¿ • Volume X X V I, Number 7 Committed to cultural diversity (Tlji' ^ o rtla n h (©bseruer SECTION School Seniors Prepare For Enjoy African Music, Jazz I lonors Portland State Uni versity student groups are observing Black History Month with authentic African soukous music and jazz. L ’Orchestre Afri-Sound o f Seattle and Thara Memory and his super band, are the opening acts at a concert Friday in the PSU Smith Center Ballroom. Food, beer and wine w ill be available. Doors open at 8 p.m. with the starting at 8:30 p.m. F Cavalier Affair, a "Rites of Passage" annual celebration. The event, held at the Pittock Mansion, Saturday, Feb. 24 from 6 p.m. to 10 p .m , will honor more than 50 African American high school students However, the spotlight is on the 14 seniors who make their entrance into adulthood with a -“ Rites o f Passage” an­ nouncement. In the spirit o f B lack History Month, the affair promises to be a celebration o f cultural expressions. Performances w ill include the Puget Sound Conference Youth Choir o f the African Methodist Episcopal Church and the Cavalier step team. The prospective Cavaliers w ill also give tributes to individuals or “community an­ gels” who are improving the quality o f life for African American youth. According to Thomas Parham’s “ Black Men, An Endangered Species,” 70 percent of all African American males w ill be unavail­ able to African American women by the year 2000. To combat this trend in the Portland area, the Les Femmes organization has been working with youth since 1951. Les Femmes is comprised o f African J American women dedicated to the develop- mentofyouth by creating a highly-structured J program and encouraging their academ ic and social success. Each child who successfully completes the club’s requirements is present­ ed in the Les Femmes Annual Debutante and Cavalier Ball at the end o f their senior year. To specifically address the challenges o f being an African American male, the club endorses a “ Rites o f Passage” curriculum in which all prospective Cavaliers participate. “ Rites o f Passage” is an African custom that marks the transition o f bring a male adoles­ cent to becoming a man. B y understanding and applying “the seven barometers o f manhood” to their daily lives, the prospective Caval iers are preparing them­ selves for adulthood and the rewards o f being an African American man. The seven barometers, identified in Dr. Jawanza Kunjufu’s “Countering the Con­ spiracy to Destroy B lack Boys,” are spiritu­ ality, scholarship, cultural awareness, com­ munity service, time spent with positive adults, respect and time management. The affair is open to the public at no charge, although a $25 donation is requested. To reserve your attendance or for more in for­ mation, contact Kevin Fuller, director o f Cavaliers at 2 94 -4108. Shakespeare Festival Opens The Oregon Shakespeare Festival be­ gins its 1996 season this month with four indoor plays: Tom Stoppard's “Arcadia,” Nagle Jackson’s “ Moliere Plays Paris,” W illiam Shakespeare’s “ The W inter’s Tale” and Drury Pifer’s Strindberg in Hol­ lywood.” Discounted preview performanc­ es begin Friday with the season officially opening Feb. 23. For tickets and informa­ tion call (541) 482-4331. Foster Grandparents Needed The Foster Grandparent Program is look­ ing for older adults to work part time to help children who have special needs. Under the guidance o f a supervisor, the foster grandparent would give individual attention and personal care to help ch il­ dren grow academ ical ly, soc ial ly and emo­ tionally, C all 284-4322 for more informa­ tion. Live Music On Stage J I Mel Soloman and Boyd Small perform Friday and Saturday nights at the Tianon Restaurant and Lounge, 9225 S.W . Allen Blvd. Norman Sylvester takes the same stage on Feb. 23 and Feb. 24. The 1RS and the Oregon Department of Revenue are teaming up with Tax-Aide volunteers to provide free income tax help. This Saturday, a special Mall Days pro gram gives people an opportunity to ask i questions and get information. The help is offered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Portland at Beaverton Mall, Clackamas Town Cen­ ter, Eastport Plaza, Jantzen Beach and Mall 205. Jackson Brown At Schnitzer The Portland Chapter o f the Am erican A sso cia tio n o f Zo o k e e p e rs h a s fundraiser. Lo ca l bow lers can m a ke a strike for conservation and win s e t for March 3 0 at B e a v e rto n 's S u n s e t La n es. Coast Guard Rides Wave Of Diversity Jackson Browne performs in Portland on Feb. 26 at 8 p.m. at the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall. Tickets are available at Fred Meyer F A S T I X X Locations. Bridges Features Brewers Dinner ' B rid g e s w ill hold the third in a se­ ries o f m onthly “ brewers d inn ers” with I a gourm et menu designed to co m p le ­ ment a selection o f B rid ge p o rt ales. A representative o f the B rid ge Po rt B rew ­ ing C o . w ill d iscu ss the “ secrets” o f P o rtlan d ’s best ales. B rid g e s is lo ca t­ ed at 2716 N .E . M artin Luthe r K in g Jr. B lv d . C a ll 288 -4169 for reserva­ tion. Water Center Sets Celebration A pancake breakfast follow ed by fa m ily a c tiv itie s w ill h ig h lig h t the grand open in g o f V a n c o u v e r’s new W ater Center on Saturday, Feb. 24. F o r more inform ation c a ll the Water C enter at 696 -8 4 7 8 SUBMISSIONS: Community Calendar information will be given priority if dated two weeks before the event date. rom the west hills of Portland, the cultural announcement - I Am A Man - will be made by 14 I area high school seniors honored at The More than 9 0 0 young m en and women attend the C o a s t G u a r d A c a d e n ^ London, Conn. m P romise K i x , Chapman joined the force 2 1 years ago after his high school. And he’s one o f the few Guard point man In Oregon and African-Am ericans in the service that has lower Washington state. His more than 39,000 active duty men and wom­ duty is to seek out qualified applicants en nation wide. especially among minorities for recruit­ “ My experience has been very beneficial. ment. It has taken me to Alaska, Europe and A sia,” A rchie Chapman is the Coast I said Chapman. Fo r the next four years the C o ast G uard, acco rd in g to Chapm an, is poised to become an o rgan izatio n that is re co g ­ nized as the em ployer o f ch o ice for a diverse w orkforce. Part o f the force strategy is to develop a w o rkin g and so cia l environm ent in the Guard that is free from all form s o f repression by re co g n izin g and d raw ing strength from cu ltu ral d ifferences and rem oving cultural barriers. A nd to achieve this go al, Chapm an explained, that the Coast Guard is ch an g ­ ing the com position o f its w orkforce to better reflect the n a tio n 's population. “ The Coast G uard is ch an g in g the w o rkfo rce enviro n m en t to guarantee equal treatment and opportunity. And part o f the plan is to assign in d iv id u a ls, from groups targeted in d ive rsity g o als, to top management positions so they could compete su cce ssfu lly for flag o f­ fice s and other se le ctio n s,” Chapm an said. The Guard is currently accepting applica­ tions. It requires recruits to have a high school diploma and be between the ages o f 18-27 years old. Training received from the force, accord­ ing to Chapman, are accorded college cred- R adiom an is one o f the 2 3 e n liste d sp e cia ltie s available to active duty m em bers o f the C o a st Guard. The possibilities o f continuing your aca­ demics, a $14,000 college education fund, plus salary are part o f the attraction that Chapman hopes w ill draw the best appli­ cants. The Coast Guard recruits about 3,400 men and women into its ranks yearly.