISCUITS C e leb rates B lack H istory “We believe that helping individuals of diverse backgrounds and cultures helps build a solid community.” No Relief Soon For Housing Prices NAVEL ORANGES SWEET and FULL OF JUICE LARGE SIZE 72 COUNT Equal Opportunity Employer Continued from front SEEDLESS GRAPES RED FLAME or THOM PSON LARGE SIZE ?5ss POUND 98 0 RED DELICIOUS APPLES LARGE SIZE EXTRA FANCY The FRIENDLIEST STORES In Town since 1908 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY through SUNDAY FEBRUARY 20 through 25, ,996 QUANTITIES M EM BER OF U NITED G ROCERS FOR YOUR NEAREST KIENOW S STORE CALL 659-5220 ir o n H o u x W IIK D A VS • a m »« 9 a m SUNDAY 9 a.m . t a t p.m. HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 215-4595 Portland. W hile this m eans vitality for the area the study concluded that it’s also m eans that tenants o f housing that is sold m ust relocate to other areas. It finds that as residents continue opposition to the addition o f m ulti­ family housing units in various neigh­ borhood throughout the region, there is the resultant effect o f hopelessness and o th er social problem . It states that w ith the supply o f land so lim ited, as evidence by the recent rise in land costs, gentrification threatens in the future to be increas­ ingly destructive for low er incom e residents o f our region. It is unclear w hether city planners agree with this findings. But M orrissette said it will stand the test o f tim e. : «• ▼ ▼ t ▼ 1 mm 1 6 rA/n 3120 NE Martin Luther King Jr. King Blvd. To A dve vii se In FLYIN' WEST package 1 now put togetherhX)*0*0*r O regon industry. The basics have not changed, but now, for instance, I specify vans instead o f Grey hound busses to lake youth ( and some par­ en ts, to rem ote sites -Industnal p ro ­ cesses that the average inner city resident w ould have no contact with, keep in m ind the "Harvey Alum inum Com pany M odel” I have cited in several articles. This is w here I describe a learning environm ent for the w orkforce in these “self-contained cities" w hich very closely approxim ates that ex p e­ rienced by m any o f the black inven­ tors. And w hich brings increasing attention to my often-expressed views on the necessity for real tim e’ co n ­ siderations in the 'C om m unity C ol­ le g e ’ a p p r o a c h to p re p a rin g a w orkforce for the technology o f the 21st century. It is very rew arding to gel queries from industry as to my views on the “universal application” o f success­ ful learning environm ents to date for African A m ericans. H ey! Have tech­ niques, will travel. No time for an ­ ger! C oncert Spans Spectrum T he U niversity G ospel E nsem ble, directed by Julie N eufeld, celebrates Black H istory M onth, with an 8 p.m. program T hursday in Beall C oncert Hall on the U niversity o f O regon cam pus in Eugene. Special guest artists included UO E nglish Professor Edw in C olem an, UO M usic Instructor John G ainer, the Eric Richardson Q uintet and the O regon C h ild ren ’s Choir, directed by UO P rofessor Randy M oore. The program spans a wide spectrum of African-American music Ringing from gospel, rock ‘n’ roll and jazz to African interpretive dance. Gainer, fonnerdirector of the Gospel Ensemble and director of Inspiratu inal Si Hinds, willdemt mstrate rag­ time, rhythm and blues, Pentecost and reggae styles with an instrumental group. introduces nine young people who live in New York City's Harlem and who despite incredible challenges, manage to keep themselves focused and moving toward goals that include college, career, home ownership and better lives for their children. The two hour special premiers Sunday at 9 p.m. on the Discovery Channel. Natural History M agazine, Febru­ ary: “ K ingdom O f G old,”p.36). I em phasized that part o f the article w hich dealt with the inventiveness o f a people who. w ithout formal train ­ ing, took abandoned autos and trucks, worn out industrial m achinery and railw ay e q u ip m e n t-a n d converted this chaos o f iron and steel into so­ phisticated devices and im plem ents for m anufacturing, food processing, agricultural and “new type transpor­ tation vehicles.” E uropean industrialists and en g i­ neers are sim ply am azed, but several fellow m em bers o f the “A ssociated O regon Industries” group were not surprised at all. As they pointed out at a local m eeting, “this is ju st further evidence o f the validity o f the co n ­ cepts you put forth in your book, Black Inventors o f A m erica’ - i t is no w onder that the U.S. Forest S er­ vice and other G overnm ent agencies engaged your services over the years to dem onstrate that A frican A m eri­ cans have (and have alw ays had, the ability to operate or design the m ost sophisticated technology.” A nd this is ju st the type o f updated IJnitlanh (0 h & ewer 5949 NE Martin Luther King Jr. King Blvd. ( nil 503-2SX-0033 O' 3532A NE MLK Jr. Blvd hUB IS MOT itC J U TXM&UI fOR »81 ONLY AT MIX ttftttASR&S "n P o r t l a n d , O r a ag o n jf^ H ^ F R I/S Â T /S U N MLK 503-335-0905 T H R O U G H 'M A R C H '/ < ~ 3R D AT T H E J fC C « CALL ( 5 0 i ) 2 8 9 5 4 5 0 FOR RESERVA TIO N S & IN FO 2 > * - ’ _______ ten n o t » KY V» Ti.J» 1 Î > I 8 C O U ltfT > W 3 9