P age A 6 F ebruary 14, 1 9 9 6 • T he P ortland O bserver BLACK HISTORY (Eljv ^îortlauh (©baerüer A 'f i » '*A ■" J - ET Shines In February With Movies And Original Specials Black Entertainment Television brings you Black History Month in February 1996 like no other network can with movies, docum entaries, music specials and stand-up comedy at its best. Following is a list o f specials airing in February 1996, all times Eastern Standard. BET Movie Theater Join BET every Saturday night in February, for two black-themed movies, back-to- back, as BET presents for the first time ever full- length, black classic movies from the 50’s, 60’s, 70's and 80’s. Stay tuned for more details. Comic View Grandstand Com pe­ tition and Comic View Awards BET will present its 4th Annual Comic View Grandstand Competition air­ ing Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8:30 p.m., beginning Tues , Feb. 6 and ending Thurs., Feb. 22 as stand-up comedians from around the nation vie to become one o f six finalists in B ET’s “Comic View Awards Jam." The “Comic View Awards Jam" airs Fri., Feb. 2 3 ,8 p.m. where each ofthe six Grandstand finalists will perform live to win the tittle o f “The Richard Pryor/Comic-Of-The-Year” award, the honor ofhosting“Comic View’s” 1996-97 season, and a trip to Mexi­ co. Comedian Michael Colyar hosts with celebrity presenters Bill Duke, “ Fam ily M atters” Reginald Vel Johnson and black film legend, Rich­ ard Roundtree jo in in g in for a great evening o f comedy only on BET. “The Making o f Once Upon A Time When We Were Colored”. Go behind the scenes o f BET Pictures’ and United I m a o p F n t e r t a i n m e n t ’ s new film production o f “Once Upon A Time When We Were Colored,” on Feb. 8, 6:30-7 p.m., as BET’s prem ier entertainm ent m agazine show, “Screen Scene,” takes a look at BET Pictures’ first film. “Once Upon A Time ...,” which begins a limited theatrical release in January o f 1996, is a bittersweet story- about love, community and family. The special features interviews with the cast and crew o f the film, which includes director Tim Reid, and stars Al Freeman, Jr., Phylicia Rashad, Leon, Salli Richardson and Isaac Hayes. “The A mazing Grace of Gospel”. Join BET on Sun., Feb. 11 a, 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. as we celebrate the glory that is gospel music in an encore presentation o f “The Amaz- Network Scores Highest Prime-Time Rating Ever,- Ed Qordon Black Entertainm ent T elevi­ sion’s news division last light aired O.J. Sim pson’s first televised inter­ view since his arrest and acquittal in the murder o f his ex-wife Nicole B ro w n S im p so n and R o n ald Goldman The company issues the following statement: “ We are obviously pleased with the interview. Ed Gordon asked the questions that needed to be asked, and BET News delivered a very compelling two-and-a-half hours o f television. “ We are very pleased with the higher visibility this interview gen­ PSU Black History Events Feb. 15 - Lecture: “African Americans as a Changing Agent in the Criminal Justice System.” 11:30 a.m.- 2 p.m.. Smith Cen­ ter, free. OkianerChristian Dark, assistant U.S. Attorney for the Oregon district. Feb. 16 - Soulfood Luncheon with Performance by Ron Steen, II a.m.-l p.m., Smith Center Ballroom, $5 admission. Eat a great soulfood luncheon while listening to the smooth jazz of Ron Steen and friends. Feb. 16 - R&B, Jazz and Af­ rican Jazz concert - 9 p.m.-mid­ night, Smith Center Ballroom, $5. Feb. 19 - Lecture and film: Speaker: T uskeegee airm an Edgar Bolden; call 725-5660 for details. Feb. 21 - Brown Bag Concert - noon, Smith Center Parkway Commons North, free. Listen to the smooth sounds o f R&B, gos­ pel and hip-hop (rap) during the lunch hour. Feb. 22 - Panel Discussion: African-American Portlanders & the Million Man March, 6-9 p.m. room 298, Smith Center, free. Discussion facilitator: Angela Wilson, editor, the Skanner news­ paper. Feb. 23-25 - Oregon Black Student Unions Basketball Tour­ nament - 7-10 p.m., PSU gym. erated for our network. The inter­ view exposed new viewers to the quality and importance o f the pro­ gramming our news and public af­ fairs division delivers. BET News celebrates its I Oth anniversary this year and is finally getting some o f the recognition it deserves.” According to Nielsen Media Re­ search, “O.J Simpson: Beyond the Verdict,” which aired 10-11 p.m. EST, achieved an overnight rating o f 6.9 within BET’s coverage area (more than 3 million cable households) and is the highest rated telecast in the history o f the network. BET is the nation’s first and only national television network provid­ ing a platform for quality program­ ming targeted toward an African American audience. BET represents the best in enter­ tainment, music videos, news and public affairs, jazz, specials, off- network sitcoms, gospel and sports. BF.T is owned by BET Holdings, Inc. a publicly traded company on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE: BTV), and is currently available in 44.2 million house­ holds as reported by Nielsen Media Research. Focus On Black History African Films A t PCC z Portland Community College in north Portland is hosting the sixth annual festival o f African Films as part o f Black History Month. Film showings, all with English subtitles, will take place Fridays at 7:30 p.m. and Wednesdays at 2 p.m. through February in room 122 o f Terrell Hall on the PCC Cascade campus, 705 N. Killingsworth St. All events are free and open to the public. Parking will also be free for festival audiences. “This is the only festival o f its kind and scope in the Northwest, with the focus on A frica,,” said M ichael Dembrow, a faculty member at the campus and one o f the event organiz­ ers. “The series has become a bridge between the African-American com­ munity and the African expatriate community. It is also a noteworthy event for people who are interested in international affairs,” He said this year's festival was “perhaps our strongest program ever. The six films are from six different countries, including two we have no, featured in the past, Guinea-Bissau and Burundi. “ W e’ll have speakers from these countries as well as handouts and information about the country where the films are shown,” Dembrow not­ ed. For more information, call the Cascade campus office o f the Asso­ ciated Students of PCC at 978-5781. Portland Community College celebrates Black History Month on its campuses with a wide range o f act i vit ies scheduled throughout the month o f February. Film, dance, gospel music and historical reading are some o f the e v e n ts p lan n ed at C a sc a d e , Sylvania and RockCreek campus­ es. All events are free o f charge and open to the public. ing Grace o f Gospel ” Bobby Jones, BET host and gospel music pioneer, takes a look at the many R&B artists who started in Gospel music. This show features performances by Aaron Hall, Rachelle Ferrell, Nancy Wil­ son, El DeBarge, Stephanie Mills and Howard Hewitt. “The Q ' Factor". BET will airthe original entertainment special, "The Q ’ Factor,” airing Feb. M at 11 p.m. “The Q ’ Factor” takes an intimate look at music giant Quincy Jones, his life, his loves and his music. "A Story o f Passage: The Making o f Race to Freedom”. This encore presentation airing Thurs., Feb. 15 at 6:30 p.m. features exclusive behind- the-scene footage and interviews with cast members o f the film, “Race to Freedom: The Underground Rail­ road.” “Race to Freedom: TheUn- derground Railroad”. This encore run o f this feature-length television dra- m aairsFeb. 19 from 11 a m. to I p.m. A three-time CableACE nominee, co-produced by BET, United Image Entertainment and the Family Chan­ nel, “Race to Freedom” recounts the story o f two young slaves, Sarah and Thomas, and their perilous journey to Canada via the Underground Rail­ road in the 1850’s and stars Janet Bailey, Courtney Vance, Dawnn Lewis and Glynn Turman. “The Black C aricature”. “The Black Caricature” airs Feb. 2 1,9 :0 0 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., a one- hour doc­ u m e n ta ry , n a rra te d by B la ir «Underwood and Cree Summer, ex­ amining the black image in movies, film, literature and music. The show also features Dr. Camille Cosby, Gordon Parks, Dr. Alvin Poiussant, Donald Bogle, Bill Duke and Melvin Van Peebles. BET is the nation’s first and only television network providing a plat­ form for quality programming tar­ geted toward an African-American audience. BET represents the best in enter­ tainment, music videos, news, public affairs, jazz, specials, off-network sitcoms, gospel, and sports. BET is ow ned by B ET H o ld ­ ings, Inc., a pu b licly tra d e d c o m ­ pany on the N ew Y ork S tock E xchange (N Y SE : B T V ), and is curren tly a v ailab le in 4 3 .4 m il­ lion ho u seh o ld s, as re p o rte d by N ielsen M edia R esearch. A Proclamation By The President Of The United States Today’s schoolchildren are for­ tunate to grow up in classrooms where they are taught to appreciate all ofthe many heroes o f American history. W hilepreviousgenerations read textbooks that told only part of our Nation’s story, materials have been developed in recent years that give our students a fuller picture -- textured and deepened by new char­ acters and themes. African Ameri­ can History Month provides a spe­ cial opportunity for teachers and to focus on the many African Ameri­ cans whose lives have shaped our common experience. This year, our observance em­ phasizes black women and the strides made to bring their achieve­ ments to the fore. From Sojourner Truth’s sermons, to Mary McLeod Bethune’s speeches, to the contem­ porary novels o f Nobel laureate Toni Morrison, the voices o f Afri­ can American women have called attention to the twin burdens o f racism and sexism and have invited listeners to discover the richness oT traditions kept alive in back kitchens and workrooms. In churches and communities, and more recently in universities and statehouses across America, these women have fought extraordinary battles for social, eco­ nomic, and political empowerment. Barbara Jordan once wrote, ‘We the people’; it is a very eloquent beginning. But when the Constitu­ tion o f the United States was com­ pleted on the seventeenth o f Septem­ ber, 1787,1 was not included in that ‘We the people.’ As we mourn the loss o f this great American, let us honor her by seek- ingtofurtherthe progress made since those early days toward true equality and inclusion. During African Amer­ ican History Month and throughout the year, we must embrace the di­ verse stands o f our story so that all children can see themselves in our Nation’s past and know that they have a role to play in seizing the future’s countless opportunities. Now, Therefore, I, William J. Clinton, President ofthe United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and laws o f the United States, do hereby proclaim February 1996, as National African American History Month. I call upon Government officials, edu­ cators in schools, colleges, universi­ ties, and libraries, and all the people of the United States to observe this month with appropriate ceremonies, activities, and programs that raise awareness o f African American his­ tory and invite further inquiry into this area o f study. In W itness W hereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day o f January, in the year o f our Lord nineteen hundred and ninety- six, and o f the Independence o f the United States o f America the two hundred and twentieth. William J. Clinton The follow ing are some of the activities at the PCC Cascade campus, 705 N. Killingsworth: Feb. 2 0 - Abdi Sherif, R&B and soul music, noon-1 p.m. Cascade cafeteria. Feb. 21 - “Gito the Ungrate­ ful,” an African film from Burundi, 2 p.m., Terrell Hall. Feb. 23 - Terrence Scott, ori­ gins and history o f rap music, along with a musical presentation. Scott, a local Portlander, made his way to the top as rapper Cool Nutz. Now a producer, Scott speaks about rap and the music business. Terrell Hall, room 122. Feb. 23 - “ Hyenas,” African film from Senegal, 7:30 p.m., Terrell Hall. Feb. 24 - Family Day, Cascade Festival o f African Films, 2 p.m., Terrell Hall, Room 122. Films in­ clude “The Good and the Evil,” “ How Samba Became Viceroy,” “ T he G re e d y C h ild ” and “ Ramohamy’s Son.” E D U C A T IO N IS TH E M OST R E L IA B L E V E H IC L E YOU C A N O W N Portland Public Schools S tu d en ts and S taff Proudly Celebrate Black History Month I Jackson Hunt Buckman Elementary Grade 2 TOYOTA P R O U D S U P P O R T E R OF BLACK H IS T O R Y M O N TH AND H U N D R E D S OF IM P O R T A N T ED U C A TIO N A L PRO G RAM S T H R O U G H O U T A M E R IC A