-* * »' 'l v » -W-Msi * :r* BLACK HISTORY (Tlje^orHanh (©hserner PSV7 Black H is to ry Events Quess W ho's Coming To Dinner For Black History Portland State University’s an- Inual celebration of February as Black History Month includes a I fashion show, step show, lectures, I concerts, sou I food and a basket- | ball tournament. “This year we intend to consid­ e r several topics especially rele- I vant to African Americans,” said Theo Hall, co-coordinator of the I Black Cultural Affairs Board and lone of the organizers of PSU’s | Black History Month celebration. The Black Cultural Affairs I Board at PSU exists, in pan, to I create opportunities all year long I for people to learn about the histo- Iry of African Americans, adds I Aisha Irving, political office for IBCAB and a member of the Asso- | ciation o f African students at PSU. For more information, call 725- 15660. The following is the sched- I ule of some of the events on the | PSU campus: Feb. 1-23 - White Gallery Ex- Ihibit - “Freedom in Black Histo­ ry.” Open weekdays 7 a.m -10 p.m, I Saturdays 8 a.m - 10p.m , and Sun- Idays 10 a.m.-5 p.m., 2nd floor I Smith Center, 1825 S. W. Broad- | way, free. Feb. 7 - Brown Bag Concert - I Hip-Hop, R&B, gospel, noon, I Smith Center Parkway Commons | North, free. Feb. 8 - One-Act Play: “The I Meeting” by Jeff Stetson, 7:30-11 I p.m. Nordicland, Room 26, Smith I Center. Critically acclaimed per­ formance depicts a fictitious meet- I ing between Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., played by Michael Lange and Winston Wil- | liams, respectively. Feb. 9 - Symposium: “Freedom I in Black History” 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. | Shattuck Hall, 1914 S.W. Park. Feb. 12 - Lecture: “The Impor­ ta n c e of Love & Unity in the Afri- I can-American Family Union,” 6-7 I p.m., room 338 Smith Center, IComettaSmith, Albina Ministeri- I al Alliance. Feb. 12 - Panel Discussion: "Brothers and Sisters: Can We I Talk?” - 12-2 p.m., Smith Center, I free. Panel and open discussion of) I the relationship of black men and I black women facilitated by Kevin I Fuller of the Oregonian, members I of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, land Lanita Duke, KBOO radio I talk show host. Feb. 13-Tribute to Black Wom- I en, 2-4 p.m. BCAB Lounge, room 1459 Smith Center, free. PSU Afri- I can-American men share their ap­ preciation for African-American I women. Feb. I4-Tributeto Black Men, 12-4 p.m., BCAB Lounge, room 459, Smith Center, free. PSU Afri­ can American women share their appreciation for Affican-Ameri- I can men. Feb. 14 - Valentine Evening of | [Jazz, 6-10 p.m. - Smith Center Ballroom, room 335, $7 single/ $10 couple, sponsored by Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity. Katherine Houghton and Sidney Poitier (above left) star in the 1967 Academy Award­ winning Guess Who's Coming To Dinner, the landmark film about mixed marriage. Columbia Tristar Home Video has re-released the movie and a number o f other African American themed films in honor of Black History Month. Screen legends Katherine Hepburn and Spencer Tracey (right) also star in the landmark film about two families shocked by an interracial union and who learn they must sit down face to face and examine each other's level o f intolerance. Superstar Janet Jackson and rapper Tupac Shakur (right) star in Poetic Justice, a love story about two people from South Central L.A. who reluctantly find themselves drawn together on a road trip from Los Angeles to Oakland. The movie is one of several African American films now being distributed on videocassette in honor o f Black History Month by Tristar Home Video. Marine Biologist Honored On Stamp Ernest E. Just, an in­ ny; Paris, France and ternationally renown Naples, Italy. He pub zoologist, has become I ished 50 papers based the 19th honoree in the on his research and U.S. Postal Service’s published Basic Black Heritage Stamp Methods for Experi series. ments in Eggs of Ma Known prim arily rine Animals and The for his research in ma­ Biology o f the Cell rine biology, Just did Surface, both in 1939. pioneering ex p e ri­ Just taught at ments in the process of Howard University fertilization in marine from 1907 to 1941, invertebrates. He also serving as head of the studied the fundamen­ department of physi­ tal role of the cell sur­ ology at the medical Ernest E. Just, the 19th face in the develop­ school (1912-1920); honoree in Black ment of organisms. and the head of the Heritage Stamp series. Just received early department of zoolo­ recognition for his work as the first gy ( 19 12 -19 4 1). recipient o f the Spingarn Medal The Ernest E. Just stamp, designed awarded by the NAACP “to a man or by Richard Sheaff o f Norwood, a woman o f African descent and Mass., used a Robert Scurlock pho­ American citizenship who shall have tograph. made the highest achievement dur­ D uring the 1940s and 50s, ing the precedingyearoryears in any Scurlock photographs ofblack intel­ honorable field ofhuman endeavor.” lectuals, artists, musicians and poli­ Throughout the 1930s, Just con­ ticians in Washington, D.C. appeared ducted research in institutes and ma- in black newspapers and magazines rine laboratories in Berlin, Germa- like Ebony, Life and Time. Even when you're not together, you’ll still be in touch. . . At First Interstate Bank W e WANT TO GIVE we know how hard it can be to establish credit. That's why when we look at applications C R ED IT for our home loans, car loans and credit cards. W HERE C R ED IT IS we keep in mind that everyone's financial situation is different. DUE. 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