Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 31, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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(Elje fJortktttò (O bsm ier
and Clementine Churchill with their family at home in
Chartwell, 1951. From Left to right; Duncan Sandys, Diana Sandys,
Julian Sandys (onground). Emma Soames (on WC's lap), Sir Winston
Churchill, Nicholas Soames (on ground), "young" Winston Churchill.
Arabella Churchill, Randolf Churchill. Photo Credit: Popperfoto.
Above: Winston Churchill flashing his trademark Victory sign amid
Cheering sailors during WWII (1943). Photo credit: Illustrated London
News ©.
The Churchills
Spanning three generations and two centuries, The Churchills
chronicles the private and public lives of one of Britain's most
celebrated political dynasties and the 20th-century statesman who
brought glory to his nation and family name. This insightful 2 1/2-
hour documentary premieres on PBS Wednesday, February 21,
1996 at 8 pm ET (check local listings).
Have a Heart Food Drive Helps Local Families
T he P o rtlan d P o lic e B u re a u 's
S u n sh in e D iv isio n and U nited
G ro c e rs are c u rre n tly g earin g up
for the fourth an n u al "H av e a
H eart Food D riv e ," the S u nshine
D iv is io n ’s larg est food drive of
the year.
This week, the Oregonian will be
distributing Have A Heart Food Drive
grocery bags in the FOODday sec­
People are e n c o u ra g e d to fill
the bag with n o n -p erish ab le item s
and bring them to any o f the 62
P o rtla n d -a re a p a r tic ip a tin g
U nited G ro c e rs' retailers.
P a rtic ip a tin g U nited G rocers
m e m b e r s in c lu d e T h ir f tw a y
S to r e s , S e n tr y s u p e r m a r k e ts ,
K ie n o w ’s, S elect m arkets. Food
O u tle t and m any o th e r in d e p e n ­
d ent re ta ile rs. C o lle c tio n s w ill
be taken th ro u gh S unday, Feb.
I I.
By donating canned goods and
other non-perishables during the
Have a Heart Food Drive, the Sun­
shine Division is able to assist needy
families throughout the year.
The drive yielded over 183,600
pounds in food donations last year
alone. This year’s goal is to top that
figure by 10 percent.
“Food d o n a tio n s are needed all
year-lo n g ," explained Bob Tobin,
program c o o rd in a to r at the S u n ­
shine D ivision.
"T h an k sg iv in g and C hristm as
are busy tim es for d o n atio n s, but
in reality the need is still there
th roughout the year. The Have a
H eart Food D rive e n ab les us to
p ro v id e y e a r-ro u n d te m p o ra ry
em ergency r e lie f,” T obin said.
The Sunshine Division welcomes
all food d o n atio n s for H avç a
H eart. Item s that are cu rrently
the m ost needed include canned
fru it, p o w d ered m ilk, c an n ed
stew , canned tuna, elbow m aca­
roni, pancake m ix, instant p o ta ­
toes, soap d e te rg e n t, baby food
(canned and d e h y d rated ), canned
m eats, beans, rice, oatm eal, c e ­
real, peanut b u tter, to ile trie s and
d iap ers.
The Sunshine Division provides
temporary emergency relief to needy
Portland families by distributing food
supplies and other necessities.
Approximately 40Q food boxes
are assembled every month.
Each food box contai ns basic non-
perishables providing balanced
meals. A family of four in need would
receive a food box that would last
three to four days.
United Grocers, Inc. is a retailer-
owned cooperative serving more than
390 member stores throughout O r­
egon, Washington and northern C ali­
The company operates distribu­
tion centers in Portland, Medford
and northern California.
PGE Earns $
M illion In 1 9 9 5
P ortland G eneral E lectric
earned $ 8 1 million, or $ 1.60 per
share, for the 12 months ended
Dec. 31. 1995. “We experienced
a very favorable combination of
circumstances that, despite the
losses associated with the Trojan
disallowances, helped us achieve
solid operating earnings during
the year.” stated Ken L. Harrison,
chairman and CEO.
PGE is serving over 649,(MX)
retail customers, or 2.3 percent
more than at year end 1994.
M eat P otatoes S alei
__________Prices Effective January 31 through February 6,1996 at your nearby Safeway store
C S )^ES i B e e f ------- “
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• Smaller Package, 1.38 lb
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