. 4 P age ' ' '• • - j •" a *- t - y * « * • * * * • • • ' . I». .. #*. - ‘ \ * ^4’A* £ X • e* • “ J' • ■- - ' .it. . * . . ■ * , "■-• ■ B6 ‘Par!^ (fosp dMusic G ospel music stars will brighten Portland at ecum enical workshop, concert, seminar, and Oregon pre­ m iere o f new gospel mass ‘St. Martin de Porres M ass’ to be sung in cathedral by m assive gospel choir from O regon, W ashington. Protestants, Catholics, blacks, whites, young, old people com e together to celebrate new gospel music with na­ tional gospel artists, com posers. G ospel music is the music that seeks universal truths beyond m ere entertainm ent, and this city’s lively com munity ofgospel songwriters and m usicians will play host to an im por­ tant attem pt to show o ff the m iracle o f this peculiarly A m erican inven­ tion in an important large church as part o f the Catholic C hurch’s 150th anniversary in Oregon celebration in February. T w o n atio n ally -k n o w n gospel m usic com posers will preside over a w orkshop, a seminar, four rehears­ als, and two concerts during an in- depth look at gospel music for C ath­ olic and other E uropean-heritage churches in Portland during a four day event produced and directed by Joyce Boles o f A lbina Arts Center, during Black History M onth in Feb­ ruary. Rev. Milton Biggham, perhaps the m ost well-know n producer and co m ­ poser w orking in gospel music to ­ day, will jo in with Leon Roberts, a w ell-know n C atholic gospel music com poser will w ork together with m em bers o f the W ashington State and Portland-V ancouver chapters o f the G o sp el M usic W o rkshop o f A m erican, with the Pacific N orth­ west M ass Choir, and with the Port­ land Black Catholic Lay Caucus to produce the four days o f study and singing, said Boles. Biggham is president o f Savoy Records in New York, and is associ­ ated w ith n atio n ally w ell-know n choirs such as G eorgia M ass Choir, I lorida M ass C hoir, and New Jersey M ass C hoir. T he w inner o f two G ram m ies, he has produced well- known singers such as the late Rev. Jam es Cleveland, Rev. Clay Evans, the A niointed Pace Sisters, and sev­ eral others. He has been nam ed the producer o f the year several tim es by the G o sp el M usic W o rk sh o p o f America. Rev. Biggham is also pas­ tor o f Mt. V ernon Baptist Church in northern New Jersey. T he term “ m ass ch o ir” m eans am ong A frican-A m ericans a large choir singing black gospel music. The mass choir m ovem ent has found expression in at least 40 U.S. loca­ tions. Biggham is expected to teach and direct his own new music at the w ork­ shop, w hich will be follow ed with a 7 pm Saturday concert at M aranatha Church, 4222 NE 12th Ave., where the P ortland M etro p o litan Youth M ass choir will also appear, said Boles. Prom inent local gospel music d i­ rector, keyboard player, and song­ w riter M inister Terry D avis is music director o f the event. D avis was the winner recently o fa Commun ity Trea­ sure award from TACS. He directs the larg e P o rtla n d M e tro p o lita n Youth M assC hoir, and is co-director o f Portland M ass C hoir Davis is also music director o f the local BM W A chapter. He has several songs re­ corded on different gospel music al­ bums in national distribution. M inis­ ter is an honorific used am ong A fri­ can-A m erican church people for a churchm an who is not ordained. L eo n R o b e rts w as d ir e c to r o f litu rg ic a l m u sic at St. A u g u stin e p a rish in W a sh in g to n , D C, fo r 15 y e a rs. He is a u th o r o f th e w id e ly - s u n g “ S t. A u g u s tin e M a s s , ” w h ich is p u b lis h e d in “ L ead M e, G u id e M ," th e first A frican -A m er­ ican hymnal ever published in the United States. His music also ap ­ pears in Episcopal and United Church ofC hrist hymnals. He is currently the Florence Van Keuren Artist in R esi­ dence at the C oncord Baptist Church o f Christ in Brooklyn, NY. Roberts will teach and direct his new com position, “The St. Martin de Porres M ass,” to be sung at the 5:30 pm mass at St. M ary’s C athedral Sunday, Feb. 18. Boles said she ex- m í Evening O f S\fcg by M argaret I saacs H aving read about A lzheim ers D isease, it’s victim s and their fam i­ lies; I decided to attend a support g ro u p for these fam ilies o f these A lzh eim er victims. I saw and felt the pain o f som e; the im patience o f o th ­ ers; an g er and frustration w ere ap ­ paren t in m ost all o f them. I listened to solutions to em otional problem s, o ffered by laymen and professionals alike, and I saw pity in the faces o fth e p rofessionals from tim e to tim e. I cam e aw ay from the m eeting w ith the thought...If only the outlook co u ld be changed to view this d iseas­ es victim s from w here, perhaps, they are. T hey seem to be at a place w here trouble and life’s problem s and m a­ terial needs mean nothing to them anym ore. C hildren in grow n-up b od­ ies. T he Bible tell us that Jesus said S uffer little children to com e unto m e, for o f such is the kingdom o f h eav en ” . These little children are p erhaps Just Crossing O ver Bit By Bit Into the Kingdom O f G od. , pects a 100 to 200-voice choir to sing the mass, which will be celebrated by Fr. N icolaus M arandu o f Im m acu­ late Heart Parish, as part o f the re- open in g o fth e refurbished St. M ary’s C ath ed ral, I 7 I 6 N W D avis. Fr. M arandu is a native o fT an zan ia, and is the only priest o f color in w estern Oregon. Music for both the mass and the concert will be rehearsed at two evening rehearsals, 7 - 10 pm at Im­ m aculate H eart C hurch, 2 9 3 0 N. W illiams A venue, and by a 3 pm Saturday reh earsal at M aranatha Church 4222 NE 12th Ave., and by a 3:30 pm rehearsal a, St. M ary ’s C a­ thedral. Both Biggham and R oberts will instruct during a 9 - 1 pm w orkshop Saturday m orning, “ How to get your music recorded and published.” The w orkshop cost $5 per participant for four rehearsals and two concerts. The sem inar costs $30, and one quarter hour credit from Portland State U ni­ versity is available for an additional charge of $35. Both the concert and “Just C rossing O ver” took the stain o f sin away. and love and glory; She has the G reat (loved ones with A lzheim ers D is­ N ow she’s grown old with peace W hite Throne in her view. ease) and jo y in her heart; and a serene smile She thinks as a young child would T h e re ’s a story I’d like to tell you on the old wrinkled face. Her eyes think; and bodily functions mean o f a child born long, long ago; o f an shine forth with the wisdom o f God; nothing to her. There are flashes o f old farm house with a lake close by and at her vision o f a heavenly place. memory, o f a life gone before; and and an old iron pot on the stove. She repeats disjointed phrases, the imm ediate past is a total blur. I hat child knelt near for warmth senseless to us all; and she w alks at Through sorrow and pain and fire and cheer to that old black wood- m idnight as if night w ere day. and blood; she looks away up in burning stove. She d id n ’t know that She answ ers inappropriately or glory, God hears her call; He com ­ the fam ily w as poor; she only knew som etim es not at all; But G od know s forts and gives peace from His G reat o f the love that family wove. her heart, what she intends to say. Throne; G od loves this dear child O atm eal every day was a treat to She rem em bers the A unts, the and leads her along. her. B eans at supper was her favorite U ncles, her father and m other and all She know s w here sh e’s "going; tare. T he old heated iron in her bed at the lessons she learned at their knees. S h e’s looked over the hill She longs night; and the long flannel gow n made She rem em bers the G od o f mercy for that place w here no tears shall with care. they all served; the battles He fought, ever fall; She talks with her Spirits T he B ible stories her m other read the suffering he relieved. and w aits with great patience, while to her w ere alive in the little heart for H er friends and family think that she avidly listens for the trum pets all tim e; the rides on her father's her mind is w andering, when at times call. broad shoulders; and the short Easter she talks, when no one is there But Yes, she is back to being that child Speeches that rhymed. sh e ’s only crossing over the bar that o f so long ago. That child who trust­ This child grew with great love in separates; speaking with Spirits in ed and cared and had great love. She her heart for the birds and beast and the land God has prepared. has a pure heart, a faith in G od and a each blessed day; she learned to trust W ho is it should care if her mind b elief she shared; and God, Himself, and have faith in the goodness o f is fading? She no longer sees the will soon call this beautiful child m en; and G od gave her grace and orld as as we we do; do; she she sees sees only only peace peace hom ------------------- 6 - ’ - g .av c anu w w orm e home. selfiso u rp eace, who has made the two self is our peace, who has made the two one and has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall o f h o s tility .” Prom ise Keepers President Randy Phillips said, “there are centuries-old walls built o f pain, hurt, neglect and abuse. O ur desire is to exalt the person o f Christ and pow er o f the cross in a way that breaks down the walls that exist brother-to-brother, brother-to-sis- ter, and church-to-church. T h e C h a ir m a n o f P r o m is e K e e p e r s ’ B o a rd o f D ir e c to r s Albina Arts Center, Inc., Dawson Purk Gospel Music Festival, July 13, 1996, 2830 N. Williams, 0301, Portland, OR 9 722 7-1650 503-284- 9043, Fax 503-284-9043 Call First, Contact: Joyce Roles. Spedai Evening O f 9\(egro Spiritual The Bethel A.M .E. Church C a­ thedral Choir is presenting a special evening o f negro spirituals entitled “O nce Upon A Tim e W hen We W ere C olored.” The performance will be held Sun­ day, Feb. 25 at 5 p.m. at the Bethel A.M.E. Church, 5828 N.E. Eighth Ave. O rganizers say the presentation, which includes music, dance and storytelling, depicts a world which vanished in the w ake o f integration the world o f living colored. "B ehind the painful and som e­ tim es hum iliating barriers o f racial segregation, there existed a totally black milieu in w hich a people nur­ tured, protected each other and en­ jo y ed together. “This evening is an effort to re­ R h h n n P ^ iH n P ^ ^ a ,.. B ish o p P h illip P o rte r a d d e d th at th e c o n c e p t o f r e c o n c ilia tio n is m o re th an an h e a d lin e ; it m u st be d e m o n s tra te d a m o n g C h ristia n s. “ A s th e C h u rc h g o e s , G o d has o r d a in e d th a t th e w o rld g o es. R e c o n c ilia tio n m u st be d e a lt w ith as in d iv id u a lly an d as p e rs o n a lly as th e sin q u e s tio n . W e 'v e g o t to d e a l w ith it.” Founder o f Promise Keepers Bill McCartney said the key to breaking down the walls in hom es and commu- Advertise In (Hlie ^Jnrtlcuth ODh scrucr Call: 503-288-0033 ¿ T T / . nities begins not with a movement, but with a man and Almighty God. “The fact is, men are as isolated as ever. Our culture has convinced men they can go it alone - but until we are reconciled to G o d .w ecanneverbe reconci led to our families and brothers. Revival starts in the heart o f one man. The Eugene, OR M en’s Confer­ ence is one o f2 3 stadium conferences for men, to be held around the country in 1996 Other sites and dates will be announced in those conference cities. J ourney Cox Funeral Home Inc. I (503)281-4891 | t A. A. C O X, SR. Mortician & Funeral Director JL T & k J I CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. mind a people not to forget where they cam e from o rfo rth e irc h ild re n to never forget the world that gave them their fathers and mothers, and how they survived with their pride and courage intact. “ It d e p ic ts a w ay o f liv e from th e c o tto n fie ld s, to o u r w ay o f h a v in g c h u rc h , to th e fish frie s, to th e tim e s w e w a lk e d do w n th e isle o f th e c o lo re d c o a c h e s on tra in s to fin d a se a t by th e w in ­ d o w , w h ere w e co u ld look o u t an d see fa m ilia r fa c e s w a v in g as th e tra in slo w ly p u lle d aw ay . R e m e m b e rin g an d c lin g in g to th e p ro m is e s w e had h ea rd all o f o u r liv e s from th o se w ho had n u rtu re d us o n c e u p o n a tim e w hen w e w e re c o lo r e d ! ” Advertise For Diversity Tronuse le p e r s ‘96: “®reat(Down ‘The ‘Watts'" mtemational Christian minis minis- The international try for men Promise Keepers has an nounced a stadium m en’s conference, set for Eugene, OR on August 2,3, 1996, at Autzen Stadium Promise K eepers is a Christ-centered ministry dedicated to uniting men through vital relationships to become godly influ­ ences in their world The them e for 1996 is “ Break Down the W alls,” based on the scripture ref­ erence in Paul’s Lettertothe Ephesians, C hapter two, verse 14. “ For he Him­ the celebrated mass will be free and open to the public. Free-will offer­ ings will be taken at both. Both Biggham and Roberts will meet with local artists and w riters by appointm ent only. Call 284-9043 to schedule an appointm ent on the af­ ternoons o f Feb. 15 and 16. T h is w o rk s h o p w ith th e o th e r e v e n ts is th e m o s t a m b itio u s p ro je c t so far fo r b o th A lb in a A rts C e n te r an d th e P o rtla n d - V a n c o u v e r c h a p te r o f G M W A , sa id B o le s. T h is m ay a lso be the first tim e s e rio u s g o sp e l m u sic has b een su n g in th e O re g o n c a ­ th e d ra l as p a rt o f a r e g u la r m ass, sh e sa id . M a jo r s p o n s o rs h ip o f th e e v e n t h a s b ee n p ro v id e d by th e A rc h d io c e s e o f P o rtla n d in O re g o n , an d by O re g o n C a th o lic P ress. C H A R L E N E C O X T A N N ER M anager ▲ ¿y * < 3 BE Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director I U JE R O M E G. T A N N E R A. Funeral D irector The Loss o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can he m ade easier i f yo u contact a facility that has your interest at heart. 2736 NE Rodney, Portland, OR 97212 St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR livet Baptist Church 5431 N.E. 20th Portland, O regon 97211 Terry Allen Moe Pastor 287-7553 1 Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles c h u r c h 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Radio M inistry: (¿race Covenant fellowship 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 Sundays at 11:30 AM (503) 282-3780 Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 AM Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 A M on KBMS “Where the Best is Yet to Be!” Rev. James E. Martin, I’h.D. Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR |