T he P ortland O bserver « J anuary 24, 1996 P age B3 (Dije íjíortlanó (Dhseruer EMTE RTAIH M EMT Dorian 11 arc wood In K iss Of The Spider Woman” The Musical Belle: The First Magazine For Full-Figured African American Women After 10 years o f successfully pub­ lishing a lifestyle magazine for Black women, the publishers o f Black Ele­ gance have decided to further seg­ ment the market. In response to read­ er requests. Belle - the first fashion magazine dedicated to full-figured African American women - will be published quarterly. Belle will feature articles debunk­ ing fashion myths that cramp the style ot full-figured women and a comprehensive beauty section fea­ turing interviews with noted author- ities. (here will be regular features on department stores and boutiques around the country that cater to the needs of full-figured women. Belle will also cover the latest health, fit­ ness and nutrition news via carefully researched articles with timely and provocative information on food, exercise, sexual health and medi­ cine. Such celebrities as Aretha franklin, Queen Latifah and Star Jones will be profiled. According to it’s publisher. Belle offers a distinctive showcase fo r n rn ri. ucts and delivers a responsive reader who knows what she wants and has the resources to buy it. Tate invites marketers interested in this woman to include Belle in their advertising mix. "Belle attracts a positive wom­ an who is secure with her self and interested in seeing people like her in print!” For more information about Belle call 212-819-1714. “A multifaceted display of talent both on a: K EN N ETH FELD nna a n d Dorian H arewood a s Valentin in the North Am erican Touring winning international hit, K iss O f The Spider W om an - The M usical ta Rivera re c re a te s her se n sa tio n a l 1 9 9 3 Tony Award-winning perform ance Dorian Harewood (Valentin) is a star o f television, film and stage. He has the distinction o f portraying the two largest roles in the most widely seen network and non-network mini­ series in the history o f television: as Simon Haley in “Roots. The Next Generation,” and as Jesse Owens in “The Jesse Owens Story.” His exten­ sive list o f film and television credits includes “Full Metal Jacket,” “Pacif­ ic Heights,” “Viper,” “The Trials o f Rosie O ’Neill” and “China Beach.” On stage he has performed oppo­ Photo Credit: Gerald Gustavson site Bette Davis in “ Miss Moffat” and opposite Arlene Francis in "Don't Call Back,” and he created the role of Carlyle in the original New York production o f “Streamers.” As a vo­ calist, he has performed with The fo u r lops, Stevie Wonder and, in Las Vegas, with Gladys Knight. He is also an accomplished voice actor, having supplied characters for such animated productions as “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and “The Cal­ ifornia Raisins,” amongst others. Dorian recently completed work ONICE on a feature film, "Sudden Death,” in which he stars with Jean Claude Van Damme, which will be in cinemas this Fall. Dorian received the NAACP Image Award for "Best Actor in a Television Series” for his portrayal o f handsome jazz musician Clarence “Cool Papa” Charleston on NBC’s “ I’ll Fly Away.” D orian lives near Los A ngeles with his w ife, N ancy, w ho is an actress and w riter, and th e ir two ch ild ren , O livia Ruth and John D orian. Excursions: Remixes & Rare Grooves For fans seeking to add new mate­ rial by The Brand New Heavies to their collections, the anticipation is over. On February 20, Delicious Vi- nyl/Capitol Records will release. E x c u rsio n s: R em ix es & R are Grooves. The twelve track album includes five remixes from The Brand New Heavies critically acclaimed album Brother Sister. Remixes include the songs, “Mind Trips,” (BNH Remix) “ Brother Sister,” (The Angel Re­ mix) “ Dream On Dreamer,” (The Angel Remix)“Keep Together” (Jan Kincaid Version) and “ Forever,” (SouIShock & Karlin Remix). The remaining hits are largely new to The Heavies American fan base eagerly anticipating a follow up to their 1992 international success, Brother Sister. Excursions: Rem ixes & Rare Grooves will serve as an essential companion piece to any Brand New Heaviescollection. Thealbum ’snew cuts were chosen from the many hits released domestically as imports, and from un-released songs that were recorded during previous Brother Sister and Heavy Rhyme Experience Featuring the Vocal Talents o f BOBBY M cFE R R IN ROSE GARDEN MAR. 3 ☆ CHARGE BY PHONE: * PERFORMANCES * The Brand N ew H eavies Featuring Sim on B artholom ew , N 'D ea D avenport, Andrew Levy, an d Jan Kinciad recording sessions. “Bang" is the result o f a heavy Rhyme Experience recording session for the group 3rd Bass. Their break-up resulted in this finc track t0 he left in the vaults at Delicious Vinyl. The infectious funk in s tr u m e n la l track, “O-Fa-Fu” is a b- side ,0 ,he single, “Stay This ANNIE PEARL’S FEB. 2 8 ...OPENING NIGHT 7:30PM FEB. 29 7:30PM t MAR. 1 7:30PM f MAR. 2 2:00PM t ....7:30PM MAR. 3 L30PM «OPENING NIGHT SAVE $-1 on all i Cvurifaty of KGWT.V. tC H ILD R EN SAVE $2 on all t ic k e t s ft (503) 224-4400 (■'trace charge of $¡.75per ticket, $7.00 maximum pn $1.75,'en-ice charge per ticket on alt Rtnk.ipe Seal arH Tickets also available at ROSE QUARTE OFFICE (noocroicccharge) and all IICKET MASTER outlets including all G •JOE S STORES (otrvice charoe of $/. 50 nrr ALL SEATS RESERVED * PRICE INCLUDES TAX $ 1 1 .5 0 -$ 1 4 .5 0 -$ 1 6 .5 0 Information: (503) 321-3211 Group Rates: (503) 797-9604 Special R IN K SID E SEA T S A callable Wherever Tickets A re Sold R estaurant & Lounge OUTDAZZLES EVERY OTHER SONG AND The Place For Real Soul Food People!’! Open fo r lunch & dinner fro m 1 lam-10pm.-Thurs. & 1 lam -8pm on Fri. <£ Sal. Come and dance to urban contemporary R & B music from 9pm-2:30am every Friday & Saturday night. DANCE EXTRAVAGANZA ONBROADWAY! M ichael Kuchwara, ASSOCIATED PRESS Get your V.I.P, pass now for $25.00 or (fo r a limited time) buy $15.00 worth o f our delicious authentic soul food & receive a complimentary V.I.P. pass at no charge. WmOMS RANK Cover Charge: Non-V.I.P. Entry $10.00, V.I.P. Entry $5.00 $3.00 Before 11:00 p.m. For Everyone: Sem i-form al After 5 Attire -- No Hats, Jeans or Tennis Shoes Located a t 315 S.E. 3 rd Ave Phone 238-9443 Present This Ad. And The First 25 People Get Free Admission Expires 1/31/96 O f Tflf SPIDEP woMfln IH f MUSICO t JANUARY 31 FEBRUARY 4 C ivic A uditorium T ickets A vailable A t A ll rzcx O utlets or C all i 503)790- arts ’ " G roups I nformation a D iscounts (503)299 4095 T ickets subject to agency convenience charge Canadian ^.1^3 f~.