Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, February 07, 1996, Page 4, Image 4

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P age A 4
F ebruary 7 ,1 9 9 6 • T he : P ortland O bserver
a l t e r
M argaret I saacs
God is moving in mysterious ways,
his wonders to perform. This state­
ment does not apply, for some, to the
death o f our distinguished lady, Bar­
bara Jordan. We mostly perceive the
moving o f God to apply to miracles;
the re lie fo f suppression and the sav­
ing o f lives during national disasters,
etc.. But...some o f us see the calling
home o f God’s “ Called” servants as
an act o f mercy; a taking away o f
these committed anointed ones to
that promised land; that they may not
see, nor have a part in the w orldly and
spiritual disasters to come.
Barbara Jordan has had a pro­
found effect upon the people o f
America. A person committed to the
defense o f the American Constitu­
tion; whose distinctive voice, mighty
in te lle c t and u n fa ilin g integ rity
“In Her Image”
forced many o f those in govern­
ment, industry and other facets o f
American life to realize, to publicly
acknowledge and to take as their
creed the principles by which she
lived. She said, “ I f You Promise,
You Must Produce” .
She fought for the rights o f “ We,
the people” under the Constitution
and was always ready to take up the
against anyone on any level,
who attempted to destroy the rights
secured by our established Constitu­
tion under God. We hardily agree
with President Clinton that, “ We, the
people” w ill miss her and we wish
her G od’s speed.
We wonder and ask why all the
powerful voices are being stilled;
especially why none are forthcoming
to take their places? Sorrow is evi­
ces as
dent in
in our
our vo
as we
we SDeeulate-
groping for answers.
Through all this, the hope o f Barbara
Moral conflicts escalate between
Jordan lingers with us; that “ the day
divine and satanic powers as God
o f the Lord” , a time o f judgement
calls his dedicated workers home.
may be transformed into a “ season o f
We hear the “ Rachaels” o fth is world
blessings” .
weeping for their dead and dying
Born poor, and a reluctant mis­
children; we view the decline o f
sionary at times, Barbara heeded her
Godly principles and the increase o f
“ ca lling ’ and gave that which she had
greed, spiritual adultery, diseases,
been prepared to give. May God In
false teachings and many other af­
f lir t i™ .
■■■— Divine
. v „ Wisdom,
» Uu m ,« Send
iiu u > Us
n Anoth­
flictio n s too
too numerous
numerous to
to name.
er In Her Image!
‘Preaching C f The QospeTIs foolishness ‘To Those Who (Do (Not (Betieve »
.......... . 1
The Preaching o f the gospel is
foolishness to those who do not be­
lieve. Yet they w ill stand in judgment
before God as every man w ill give an
there is no God, why do men try to
hard to prove that he doesn’t exist?
Could it be “ because when they knew
God, they glorified him not as God,
neither were thankful; but became
vain in their imaginations, and their
foolish heart was darkened.” ?
First there comes subtle undercur­
rents to change our everyday lan­
guage. Language dictates a lot in that
ideas are expressed through language.
In order to call good evil and evil
good, those who would corrupt the
thoughts o f another must first change
his point of reference. By changing
the meaning or use o f certain words,
account ofhimsel f for the deeds done
in his body. It is sad that intellect and
a glib tongue is the only gospel some
w ill listen to. Though claims are made
that they understand, it is not so. For
even those who lean on logic often
fail to follow it through to a proper
conclusion. For i f the premise is
wrong, so the conclusion is also
From the standpoint o f some, there
is no truth in God. I f so, why is there
so much o f an effort to discredit and
disavow the commandments o f God
and why do men become angry when
the name o f Jesus is mentioned? I f
concepts and points o f reference peo­
ple are gradually reconditioned to
accept the very things that they once
opposed. For instance, most “ civi-
Chidden and Seafood
Creole (jumbo Dinner
, Immaculate Heart Church
Enjoy the atmosphere and flavorful cuisine o f South­
western Louisiana at Immaculate Heart Church s Tenth
Annual Chicken and Seafood Creole Gumbo Dinner.
lize” people would not worship a
tree, or a rock, or an animal. That
would be as the pagans do. But envi­
ronmentalists, biologists and other
scientists say that we must be in
harmony with the earth, that the ani­
mals have rights, and that we must
preserve “ mother earth” . Is that not
the same as worshipping the natural
elements? Yes, it is. Only when you
change the perception o f men, it’s
worshipping the natural elements?
Yes, it is. Only when you change the
perception o f men, it’s called “ earth
day instead of animism orpaganism
or just plain idol worship. Man must
always have a god. I f not our Lord
and Creator, then he w ill choose an­
other. Whatever the choice, other
than God himself, who do men serve,
but the devil
It takes no great intellectual leap
to see that men either serve God or
Satan. So who is it that corrupts
society? It is the same spirit that
causes a man to pay more attention to
the welfare o f a beast, than the w id­
ows and the orphans and the people
whose needs are far greater than that
o f a tree or an owl.
Then we have the subtleties o f
morality. M orality is good, but righ­
teousness is better. For a righteous
man must also be one o f morality.
But the linguists have removed the
boundaries from (some o f ) the peo­
ple. They continue to call good evil
and evil good. Thus confusing the
issue. In the attempts to subvert a
world, you must again try to discredit
God. Fortunately, He can not be dis­
credited or written o ff because the
remnant o f this people are in the
earth. They continue to witness and
testify o f Jesus, whom He glorified.
Though the word merchants have
tried, they w ill never succeed. For it
is w ritte n , “ C ursed be he that
removeth his neighbour’s landmark.
And all the people shall say, Amen.”
It is also written, “ Remove not the
ancient landmark, which they fathers
have set.”
A recent article by a syndicated
columnist attempted to find fault with
those who oppose hom osexual
unions. God opposes sin. IfG o d says
so, I choose to agree with God. Who
in theirown mind would opposeGod?
is a difference
between a
a per-
. ..v.c isdum
erence Detween
son in their own mind and in their
right mind. Selah. When you trace
this evil back to its source, you al­
ways end up with an anti-christ spirit.
There is no place to be neutral. Either
God says and we do our best to obey
or we deny God and His Christ and
go our own way. Rebellion is as the
sin o f witchcraft. But the word mer­
chants would never tell you that.
Instead they speak o f their rights
under the Constitution, forgetting that
all authority comes from God. You
can t get away from Him. No matter
how one tries to change the law o f
God, it is immutable. He exalts His
word above His name. So we are
pleased to know Truth, for it does not
change. It is Jesus.
-W illie J.
J. Welch
'“Diabetes Sundays” Churches L e n d H and In Diabetes J iaht
ie north and northeast
Portland churches are holding “ Dia­
betes Sundays” this month to better
inform people about the symptoms
and dangers o f diabetes.
The campaign w ill involve diabe­
tes risk tests, referral services to doc­
tors, clinics and health screenings,
patient follow-up and educational
materials about
about diabetes
diabetes management
and current treatment.
The p a rtic ip a tin g churches are
listed as follow s: Berean Baptist
Church, Daniel Memorial COGIC,
Engelwood Christian Church, Fel­
lowship missionary Baptist Church,
Hagios Missionary Baptist Church,
Irvington Covenant, M allory Ave-
nue Christian M a n , n . . h .
nue Christian, Maranatha Church o f
God and Mt. G illard Baptist, Allen
TempleCME, Bethel A.M.E., Eman­
uel Free Methodist Church, Fellow ­
ship CCG, Grace Covenant Church,
Hughes Memorial Church, Lutheran
In n e r-C ity M in is trie s , M a llo ry
Church o f Christ, M om ingstar Bap­
tist Church, and Mt. O livet Baptist,
.. „
Mt. Sinai Community BaptistChurch,
New Song Church, Powerhouse Tem­
ple COGIC, St. Michaels Lutheran,
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist
Churclr, Rev. Charles W illiam s in
care o fN N AE, New T estament COG­
IC, St. Luke Memorial, St. Paul Bap­
tist Church and Woodlawn United
Date: Saturday, February 17, 1996
Cox Funeral Home Inc.
Time: 1:00 to 7:00pm
Place: Immaculate Heart Church Community Center
2926 N Williams Ave, Portland, OR 97227
Handicapped accessible.
Mortician & Funeral Director
A. Funeral Director
Baptist Church, Rev. Gayle Hardy
and the Highland Church o f Christ
and others.
T his sh ou ld be an evening o f
jo y f u l song, fille d w ith high en­
ergy and c o m m u n ity to g e th e r­
Choir selections include “ Forgive
Me, Lord and Give Me Another
Chance,” “ Hello, Sunshine,” and a
sing-a-long at the close o f the pro­
The event is free o f charge and
open to the public.
New & used books on
Business, Music, &
African-American Studies
Sundays at 11:30 AM
Çospei Music IS p bodes Saturday
I «i m
— - - - ____ __• »
■ ■
P ortland
C ’ om
m unity C • ollege
hosts “ Gospel Music Explosion,” an
evening o f gospel music with Port-
land-area choirs on Saturday, Feb.
10 at 7 p.m. at the Fellowship M is­
sionary Baptist Church, 4009 N.
The event is one o f the PCC-spon-
sored events celebrating Black His­
tory Month.
Participating choirs include J.P
IV Mass Choir, New Hope Inspira­
tional Choir, The W ilder Ward Jrs.,
Antioch Baptist Church, True Vine
10 2 1 NE Grand
6th Floor, Ballroom 4
A. A. COX, SR.
Cost: Adults $8.00, Children under 12 $3.00
For tickets, call 287-3724
Covenant fellowship
Jerome G. Tanner
A. Funeral Director
The Loss o f a loved one
is always a traumatic
experience. But it can be
made easier if you contact
a facility that has your
interest at heart.
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J ourney
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Baptist Church
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9 AM - 9 PM Sundays
Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM
On the #20 Bus Line • One hour free parking
1005 West Burnside Street
Building Strong Families
Based On
Biblical Principles
8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard
Portland, Oregon 97217
(503) 240-PRAY
Worship Services:
Church School:
Bible Study:
Radio M inistry:
Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM
Sunday, February 1 I , 1996
3 :0 0 -6 :00pm
Holiday Inn Airport
Adults $7.00 Children 12 &. Under $3.00
Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M
Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM
Sundays; 8:00 A M on KBM S
Rev. James E. Martin, Ph.D.
Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson
Senior Pastor
Assistant Pastor
Great Gospel Music
Hats From All Over The Northwest
Lonnie: 281-9223 Arice: 281-2540 Geneva: 285-1159
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