Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 24, 1996, Page 8, Image 8

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P age B2
U.s. Bank Again
For the third consecutive year,
U.S. Bank o f O regon leads the state
in granting new Small Business A d­
m inistration loans, according to loan
production numbers recently released
by the Portland D istrict SB A
U.S. Bank approved the largest
num ber o f SB A loans during the year
fo ra total o f m ore than $10 m illion.
“Small business is definitely big busi­
ness in O regon,” com m ented John
Eskildsen, President an d C E O o fU .S .
Bank o f O regon. “SBA loans have
played an important role in the growth
and success o f O regon sm all busi­
ness. As the leading SBA lender in
the state. U.S. Bank recognizes the
im portance o f cooperative efforts to
ensure small businesses have access
to the critical funding needed to pros­
In addition to continuing to be the
top SBA lender in the state, U.S.
Bank of O regon also was designated
an SBA “Preferred Lender” in 1994
Tw enty-five percent o f the ban k ’s
SBA loans are now through the Pre­
ferred Lender Program which allow s
the bank to stream line custom ers’s
loan review and approval process.
O ne-third o f the b an k ’s SBA loans
are through the SB A ’s Certified Lend­
er Program w hich processes loan
Leads S tate In Loans
applications in three days. A nother
third o f the loans are through S B A ’s
Low Doc Program which processes
loans o f $100,000 or less to com pa­
nies with sales o f less than $5 million
and few er than 100 em ployees.
SBA loans are available from U.S.
Bank throughout the state to finance
equipm ent, real property, acquisi­
tions, leasehold im provem ents, m a­
chinery and other capital needs. The
B a n k s a v e r a g e SB A lo a n is
$ 125,000. "O urextensive experience
in w orking with the SBA hasgiven us
great insight into the best way to
package o u r clien t’s needs and back­
ground inform ation for evaluation
by the SB A ,” said Pete Landis, U.S
B a n c o rp ’s M a n ag e r o f B usiness
In addition to SBA products and
services, U.S. Bank offers num erous
other business loans and linancial
services to sm all-and hom e-based
businesses including VISA business
cards, em ployee retirem ent plans,
sim plified business checking and
savings accounts, and PC-Based elec­
tronic banking, added Landis. As
one o f the n atio n ’s top fifteen agri­
cultural lenders, U.S. Bank also of­
fers Ag A dvance, which stream lines
the loan application and approval
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Continued from front
Show the one you love how much you care with a gift that lasts forever!
A Beautifully
Framed 16x20 Wall Portrait
land is proud you are wi 11 ¡ng to m ake
this com m itm ent.”
Brandon, in his fifth season in the
NBA , gave thanks to m any folks who
helped m ake his dream possible.
He said this was ju st a start o f his
contributions to the neighborhood in
w hich he was raised.
“T his is not a business venture as
much as a com m itm ent to help revi­
talization,” Brandon said. “ M y bas­
ketball dream is becom ing a reality,
but this is som ething that will last a
long longer than my basketball ca­
B randon, w ho bought 50 tickets
for his fam ily and friends to see his
team go up against the Trail Blazers
on Sunday, has the adm iration o f
many people for his com m itm ent to
the A lberta district and his com m it­
ment to be the very best he can.
M any area residents are giving
him credit with being socially re­
By investing right here in the north­
east com m unity, he is not only a
w inner on the court, but m ore im por­
tantly, a w inner o ff the court.
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Nothing beats the combination of live jazz and great
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Communications Since 1979
The Portland O bserver encourages you to take advantage o f Free A dm is
sion to a new restaurant and lounge in Portland, A nnie P earl’s, located at 315
S.E. Ih ird . Buy $ 15worth o f their delicioous authentic soul food and receive
a com pleimentary VIP pass at no charge. After sampling their menu I insist you check
them o ut I intend to give you a lot o f positive insight in next w eek's issue. E n jo y !
guaranteed m ortgage and sm all busi­
ness Ioan program s.
“The Langston Hughes Project ”
M 0 P« Mon'h
fot The Set
Alert!!! New Restaurant Opens
B y T ony W ashington
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Used books bought every day till 8:30 PM
On the #20 Bus Line • One hour free parking
1005 West Burnside Street
With option to boy
Thta Coupon Good For
Jefferson High School Class O f 1956 is planning its 40 Year
Reunion. If you are a class member or know of one’s w here­
abouts, Please contact: Dale Hing, 644-7179 or Marlene
(Goebel) Iverson, 690-2037.
process for O re g o n ’s sm all family
farm ers and ranchers.
Small business ow ners w ho do not
meet conventional underw riting stan­
dards may qualify for U.S. B an k ’s
“Capital A ccess P rogram ” C A P, an
alternative source o f funding offered
in co llab o ratio n with the O regon
Economic Developm ent D epartment
C A P is geared tow ard start-ups, ag ­
ricultural producers with gross annu­
al receipts o ver $ I m illion, and retail
and service firm s with revenues o f
$3.5 m illion or more.
State Farm Insurance m ade a gen ­
U.S. Bank o f O regon has p ro v id ­
erous investm ent in the future o f
ed com prehensive financial products
North and N ortheast Portland with a
and services to O regon consum ers
$ 100,000 deposit at A lbina Com mu
and businesses for m ore than 100
nity Bank.
years. T he sta te ’s largest com m er­
ACB is a new com m unity devel­
cial bank, U.S. Bank o f O regon has
opm ent hank dedicated to assisting
current assets o f $ 10.8 billion. It is a
low -to m oderate-incom e residents
subsidiary o f U.S. B ancorp, the larg­
take advantage o f econom ic o p p o r­
est bank holding com pany head q u ar­
tunities in the northern sections o f
tered in the N orthw est and, with cu r­
the Rose City.
rent assets o f$ 2 1.3 billion, o n e o fth e
"W e care about the areas in w hich
nation s 35 largest. U.S. B ancorp
we live and do business,” said Gary
operates other U.S. Bank su b sid iar­
M ethner, State Farm Regional Vice
ies in W ashington, Idaho, N evada
President, "State Farm is proud to
and N orthern C alifornia, as w ell as
have a role in providing hom e o w n ­
financial businesses providing m o rt­
ership and business op p o rtu n ities.”
gage lending, m erchant serv ices,
“State F arm ’s deposit has helped
equipm ent leasing, and investm ent
us open our doors, says Leon Sm ith,
and trust services.
ACB s president and ch ief executive
"Their money, as part o f over $3
in deposits, has allow ed us to
Lay down the law on land and sea in the
start processing much needed loans
U.S. Coast Guard. Track and busi drug
for local fam ilies and entrepreneurs.
smugglers Intercept illegal immigrants
We applaud State F arm ’s continuing
Guard our environment Competitive
com m itm ent to the com m unities it
salary 30-days' paid vacation Free
housing & meals, medical & dental care
and travel Earn college credits.
A lbina Bank is currently operat­
E lig ib ility for G I B ill For more
ing out o f tem porary facilities at 1130
information, call I 800 GET USCG or
NE A lberta St.
visit us at
Sm ith says the bank will m ove to
a perm anent location, now under
construction, at 2002 N .E. M artin
Luther King Jr. Blvd. this sum m er.
A lbina B ank’s m ission is to assist
C o a s t G uar d
eco n o m ic ren ew al in N o rth and
P a n t o r TH t A c t io n
N ortheast Portland.
In addition to providing typical
bank products such as checking and
savings accounts, A lbina C om m u­
nity Bank specializes in governm ent-
, i