T jX S W k—* • >•. JA _> • f. . ,s ‘ • • - ••• 4 • d i t a t a tt ¿ s t f S Ä ^ & a 2* 1 m P or i land O bserver • F ebruary 14, 1996 P age A3 ffljc JJnrtlanb (Observer RAP To Benefit Elderly The Office o f the Long T erm Care Ombudsman is creating a new pro­ gram beginning in February called Resident Associate Program (R A P ). R A P volunteers enter nursing homes and adult foster homes and visit with the residents. The program is de­ signed to increase the presence ofthe community in long term care facili­ ties and to enhance residents’ quality o f life. “Over fifty percent o f the resi­ dents in long term care facilities do not have regular visitors,” explains Kathy Walter, volunteer Coordina­ tor for the Office ofthe Long Term Care Ombudsman. “ R A P w ill help alleviate isolation and loneliness for residents and w ill link them with the community.” Volunteers w ill spend one hour a week at a designated facility visiting with residents and w ill attend a training session teach­ ing appropriate com m unication skills. The Office o f the Long Term Care Ombudsman was created to protect the rights, dignity, and quality ofcare o f residents o f long term care facili­ ties. The new R A P program w ill aug­ ment other services provided by the Office o f the Long Term Care Om ­ budsman. Spec i flea I ly, the Office wi 11 continue to train and certify volun­ teer ombudsmen to investigate and resolve complaints and concerns made by or on behalf o f long term care facility residents. Many resi­ dents feel a sense o f abandonment and loss o f freedom when moving into a nursing home or adult foster care home. This can cause functional dependency, decline o f intellectual- ism and a loss o f self-esteem. R A P can bring a warm personal friendship that combats the sense o f institution­ alization. For more information concerning R A P or I he Office of the Long Term Care Ombudsman, contact Kathy Walter at 1-800-522-2602. Major Corporation’s Host Holiday Slam Dunk For Local Foster Children PaciflcCorp, Panasonic, Georgia- Pacific, Pacific Power and the B la z­ ers teamed up during the 1995 holi­ day season to bring cheer to the ch il­ dren currently placed in Multnomah County’s foster care system. Each organization played a vital role in the implementation o f the G ivin g Tree program to benefit the Foster Parent Association, giving Blazers fans the opportunity to grant a ch ild ’s holiday with. , From the donation o f a 23-foot Fred Rogers has written a new week o f Mister Rogers' Neighborhood programs about Transformations, premiering on PBS February 19-23. The week features a whimsical Neighborhood of Make Believe adventure about a mysteriously changing package which "Mayor" Maggie Stewart has trouble delivering to Purple Panda. Through the message o f the story, Fred Rogers helps children cope with the changes in their lives by reassuring them, that much stays the same: most importantly, they're still themselves inside. Photo: Richard kelly Portland General Electric Blanket Drive For Red Cross Portland General Electric (P G E ) kets on hand to 5,000, for use in announces that it’s kicking offa blan­ emergencies statewide. ket drive for the American Red Cross The need for blankets is especial­ with a donation o f funds to buy 500 ly critical in winter, when cold-relat­ blankets. Currently, the Oregon Trail ed incidents such as fires and power Chapter o f the Red Cross has ap­ outages lead people to seek shelter. proximately 500 blankets ( P G E ’s People interested in helping the contribution w ill make 1,000), but Red Cross obtain more blankets can wants to increase the number o f blan- send checks for donations o f any Christmas tree placed on the main concourse o f the Rose Garden to the energy-efficient light bulbs provid­ ed to illuminate the tree, this partner­ ship o f local organizations made this first-time community,outreach a re­ sounding success. “ Response from the com m un i­ ty w as o v e r w h e lm in g ” , sa y s L in d a Roberts, E xe cu tive D ire c ­ tor, Foster Parents A sso cia tio n . “ La st year donations were down, but with the help o f P a c ific C o rp , P an aso n ic, G e o rg ia -P a c ific , Pa­ c if ic Pow er and the B la ze rs, they helped put u so ve rth e e d g e . What an in sp iratio n this program has been for our asso cia tio n .” Through the efforts o f this team, 750 gifts were collected and distrib­ uted to children currently residing in the Multnomah County Foster Care system. The success o f this year’s giving tree, alone, added up to 25% ofthe total gifts collected for these children. Red Cross Distributes Disaster Booklet For Older Adults When older adults in New Y o rk State faced a two-week power outage caused by an ice storm, they were not prepared. They responded by writ­ ing Disaster preparedness for Se­ amount to: RedCross Blanket Drive, PO Box 4125, Portland, O R 97208. Please note: People are requested N O T to send cash or blankets. For ease in storage and consisten­ cy o f service. Red Cross purchases blankets in bulk through a generous discount at the manufacturer. niors by Seniors, a 2f-page booklet distributed by the American Red Cross. Chapter and the Portland Fire B u ­ reau have distributed thousands o f co p ies o f this free booklet to senior and retirem ent centers in the last few months. T o receive a copy o f the booklet, c a ll 284- 0011, ext. 460. A t First Interstate Bank W e WANT Family Portrait Special $45 18x10 print 2-5x7 prints TO GIVE we know how hard it can be to establish »credit.That's why when we look at applications CREDIT It $ my kind of face! for o u r home loans, car loans and credit cards. S/teCÙstiffn? i t ‘P co/tic. WHERE (fo io t we keep in mind that (503, 284-9570 CREDIT IS UMOJA YOUTH START RECYCLING COMPANY - • e --------------------- POHIANII TÄtlT Tyrone Taylor and Freddie Welch o f Portland House o f Umoja work to­ g eth er as Sales Représentâtes to develop Sales Strategies fo r the “Umoja Can and Bottle Recycling Company ". Umo­ ja youth are dedi­ cated to making this project suc­ ceed. As Freddie says: "This is ours from A to Z. " We take it very serious­ ly. I f someone can make money selling pet rocks, ! know with the help o f our community we can create jobs from this company. Besides, it has a better future than selling crack rocks " Umoja Can Company is canvassing businesses and homes in the community. For businesses, we are asking you to place a "U.C.C. " box near the beverage machines TheU.C.C. will provide bags to res idences, in which we ask that on designated days, you fill with bottles and cans and place on your porch fo r pickup. Umoja appreciates you support o f the efforts o f these young men As their business cards read, "Withyour help we can change!" everyone's financial situation is different. DUE. W e will w o rk w ith you to determ ine which of odi wide variety o f loan and credit products best m ee t y o u r needs So stop by and we ll help you get the you £r Q First Interstate Bank Of .TTS?*!? Subject to credit approval O th e r conditions may apply © 1 9 9 6 First Interstate Bancorp Every First Interstate Bank is a M em ber FDtC c re d it you deserve