Z'» ■ » .»*"»• -«AM* iw>» I uh P ortland O bserver » J anuary T h e P o rtlan d W ate r B u reau u rg es h o m e o w n e rs to p ro tect h o m es from the d a m a g e and in c o n v e n ie n c e o f frozen pipes. A " W in te r W ater T ip s " b ro ch u re is a v a il a b le th r o u g h th e W a te r B u re a u ’s C u sto m e r S e rv ice at 8 2 3 - 7 770. T he best d efen se a g a in st freezin g w eath er is w ell w rap p ed an d in s u ­ la te d p ip e s . S o m e tim e s fr e e z in g Natural Gas Rates Cut N o rth w est N atu ral G a s C o . h as filed for a rate re d u c tio n o f 1.2 p e r­ cen t for its O reg o n resid e n tia l c u s ­ to m ers e ffe c tiv e F eb. 1, 1996. T h is w o u ld be the fifth rate re d u c ­ tion by N orth w est N atu ral G as in th e last tw o years. T h e red u ctio n w o u ld lo w e r th e av erag e resid en tial c u s to m e r’s bill t»y ab o u t 52 c e n ts a m o n th a ss u m in g a v erag e c o n su m p tio n o f 6 6 .7 th e rm s a m onth. T h is red u ctio n fo llo w s a 4 .6 p ercen t red u ctio n for re s id e n tia l c u s ­ to m ers that b ecam e e ffe c tiv e D ec. 1, 1995. T he co m b in a tio n o f th e tw o rate red u ctio n s w ould m ean an av e ra g e sav in g s o f a b o u t $2.94 a m o n th fo r resid en tial cu sto m ers. T he p ro p o se d rate re d u c tio n is to p ass th ro u g h to c u sto m e rs, th e o n g o ­ ing im p act o f p ro p erty tax sa v in g s attrib u ta b le to B allo t M e a su re 5. T h e p ro p o sed c h a n g e s w o u ld re ­ d u ce resid en tial rates by 1.2 p e rc e n t, c o m m ercial rates by 1.4 p e rc e n t an d in d ustrial firm and in te rru p tib le rates by 1.3 p ercen t. T h e p ro p o s e d ra te r e d u c tio n s w ould red u ce N o rth w e st N a tu ra l’s O reg o n an n u al rev e n u e s by a b o u t $3.8 m illio n . T h e filin g re q u ire s a p ­ p ro val by the O reg o n P u b lic U tility C o m m issio n . •fííffí/ f/fn e /c IH s lo r fi Let us help you put your life experience to work! ► ► ► ► Wildish Building Co. P.O. Box 7428 Eugene, OR 97401 (3600 County Farm Rd., Eugene) Fax 541-683-7767. Boost your confidence Learn new skills Increase your income Help your community Bids may be submitted by mail, hand delivered, or by fax. Bidders should use the bid form included in the bid docu­ ments. Bids which do not respond fully the bidding require- ments mav be rejected as non responsive. Upon request Wildish Building Co. will mail or fax a copy of the bid form Bidders submitting bids by fax are advised to phone 541 -485- 1700 prior to bid closing time to verify receipt of their bids. Bids submitted by fax will be placed in sealed envelopes upon receipt. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS APPLY NOW! Bids will be publicly opened and read beginning at 9:00 a.m. February 1,1996 at Oregon State University 100 Adams Hall (606 S W 15th St.) Corvallis, OR.The bid packages consist of: 2A - Building Structure Excavation and Backfill Attend one of these Urban League Orientations; WHEN: 3A - Building Structure Foundations and Slabs Tuesday, January 30 .... 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, February 6 .... 1:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 13 .... 9:30 a.m. 5A - Structural Steel (WF Beams and TS Columns) Procure­ ment Wildish Building Co. intends to submit bids for bid packages 2A and 3A. Bid documents will be available on January 23rd, and can be obtained from Central Blueprint, Eugene 541 -342-3624; T.I.S., Portland 503-222-4229; or Corvallis Blueprint 541-753-9406. WHERE: The Urban League of Portland E. Shelton Hill Conference Room 10 N. Russell St. Portland, OR 97227 280-2630 Contract documents will be available for review at Wildish Building Co., Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center, Eu­ gene Builders Exchange, Mid Valley Plan Center, Construc- :ion Data & News, Salem Builders Exchange, Impact Busi­ ness Center. MWESB firms are encouraged to submit bids. 3idders shall be registered with the Oregon Construction Contractor’s Board at the time of bid submission. For more information contact Natalie Harris or Shirley Forshay at the Northeast Employment and Training (NEET) Center - 241-4644 '■« li r1 li r i I “I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I I Drapery Cleaning I Lined & Unlined Any Size I 99' A PLEAT I Cleaned - Pressed with Sizing Added I Professional Pleated • Pick-up & Rehung Extra Incoming Dry Cleaning O rders Only I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Expires 2-29-96 ¡COUPON! (T h e m t l a tt ó O D h sc r U c v •COUPON« Inflation Buster Laundry Special With $ 10.00 Incoming Dry Cleaning Order Good On Incoming Dry Cleaning O rders Only Not Valid With Any O ther Special Prices or Coupons I I I I I I I I | JEANIE'S CLEANERS Expires 2-29-96 I ;= co u p o N = j I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special | I ¡ D r y C le a n in g o r L a u n d e r e d P a n ts l *10.00 OFF Mens or Womens I I J O n A n y D r y C le a n in g O r d e r I O f $30.00 or More ’3.25 j I I Good On In Com ing Dry Cleaning O rders Only I | Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning O rders Only | Mot Valid With Any O ther Special Prices or Coupons I | Not Valid With Any O ther Special Prices or Coupons | I ’ JEANIE’S CLEANERS JEANIE’S CLEANERS I I ! Expires 2-29-96 Expires 2-29-96 I J I I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I Sleeping Bag Cleaning II I Special *5.99 I Good On In Coming Dry Cleaning O rders Only N ot Valid With Any O ther Special Prices or Coupons I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Expires 2-29-96 I ■COUPON! 288-0033 advertise. Sealed bids will be received until 9 a.m. on February 8,1996 for the projects listed below: County Deschutes Hwy 242 Jet. - Locust St./South Canyon St. -US 97 Section of McKenzie Highway (OR 126) in Sisters and Redmond. AC Paving and Oiling Lake Valley Falls - Loveless Creek Section of the Fremont Highway north of Lakeview. 5% DBE goal. DBE is subject to commercially useful function (CUF). AC Pavement and Oiling. Umatilla Columbia River Hwy - E Main Street (Hermiston) Section of the Hermiston Highway. AC Pave­ ment and Oiling. D ouglas N Umpqua River (Winchester) Bridge Section of Pacific Highway approximately four miles North of Roseburg. Reinforced Concrete & Structural Steel Bridges & Grade Separation Structures. Grant & W heeler W CL Spray - Holmes Creek Section of the John Day and Heppner-Spray Highways approxi­ mately 50 miles west and north of John Day. AC Pavement and Oiling. ■ J Laundered Shirts 95' NO LIMIT | lease direct questions to Wildish Building Co., Bob McDonald, 541-485-1700 or Fax 541-683-7767. Informational Advertisement Department Of Transportation Call For Bids JEANIE’S CLEANERS 5403 NE 42ND AVENUE • 287-0008 r i i i i i i i i i L. Bidders shall comply with requirements of the prevailing wage law in ORS 279.348 through ORS 279.365. Wildish Building Co. Bob McDonald Chief Estimator An Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action Program 1 I •COUPON' I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I I *4.00 OFF I O n A n y D r y C le a n in g O r d e r I O f $12.00 or M ore I Good On Incom ing Dry Cleaning O rders Only I Not Valid With Any O ther Special Prices or Coupons I I JEANIE'S CLEANERS I Expires 2-29-96 J n I ■COUPON! I Inflation Buster Dry Cleaning Special I I *8.00 OFF I O n A n y D r y C le a n in g O r d e r I O f $20.00 or More I Good On In Com ing Dry Cleaning O rders Only I Not Valid With Any O ther Special Prices or Coupons I I JEANIE’S CLEANERS I Expires 2-29-96 di O SU V a lley F o o tb a ll C e n te r E x p a n s io n B id P a c k a g e s 2A , 3 A , 5A B ids D ue 5 :0 0 pm , J a n u a ry 3 0 ,1 9 9 6 Sealed bids will be received by Wildish Building Co. CCB #34429 (Construction Manager/General Contractor) on be­ half of Oregon State University until 5:00 p.m. local time, January 30,1996 for the OSU Valley Football Center Expan­ sion at the following location: ARE YOU O V ER 55 A N D LO O K ING FOR W O RK ? ■COUPON! C a ll Advertisement For Bids Wildish Building Co. Tri-County Employment and Training (T R E A T ) Pay special atten tio n to p ip es in u n h eated areas. If p ip es d o freeze, h o m e o w n e rs should: property line b ecau se n o n e o f y o u r faucets w ork, call the W ate r B u re a u ’s C u sto m e r S erv ice at 8 2 3 -7 7 7 0 o r o u r 2 4 -h o u r em e rg e n c y n u m b e r, 8 2 3 - 4 8 74. ■ The Private Industry Council O pen cu p b o a rd s in th e k itch en and b ath ro o m to allo w p ip es b e h in d c u p b o a rd s to gel m o re heat. w ater av ailab le. If y o u su sp e c t the w ater serv ice is frozen b ey o n d y o u r P age B7 ■■ w e a th e r arriv es b efo re the p ip es are p ro tected . S om e tip s fo r p ro te c tin g pipes d u rin g freezin g w e a th e r in ­ clu d e: T h aw the lines slow ly b u t sa fe ly w ith h air d ry ers, heat lam p s, o r e le c ­ tric lam ps. O p en (lam es o r e le c tric arc w eld ers m ay c a u se fires. C h eck to see if any fa u cet h as >*. *<£jX? ¿r * • «-Ä t -* Ä« »W- •/*•<« ■ V«». Il iM . . 24, 1996 Winter Weather Warning F reezin g tem p eratu res so m e tim e s result in frozen w ater pipes. - àj * » » dl Plans, specifications and bid documents may be obtained in Room 1, Transportation Building, Salem, Oregon 97310. Plans may be ordered by phone at (503) 986-3720, or by facsimile at (503) 986-3224. There is a $20.00 charge for plans and specifications per project. Prime contractors must be prequalified ten days prior to the bid opening day. For additional Information regarding pre-qualification, please con- act Fran Neavoll, Program Section, at (503) 986-3877. f your business is not certified as a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) or a Women Business Enterprise (WBE), alease contact the Office of Minority, W omen and Emerging Small Business at 155 Cottage, Salem, OR 97310, phone (503) 378-5651. Sub-Bids Requested G le n h a v e n , Irv in g a n d A rb o r L o d g e P arks R e s tro o m R e n o v a tio n P ro je c t P o rtla n d , O R A ll T ra d e s B id D ate: F e b ru a ry 1 ,1 9 9 6 Drawings Can Be Viewed at: Van Lom and Griffin Construction Offices Daily Journal of Commerce Plan Center L O » Construction Data Plan Center GENERAL CONTRACTOR 5536 N. E. 105th Avenue Portland, Oregon 97220 IF F Phone: 252‘9670 Fax 252-9867 We are an equal opportunity employer and request sub bids from small business and small disadvantaged business subcontractors and women and minority business enterprises