P age A4 J anuary 24, 1996 • T he P ortland O bserver 1 4 2» I 1 * V - ,C L 1 H 1 Finding Your Niche In The Workforce B y P rof . M c K inley B urt Formerly Brain Dead Woman Learns To Communicate In a highly unusual case, two re­ searchers reported that a car accident victim, whose injuries left her appar­ ently brain dead for 15 months, has come out o f her vegetative state and learned to communicate. Because the so-called “vegetative state” is considered permanent if it lasts for 12 months, the case may prompt reviews o f many issues con­ cerning the care o f patients who emerge from a coma yet seem to have no awareness o f their surroundings, the researchers said. Reporting on the case in the New England Journal o f Medicine, Dr. Nancy Childs o f the Healthcare Re­ habilitation Center in Austin, Texas, and Walt Mercer o f Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, said they were aware o f only one other such recovery that has been well doc­ umented. Their patient was 18 when she suffered a brain injury. When she came out ofher coma, her eyes opened but did not focus or track anything. She did not respond to commands and extensive tests showed she was in a vegetative state. However, after 15 months, hospi­ tal staffers thought there were times when she flexed her leg or closed her eyes in response to commands. They recorded the responses as “rare and inconsistent.” The patient was given generic drugs that affect the nerve cel Is in the brain and her responses grew consis­ tent. She became able to use eye blinks to communicate and after five years o f therapy, was able to spell out “Mom, I love you” and to com­ municate by mouthing words and short phrases. She remains in a long-term care facility. Childs and Mercer say there was no way doctors could have predicted that she would recover, and there was no clue as to what prompted her emergence from the coma. The woman’s case “illustrates that clinical practicality and ethical pru­ dence may suggest forgoing the use of the term permanent vegetative state’ altogether,” the researchers said. Three factors complicate decisions about whether people in a vegetative state should receive aggressive care. The first is that in spite o f her recovery, the young woman remains “severely disabled and totally de­ pendent.” The second is that the bill for her care came to well over $1 million. “ Whether desirable or not, cost has become an ethical issue,” Childs and Mercer said. Thirdly, the woman, as with other patients who recover from a vegeta­ tive state, has “no behavioral evi­ dence o f depression or desponden­ cy” over her handicap. She likes hu­ mor, making jokes and teasing. Diet Paramount In Heart Disease Fight Unfit middle-aged men seeking to cut their risk o f heart disease should concentrate on diet, not just exercise, according to researchers. ' A University o f Maryland study concluded that both weight loss and aerobic exercise do the older, fatter body good, but researchers found “aerobic exercise training in the absence o f weight loss has substan­ tially less beneficial effects.” In the study of 111 sedentary and obese men aged 46 to 80, 44 were told to lose 10 percent o f their body weight, while 49 were told to in­ crease maximum aerobic capacity by 10 percent while maintaining body weight. Based on medical tests conduct­ ed before and after the nine-month regimen, men in both groups ach ieved reduced blood levels o f low density lipoprotein cholesterol, the so-called bad cholesterol that contributes to artery blockage that leads to heart attacks and strokes. Both also showed lower levels of plasma triglycerides and insulin, which are indicators o f coronary ar­ tery disease. But the weight-loss group gained even more health ben­ efits, including significant increases in high-density “good” cholesterol, larger decreases in fasting glucose and insulin levels and significantly lower blood pressure. Age was a factor as well, as older subjects lost only two-thirds as much weight as middle-aged subjects and did not attain the same health bene­ fits. “Collectively, these results sug­ gest that weight loss is the preferred treatment to improve coronary ar­ tery disease risk factor profiles in healthy, overweight, sedentary, mid­ dle-aged and older men,” study au­ thor Leslie Katzel wrote in the Jour­ nal o f the American Medical Asso­ ciation. Heart disease is the leading cause of death in most developed coun­ tries. Many coronary deaths are caused by heart attacks that strike without warning in middle-aged and older people. Oestrogern Doesn't Cause Weight Gain The long-term use o f hormones such as oestrogen is not responsible for extra weight commonly gained by post-menopausal women, accord­ ing to the latest studies by research­ ers. After adjusting for age and taking into account factors such as alcohol consumption, smoking and physical activity, researchers at the Universi­ ty o f California found no significant physical differences between wom­ en who took synthetic hormones and those who did not. “The present study confirms that hormone users tend to be leaner when first given oestrogen and shows that neither long-term nor intermittent use explains or prevents the weight gain and central obesity commonly ob­ served after menopause,” wrote Don­ na Kritz-Silverstein and Elizabeth Barrett-Connor in the Journal o f the American Medical Association. However, the comparison found hormone users did start menopause earlier than non-users, were more likely to engage in moderate to stren­ uous exercise, and were more likely to drink alcohol three or more times a week. The researchers tracked 671 wom- en, aged 65 to 94, between 1972 and 1991. O f those, 146 used hormones continuously for 15 years or more, 331 used hormones intermittently, and 194 never used hormone replace­ ment therapy. Oestrogen replacement therapy is designed to relieve the symptoms of menopause caused by a drop in nat­ ural hormone levels that include ex­ cessive sweating and dryness and shrinkage o f the vagina. O estrogen also helps prevent osteoporosis(abrittling ofthe bones) and narrowing o f the arteries cause by impaired blood flow. Sick Teens Face Eating Disorders Teenagers suffering from chron­ ic illnesses such as diabetes tend to be more likely to develop eating disorders because o f a poorer body self-image, according to research­ ers. The study o f 3,500 adolescents in grades 7-12 in Minnesota public schools found those who had diabe­ tes, asthma, attention deficit disorder and seizure disorders were more like­ ly than their “normal” peers to devel­ op patterns o f binge eating, frequent dieting and purging o f food. Dianne Neumark-Sztainer o f the University o f Minnesota School o f Public Health said the anonymous survey showed the need to carefully Guard Against HIV Infection British researchers are testing “chemical condoms” that could let women guard against HIV but still get pregnant, the New Scientist re­ cently reported. The vaginal virucides would be aimed at women whose partners refuse to practice safe sex. “Eventually, virucides could of­ fer women greater control over their sexual health. They may be marketed in the form o f gels, creams or foams," said the weekly science magazine If successful in preventing the transmission ofthe virus which caus­ es AIDS, the compounds could be especially useful in countries such as Uganda where women face intense pressure to bear children despite the high incidence o f HIV. Tests began late last month in London, picking up from the 1980, when scientists identified a number o f compounds that appeared to pre­ vent HIV from invading susceptible cells. Researchers grasped the potential but their work on vaginal virucides soon ran into problems as benefits from killing the virus had to be weighed against damage done to oth­ er cells. The latest trials at St. M ary’s Hos­ pital aim to exploit the com pounds’ ability to kill the deadly virus while also protecting vulnerable cells. A safety trial on 36 women who were not sexually active revealed no side effects or damage to the vaginal lining. But the ultimate test will be to study virucides in countries where the risk o f HIV is high, said the magazine screen chronically ill students. “Health care providers need to be alert to the higher risk among this group for the use o f unhealthy weight-control practices,” she wrote in the Archives o f Pediatrics and Adolescent M edicine, a journal published by the American Medical Association. There was a good resp o n se to last w eek ’s a rtic le , “E d ucation In The next M illennium : Part II” . M ost seem ed in agreem ent that, given the failure o f the p o liti­ cians and the edu catio n e s ta b ­ lishm ent in general to address the problem inatim elym anner,and awful lot is going to depend upon the individual in preparing for gainful employment. In respect to the fast decreasing number ofjobs, one reader alluded to the game of “Musical Chairs” played at his elementary school. "Everytime I’m laid off and go back into the job market there are less positions open -- I'm a 'p e rm a n e n t’ tem porary worker.” He “appreciated the fact” that in the two preceding articles I have addressed procedures realistic enough to deal with the problem. I believe I put it, indeed, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste” and that as a high school dropout very early on, I never allowed this circumstance to place any of the conventional re­ strictions on my career development. Neither can you in these times of economic slowdown and a contrac­ tion of employment opportunities. As in the case of that Beaverton executive who hired me to address his Human Resources Seminar, it also is going to be quite difficult for you to plan your personal economic Call (Tlìe $ |Lìo rt la ii (Oh sem er al 288-0033 to advertise. School System and a Community College (Last week I quoted from a Oregonian news article, “I earning To Compete: A Triparte Approach Involving Government, Schools and B u sin e ss p re p a re s E u ro p e s W orkforces”). Still a problem we see. The Aluminum Plant provides a comprehensible model o f both the individual nature and the interaction of over fifty, trades and professions, and how there is both a commonality and a possibility of integration in each. I proceed to show that for each there are m anufacturer’s texts and manuals which in a clear and concise manner describe operating and main­ tenance procedures; even the under­ lying scientific basics. With the manu­ facturers representatives coming on the job to mentor and/or follow up with workshops or lectures. Thats all over. And, then, I am able to show that by paying attention and showing ini­ tiative I was able to leave the ac­ counting d ep artm en t fo r a new “Niche in the workforce”—convert­ ing the environment into my own community college’. Becoming an “Electronic Instrument Technician,” within a year I was servicing and repairing, voltmeters, temperature controls, mass spectrometers, water gauges, weather instruments, time clocks, etc. “Read, W ork, Do Masters of Excellence Series Success In Business And Life B y C ora S mith valuable than money, he said. Rohn encouraged people to spend time with something wor­ thy. Other tips were to evaluate as­ pects o f your life by questioning what it takes to govern people, what constitutes a good life, what m akes life w orthw hile, what makes life valuable and how life works with economics? He said you should build finan­ cial independence and follow a good formula and a common de­ nominator for your career/finan- cial success. Find opportunity from others and profit from their experience, he said, av o id in g neglect o f im ­ portant issues to your progress. T ake risk s, w alk out o f the shadow s into the d ay lig h t, he said . D ev elo p your p ersonal g u id an ce system , going w ithin to c o m m u n icate, bu ild in g se lf esteem to avoid dangers and seek opportunities, he encouraged. Other tips: E arn the valve o f o th e r p e r s o n ’s e x p e rie n c e s , so rt out the best for y o u rse lf and use it, purch ase books, learn from failures and be a se­ lective listener. Several books he suggested for your personal library include the Bible, Richest Man in Babylon and Think and Grow Rich. These books are easy to read, he said, understand them and they will change your life. Jim Rohn, author of “The Art of Exceptional Living” was in the Portland during a recent Masters of Excellence series. Corporations, private enter­ prises and just plain folks eager to succeed in business and their personal lives, attended the Jan. 10 event at the Jantzen Beach Red Lion. A dapper, handsome man of high energy, Rohn discussed his international travels in correla­ tion with his millionaire status and how he achieved his goals by the age of 31. Rohn gives credit to a million­ aire friend, who after several fail­ ures in business, seeing a need to be around po sitiv e m oney m ak in g a c h ie v e rs , b e g in a m entor program that lasted five years. It was that sixth year that his successes begin to” bring in the bacon.” It was simple, he said, by sim­ ply doing what he did best. He talked about issues that concerned him and in particular about kids. He said it begin by “wonder­ ing, what can I do to make myself better?” His rich friend taught him the philosophy of his life - manners, discipline, multiple skills, lan­ guage skills, finances and most importantly (a well kept secret of the rich) time management. Time is more important and Rohn also told listeners to cor­ rect old habits in judgm ent, if they are wrong do som ething about them. The truth helps to set us free, he said. The powers o f emotions such as feeling sorry for yourself and how you feel about the past, can be used as a school, letting it be your teacher, he said. Reach into the past for your needs and move on i nto your suc­ cessful future, he said. He also advised listeners to filter out un­ worthy and undesirable charac­ ters and situations in your life. Write it down, long range and short range goals, cross off ac­ com plishm ents, erase ideas if you’ve changed your mind, ap­ ply new ones, always remember­ ing to be realistic, he said. Rohn said it was also impor­ tant to measure your personal de­ velopment and celebrate your suc­ cesses with friends or family members. W isdom and faith in­ vested in labor creates new life, he added. Videos and books are avail­ able on R ohn’s successes. He was a compelling and in­ spirational and a result-oriented speaker. D ennis W a itle y , the next speaker in the series presents “W inning in the 21st Century, Profi les of the New Leader, sched­ uled on Feb. 7. "Touch of Class" Black History M onth Special Feb. 1st-29th, 1996 Reiaxers Regular Spgçifri Virgin Hair................$55^.........„$4522 Touch Up.............. ...$4522......... .,$3522 Oasis Virgin..........,..$7022........ „$6022 Oasis Touch Up.... ...$6022..... .,$5022 NO-COST HIV COUNSELING SERVICES F ebru ary i s IS Ia ek H is to r y M o n th development in a straight line. And I went on to counsel, “Read, Work and Do!” But I should elaborate, for even though for years I have provided my own experienced-based models for the "upward bound", it is still very easy to be overwhelmed by a cold, uncaring system and to be intimi­ dated by the glut of information and disinformation coming from every direction. One methodology I use is a w orkshop scenario where last month, for instance, I “immersed” a group o f community people in my The Dalles Oregon work experi­ ence at an aluminum plant.’ An industrial plant and support­ ing workforce (700) o f this type pro­ vides a model par excellence for the exercise of initiative in pursuing vo­ cational or professional development. The very nature of the plant with its 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week schedule required that it be a self-contained city with all the infrastructure of metropolitan area: water, lights, sew­ ers, fire, police, telephone, cafeteria, recreation, school and lecture rooms, hospital, etc. In describing an incredibly rich learning experience to which any of us may subject ourselves, several participants commented that over twenty years ago I had antedated contemporary educators in tying to introduce this model to the Portland FOR INCOME-ELIGIBLE HIV MEN & WOMEN Are you HIV Positive and need counseling? Are you grieving over a loss of o friend or partner? Color Permanent............. ,.$2522.. Semi Permanent... .,$2022..... Cellophane............ ,.$2022.... Frost....................... Are you HIV negative and have concerns about bow to stay negative? CALL US FOR INFORMATION 2 2 3 * 8 2 9 9 Hairweaves 1/2 Off (consultation) You Provide The Hair 111® II® TOW To Advertise Call 288-0033 „$2022 „$1522 „$1522 „$3022 Ekjiulqr Special Full Set.....................$35M.............$30^ Fills...........................$22^.............SIS00 3331 NE Broadway, Portland 8 281-9330