* •* •$ • P age B2 H0MhNMfcd)bAÍMBlMNNN J anuary Is No! About To Run From Newt Gingrich C r i m e S t o p p e r a i W a n te d S u b je c t The Portland Police Bureau, in I cooperation with Crime Stoppers, " is asking for your help in locating birth date o f July 7. 1971 Hyman stands 6 ’0" tall, and weighs 200 pounds with blonde hair and brown f Michael Paul Hyman An arrest war- I rant is on Hie charging Hyman with eyes Hyman appears well dressed and clean cut. He has been known to I use the name o f W ayne S co tti McCoy, and may claim to be a law­ yer, banker or Navy Seal T eam | member. Crime Stoppers is offering a cash | Michael Paul Hyman reward o f up to $ 1,000 for informa­ tion, reported to Crime Stoppers, which leads to an arrest in this case or any unsolved felony crime, and you can remain anonymous. Call Crime Stoppers at (503) 823-HELP. 1130 Citations Issued In Terwiliiger Curves Neighbors Pleased With Results Portland Police officers have is sued I 130 citations during the first two months ofthe Terwiliiger curves enforcement project. Officers is­ sued the citations between Novem­ ber 13, 1995 and January 13, 1996. I Speeding violations accounted for I 908 citations. Most o f the speeding tickets were for speeds between 65 and 69 miles per hour, although 84 citations were given to motorists driving at speeds between 70 and ' 90 m.p.h. The speed limit in the | Terwiliiger curves is 50 m.ph. Five hundred and fifty-five cita- I tions were issued from December to January, slightly down from the five hundred and seventy-five {lightly down from the five hun- I Bred and seventy-five issued dur­ ing the first month There have been no fatal accidents during this peri- I od, and few collisions overall. White the quantitative measure o f almost 1200 citations is impressive, it is also important to ask neighborhood resi­ dents for their qualitative assessment o f the project. According to neighborhood asso­ ciation representatives, the increased enforcement is improving neighbor­ hood liveability. Sylvia Bogert, Ex­ ecutive Director o f Southwest Neigh­ bors, Inc , says that residents are very pleased with the results to date. “Cit­ izens are very pleased with the in­ crease in police visibility and the decrease in accidents along the Terwiliiger curves,” says Bogert, “ People continually comment that traffic has slowed down.” B etty H e d b e rg and E lw ood Hedberg are South Burlingame resi­ dents and members o f the task force that studied the Terwiliiger curves. Betty Hedberg said that she has seen an in c re a se in n eig h b o rh o o d liveability since the project began. “ We see fewer cars cutting through our neighborhood due to traffic jam s.” She also said that people in her neighborhood think the offic­ ers have done an excellent job. “Traffic is moving better,” said Hedberg, “and with fewer accidents we hear fewer sirens. We think it’s great.” “The officers from the Traffic Division and Central Precinct have been doing outstanding work dur­ ing the last two months,” said Chief | Charles Moose, “ People are telling us that they have seen improve­ ment in the Terwiliiger curves and in adjacent neighborhoods. Hope­ fully, our continued efforts will re­ sult in motorists recognizing the need to drive carefully in the curves. The goal is for drivers to be part­ ners in solving the problem.” The O regon D epartm ent o f Transportation and the Oregon State Police have also been involved in the Terwillinger project. Gunman Arrested After Wounding Officer, Five Hour Standoff N.E. 60th Ave. And Halsey St. Portland Police offices arrested I a 43-year-old Southwest Portland I man Saturday morning ( 0 1 -27), af- I Jer a five hour standoff. The situa­ r o n began when the man, George Tom Leroy, DOB 11-20-52, shot at two Portland Police officers, and I wounded a third. Reportedly, East Precinct offic- I ers received a call about 12:40 a.m. to a residence in the 1900 block o f I N. E. 64th Ave. The female com- I plainant said that her ex-husband or boyfriend, Leroy, was at the home, and appeared intoxicated and threat­ ening. Enroute, the officers were advised that Leroy had left in his van, and that he had a felony arrest warrant for theft. The officers found the van at a convenience store at N . E. 60th Ave. and Halsey St. While the officers were investigating at the scene, they were confronted by Leroy, who fired shots at the two officers. The officers were not hit and were able to move to a position o f safety after returning gunfire. The suspect then entered his van, armed with a rifle. Additional offic­ ers were requested, including the Special Emergency Reaction Team, (S.E.R.T). One o f first officers to arrive was a member o f S.E.R.T. As the officer took a position at the west end o f the store, several shots were fired by the suspect. One o f those rounds struck the officer's weapon. and left hand, causing serious inju­ ry. The officer was transported by ambulance to Emanual Hospital, and required surgery. Members o f S.E.R.T. and the I lostage Negotiation Team arrived, and officers blocked o ff several streets in the area. Negotiations continued throughout the morning, with the suspect refusing to surren­ der voluntarily. At about 5:30 a m., S.E.R.T. of­ ficers fired chemical gas into the van. A short time later Leroy left the vehicle and was taken into cus­ tody by S.E.R.T. officers. Homicide Detectives are inves­ tigating the incident. Leroy will be lodged at the Justice Center Jail, is expected to face multiple charges including Attempted Aggravated Murder, other related charges, and a Felony Theft warrant. The investigation is continuing. MCSO River Patrol Rescues Woman In Willamette Investigation Reveals Woman Thrown In W ater after Domes- | tic Dispute On Sunday, January 21, 1996 [a p p ro x im a te ly 1450 H o u rs], MCSO River Patrol Deputies were alerted and responded to a person floating in the Willamette River. The deputies were on routine patrol near the McCormick Pier area. Deputies observed a victim float­ ing on her back and not moving. As the deputies approached closer, the victim turned over and began swim­ ming toward the patrol boat. A res­ cue device was thrown to the victim and deputies assisted by implement­ ing a personnel extraction technique to remove the person from the water First Response medical treatment was adm inistered for hypot hemiia by dep­ uties. After an initial assessment, it was determined that the victim was prob­ ably not in the water more than five minutes. The victim appeared to be extremely cold to the touch Surface water temperature was 42 degrees fahrenheit. Survival rate is signifi­ cantly decreased to this type o f expo­ sure. Statements from the victim re- vealed that her boyfriend, “John,” had thrown her in the river from the seawall near the Ankeney Street dock. Victim was transported to Good Samaritan hospital by re­ sponding EMS. Suspect information was broad­ cast from the victims statements. Efforts to located the suspect were unsuccessful. Portland Police ar­ rived and were briefed on the inci­ dent. The incident was referred to PPB detectives. The victim o f this assault was identified as: Ramona Christine Vasquez, DOB: 10/06/69 Although he is encouraged by the progress being made toward racial equality in America, Repre­ sentative John Lewis (C.Ga.), the highest rank ing A ffican-American in Congress, disagrees with the m ethods o f fellow G eorgian, House Speaker Newt Gingrich. In an interview to be published this Sunday in Parade magazine. Rep. L ew is d e c la re d , “ His (Gingrich’s) crowd wants to dis­ mantle the federal system. But it was a strong central government that got us civil rights, medical care, the GI Bill, and environmen­ tal and civil-liberties protection.” “ You know , M ontgom ery, Selma and Mississippi prepared me for this fight,” he added. “I stood up to George Wallace and to the Kian. And I’m not about to run away from Newt Gingrich.” Lewis, who was a leader in the civil rights movement in the 1960s and still bears the scars o f numerous beatings, explained why be refused to participate in the Million Man Attention Unsigned Musicians Here’s your chance to get your music heard and win a trip to Oak­ land, California and studio time with Dwayne Wiggins o f Tony, Toni, Tone, plus other prizes at the 3rd Annual Artist Showcase in Portland, Oregon. Approximately 12 solo art­ ists and bands, encompassing all styles o f music will be chosen to showcase their talent June 6-9, 1996 during the Norhtwest Black Music Month Celebration. Representatives from several o f the top record labels will be on the panel o f judges. Last year’s event was extremely success­ ful. Among the participants in the 4- day event were. J.R. Reynolds, R&B E ditor o f B illb o ard m agazine, Dwayne Wiggins, Tony, Toni, Tone, Bobby Duckett, Mercury Records, Kashif, songwriter and producer, BLU, M otown re c o rd in g .a rtist, Johnny “G u ita r’ W atson, Kevin Harewood, KH Media and numer­ ous others. Send a 2-song maximum demo, bio, 8X10 black/white photo, any press material with a $25.00 applica­ tion fee (check or money order made payable to U nforgettable Entertain­ ment) by April 1st. Fees are non- refundable and all submitted materi­ als b ec o m e s the p ro p e rty o f UnForgettable Entertainment. A panel o f music professionals will listen to the demo tape and will contact the artist or group if they have been selected to perform in the showcase. All acts will be notified by phone and mail by April 15, 1996. Send information and application fee to: Mr. Ronnye Harrison, c/o Tru/ Main Recordings, 2305 N. E. High­ & Video Production Services & & Storgboards & Scrip! Writing & Video Writing < Editing < & Producing & Educational • Informational • Marketing Entertainment • Business Communication 257-9074 P.O. Box 12259, Portland, OR 97212 Communications Since 1979 RENT YOUR NEXT WASHER & DRYER FROM THE HOME LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT SPECIALISTS With option to buy Thta Coupon Good Few $10 OFF DELIVERY AND INSTALLATION FEE rental r n washer min n c «mira I) , ItlC. 231-7413 1657 S.E. TACOMA ST. NO-COSÍ HIV COUNSELING SERVICES FOR INCOME-ELIGIBLE HIV MEN & WOMEN Are you HIV Positive and need counseling? Are you grieving over a loss of a friend or | partner? Are you HIV negative and have concerns about how to stay negative? CALL US FOR INFORMATION / . i t . JW r ™ "Professional Manicurists” 6804 Martin Luther King Blvd., Portland, OR 97211 (503 735-3792) Specialize In Long And Curl Full S e t to o W ,TH M a n ic u re $8 1 1 1 WITH COUPON In ancient Egypt, it was fashionable for women to shave their heads and wear wigs made of palm-leaf fibers. 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OR 97214 • 503/797 OMSI 1 [_ Silk-Gel S e t 1 Oil 1 _ _____________________________ EXP. 1 -3 1 9« J “What About AIDS?99 Fill t y l 4 W ITH r 1 WITH COUPON EXP. 1 3 1 9 « Law Offices of Daniel E. Russell, P.C. Real Estate Wills & Trusts Medical Malpractice Accidents-Personal Injuries Divorce & Family Law land, Portland, Oregon 97211. For more information call (503) 287- 7512. C ~ \rc \S S V O c 7 j N e W S COUPON SPECIALIZING IN YOUR LEGAL NEEDS March last fall even though he sup ported its goals. “I truly believe in freedom o f speech,” Lewis said. “But 1 also believe that we have an obligation to condemn that speech if it is rac­ ist, bigoted or anti-Semitic. Wheth­ er the preacher is black or white, I won’t be a party to it.” Recalling that Dr. Martin Luther King had a “cleansing’ effect on the south, Lewis said, "W e are a better people because o fth e non-violent movement. If it hadn’t happened, we might have gone down the road to chaos.” “When we were singing, march­ ing, going on freedom rides, we were a fam i ly,” he added. “ We need to come together like that again, as one family. The American Fami­ ly ” Rep. John Lewis _____________________________ EXP. 1 31 96 i CHOICES P ortland O bserver Black Congressman Who Stood Up To Ilian P o l i c e X e iv a Parole Violation on original charg­ es o f Theft in the f irst Degree, Assault in the Third Degree, and I Fraudulent use o f a Credit Card. Additionally, investigators wish | to question Hyman regarding a fraudulent scheme in which "bad checks’ are used to obtain services | from local businesses. Michael Paul Hyman isdescribed as a 24-year-old white male, with a 31,1996 • T he W alk-In Welcome Parking in Rear « <• M * A. .V*‘ V" i f T ■