.Z P age -f-M foy. * >* *Vw ,. / <•£*' * * ’.' Y> »- B6 J anuary 31,1996 • T he P ori land O bserver Finding Your Niche In The Workforce II: We Have ‘All’ Got To Be “Black Inventors” to F rol . M< K im i v Btai our comfort, safety and general wel­ could have mentioned the so-called In last w eek's article I described fare to an extraordinary and immea­ “ W estinghouse A utom atic A ir- the unparalleled value o f certain types surable extent I would mention such Brake” ( Woods, NO. 701,981,6/10/ o f work-experiences in the acquisi­ high school and grammar school 02) or the “Real McCoy Lubricator tion o f new skills in particular, but drop-outs as follows; men who car­ (Elijah E. McCoy) No. 2 6 1, 166, July which can lead to new career oppor­ ried on-the-job training to new and 18,1882), and on and on, ad infinitum. tunities in the general case. Given unprecedented heights (on their own But, first, I described the “disad­ 1996 Show to be held March was the notable example o f an Alu­ Based Business Magazine, and sev­ rate sheet for sizes. These rates are initiative — motivated to “read,work, vantaged inventions” because the 13th, at the new Rodeo Bingo minum plant, which was said (for eral Portland radio stations. do!”). special for this program only. No c i rcumstances rather force fu I ly made Hall, Vancouver, WA these purposes) to operate like a 24 The show is being held from 10 other discounts allowed. Payment Frederick McKinley Jones: Re­ my point that the “workplace can Please accept our invitation., hour-a-day “Community College”. must be in full prior to deadline o f | am until 7 pm. The 5 to 7 pm slot will frig erated T ruck, P aten, N o.2, serve as a community college o f a to participate in the second annu­ Though I felt it was implied that a be a business after hours like last February 23, 1996 The program 475,841,July 12,1949; Refrigerated sort’; especially for those with a high al Vancouver Business Fair& Trade great deal o f motivation and initia­ year. All the Clark County chamber will be the centerfold o f the March Box Car, Paten, No.2,696,086, Dec. level o f initiative and motivation. Show being held Wednesday, March tive would be highly beneficial,-- in and CREDC members will be invit­ issue o f the Vancouver Business 7,1954; Two-cycle Gasoline Engine And when reinforced by off-hours 13th at the new Rodeo Bingo Hall order to take advantage o f the spec ia I ed. This ended the show with a bang (The modern ones for your lawn Journal. Thousands o f extra copies attendance at a local college; and behind the Goodwill on Fourth Plain learning opportunities afforded by last year and brought in many extra will be made for distribution prior mower, chain saw, etc.) Patent No. 2, even more especially pertaining to in Vancouver. The new facilities the presence o f many mentors in the participants. to and at the show. Please talk to 532,273, Nov. 28, 1950; Ticket Dis­ those who might not now be pre­ will allow more participants, better form o f industry representative o f The new location will allow us to pensing Machine (The automatic your VBJ Advertising representa­ pared for a four-year institution of parking, a separate room for dem­ equipment manufacturers, experts have a room set aside for demonstra­ tive for further information. device at the theatre box office and higher learner (for whatever reason). onstrations and speakers, and much from Bonneville Power, Bureau o f tions and talks. We are trying to bring elsewhere) Patent No. 2,163,754, The new location will allow us to “Read, Work, Do” . more Standards, etc. -- I, was going to in some names to draw more custom­ have room for approximately 50 June 2 7 ,1939; and many many more. I n my présentât ions to schools and The show is open to anyone with reinforce this fact with excerpts from ers. We will have times for a limited participants (plus the sponsors). It A.J. Beard: The Automatic Rail­ industry I also describe how my “on- business card: people in business, my book, “Black Inventors o f Amer­ number o f participants’ speakers so way Car Coupler, Patent N. 594,059, is a first come, first position basis, the-job learning machine’ had addi­ ica.” people about to start a new busi­ please contact us ifyou feel you have Nov. 23, 1897. This illiterate Bir­ so we recommend you make an tional payoffs for myself and the ness, managers, and top staff mem­ Since tomorrow is the beginning a good topic. We also recommend mingham, Alabama railroad yard app I icat ion for exh ibit space as soon community as well. bers. All participants will be fur­ o f ’Black History Month,” I thought participants give door prizes. We as possible. worker saw,he misery and distress o f My new sk ills in e le c tro n ic nished with free admissions tickets that would be especially apropos will advertise and promote both o f We will be using the services o f | his fellow workers who lost limbs or tech nology w ere used to d ev elop togiveouttotheirow nclients (place since the book documents that many these with in our own advertising and their lives while connecting railway GES Exposition Services for a pro­ a kids scien ce clu b in the n e ig h ­ on counters, put with billings, etc.) key inventions o f the industrial revo­ promotions. cars by hand. He designed the present fessional look and feel. Booth costs borhood, building devices to sim ­ We will be heavily advertising lution were patented by “disadvan­ All booths are 8'x8' for $295. coupler used all over the world and include piping and drapes behind u late and d e m o n stra te n a tu ra l the show this year in both the Clark taged”, but highly motivated, mem­ There are some special locations that his paten, is signed in the presence of and on sides, draped table, chair, p h e n o m e n a w ith c o m p o n e n ts County/Vancouver area and Port­ bers o f the workforce. But, what I are different sizes for those wishing and signage. his attorney, “ A.J., his mark X, from old coin am usem ent d e v ic ­ land to bring more customers. At emphatically do not wish to do is special areas. Beard”. The “X” is his contribution. This the local business show held es — and to grow cry sta ls for the this moment advertising plans in­ suggest that these “special learning The show program has special, I secured a photostat o f the success­ in Vancouver for Vancouver and Ham R adio C lub. clude: Vancouver Business Jour­ very low prices: opportunities” have application only ful application from the Patent Of­ Clark County businesses. And my overall career develop­ nal, KVAN radio, the Columbian, to specific ethnic or cultural groups. 1/8 page...$165 1/4 page...$275 fice and it is included in my book. Sponsored by: Vancou ver Busi­ ment, combined with association with the Hazel Dell Monthly, the Cham­ We are all in today’s soup’ o f 1/3 page...$330 1/2 page . $440 2/3 O f course, I could have described ness Journal, The Local Voicefor vendors and equipment suppliers ber newsletter, TCI cable, the Port­ mericless layoffs and cutbacks. page...$550 Full page...$770. Vancouver and Clark County many more o f the thousands o f won­ enabled me to devise a “in-the-class- land Business Journal, the Home The point is that not only Ameri­ Please consult your reeular VBJ Business derful innovations that the African room demonstration” o f computer- ca, but the entire world is the benefi­ Americans have provided civiliza­ technology, math and communica­ ciary o f some o f the most highly tion since the human condition has tions that won a natural Science Foun­ sophisticated inventions imaginable improved to the point where we no dation award (1966); Picture in thé Iron pipeline materials are sched­ Wildrose Drive, and NE Columbine $799,000 and will be paid using -- innovations that have promoted longer have to “catch our meals.” I book. uled for delivery today for a new Drive before crossing on the Water funds collected from developers for City o f Vancouver water main. Station #9 grounds at NE 39th Street system expansion. Construction o f the new 8700- near 147th Avenue. Construction on the project will foot, 24-inch diameter ductile iron The City of Vancouver contracted begin with pipe deliveries. Digging Hear, bypass surgery using an ar­ held from any subgroup o f patients,” Underthe more conventional tech­ watertransmission pipeline will be­ with Tapani Underground o f Battle and pipe installation will begin the tery from a patient’s chest rather than they said in the New England Journal nique for bypass surgery, doctors gin next week near 4th Plain at Ground, Wash, for the new water week o f January 29. a leg has a 27 percent higher survival o f Medicine. take a leg vein and use it to create 4 Ward Road and proceed east along transmission main to link the city’s A d d itio n a l q u e s tio n s a n d rate, a 15-year study has concluded. The technique, known as internal detour around the clogged portion o f the south side of 4th Plain to 152nd existing reservoir and wells at Water concerns should be a d d re sse d Reporting on cases o f more than thoracic artery grafting or ITA, re­ the heart artery. Unfortunately, the Ave. It will then turn south and Station #9 to the new water service to Dan S w ensen or G u n th e r 5,600 patients who received one o f quires surgeons to take an artery near vein can become clogged as well, proceed along 152nd Ave , through K rannich in the C ity o f V an-J demands in the rapidly-expanding the two types o f bypass surgery, a the col larbone and stitch one end into which is why doctors have sough, a the undeveloped field, and along Orchards area. couver c o n stru c tio n m a n a g e ­ team led by Dr Airlie Cameron o f St. the downstream end o f the heart ar­ better alternative. 151st Avenue, NE 46th Street, NE Contracted cost for the project is ment office at 6 96-8018. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center in tery that has been clogged by dis­ The Cameron team said patients New York says the artery technique ease. who receive an internal thoracic ar­ produces higher survival rates among As a result, blood being pumped tery graft may live longer because patients o f both sexes and all ages. Blessed arc the forgetful: for they get the better even o f their out o f the hear, through the aorta gets that artery seems less prone to clog­ As a result, it “should not be with- blunders. detoured into the heart muscle. ging- business Fair Trade Show City Water Main Work To Begin New Bypass Procedure Finds Success n — Friedrich U ilhehn Nietzsche Grover Cleveland was the only president who served two non- consecutlve terms of office. He was our 22nd and 24th president. COAST COMMANDOS Lay down the law on land and sea in the U S. Coast Guard Track and bust drug smugglers Intercept illegal immigrants Guard our environment. Competitive salary 30-days' paid vacation Free housing & meals, medical & dental care and travel Lam college credits E ligibility for G I B ill For more information, call I 800 GET USCG or visit us at New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies POWELL'S CITY OF BOOKS The Private Industry Council Tri-County Employment and Training (TREAT) ARE YOU OVER 55 AND LOOKING FOR WORK? Let us help you put your life experience to work! ► u.s. C o a s t G uard B t P m r or ru t A ctio n ► 9 AM - 11 PM Monday through Saturday 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM On the #20 Bus Line • One hour free parking 1005 West Burnside Street ► ► IMMEDIATE OPENINGS APPLY NOW! 228-4651 PCC Celebrates Black History Month And You Are Invited! The Cascade Campus of Portland Com m unity College invites you to attend these performances. All are free and open to everyone. Attend one of these Urban League Orientations: WHEN: Tuesday, January 30 .... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 6 .... 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 13 .... 9:30 a.m. WHERE: The Urban League of Portland E. Shelton Hill Conference Room 10 N. Russell St. Portland, OR 97227 280-2630 Feb. 8 “T he Works p f Langston Hughes," Flooney's Theater Company, 12:30 p.m., Auditorium Feb. 10 G ospel Music E xp losion with seven choirs, 7 p.m. Fellowship Missionary Baptist Church, 4009 N. Missouri Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. 13 20 23 27 28 Sojou rn er Truth’s life and accomplishments 12 noon, Terrell Hall 122 M usical p resen tation by Abdi Sherif, 12 noon, Cafeteria T errence Scott rap music presentation/performance, 12 noon, Terrell Hall 122. “H igh J o h n D e C onqueror” A plantation-era musical. 2 p.m., Terrell Hall 122. "Can I Speak for You Brother?” Nine Black men pursue their place in society. 11:30 a m., Auditorium. X, For more information on Black History Month, call 978-5781. Festival of African Films Films will be shown Friday evenings and Wednesday afternoons in Room 122, Terrell Hall. All have En glish subtitles. Keita (1995, Burkina Faso).............................................................. Feb. _ 2 Blue Eyes o f Yonta (1991, Guinea-Bissau).................................. Feb. Feb. 9 9 Glto The Ungrateful (1993, Burundi)........................................... Feb. 1C 16 H yenas (1992, Senegal)................................................................... Feb. Feb. 23 23 Family Film Day, Sat.................................................................... Feb 24 Four African Folktales D ocum entaries By African W omen, Mar. 1 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 7:30 p.m. Feb. Feb. Feb Feb. 7 14 21 28 Mar. 6 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. 2 p.m. For a brochure with full details, call message line, 244-6111, ext. 3630 Parking Is Free! Cascade Campus 705 N. Killingsworth Portland Community Collego Boost your confidence Learn new skills Increase your income Help your community For more information contact Natalie Harris or Shirley Forshay at the Northeast Employment and Training (NEET) Center - 241-4644 An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Program