Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, January 24, 1996, Page 5, Image 5

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T he , P ortland O bserver • J anuary 24, 1996
P age
b se rv e r
Radically New Fiber Glass Insulation Is
Encapsulated To Protect Against Itch, Dust
Mini-Shelves Solve Many Problems
A lth o u g h m ost h o m eo w ne rs rec
o g n iz e the need f o r in s u la tio n in
o rd e r to increase hom e energy e f f i­
c ie n c y , some shy aw ay fro m in s ta ll­
in g it because fib e rs can cause skin
to itc h and can create a irb o rn e dust.
N o w S c h u lle r ’ s new C o m fo r t-
T h e r m rM in s u la tio n is o v e rc o m in g
th e ir reluctance. T h a t’s because the
p o p u la r g o ld fib e r glass fo u n d in
homes and com m e rcial b u ild in g s has
taken on a d iffe re n t lo o k and feel.
I t 's been e n c a p s u la te d w ith a
h ig h -te c h p o ly w ra p system w h ic h
is e x tre m e ly u s e r-frie n d ly .
Poly W rap Offers More Than
Com fort
Besides ha nd lin g co m fo rt, the po ly
vapor fa cin g is superior to tra d itio n a l
k ra ft paper facin g in three ways.
F irs t, the p o ly fa c in g is tw ic e as
re sista n t to m o is tu re va p o r p e n e tra ­
tio n as k ra ft. T h e w a ll c a v ity stays
d ry e r, and the in s u la tio n m a in ta in s
its th e rm a l e ffic ie n c y .
S econd, u n lik e k ra ft fa c in g , the
C o m fo r tT h e r m fa c in g is C la ss A
rated, and has a fire hazard c la s s ifi­
catio n o f 25/50 to m axim ize fire p ro ­
tectio n.
T h ir d , the p o ly fa c in g and the
tr ip le - r e in fo r c e d flan ge s by w h ic h
the w ra p p e d in s u la tio n is stap led to
the w a ll studs are to u g h e r and m ore
re s is ta n t to te a rin g than k ra ft.
Batts Pre-Cut For Quick
C o m fo rtT h e rm ha lts are fa c to ry
p r e - c u t to f i t s ta n d a rd 8 f t. w a ll
c a v itie s f o r fast and easy in s ta lla ­
tio n . T h is assures a b e tte r f it , c o m ­
pared to hand-m ade cuts fro m ro lls .
F a c to ry cuts also save tim e and
reduce p o te n tia l itc h and dust gen­
era te d fro m jo b - s ite c u ttin g .
Mini Shelves, from Closet Maid, The Storage Authority, mesh
design offered in four bright colors: red, yellow, white and purple.
Schuller’s new ComfortTherm batts are encapsulated to protect
against itch and dust.
The new batts are available in R -l I,
as w ell as the high-perform ance values
o f R - l 3 and R - l 5. H ig h e r R -values
mean greater insulating power.
A ll three values o f batts f it in to
standard 2 in. x 4 in. stud w a lls. The
R - l 3 and R - l 5 batts are m ade o f
h ig h e r de n sity fib e r glass. A lth o u g h
they cost more in itia lly , th e ir cost may
be recouped in lo w e r u t ilit y b ills .
R - l I batts are reco m m en ded fo r
in te r io r w a lls f o r s o u n d -c o n tro l, to
fu rth e r add to liv in g c o m fo rt.
S c h u lle r ’ s t r a d itio n a l G o ld L in e ™
fib e r glass in s u la tio n , is made w ith
re cycle d b o ttle glass. S c h u lle r is the
o n ly in s u la tio n c e r tifie d to c o n ta in
at least 25 pe rce n t re cycle d glass by
S c ie n tific C e r tific a tio n System s.
Each tru c k lo a d o f S c h u lle r fib e r
glass in s u la tio n co n ta in s o v e r one
and a h a lf tons o f re cycle d glass that
w o u ld have ended up in a la n d fill.
m o re
in f o r m a t io n
S c h u lle r’s new C o m fo rtT h e rm in s u ­
la tio n , see y o u r nearest de a le r, o r
C om fortTherm Is
Environm entally Correct
c o n ta c t the P ro d u c t In f o r m a tio n
C e nter, S c h u lle r In te rn a tio n a l, In c .,
P. O. B ox 51 0 8 , D enver. C O 80217.
O r c a ll I 800 654 3103.
C o m fo rtT h e rm ,
a lo n g
w it h
H elp Your Hom e S ell F a s te r
(NAPS)—When selling your
home, it’s im portant to have your
home in top “showing” condition. The
buyer’s first impression of your house
is very im portant and by making
some quick and simple improve­
m ents, you can markedly enhance
your property to assure top dollar
and a quick sale. The experts at
Realty World Corporation, one of the
largest real estate franchise organi­
zations in North America, offer these
suggestions to make your home re­
ally shine.
• Keep your lawn and bushes
neatly trimmed.
• Remember th at the front door
welcomes the prospect, so make
sure it is freshly painted. Consider
adding a seasonal door decoration
for a warm, inviting touch.
Believe it or not, the kitchen
and bath are the rooms th at tradi­
tionally sell houses.
In the kitchen...
• Repair leaky faucets.
• Remove stains from the kitchen
sink, counters and appliances.
• M ak e y o u r k itc h e n seem
roomy. Remove most item s from
the counters and pack away any
unnecessary or extra item s th at
were in the kitchen cabinets.
In the bath...
• Replace stained or tom show­
er curtains.
• Clean tile grout. R epair or
replace caulking and grout in tubs
and showers, if necessary,
• Make sure that all fixtures are
polished and free of water marks.
W hy does it take so much tim e to get
organized? You probably do not have the
right equipment. S olving storage prob­
lems is no different. The right products
can help you get organized easily and
Closet Maid®, The Storage Authonty, has
developed a new line o f storage products
called Mini-Shelves®. These unique comer
shelves are available in four bright colors:
red, yellow, white and purple. Perfect for kid’s
rooms, the kitchen, utility rooms, the bath-
room and the bedroom. They can even be
used in the garage to tuck away those h;ud
to store items.
Mini-Shelves are offered in either (tie 9-
inch or 12-inch size and both come with a
F ebru a ry
is IBtaek
H istory
heating oils
Best Cash Prices
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Portland, OR 97212
Singles & Seniors, I can help youl
"1st Class Guarantee"
In general...
• Keep up with m inor house­
hold repairs.
• Have curtains, drapes and
carpets cleaned.
• Make your closets look larger
by removing or packing items that
can be stored elsewhere.
For a free copy of “How To Earn
Top Dollar When Selling Your Home,”
contact your local realty world *
office. Check the white pages for the
office nearest you. Or write: Home
Selling Tips, Realty World Corpor­
ation, 8229 Boone Blvd., Suite 365,
Vienna, VA 22182.
We're Here to Help, and We're in Your Neighborhood
Call for your free Consultation
the Law Office o f
D avid R. K racke
1818 NE Martin Luther King Blvd.
Professional, Courteous Legal Advice
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Wrongful Death Claims
Medical Malpractice
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• Auto/Pedestrian Claims
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• Home/Hospital Visits available
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□ Quality Home
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Warm your home now with an
efficient gas furnace from Rheem ™
□ Oil to Gas conversions
$200 rebate (terms apply)
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& Fireplaces
300 NE Multnomah, Suite #27
Portland, Oregon 97232
George A. Hendrix
MBA, GRI, Broker
Natural gas water heaters provide more
hot water faster and less expensively than
electric water heaters, according to the
American Gas Association.
C o m p a rin g the an nu al o p e ra tin g
costs before bu yin g a w ater heater can
pay o f f in substantial savings, A .G .A .
says, because the w ater healer is the
second biggest energy user in a t y p i­
cal hom e, after the heating and c o o l­
ing system.
Water heaters are required by federal
law to carry an EnergyG uide label (hat
shows the average annual cost o f en­
ergy for the unit. A ltho ug h electric w a­
ter heaters are often less expensive to
buy, operating a gas water heater w ill
cost about h a lf as much as operating an
electric water heater, depending on lo ­
cal u tility rates.
(The |Jortlanb
at 288-0033 ‘
to advertise.
“How To Earn Top Dollar When
Selling Your Home” is filled with
over 50 ways to make your home
more attractive to prospective
mesh design so that even small items rest
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