mhur ■ M n MMRRRK** .• • < « . . i ^ ' ~ . . j J ç ■-« " * " ■ - ■’S ^ r ì * * T he P orli and O bserver • F ebruary 7,1996 P age B 5 P o lic e iïe tis _ ? / Still Room In Free Kids First! Program The Vancouver Parks and Recreation Department has room for elementary-age children in the free Kids First! program The after-school program offers arts, sports, storytelling, music and special events. Sites and times are: • Hough E lem entary School, 1900 Daniels St., 2:45 to 4 15 p.m., Monday and Thursday. • Image E lem entary School, 4400 NE 122nd Ave., 3:30 to 5 p.m., Monday and Friday. • King Elem entary School, 4801 Idaho St., 3:30 to 4:50 p.m., Tuesday and Friday. • F ru it Valley E lem entary School, 3301 Fruit Valley Rd , 2:45 to 4 : 15 p.m., Tuesday and Thursday. • Roosevelt E lem entary School, 2921 Falk Rd., 2:45 to 4:15 p.m , Wednesday and Friday. • W ashington E lem entary School, 2908 “S” St., 2:45 to 4:15 p.m., Wednesday and Friday. The Kids First! Program is a partnership with Vancouver and Ever­ green School Districts and Vancouver Parks and Recreation Department. Learn To Fish Or Ride A Motorcycle Through Recreation Program The City o f Vancouver Parks and Recreation program offers these three fun classes for adults. Motorcycle Riding Skills: Mo­ torcycles are provided. Class can be taken in place o f state test. Class meets Thursday, Feb. 22, from 6 to 9 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 24 and 25, from 8 a m. to 5 p.m. at Bagley Center, 4100 Plomondon. Fee is $50. Beginning Fly Fishing: Pro­ fessional guide Dave Morgans shows equipment selection, strat­ egies and tactics for trout and fly pattern. Class features demon­ strations, casting clinic and an entomology field trip. Cost is $ 5 1 ($46 forcity residents). Class meets W ednesdays, Feb. 21 through March 13, from 7 to 9 p.m., at Bagley Center. Open-Gym Basketball, Volley­ ball and Pickleball: Bagley Center open-gym basketball is Monday through Friday, 11 a.m. to I p.m. M arsh all C e n te r at 1009 E. McLoughlin holds open-gym vol­ leyball Mondays, 7 to 10 p.m., and Tuesdays, 5:30 Marshall Center is open for pickleball Thursdays from 6:15 to 8:15 p.m. and Saturdays from 3 to 5 p.m. Call 696-8006 for drop-in prices. Suspect Held For Attem pted Murder Gershwin’s Rhapsody On January 29, 1996, at 1220 P.M. members o f the Skamania County Sheriff*s Office, assisted by Multnomah County S h eriffs Detectives, arrested David Charles Austin, for the shooting ofCharm in Collier near Bonneville Dam on January 9,1996. Austin was arrest­ ed at his residence at 14 7 1 Oklaho­ ma, Cook, Washington without in­ cident. The shooting investigation by Multnomah County Sheriff's O f­ fice detectives became focused on The second concert in Vancou-1 ver’s new classical and jazz concert series, "Bravo! Vancouver: Music | At St. Joseph”, is slated for Sunday, February 25 at 3:00. The concert program is called "Baroque and B lu e ” , and in c lu d e s G e o rg e Gershwin’s classic piano concerto | "Rhapsody In Blue”, J.S. Bach’s Second Brandenburg Concerto, and | a new arrangement o f an Albinoni Trumpet Concerto. Featured on this concert will be pianist Maria Manazo in Gershwin’s | famous solo for piano and orches-1 tra, "Rhapsody In Blue” . Gershwin was the first classically trained American composer to successful­ ly bridge the gap between “classi-| cal" and “Popular” music, and his Rhapsody In Blue was a landmark piece. It remains one o f the most | technically difficult pieces, as well as a favorite among audiences. Internationally recognized ba-1 roque tru m p et s o lo is t G erald Webster, who currently teaches at Portland State University, will also | be a featured soloist in his arrange­ ment o f an Albinoni Trumpet Con-1 certo. W ebster performs through­ out the United States with orches-| tras specializing in Baroque music. Another audience favorite, J.S. Bach’s Brandenburg Concerto, is | also on the program. If the winter blues have set in, this program should blow them away. Tickets for the event are $ 11 Reserved, $8 General Admission. Tickets are available at all Fred Meyer FASTIXX outlets, or by calling FA STIX X at 5 0 3 -2 2 4 -j TIXX. Tickets are also available at St. Joseph Parish, at 696-4407. With dog and cat breeding cy­ cles generally beginning in Febru­ ary and March, beginning February 12, five billboards will go up in Clark County asking pet owners to | "End Overpopulation.” And on February 27, to promote spaying — and neutering animals, Io cal animal welfare organizations will offer low-cost certificates to help get dogs and cats spayed and neutered. Participating in this cooperative ef­ fort are the Clark County Kennel Club, Clark County Purebred Breed­ ers Association, Vancouver Humane Society, Clark County Animal Pro­ tection and Control Advisory Board, the West Columbia Gorge Humane Society, and local veterinarians. On February 8 and 9, the Clark C ou n ty A nim al P ro tectio n and Control line, 699-2489, will accept recorded messages from anyone who ---------- -------miv would like to request assistance with the cost o f spaying or neuter­ ing a pet. Those receiving vouchers may contact participating local veteri­ narians who have volunteered to accept the vouchers as a subsidy toward the cost o f the procedure. If program funds are available after this one-time-only assistance offer, they will be dispersed among participating animal welfare orga­ nizations to help with spaying or neutering pets in their care before uivj 1V auvpivu. they U are adopted. Portland Police robbery detec­ tives are asking for help from the public in the investigation o f three robbery cases in the downtown area. In the three cases, the suspect has robbed men aged 8 1,7 7 , and 73. Two o f the incidents occurred in close proximity. The most recent case occurred on January 2, 1996 at about noon. A 73-year-old man was assaulted and robbed in the under­ ground parking structure in his apart­ ment complex in the 200 block o f S.W. Harrison St. The victim was taken to an area hospital for treat­ ment of his injuries His wallet was taken. A similar incident occurred on December 12, 1995 about noon, at AmeriCorps volunteers and staff being better able to respond to con­ flict in their service projects. The two-part interactive training | for AmeriCorps members in the Vancouver/Portland area will take place on April 17 from 8:30 a m. to 4:30 p.m. at Vancouver’s Water Re­ sources Education Center, 4600 SE Columbia Way, Vancouver. The Training to provide conflict resolution skills will include the fol­ lowing topics: • Conflict, a new definition • Communication skills • Active listening • Power: source and balance • Effective negotiation • Conflict styles and approaches Anger management • Conflict management & resolution • Issues and interest • Creating options Clark County’s and V ancouver’s Programs will be paid $1356 for conducting the training, which they I will divide equally. The contract for the work and the materials that wil be presented have been arranged through the National Association] for Community Mediation. an apartment building in the 100 block o f S.W. Harrison St. In that case a 77-year-old man was assault­ ed and robbed in the underground parking area o f the building. The man had found a cardboard box blocking access to his parking space, and was assaulted after he got out o f his car to move it. In this case the victims wallet was taken, as well as the rental car he was driving. The vehicle was recovered several days later in the Old Town area. Detectives believe these two inci­ dents are probably related. No sus­ pect description is available. In a third incident, which may or may not be related, on January 24, Repeal Mandatory Minimums! Abolish the Death Penalty! Funding fo r Jobs and Education, S ot Jails and Incarceration! Empowerment, S o t Imprisonment! Funding fo r Victim Restitution! Dismantle Racist Sting-operations and Prosecution! Saturday, February 10, 1996, at 12 noon, Irving Park, NE 7th & Fremont Join us as we start from Irving Park, NE 7th and Fremont and march to the Lutheran InnerCity Ministries’ community room, 4 2 19 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvdl The march will be followed by a rally from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Come hear speakers from the community. Speak oilt at an open mike session. Develop strategies. Bring solutions' For more information call 284-O2OO/28I-6783 or write: 5525 NE 19th, Portland, OR 97211. Childcare provided at the rally. JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND A V E N U E • 287-0008 ¡COUPON! ;= coupon ^ = ; Inflation Buster Dry C leaning Special M.00OFF On Any Dry Cleaning Order Of $12.00 or More Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I JEANIE'S CLEANERS ’ x p ire s 2-29-96 k — — — — — E — — m — ¡COUPON! Inflation Buster Dry C leaning Special Of $20.00 or More Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons Grace Humboldt Friends of Trees and the Humboldt Neighborhood are joining forces to plant trees in the Humboldt neigh­ borhood of north Portland. The plans call for planting 68 trees on Saturday. A nna C o a te s, a re sid e n t o f Humboldt, is coordinating the plant­ ing, “Planting trees is an investment in the future. But at the same time, this project gives residents the opportu­ nity to feel invested in their commu­ nity now,” Coates said. Additional help is needed to plant, stake, water and mulch the trees. Volunteers will meet Saturday at 9 a m. at the Portland Community Col­ lege Cascade campus, on the corner of North Klllingsworth and Kirby. Volunteers should be bring shov­ els, gloves and wear boots and rain gain if necessary. For more information, call Friends o f Trees at 282-8846. QUANTITIES MEMBER OF UNITCu QRÓCER8 FOR YOUR NEAREST KKNOW S STORE CALL: « 8 8 4 2 » HOME DELIVERY IS AVAILABLE CALL: 2 4 5 -4 5 9 5 large 72 size easy Io peel and full of sweet juice JEANIE'S CLEANERS E x p ire s 2-29-96 ¡COUPON! Inflation B uster Dry C leaning Special FLORIDA IN D IA N RIVER GRAPEFRUIT I Inflation Buster Dry C lean ing Special I Drapery Cleaning I L in e d & U n lin e d A n y S iz e I 99* A PLEAT I Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added j I I Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Kehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I I E x p ires 2-29-96 P1 li ¡COUPON! r I Inflation Buster Laundry Special I Laundered Shirts I 95e NO LIMIT I I I I I I I I I , al T I I I I I I W ith $ 1 0 .0 0 Incom ing D ry C le a n in g O rd e r I Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | I Ik ¡= I »TALK 59* mini peeled ready to 18«t BAO 98* E x p ires 2-29-96 IJ CO UPO N^j Inflation B uster Dry C leaning Special | On Any Dry Cleaning Order Mens or Womens Of $30.00 or More ’3.25 (iood On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only | | Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons | I I ¡= CARR I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS 510.00 OFF JEANIE’S CLEANERS large size | ¡Dry Cleaning or Laundered Pantsl P > n k l a r f l e > iz e r e a d y t o t f a t CELERY 1996 at about 2:30 p.m., an 81- year-old man was assaulted while at a parking structure in the 1000 block ofS.W . Broadway Ave. The victim told officers that he had parked his car on the third floor, and was walking toward the eleva­ tor when he was assaulted and robbed o f his wallet. The victim observed a male white, 35-40 years old, with brown hair and a “rough” beard in the vicinity prior to the robbery. Anyone with information on these incidents is asked to cal I the Robbery Detail at 823-0479 or Crimestoppers at 823-Help. Reward money o f up to $1000 is available through the Crimestoppers program. Ba/ly Against injustice in The Justice System! On Any Dry Cleaning Order SPECIALS EFFECTIVE TUESDAY thn SUNDAY FEBRUARY 6 through 11,1 906 Bail was set at $500,000.00 Speak out to change the racist "anti-crime” laws an corruption that entrap women, people o f color; and the poor. *8.00 OFF New David Charles Austin, DOB: 08/ 17/59, M/W. One count o f attempt­ ed murder with a firearm. Three counts o f assault one with a fire­ arm, and Four counts o f assault one. Celebrate Black History Month With A March AmeriCorps Members Trained In Conflict Resolution A training program jointly con I ducted by Clark County’s Dispute I Resolution Center and the city o f Vancouver’s Neighborhood Medi- I ation C e n te r w ill re su lt in David Austin following the receipt o f an anonymous telephone tip. The caller listed several identifiers which led to the identification o f Austin. Additional information was devel­ oped enabling detectives to obtain a Robbery Suspect Targets Senior Citizens Downtown Areal S p ay/N eu ter Assistance Available Each year, up to 47 million dogs and cats are bom in the United States. As a result. Humane Societ- | ies are over-crowded with home­ less animals. But efforts are under I way to help address this serious | problem. search warrant for Austin’s resi­ dence. Austin was transported to the Skamania County JaiI where he was lodged on a Multnomah County Circuit Court w arrant charging Austin with the following: JEANIE'S CLEANERS E x p ire s 2 -2 9 -9 6 i j I C O U P O N ^ i I Inflation Buster Dry C leaning Special I I Sleeping Bag Cleaning I *5.99 I Good On In Special Coming Dry Cleaning Orders Only I Not Valid With Any Other Special Prices or Coupons I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I E x p ires 2 -29-96 k | J