Volume X X V I, Number 7 Committed to eultural diversih Riding Diversity Wave King Speech Recalled The Coast Guard aims to be employer o f choice fo r a diverse workforce. Martin Luther King Jr. delivers "I Have A Dream speech at 1963 March on Washington See Metro, inside. See Black History, page A 7. Publisher Washington Still Critical Thousands Homeless From Flood Torrential rain and melting snow led to the worst flooding in memory last week for many residents o f Oregon and W ashing­ ton, leaving thousands o f people home­ less. Lake Oswego and Tualatin were two o f the hardest areas hit. Floodwaters from the Willamette R iver also covered homes I and businesses in Oregon City. Portland Seawall Holds A record run off o f the Willamette R iver was held at bay last week from flooding downtown Portland and the eastside by the I city s seawall. Thousands o f volunteers I j Joyce Washington^ ortland Observer Publisher P Joyce W ashington remains hospitalized in critical condi­ tion in the intensive care unit at Lega­ cy Emanuel Hospital. W ashington, 59, suffered a heart attack Feb. 6 w hile driving home during the lunch hour from the Portland Observer offices. She was rushed to the hospital by am bu-1 lance and then suffered a second heart I and Portland public works crews built up I the wall with plywood, cement, plastic and rock in anticipation of the rising waters. Mudslides Close 1-5,1-84 Tw o massive m udslides closed 1-84 be­ tween Troutdale and Hood R iver last week I and flooding closed 1-5 between O lym pia and Chahalis. The worst flooding in 30 years isolated several communities and other small pockets o f Oregon and W ash­ ington. Hundreds o f roads were closed or partially blocked by slides and washouts. is growing to the north and west as a new student human Cascade campus is reflecting new vitality for the inner city is were constructed on North Killingsworth Street. Flooding Kills Seven Northwest floods took seven lives last week, four in Oregon. At least three others in Oregon were missing on Monday. Tw o men disappeared after driving a pickup truck into nine feet o f water at the Salem- K eize r city limits and a Troutdale woman remained m issing after her house was swept I down the Sandy River. , j attack the same day while hospitalized. She has not regained full consciousness. Life supporting equipment was removed I uesday and she was able to breathe on her own. O ur fam ily has received many prayers and we grateful. We are also praying for a complete recovery,” said her son Chuck Washington, Portland Observer senior ed- Northwest Flood Recovery ederal and state officials began Mark Clemens, a spokesman for Washing­ organizing a massive cleanup ton state’s emergency management, said pre­ effort after devastating flood­ liminary reports from seven o f 19 affected ing, while high water kept many commu­ counties showed $33 million in damage, a total nities in Oregon and Washington isolat- he said was sure to rise. F At least 500 people stayed in Red Cross Water Conservation Urged shelters overnight, and hundreds more were staying with relatives or friends. O fficials from several government agencies discussed how to dispose o f waste, including hazardous chemicals and sandbags, that might have been contaminated by raw flood sewage. Flooding dirtied Portland’s B u ll Run water supply and caused officials to close conduits irom the B u ll Run reservoirs tor several days. Conservation o f water was urged from last Thursday until noon Tues­ day as the city and surrounding areas relied on Colum bia R iver southshore wells and I in-town storage to meet drinking water needs. i Hay Dropped To Hungry Cattle National Guard helicopters were used Sunday to drop more than six tons o f hay to 900 hungry cattle on Hayden and G overn­ ment islands in the Colum bia River. A ll boat traffic on the river has been banned until floodwaters recede. Area Declared National Disaster President Clinton signed federal d is a s -1 ter declarations for Oregon and W ashing­ ton last week becauseofdevastating floods. The declarations w ill provide federal funds for temporary housing, fam ily grants and | ow-interest loans. EDITORIAL (Photo by Michael Leighton) Treatment Houses Proposed For Concordia Pumping Saves OMSI Building Round-the-clock pumping o f floodwa­ ters from the basement o f the Oregon M u­ seum o f Science and Industry, located on the eastside o f the W illamette River, is credited with saving the facility, but m il­ lions o f dollars in damage is still feared. Downtown Portland weathers torrential downpours, but the threat o f flooding is averted. oiicnn uamon coates. He said officers arrest- ed a man in a rowboat seen stealing from evacuated homes. Officers were tightening se­ curity in areas where waters were still too high to allow people to return. In Lake Oswego, where floodwaters invad­ ed dozens o f mansions over the weekend, officials warned residents to leave sandbags in place at least through the end o f the week because ofconcem overa flood gate on acanal. “ I think people are beginning to think about cleanup, but there’s a possibility o f that gate giving way this afternoon,” said Laura Price, a city official. wR ■ w R I f W A V houses h n i i c o c for recover­ wo halfway Both houses are proposed for 2,500 square ing women alcoholics and drug feet, with five bedrooms, based on a design addicts, on sites a block apart - by architect B ill Church that H A P has used in on Northeast 2 5th Avenue, are proposed four other locations, she said for construction by the Housing Author­ The units would be built on vacant lots ity of Portland. seized by Multnomah County for non-pay­ One house, near Northeast Emerson Street, ment o f taxes. w ill house up to five women who have gone Katy Treb o f the Multnomah County D e­ through a substance abuse recovery program partment o f Corrections said the Emerson and a .e currently on parole or probation, and House, to be called Gazelle House, w ill not up to three children, H A P development pro­ havea resident manager. However, she said, gram m anager Jeanette Sander told the its occupants w ill be monitored regularly and Concordia Neighborhood Association at its w ill be removed ifthey violate the conditions February meeting. o f their release. T h e o th e r h o u se , n e ar N o rtheast We w ill screen occupants very, very care­ Killingsw orth Street, w ill house five chroni­ fu lly," she said. “ We know this is your neigh­ cally mentally ill women undergoing treat­ borhood, and you don’t want problem s." ment at the Garlington Center. She added that the countv has o n e r a t n t a T HOUSING sim ilar facility on Northeast Couch Street for five years, and that w hile some occupants have returned to their addictions, there have been no problems or complaints from neigh­ bors. I hree people who own property near the house supported this. Deb A lliso n o f the Garlington Center said their facility w ill h a v e a resident manager. A llison said that 70 to 80 percent o f center clients have substance abuse problems. Glenn W illiam s, also o f the Garlington C enter, said that the group's living arrange­ ment is important to the clients’ long-term recovery. “ We find that we do real well with them all day, but it’ s at night and on the weekends that they think about relapsing," he said. Noel le Webb, a developer who owns prop­ erty near the two houses, questioned HA P ’s decision to place two such facilities so close together. “ I think these are both excellent programs, but it s a matter o f how much impact you have on a particular community,” Webb said Sander said the decision to site the houses was based on the availability o f the property. She added that according to the city ’s Bureau of Housing and Com m unity Development, there are relatively few special needs houses in the area. Staff from both programs said they hoped community residents would take an interest ENTERTAINMENT CLASSIFIEDS