Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 14, 1996, Page 12, Image 12

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Ib rM -ihffw m -
P age B4
n u . i M ix iu n n i/
Black History Has Buns Of Steel And Abs Of Iron
SYP . M c K inley
na/ Dam«
B y P l*D
B urt
W h ile we r e g re t th a t n o t all o f
th e g l o r io u s c o n t r i b u t i o n s to
w o rld c u ltu re and te c h n o lo g y w as
w ritte n in sto n e , e n o u g h h a s s u r ­
v iv e d th e ra s c a lity o f frig h te n e d
a c a d e m ic ia n s a n d r a c is ts to c h a rt
th e p a th to a tru e h is to ric a l p e r ­
s p e c tiv e o f m a n k in d ’s d e v e lo p ­
m e n t.
A case in point is the account
(revelations) I introduced last week;
a descrip tio n o f a m ille n n iu m s -
lo n g in v o lv e m e n t o f th e b la ck
ra c e s w ith the w o rk in g o f iro n
a n d s te e l. I s u p p o s e th a t as a
te e n a g e r, w o rk in g a f te r sc h o o l in
fo u n d rie s like the “St. Louis Car and
Foundry Com pany,” I thought the in­
volvement o f h u n d re d s o f th o u ­
sa n d s o f s k ille d black w orkers in
the iron and steel w orks o f A m erica
Eyes Traffic
T he L in c o ln N e ig h b o rh o o d
A ss o c ia tio n is w o rk in g w ith
V a n c o u v e r ’s T r a n s p o r ta tio n
D iv isio n to d e v e lo p a tra ffic
p lan w h ich a d d re s s e s p e d e s ­
tria n an d tra ffic s a fe ty , s p e e d ­
ing an d c u ,- tro u g h tra ffic on
n e ig h b o rh o o d stre e ts .
The neighborhood association
will circulate a petition to verify
that a m ajority o f the residents are
fam iliar with the plan. People who
was either a m atter o f cultural prefer­
ence -- or genetic (sm iles).
By 1948, 1 had gained som e d e­
gree o f enlightenm ent, a tim e which
found me w orking at “chipping out
m olds” at N orth P o rtlan d ’s “A m eri­
can B rakeshoe F oundry" w hile at­
tending N orthw estern Law School
three nights a week. But 1 had not yet
gained access to that level o f d o cu ­
m entation w hich, last week, perm it­
ted m e to shock som e readers by
docum enting that there w ere many
“Iron plantations” as well as the co t­
ton ftefdom s o f A m erican Slavery.
A nd w hat a difference several d e­
cades have made. Now, we may see
in both academ ic jo u rn als o f science
or a rc h a e o lo g y -o r in popular sc i­
en c e m a g a z in e s like “ S cie n tific
A m erican”-p h o to g ra p h s and illus­
trations o f m odern researchers in
sign the petition will get a post­
card to send com m ents on the
plan to the transportation d iv i­
A fter residents have signed the
petition, a m eeting will be set to
discuss the com m ents and refine
the plan. City sta ff will meet with
residents to select a preferred al­
ternative. A fter choosing an al­
ternative, the plan goes to city
council for approval.
In te re s te d re s id e n ts can
re a c h
th e
L in c o ln
N e ig h b o r h o o d ’s c o n ta c t p e r ­
son c o - c h a ir P a tty M e sse n g e r
at 6 9 5 -3 1 5 7 , o r city tr a ffic
e n g in e e r Jo h n M a n ix at 6 9 6 -
N igeria, sitting around replica o f
ancient forges they have excavated.
In the fashion o f the ancient A frican
technicians who built them, we find
scientists from Yale and other uni­
versities sitting around conical ch ar­
coal forges in circles o f eight to
tw elve-pum pingeighl-foot long bel­
lows that raised forge tem peratures
high enough to work steel.
So it is no hashish dream that
prom pted European explorers as early
as the I Ith and 12th centuries to
return from A frica with exciting sto­
ries and illustrations o f black w ar­
riors in supple arm or who rode fiery
steeds w ho were sim ilarly protected.
O f course, when centuries later these
dusk warriors (Shakespeare’s M oors)
invaded Europe, charged through
Spain and were only stopped half­
way through France, it became obvi­
ous even to a fool that these people
were neither dum b nor inferior.
W hile European historians will
m ention that there were no “dark
haired” peoples found in Europe prior
to the invasions o f the A frican M oors
(M assey, W ells, et al), A m erican his­
torians have no desire to lose aca­
dem ic tenure or to fall out o f good
graces o f m ajor publishers. T hose o f
us who are not restricted by the racist
protocols o f many schools and m edia
are free to read and study the texts
and photographs o f such dedicated
re se a rc h e rs as th e ren o w n J.A .
Rogers; perhaps the greatest o f early
A frican A m erican historians who
traveled all the world to docum ent
black history (including the Vatican
Library and m ajor museums and li­
braries in Europe, A sia and Africa:
See “Sex And Race, V ols I&H” &
"W o rld ’s G reat M en o f Color, Vols
I& II”, and many others).
. Here you will find photographs o f
the works o f the w orld’s most re­
nown E uropean artists; true depic­
tions o f the real role o f blacks in
world history: A fricans in all the
family trees o f the royal houses o f
Europe, je t black, w ooly-headed St.
Maurice, patron Saint o f France (who
turned back the A frican M oors be­
fore all o f France becam e ‘cullud
folks’—or did they?), Many repro­
ductions o f the ‘C oat o f A rm s’ of
today's prestigious families o f E n­
gland, Norw ay, Sweden, G erm any
or France, and take a good look al
e a rly , u n re to u c h e d p o r tra its o f
Beethoven and o f A udubon who was
born in Santo D om ingo (The “D o­
minican R epublic” where all those
great black baseball players com e
from). A udubon is the spitting image
o f D avid Ju stic e o f the A tlan ta
B ra v e s-o r is it the other way around?
Speaking o f “Iron and Steel” be
sure to get a copy o f this m o n th 's
“N atural History M agazine", Feb.
1996, Vol. 105, no 2. A lthough the
article I w ant you to read is titled
"K ingdom o f G old" and centers upon
much ofthe cultural history o f Ghana,
A frica (e a rly slavery and the 'G olden
S tool’) there is a simply fabulous
account o f A frican technical ability
in w orking with m achinery. A ban­
doned autos, trucks, farm equipm ent,
etc. is recycled into many sophisti­
cated “new ” vehicles, industrial m a­
chinery, farm equipm ent, food pro­
cessors and the like. No engineers or
European S u p erv iso rs-are they try­
ing to tell us som ething? My “ Black
Inventors” show ed sam e ability.
Vessels, Steens Host Cookbook Writers
L< x.al cookbi xik authors are featured at
events jointly sponsored by Vessels and
Sleen.sCoffeeHou.se during BlackHistoiy
Saturday, Maxine Jackson Blacknall,
author o f‘The Heart & Soul of Maxine’s
Cuisine," will he on hand for a btxik
signing, as well as have samples of her
recipes to taste.
A first-time author, Blacknall published
her ctxikbtxak last summer as a result of a
cooking class and contest She entered the
contest after participating in a special class
offered by the American Cancer Society
and the National Black Leadership Initia­
tive on Cancer.
Blacknall has modified and created
new soul food recipes low in fat and
cholesterol Blacknall Ls determined to
help change the way we cook and eat for a
healthier heart.
Blacknall will be available Satunlay,
from ntxrn to 2 pm . at Steen’s, 2603 N.E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. and Vessels,
New & used books on
Business, Music, &
African-American Studies
d ?
Tableware With Meaning, 2605 N E.
Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.
Feb. 24, from 11:30 am . to 1:30 p.m.
Grace Kutn will talk about her book,
‘ Haram bee! African Family Circle Cook­
book.” The Kenya native offers over 30
authentic recipes reflecting the cuisine of
different ethnic gnxrps in east Africa
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