I hf P oru and O hsi rver • J anuary 31,1996 P age B3 (Tl¡c }H u rtla ttò flOhscruer ENTERTAINMENT lack Stereotypes For A Laugh "Spies Above": Discovery Channel has been granted exclusive access to film the behind-the-scenes world o f counter­ intelligence for the first documentary to expose the heretofore undisclosed genesis and proliferation o f space-based espionage. Narrated by Gillian Anderson, co-star o f Fox's The X-Files, Spies Above makes its world television premiere on Monday, March 11. from 10:00-11:00 PM (ET/PT) and 2:00-3:00 AM (ET/PT). This program examines how and why surveillance satellites were developed and used by the United States and the former Soviet Union, and how space-based intelligence gathering changed the course o f history. Featuring a host o f firsts, the program takes viewers to places where film cameras have seldom, if ever, been allowed. Pictured: Gillian Anderson, narrator. Wa Ifalw Owswt ¡, r j '/ IM O V I K re v ie w ky l.nuitr) Duke Shawn Wayans (1) and Marlon Wayans (r) from “Don “t Be A Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood". Photo by: George Lange “Don’t be a Menace to South Cen­ ter While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood’’ is the latest creative project from the talented and prol ific Wayans family. This film is an irreverent, comic spoof that parodies the Hood movies produced in the last five years. “ Don’t be a Menace...’’chronicles the exploits o f a young Black man, Ashtray (Shawn W ayans) whose mother returns him to the hood to learn and live with his father. As Ashtray’s mother drops him off to kick-it with his immature father she leaves him with, “You know there are no positive Black women in these hood movies”. And she is not kid­ ding! Ashtray hooks up with his homie Loc Dog (Marlon Wayans), Craxy Legs (Suli McCullough) and Preach (Chris Spencer). Ashtray meets Dash iki Photo By: M ich ael Lavlne/Fox. (Tracy Cherelle) who has a baby by every man in the neighborhood and soon becomes impregnate by Ashtray in a funny and crude love scene. Preach represents every character who talks black and sleeps white. He bypasses a beautiful Black woman to fall for an example o f jungle fever which is not very pretty. Ashtray is arrested for being Black on a Friday night and is plated in a cell with a Malcolm, King, Farrakhan carica­ ture and that scene is very' funny. “Don’t be a Menace...” pokes fun at the image o f the Black urban male who wears his pants sagging a little too low, Black males who constantly drink 40 ounces o f beer with Loc Dog as the classic example o f a gun- toting, beeper wearing, menace to society. At times the movie’s humor is cornballish, callous and insulting to Black women. However, the Waynes Brothers are a talented and strong creative family. This is not their best work. And “Don’t be a Menace...” is not their worst. (Lanita Duke is Pro- ducer/Owner o f Grassroot News, a video Production company) Rosalyn McMillan “Knowing” She’d read an article in the news­ paper during Black History Month about how Black women should treat their men. We should treat them with the utmost respect, love, kindness, and recognition...We should encour­ age them to seek brighter horizons beyond merely being athletes, to strive to become scientists, attorneys, and congressmen, the article had told her. But what o f our hopes and dreams?, Ginger wondered. Were they insignificant? Who would help the women?... At the center o f Knowing stands Ginger Montgomery, 36, an attrac­ tive and intelligent woman suffocat­ ed by material trappings and self­ doubt. On the surface, Ginger seems to have it all: a comfortable home in the Detroit suburbs, a lucrative fac­ tory job at Champion Motors, four beautiful children, and plenty o f pas­ sion with Jackson, her intoxicatingly- sexy second husband. Ginger knows she should be happy, yet she’s rest­ less and troubled: all the perfect parts o f her life add up to an aching emp­ tiness. Through McMillan’sdetailed, true-to-life depiction, readers come to know the real Ginger - and expe- rience her confusion, her frustration, and her pain. As Knowing soon reveals, beneath his suave facade Jackson is spoiled, jealous man, who seizes every op­ portunity to sabotage his wife’sdream o f breaking free from the factory §5 tedium to pursue a career in real- estate. A b o u t th e A u th o r: Rosalyn McMi I Ian spent twenty years working for the Ford Motor Company in De­ troit before retiring to write profes­ sionally. ANNIE PEARL’S Restaurant & Lounge The Place For Real Soul Food People!!! Open fo r lunch & dinner from 1 lam-10pm.-Thurs. & 1 lam-8pm on Fri. & Sat. Come and dance to urban contemporary R&B music from 9pm-2:30am every Friday & Saturday night. Get your V.I.P. pass now for $25.00 or (for a limited time) buy $15.00 worth of our delicious authentic soul food & receive a complimentary V.I.P. pass at no charge. FUNDRAISER Cover Charge: Non-V.I.P. Entry $10.00, V.I.P. Entry $5.00 $3.00 Before 11:00 p.m. For Everyone: Featuring: The Hiss Black Oregon USA C ontestants Semi-Formal After 5 Attire — No Hats, Jeans or Tennis Shoes Saturday, February 10th, 7:30PM Lutheran Inner-City Ministries, 4219 NE Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. Located at 315 S.E. 3rd Ave Phone 238-9443 Present This Ad. And The First 25 People Get Free Admission Expires 1/31/96 REFRESHM ENTS E N T E R T A IN M E N T DO O R PRIZE , >,> 4¡" * Nothing beats the combination of live jazz and great coffee! Steen's COFFEEHOUSE presents an exciting new atmosphere featuring a wide variety of coffees, by the bean or the beverage, and assorted baked goods. Plus, you'll never know when a musician might show up for a lively jam session with his friends. 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