»i t ■ '* .« » ... r^rtosk" J ife r • * ••.. » .< P age B4 • k*’ >r' •. <. • ■ % ' • < J anuary 31,1996 • T he P ortland O bserver tn M. I saacs Visiting edifices erected to house those who profess a belief in God, sometimes leaves a sour taste in one’s mouth. When you hear warring voic­ es in the choir; singers attempting to out-sing each other; inappropriate music being sung in order to show­ case certain choir members; direc­ tors who cannot direct but are al­ lowed to wave arms in front o f choir groups, because no one as courage enough to state an obvious fact; that this person’s gift is in another area. It is also obvious to people in the con­ gregation that some choir members are not committed to practice or even to attending Church gatherings, un­ less they are out front, showcased and applauded. Choirs are mentioned first because they usually are the first voices you hear after Devotional pe­ riod is over. Speaking o f Devotion; it is hard to maintain a reverent non-critical de­ meanor, when the Scriptures are not read properly and with meaning; when it sounds as if the person read­ ing the Scripture has never heard or seen the words at any time through­ out their lives. When Praise Songs are sung as if they are a chore to sing; when songs led by a member o f the congregation are frowned upon and when spontaneity is a definite no, no. Taking a hard look at some o f the things one can hear, beginning with Sunday School or Church School, through general Services, leaves one wondering if man knows God at all. One hears the introduction to the Sunday School lesson being read word for word, rather than hearing an enlightened discussion o f the Scrip­ tures as inspired by the Holy spirit. One can also find the Scriptures by passed in preference for contempo­ rary discussions on today’s social problems; or one finds Church School turned into prayer meetings or con­ fessionals or gripe sessions. Sunday School T e a c h e r’s M eetings are turned into planning sessions for so­ cial gatherings and the faults o f other members are aired openly and with malice. One hears the bragging on accom- plishments; such as where they’ve been and where they say God has sent them and how well their name is known in far places, and tacked on the end o f the “brag” is the phrase “God has blessed us” . Listening to all this self praise, one knows why there is no evidence o f the blessings o f God. One waits and waits for evidence o f spontaneous devotion. W aits breathlessly uicauiicssiy for ior an an old oia hymn nymn to to be be sung; but finally realizes that viable Worship is stifled by the rigid appli­ cation o f a form o f W orship created by a man or men, for the express purpose o f exalting a certain man or men. There is visible evidence that the gifts o f believers are refused ex­ pression, that is unless they form a platform for the exaltation o f the self proclaimed leaders. It is an abomination to God, when a “pecking order” is established in the Church Membership, in the name o f one man’s idea o f order, under the guise o f “being on one accord” . The Bible says in Matt. 23.12, “And who- soeverexaltshim selfshallbe abased; and he that humbles him self shall be exalted” . Proud self-important be­ havior has no place in G od’s House, whether it be evident in the Pulpit or, in the Pews. One feels offended by these forms o ofW f Worship orship and deflnite- definite- ly feels compelled to look further for a more spiritual congregation. To say that these types o f gather­ ings, that profess to Worship in G od’s Name, do not exist is to cover one’s eyes and ears and bury one’s head in the sand. To say that there is no hope for such gatherings is to deny the power o f God. For we know that the Law o f God is spiritual; but we are carnal, sold under sin. It is necessary for men to know the Law before he is converted; to know G od’s Will and approve the things that are more ex­ cellent, being instructed out o f the Law. The cure for non-excellence in W orship is in thus saith the Lord: “Incline thine ear unto wisdom, and apply thine heart to understanding; Yea, if thou criest after knowledge, and liftest up thy voice to under­ sil standing; If thou seekest her as sil- ver, and searchest for her as for hid treasurers; then shaft thou understand the fear o f the Lord, and find the knowledge o f God. “Prov. 2:2-5, Beware of the leaven o f the Phari­ sees, which is hypocrisy”. Luke 12:1, “ Where is boasting then? It Is Ex­ cluded. By what Law? o f Works? Nay, but by the Law o f faith” . Rom. 3:37, “For by Grace are we saved through faith; and that not o f our­ selves; it is a gift o f God, not o f works, lest any man should boast. “ Eph 2:8, The Church is divinely established, and is built upon the foundation ofthe Apostles and Proph­ ets, Jesus himself being the chief cornerstone; In whom all the build­ ing fitly framed together groweth unto an Holy Temple in the Lord; In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation o f God through the Spirit” . Eph 2:20:22. Changes do S t. M ary's CathedraF Enhance i t s Liturgy A n d (Beauty *v’c I The restoration o f St. M ary’s Ca thedral in Portland involved struc­ turally strengthening several parts of the Building and bell tower, and at the same time making change to en­ hance Cathol ic worsh ip and the beau­ ty ofthe building. Heating, air condi­ tioning and mechanical systems were replaced, new lighting installed and electrical systems upgraded and a new sound system installed. The choir loft was rebu i It and balcon ies, deemed no longer safe, were removed from the transept areas. The removal of the balconies will allow, for the first time, a complete view o f the histori­ cal stained glass windows in the tran­ septs. The architect for the renovation project was Thomas Hacker and As­ sociates. Jocelyn Helgerson served as project manager. The architect for the renovation project as Thomas H acker and A ssociates. Jocelyn Helgerson served as project manag­ er. The general contractor was A.C. Crouch To EicadFinc jubdee Four-time Grammy Award win­ ner Andrae Crouch has been con­ firmed as one of the major perform­ ers in the Daytona Beach area’s new­ est event, Gospel Jubilee. The event, to be held April 12-14, 1996, is a cooperative effo rt betw een the Daytona Beach Area Con vcntion and Visitor and the School Street Church of God In Christ. Pastor Andrea Crouch, who cur­ rently leads one of the largest con­ gregations in the Los Angeles, Cali­ fornia area, will give one of his award­ winning perform ances on Friday evening, April 12 beginning at 7 p.m. Events and entertainment during the three-day Gospel Jubilee week­ end will be held in the Daytona Beach Oceanfront Bandshell, overlooking the "W orld’s Most Famous Beach.” The weekend will include an am a­ teur competition for gospel groups and individuals, and will conclude at noon on Sunday, April 14 with a religious service and presentation. B n m rvv »• V , ie U D „ I .,L K 4 III Schommer& Sons, . . . with Ralph Mill­ er serving as job superintendent. The Cathedra is the chair o f the bishop o f the diocese, placed in the principal church o f the diocese, sig­ nifying his authority and responsibil­ ity. The term cathedral derives its name from this. The Cathedra in St. Mary’s was originally used by Arch­ bishop William H. Gross, CSsR, in the previous Cathedral at Third and Stark streets, built in 1885. It has been in use by Archbishops ever since that time. After being stolen in 1992, and recovered three months later, the Cathedra was reupholstered and refurbished. The Cathedra is placed in the center o f the apse. The historical stained glass win­ dows in the transepts were from the earlier Cathedral built in 1885, and removed when that building was de­ molished after the great flood in 1894. Having served in the current St. Mary’s for nearly seventy years, the stained glass windows, which may . I I ■ ■ date back to an even older building from the 1870’s, were sent to North Adams, MA. for restoration. Six ar­ tisan s from C um m ings S tudios worked to carefully clean the grime and soot from each window section as well as replacing most o f the lead­ ing used to hold the windows togeth­ er. The windows were dirty after years o f exposure to dust, smoke from candles and incense and even condensation from people breathing. These historical windows have re­ turned to the transepts. The renovation plans call for eight new stained glass windows in the nave. English artist and design mak­ er Deborah Coombs is working on the design ofthe new windows. The new windows will depict some o f the saints and blessed ofNorth and South America. While the new windows will not be installed by February 14, it is hoped that the designs for the windows will be completed by then. The new windows will be construct­ ed by Commings Studios. The re­ stored Cathedral will include two Reconciliation rooms, replacing the old confessionals. They are placed in the south corner o f each transept. Where one o f the old confessionals was placed, there wi II be a new shrine in honor o f Mary as Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The new art work is being developed by Brother Claude Lane, OSB, o f Mount Angel Abbey. It will replace an historical icon, which was stolen from the Cathedral and destroyed in 1992. Another old confessional will be replaced by an ambry to hold the Holy Oils blessed each year in the Cathedral. The chil­ dren o f Cathedral School are donat­ ing the ambry. The school parents are donating one o f the new stained glass windows, which will be placed over the ambry' area. A new baptistery was built at the entrance to the nave, and serves as reminder o f one’s sacramental en­ trance into the Church family. The Now that the rush o f the Holiday season is over, so is the rush for contributions o f food for the home­ less. The Church o f Scientology donat­ ed 75 pounds o f pinto beans, cases of ramen, packages o f cold cuts and several cans o f fruits and vegetables to Salvation Army’s Harbor Light Food Program. “ I think we tend to forget that people are going hungry all year long”, says Rev. Scherer o f the Church o f Scientology o f Portland, “And it’s hard for these homeless to try to pick themselves up by the boot­ straps when they’re hungry.” A cook from the Harbor Light’s kitchen says that while their food supplies greatly increases over the Holidays, the number o f homeless that eat at the facilities increases as well. The Harbor Light’s Meal Program feeds 25 to 100 homeless people per day, and up to around 140 per day in the winter months. Harbor Light reports that the ma­ jority they feed and house are white males and approximately 10 per cent are African-American. There has also been a slight increase o f women us­ ing the facilities. Locally funded, the Salvation Army has 13 different pro- that it liberates you fro m envy, h atred , und m alice. — W . Som erset M augham To Advertise Call 288-0033 J ourney CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Searching? So Are We. COME AND SEE! SUNDAY 6 P.M. livet Baptist Church Building Strong Families Based On Biblical Principles M o rticia n & Funeral D ire cto r The Less o f a loved one is always a traumatic experience. But it can he made easier i f you contact a facility that has your interest at heart. “Where the Best is Yet to B e!” 8501 N. Chautauqua Boulevard Portland, Oregon 97217 (503) 240-PRAY Worship Services: Church School: Bible Study: Radio Ministry: 1 ALPHA CHI PI OMEGA SORORITY « FRATERNITY ALPHA MU BETA CHAPTER I. presents St. Stephen’s - Corner S. W. 13th & Clay - Portland, OR A.A. CO X , SR. JEROME G. TANNER A. Funeral Director Sundays at 11:30 AM (503)282-3780 BISHOP GRACE C. OSBORNE, PASTOR (503)281-4891 CHARLENE COX TANNER Manager 1021 NE Grand 6th Floor, Ballroom 4 grams in the Portland area that are dedicated to improving the quality of life for those in need. Rev. Scherer states, “In our teach­ ings, we believe that society is com­ posed o f individuals... it’s not j ust some massive group. Society cannot im­ prove unless each and every individu­ al takes responsiblitiy for his own con­ dition and hisenvironment around him. Our church supports those groups who honestly make an effort to help people help themselves.” To find out how your church can help, contact the Salvation Army Divisional Headquarters on 1785 NE Sandy Blvd at 234-0825. * * * T h e g re a te s t eo iiip eiiH atio n o f old age is its freed o m o f spir­ i t . A n o th e r r o m p r n s a t io n is service will be held Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m., February 13. Bishop Kenneth Steiner, Auxiliary Bishop and Archdiocesan Administrator, will lead the prayer service. A second public tour will be conducted after the Vespers service. The Mass for the Dedication o f a Church will be held on Wednesday, February 14, beginning at 4:00 p.m. Archbishop Wil I iam J . Levada, Arch­ bishop o f San Francisco and former Archbishop o f Portland, will be the principal celebrant. Cardinal Roger Mahony, Archbishop o f Los Ange­ les, will be the homilist. They will be joined by Bishop Kenneth Steiner, Archbishop Cornelius M. Power, retired A rchbishopof Portland, bish­ ops and abbots from the Pacific N o rth w e st, F a th e r Jo sep h Jacobberger, Pastor o f St. Mary’s Cathedral Parish, and by the priests o f the Archdiocese o f Portland. tjrace Covenant JeFFowship Picking U p Post-EFoFiday (BFues Cox Funeral Home Inc. Jerome G. Tanner A. Funeral Director baptistery is o f octagon shape with the gates being from the old altar railing. The baptistery includes a marble font and an immersion pool with ancient symbols o f Baptism in­ side. The new altar 'yas moved to the crossing o f the transept and the nave. It was placed on a raised platform to enable better visibility and participa­ tion in the Mass. The marble used in the altar, baptistery, ambo and Eu­ charistic chapel is the marble from the Cathedral’s old communion rail. The baptistery and altar are connect­ ed by the main aisle walkway com­ posed o f new Carrara Italian marble. The 1926 linoleum under the pews was replaced by hardwood floor. New lighting has been specially designed throughout the building. The Cathedral, which has been closed for over a year, will be open for a public tour on Tuesday, Febru­ ary 13, at 2:30 p.m. A Vespers prayer Sundays; 8:00 A M , 11:00 A M & 6:30 PM Sundays; 9:30 A M to 10:30 A M Wednesdays; 10:30 A M & 7:00 PM Sundays; 8:00 A M on KBM S Rev. James E. M a rtin , Ph.D. Rev. Jeffery W. Jackson Senior Pastor Assistant Pastor Valentine, Sunday, February I I , 1996 3 :0 0 -6 :00pm Holiday Inn Airport 1 Adults $7.00 Children 12 & U nder $3.00 Great Gospel Music Hats From All Over The Northwest Lonnie; 281-9223 Arice; 281-2540 Geneva: 285-1159 I