JUU 1 m P ori land O bserver ♦ F ebruary 7,1996 jLlortlaith (¡Observer EMTERTA I Pi M E N T Qualitg/Pump More Than Just Another Group Records Dynamic Duo Juvenile Style Rocks “The Box” With Some “Wikid” Airplay Quality/Pump Records recording artists Juvenile Style - the L A. - based rapping team o f brothers Aekae and Wikid are making trax on The Box with the video from "The Cavey" (the first single from their debut al­ bum Brewed in South Central)jum p- ing from #122 to #55 from national airplay on The Box music television chart. A song about “That special feelin’ you get from bin’ in da hood,” as the duo describes it, “The Cavey” has garnered the pair success with both radio and video play. The video for “The Cavey” is cur­ rently in Heavy rotation on The Box in L.A., Houston, Dallas, San Anto­ nio, San Francisco, Portland and Philadelphia, while garnering Medi­ um requests in Phoenix, Tucson, Detroit and Chicago. Additional markets requesting the video from The Box include Milwaukee, Balti­ more, Nashville, Memphis, Minne­ apolis and Anchorage, Alaska. Popular D em and: Rick Dino Jam al Papular Demand was formed passionately, persistently, and pro­ fessionally. The three members engage an incredible mixture of past, present and future music. With Popular demands versatile vocals, they captivate the listener and take them into a realm o f R&B/Hip Hop/ Romance with a reggae splash. You must hear them to truly understand and appreciate their music. The taste o f Popular Demand is craved and we are confident their first compi­ lation will be consumed by Seattle. While they are extremely unique, they have stolen listeners from all genres o f music and continue to do so each and every day. Each and every performance is met with larg­ er crowds and ecstatic responses 1995 showed Popu lar Demand great success with their Ep Release (Pop­ ular Demand), hit song“Sara Smile”. Their CD is selling extremely well, now o f which is available at all Seattle record stores both major and independent. Popular Demand is sure to be the most successful R&B group ever to arise from the North­ west. The completed album will be released soon so be sure to keep your eyes and ears peeled. Music Expo CD & Record Convention For 6th gear! C-Bub Productions presents the 11th Semi - Annual Music Expo, CD & Record Convention Satur­ day, Mar. 2 & Sunday, Mar. 3, 1996 from 10:00 AM-5 PM. The Expo will be held at the VFW Post #4053,8138 SE Stark Street, Port­ land, OR. The M usic E xpo is the la rg ­ est atte n d e d tw o day sem i - an ­ nual co n v en tio n o f its kind held on the W est C oast. T he Expo includes o v er 70 e x h ib ito r’s from all o v er A m erica. On d isp lay and for sale w ill be th o u sa n d s o f m usic c o lle c tib le s. E very g en re and form o f m usic can be found at the E xpo. T his is the M usic E vent o f the Y ear! Expo hours are from 10:00 A.M . - 5:00 P.M . each day. Free p ark in g is a v a ila b le . D oor p riz ­ es that include C D ’s, G ift C e r­ tific a te s, R ecords, B ooks, and m ore w ill be given aw ay all w eekend. A dm ission is $ 3 .0 0 , good for both days! The M usic E xpo is p roduced by C -B ub p ro d u ctio n s. J a z z V e te r a n W a lla c e R a n e y Roney went into the studio to record Misterios, his debut for Warner Bros. Records, which was released in 1994. It’s telling that Roney’s sec­ ond effort for WB is titled The W allace Roney Q uintet In 1984, the young trum peter began a close association with one ofthe most admired quin­ tet leaders ever-M iles Davis- -who not only encouraged Roney’s style as a soloist, but proved to be highly influen­ tial. In the summer o f 1991, seven years after their first meeting, Davis asked Roney Wallace Roney, P h o to B y M ic h a e l S eg a. to solo alongside him at Swit- Trumpeter Wallace Roney is a rar­ zerland's Montreux Jazz Festival. ity in today’s jazz world-a young mu- To commemorate the occasion o f sician/composer/bandleader who has that collaboration. Davisgave Roney worked his way up through the ranks one o f his trumpets. Several months for over 20 years, earning the respect after Montreux, Davis died. Qwest o f countless masters who have paved has since issued a CD o f that concert the way for him and others o f his including Roney’s performance ti­ generation. Since age 16, he has worked tled Miles Davis & Quincy Jones; with the likes ofElvin Jones, Philly Joe Live At Montreux; the recordingcap- Jones and Walter Davis, Jr., in addi­ tured the 1994 Grammy for Best tion to fulfilling three stints with Art Large Jazz Ensemble Performance. Blakey’s Jazz Messengers and a long “People like Dizzy, Miles, Herbie tenure with Tony Williams. In 1993, and Art demonstrated a lot o f faith in me Roney explained, “and it be­ came important to me to fulfill what they thought o f my potential. T hat’s the reason I wanted to put together a working band. It was my way o f repaying all the masters that I had played with.” In 1 9 0 3 , Wilbur an d Orville Wright so lv e d o n e o f the m o s t baffling m y ste rie s o f sc ie n c e - how to fly. It took th e m a n o th er five yea rs, how ever before they d e c id e d to d e m o n stra te their flying m a ch in e to the world. W hen th e y did, on Aug. 8, 1 9 0 8 at a race track o u tsid e Paris, the Wright brothers were e sta b lish e d a s th e true p io n e e rs o f m a n n e d flight. The story is profiled on The A m erican Experience: The Wright S tu ff, which airs on PB S Monday, Feb. 1 2 a t 9 p.m . Carl Weathers Joins Adam Sandler In The Comedy “Happy Gilmore” Carl Weathers stars with Satur­ day Night Live’s Adam Sandler in Happy G i Imore, an outrageous com­ edy scheduled for release nation­ wide on February 16. Weathers plays Chubbs Peterson, the one-handed, down-and-out golf pro, who tutors Happy (Sandler), an unsuccessful hockey player, to con­ vert his slap shot into a crushing 400 yard tee show. Happy’s career takes a I80degreesw ingandlandshim on the Pro G olf Tour, where he turns the game ofgolf into a contact sport. Though Happy goes from the rink to the links, he drives the game o f golf straight into the ground. W hileChubbs isamazed by Hap­ py’s long drive, he is nervous about his short temper. G olf is a game o f tradition, etiquette and above all, sportsmanship. Happy doesn’t fit on the manicured greens o fth e country club. His outrageous antics pose a challenge for Chubbs and causes an uproar among the players and offi­ cials. However, Happy’s roughhouse style does attracts hordes o f new blue collar fans to the game o f golf. ^/hen it comes to a physical role, who better to call than Carl Weathers. After all, he’s the action-adventure hero who looms large over the land for his portrayals o f heavyweight boxing Apollo Creed in the first four Rocky films opposite Sylvester Stallone, the Special Forces/CIA operative in Pred­ ator opposite Arnold Schwarzenegger and his own urban law enforcement hero Action Jackson. Happy Gilmore & C hubbs P eterso n in “Happy Gilmore " \ t l \ erlist* In Who Said You Have To Live W ith... CLhe J J o rtla u b BAD CREDIT? (O lia e rtirr ( all 503-288-0033 • • • • • • • • Jame» D eP reisl, Munie Director 4 Conductor Beethoven Including Symphony No. If you: Have been denied credit Have bad credit Need to re-establish credit Experianced bankruptcy Experianced tax liens Experienced judgements Charge offs Late Payments WE CAN HELP Saturday March 2 8:00 pm Many items you thought would follow you for the rest o f your life can be legally removed from your credit record! IN T R O D U C IN G N a tio n a l C redit A u tito rs, In c. Bonded in Washington and Oregon Murry Sidlin, conductor Alexander Braginsky, piano Portland Symphonic Choir, Bruce Browne, director For more Information, call your local representative today! 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Portland, OR 97212 Ticketmaster 790-ARTS Mon-Fn 9am-9pm, Sat 9am-8pm Sun 10am-6pm ARLENE SW BROADW AY & M A IN S C H N IT Z E R P O R T IA N D CONCERT CENTER HALL FO R THE P E R F O R M IN G ARTS Communications Since 1979